Good news of great joy Luke 2:11
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11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
The birth of Jesus was good news.
According to he angels that appeared to the shepherds it was not just good news it is good news of great joy. Which is a way of saying it was really good news.
It wasn’t just good news for the shepherds it was… Good news for all people.
This is news we are still celebrating 2000 years later in a different culture in a different part of the world.
This news was so significant, that it even changed how we view history. It is the year 2022, not because thats how old the earth is but because our calendar is based on the birth of Jesus Christ. Everything before the birth of Christ is BC everything after is AD.
All of this begs the question;
Why is the birth of Jesus such good news?
What was so special about this baby?
I. He is the Saviour
I. He is the Saviour
There is born to you… a Saviour.
What did they mean?
A Saviour is someone who saves.
-What do we need to be saved from?
From the consequences of the way we have chosen to treated God and the way we have decided to live our lives without him and ignore his commandments.
-How does he save?
He fulfils God’s law on our behalf, then he dies in our place, He rises from the dead conquering death.
Christmas only makes sense in light of Easter.
Matt 1:21- You shall call his name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.
II. He is the Christ -
II. He is the Christ -
Who is Christ
What does Christ mean?
Not Jesus’ surname but a title.
God’s anointed- the fulfilment of all the promises.
Prophet, priest and king
Prophet- he teaches us the truth about God
Priest- He brings us to God. He is the sacrifice for our sin. He pleads for us before the Father- he is our advocate
King- He rules over his people and he protects them.
III. He is the Lord -
III. He is the Lord -
The Lord
The word Christ reminds us of Jesus’ human nature. The word Lord reminds us of his divine nature. The word Lord tells us he is God.
- 1 person two natures
Immanuel -God with us
1 Tim 3:16 God was manifest in the flesh
The angels came proclaim good news of great joy. As we unpack what they said we can see why it is good news. The one born is the Saviour from sin, he is the promised Christ, who is himself the Lord.
But this good news must be responded to not just heard. It must be acted upon.
How did the Shepherds respond?
They went to Jesus. v.15
Is this something you have done?
The angels proclaimed...
He is the Saviour- Is he your Saviour?
He is the Christ- Is he your king?
He is the Lord- Is he your Lord?
John 1:11-12 He came to his own, but his own did not receive him. But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become the children of God.