The Least of the all Christmas Characthers

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SCRIPTURE: Matthew 1:18-25

Matthew 1:18–25
Intro: Every year during this season, we hear much about the various characters of Christmas. People like Mary, the shepherds, the wise men, angels, even the sheep and donkeys are portrayed as the event is reenacted year after year.
Ill. One fellow, namely Joseph, is treated merely as an extra. He shows up in the Christmas program, but he brings no gifts, he sings no songs and he makes no speeches. He just stands there in his sandals and his robes, watching the scene unfold around him. Well, tonight, I want to set the record straight! As I read the Christmas story, I am convinced that Joseph possessed certain elements in his life that make him stand out as the Unsung Hero Of Christmas. The characteristics we see evidenced in this man’s life teach us how we should go about the business of serving God, even if it is an unsung hero of the faith. Let’s look in on this scene from Joseph’s life and see what it is that makes this man stand out as a hero in this story. By the way, those elements that were active in the life of Joseph can make us useful to the Lord too, if they are found in our lives!

I. JOSEPH’S CHARACTER Matthew 1: 18–19

A. He Was A Consecrated Man

The Bible tells us that Joseph was A “just” man. This means that he was a man who lived for God. As far as the Law was concerned, Joseph was blameless. As far as his heart was concerned, he walked by faith in the Lord. He was a righteous man!

B. He Was A Compassionate Man

For just a moment, try to put yourself in Joseph’s place. You are betrothed to Mary, which is the same as a legal marriage, except there is to be no physical intimacy. All of a sudden, you discover that this woman is pregnant. Of course, you would think the worse. Yet, when Joseph hears all these things, instead of reacting in anger, he responds in love and compassion toward Mary. He seeks a way to sever their relationship without publically humiliating Mary.
Ill. What he could have doneDeut. 22:13–21. The Law afforded Joseph the opportunity to have Mary put to death. At the least, a public divorce would have left her destitute financially, and because of the baby, no man would have wanted to marry her.
Ill. Joseph just wanted to do what was right by Mary! In doing this, Joseph displayed the love of God in his actions toward Mary—1 Cor. 13:4–8)
Ill. Imagine how the Christmas story would have been altered had Joseph reacted differently!
Ill. By the way, how we respond in a crisis reveals a lot about our character. When things are going smoothly we are able to hide a lot of things that become evident in a time of crisis.
Ill. These two truths concerning Joseph’s character are a lesson for all those who want to be used by God. You see, God uses those who are:

1. Clean

After salvation, the first step in being usable by God is the practice of personal and practical holiness before Him—1 Pet. 1:16; 2 Cor. 6:17.and He uses those who are

2. Tenderhearted

If we are going to be used by God, then our heart must be kept in a condition that will allow it to hear God’s voice.
Ill. Abraham on Mt. Moriah—Gen. 22. If he had not been tenderhearted and listening for the voice of God, things would have turned ugly real fast! Of course, these traits, holiness and compassion, found in the life of the Lord Jesus Himself. Jesus was God, but as a boy, He saw godly behavior modeled by his surrogate father Joseph. Certainly the character of Joseph was a factor in his God’s choice of him!
I. Joseph’s Character

II. Matthew 1:20-23 JOSEPH’S CALL

(Ill. The Lord spoke to him and placed a call on his life. This call to service was, spiritually speaking, a great call and one that would have honored any man. However, from a purely human standpoint, it was a call that placed a great weight on this man’s shoulders and it was a call to bear a great weight of shame. His was a call that involved three tremendous revelations.)
(Ill. Joseph’s call came from the Lord with a message of peace attached. Notice that as the angel begins to speak in verse 20, among the first words out of his mouth are the words “Fear not”. These two words were included in every message to every person who was privileged to hear an announcement concerning the great events that God was about to bring to pass.
Notice: Zacharias— Luke 1:13 Mary— Luke 1:30 Joseph— Matt. 1:20 Shepherds—Luke 2:10
As God sent his angels to make their announcements, He sent them with a divine “fear not”. So it is with every person God’s calls to follow Him! You see, when you are living for the lord and serving Him in righteousness, there is no need to fear anything! God is our Maker.
He is our Lord. He is our Provider. He is the One Who is in control of the calls of life and when He places one on your life, Fear not! He knows what He is doing and God will take care of you.
His call is also His promise of His Help, His Presence, His Provision, His Power, His Enablement and His Blessing. Therefore, we can face the call of God in our lives without fear!)

A. Matthew 1:20 The Revelation Of A Person

The Lord’s call to Joseph was designed to help him deal with his hurts and fears. The angel of the Lord told him plainly that this child growing in Mary’s womb was the Son of God, John 1:1, 14. The Lord was calling Joseph to be the surrogate father to the Messiah! Since Joseph was a man of faith, this revelation surely set his mind at ease as to Mary’s pregnancy!

