Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Joel and Mary Nadel, Covenant United Reformed Church
From: The Holy Bible and J.C. Ryle’s “Expository Comments on the Gospels - Mark”
House Rules: Phones, Respect, Stay on the Text
In Jerusalem, the night before the Lord’s trial and crucifixion
Preaching, teaching, performing miracles for three years
Now He is in Jerusalem, to finish His work on the Cross.
Christ has spent the past week in Jerusalem, where He and His teachings were challenged by the Jewish religious and political leaders
They had been seeking to kill Him for most of His ministry
Now, He prays, in preparation for His betrayal, trial and execution
The account of our Lord’s experience in the garden of Gethsemane is very deep and a difficult passage of scripture
The wisest theologians don’t even have all the answers
Having said that, it does contain some fairly plain truths for us, that are very important
Important insights into God’s plan of salvation for His people
Point 1.
The Lord strongly felt the weight of the world’s sin
The first thing we should notice is how powerfully the Lord felt the weight of the world’s sin
Mark 14:33-34 “And He took with Him Peter and James and John, and began to be very distressed and troubled.
And He said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved to the point of death; remain here and keep watch.””
Only one possible explanation for these statements - He was not so much afraid of the pain of death - but the enormous load of human guilt that He would take on when He went to the cross
He had an idea of the unbelievable weight of OUR sins which would be laid on Him and for which He would be crucified
He was being made ao “curse for us”.
He was bearing our griefs and carrying our sorrows (Is.
53) according to the agreement He had made with the Father, which He was born to fulfill
He was taking on the sin for us, when He Himself was sinless
This must have been horribly painful given His holy nature
This is why He had such extreme sorry
The lesson we need to see here in the Lord’s suffering, is the great “sinfulness of sin”
This is a topic that believing Christians should be more conscious of
We tend to be pretty careless about swearing, breaking the sabbath, and lying - and this shows our lack of morality
The memory of Gethsemane should have a sanctifying effect on us - whatever others do, we should never mock the sinfulness of sin.
Our sin really pains the Saviour.
Point 2: The Lord gives us a fine example of how important prayer is when we are in trouble
In Jesus’ hour of great need, we see that He resorts immediately to prayer
Two times we see that when His soul was deeply grieved, “He prayed”
There is no better remedy than prayer for a patient who is in terribly sick, or one who is in deep trouble
When we are troubled, the first person we should turn to is God
The first complaint we make should be a prayer
His answer may not be immediate - the problem we are praying about may not be eliminated - but the act of pouring out our fears and needs to the Lord will help us.
James 5:13 “Is anyone among you suffering?
Then he must pray.
Is anyone cheerful?
He is to sing praises.”
Point 3: The Lord gives us a striking example of what it means to submit to the will of God
Here we see the interaction between the divine and human natures of Jesus
As strongly as He felt the guilt of the world, He still says: Mark 14:36 ““Abba!
All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.””
The Lord’s prayer and His attitude were perfect and sets for us a high standard
To patiently take whatever God sends
to like nothing but what God likes
to wish nothing but what God approves of
to prefer pain to the easy way, if that is God’s will
to accept gracefully under the will of God
this is the high mindset we should aim for - Jesus’ conduct at Gethsemane is the perfect example
We need to try to have the mind of Christ in these situations
We need to pray daily that the Holy Spirit will enable us to suppress our own wills - this is for our own good
Having our own way will eventually bring nothing but misery
This is real proof of the work of grace, the work of the Holy Spirit, in our lives
Knowledge, spiritual gifts, convictions, feelings, wishes and desires are unreliable evidence of the work of Christ in our lives - unsaved people often have these same things
A continuing and increasing desire to submit our own will to the will of God is a more convincing evidence - a sign we are growing in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Last point: we can find a lot of weakness even in the best Christians
Peter, James and John were the disciples closest to Jesus, and they give us a painful example
They slept when they should have been watching and praying
Though the Lord asked them to keep watch with Him, they slept
Though Jesus had warned them all of the approaching danger, that their faith would fail, they slept anyway
Though they had just come from the Lord’s table, with all the things the Lord shared with them, they slept
There is no better proof that the best of men and women are still only men and women - so long as saints are in body, they are weak
These things are written for our learning, we need to make sure we pay attention
We need to always be on guard against a lazy spirit in our faith - it comes naturally and is especially a problem in our own prayer life
When we feel that spirit of laziness creeping up on us, we need to remember Peter, James and John in the garden, and take care
We should remember Christ’s counsel: Mark 14:38 ““Keep watching and praying that you may not come into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.””
This should be our motto, from the time we are saved until we die
Bringing it home
Are we true Christians and stay awake?
Then we cannot forget to “watch and pray”
We need to be on guard like soldiers - we are on enemy ground
We have to fight each day against sin and temptation - ours is a daily warfare
Our rest, our break, is coming, but in the meantime we must pray constantly, regularly, habitually, carefully and keep on schedule
We need to pray as well as watch, and watch as well as pray
To watch without praying is prideful - to pray without watching is fanatical (explain)
the one who knows his own weaknesses, and knowing them both watches and prays, is one who will be able to stand, and not allowed to fall.
The Gospel
1 Corinthians 15:3–4 (NASB95)
For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
Let’s pray
Prayer requests
Prayer requests
< .5
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> .9