The true Christian has his holy delights; and chief among them is his revelling in the law of the Lord, the Word of God. Of course, David had not a fourth of what we possess; it was a very little Bible then, but it has gone on increasing like a majestic river, until it is the wondrous volume we have. We, therefore, should take ten times more delight in it than the Psalmist did.
“Do you delight in this book?” Not, do you read it: but do you read it with delight? To go to it dragged there by duty, is miserably to miss its best messages, and is no evidence of true godliness. To put a sentence of it under the tongue as a sweet morsel, to grow healthy upon it when you are sick, rich upon it when poor, this is one of the truest tests of being a “blessed man,” and if you do not enjoy this, God help you to begin at the foundation; repent of sin, seek the Saviour, or otherwise where God is you can never come.