B. Matthew 1:21 The Revelation Of A Purpose

This verse tells us the child’s gender, the child’s name and the child’s purpose in life. Joseph is told that this child will be THE One Who will provide salvation from sin.
(Ill. The entire purpose of the life of the Lord Jesus Christ is contained in this one verse of Scripture. Jesus came to this world for the sole purpose of going to the cross and shedding His precious blood so that men might have life eternal through Him, John 10:10! He came to this world to lay down His life so that men might be saved, Luke 19:10! The little, helpless baby that Mary wrapped in swaddling clothes on that night so long ago, came to this world to for the singular purpose of dying on a Roman cross so that you and I might experience life eternal through His death and resurrection, John 18:37.)

C. Matthew 1:22-23 The Revelation Of A Plan

Then, Joseph is told that God is working out His eternal purpose in the lives of Mary and Joseph. God is going to bring to pass all the prophecies concerning the Messiah and He is going to use Joseph to be a part of it!
(Ill. In all of this, Joseph is an example to other believers. When a crisis arose in his life, he sought the Lord’s face. Instead of reacting harshly and abruptly, Joseph reacted in faith waiting on the Lord for guidance and direction, and he was helped by God! Friends, there are times when the Lord will step right into the middle of your plans and mess everything up! What you do in that moment reveals everything about your character and your commitment to the Lord!)
(Ill. Joseph’s call is also an encouragement to people like you and me. When we consider that Joseph was a humble character and that he was basically a nobody, it gives hope to you and me! In my opinion, to be called to be part of God’s plan is an honor beyond compare, and it is an honor shared by every child of God! To be a nobody from nowhere doing nothing and for God to look at that life and say,
(Ill. “I can use this man to carry out My eternal purposes.”, that is a blessing beyond words or comprehension!
(Ill. Paul’s assessment of the call to minister1 Tim. 1:12–16. Regardless of the call, if it comes from God, it is a great call—Ill. David—Psalm 84:10.)
I. Joseph’s Character
II. Joseph’s Call

III. JOSEPH’S CONDUCT Matthew 1:24-25

(Ill. When Joseph received his call from God, he altered all of his plans and put away all of his considerations and simply went and did what the Lord said to do. Notice what the Bible says about Joseph’s conduct.)

A. He Was Submissive

Very simply, Joseph did what the Lord told him to do!

1. His Humility

According to history, there were basically three theories surrounding Mary’s pregnancy. They are:
A. The baby was Joseph’s. They did not honor one another and wait until they were officially married to have sexual relations.
B. The baby belonged to Mary’s secret lover. Mary was guilty of adultery and was worthy of death.
C. Mary had been raped by a Roman soldier. Mary was carrying the bastard son of the enemy invader.
(Ill. Any of these situations would have produced a situation that would bring shame on both Mary and Joseph. Yet, when Joseph went ahead and married Mary, most people probably assumed that she and Joseph had not been willing to wait until the appropriate time to consummate their marriage. Of course, there were some in that day who continued to call Jesus’ birth into question throughout His ministry—John 6:42; John 8:37–41.)
This brought shame to the life of Joseph, but just like his Jesus, he despised the shame and because of the joy that was set before him, he endured the cross, Heb. 12:1–3!)
Joseph is a lesson for every person who wants to serve the Lord. Our duty before the Lord is to humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand, 1 Pet. 5:6; James 4:6. Regardless of the call God places on our lives, there will be times when the world, the flesh and the devil will try to make us ashamed of who we are and what we stand for. Yet, we should submit ourselves to the will of God and bear His shame regardless of what it may involve!)

2. His Obedience

Joseph did that which he had been commanded to do. What a lesson for the children of God! Often the voice of God will come to us and we will debate with God and with ourselves and hesitate instead of responding in swift obedience.
Let us learn the truth that obedience to the Lord is far more blessed than anything else we can do for Him. “And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.”, 1 Samuel 15:22–23. Obedience is what He desires and is one thing we can always deliver!

B. He Was Surrendered

Joseph was a man who was willing to place the will of the Lord ahead of his own rights. Matthew 1:25 He respected Mary’s virginity until after Jesus had been born! Even when it was inconvenient, Joseph willingly laid aside his own rights so that he could honor the Lord! What an example for you and me!
There are times when doing God’s will is not the easiest thing to do. There are times when doing His will is not the most convenient thing to do. However, doing His will is always the RIGHT thing to do! We must come to the place where we lose our will to the will of God! Let is be said that we are surrendered to the plan of God without reservation and without compromise! Have you reached the place in your walk with the Lord that doing His will eclipses all other considerations? Is God really first in your life?)
Conc: Eventually, Mary delivered her baby. On that great night, Joseph did as he had been commanded when he took his Creator into his arms and called his name JESUS. Now, this year in Christmas plays and programs all around the world Joseph will take a backseat to shepherds, wise men, animals and other characters. However, to me, this man stands out as the real hero of Christmas, because of the lessons he teaches us about obedience to God and surrender to God. Let’s take these lessons from the life of Joseph and make sure the same characteristics are found in us, not just at Christmas, but every day of the year!
Do we have any Joseph’s here this evening? People whom God is calling to renewed service and usefulness before Him? Are there those whom the Lord is calling to come to Him today for salvation? Maybe a new area of service? For surrender in some area of life? If there is a call being placed on your heart today, I invite you to use the life of Joseph as a picture of how one needs to react to the call of God.
Simply put, when God calls, get up and go! Right now, will you get up and come to Him as He calls you?
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