Don't Let Fear Hold You Back
Paul’s Background:
Preparing For Jerusalem:
Going No Matter The Cost:
What are we afraid of today? An author who has spent his career writing thrillers warns against taking scares too seriously. The late Michael Crichton, who wrote The Andromeda Strain and Jurassic Park, warned us to “stop scaring ourselves.”
To emphasize his point, Crichton listed proclaimed dangers that never materialized. He reminded us of a 1972 warning about climate change: “We simply cannot afford to gamble. We cannot risk inaction. Those scientists who [disagree] are acting irresponsibly. The indications that our climate can soon change for the worse are too strong to be reasonably ignored.” The author of the statement was not speaking of global warming, but global cooling. Now it is global warming that is threatening our planet.
In the ‘60s we were worrying about a population explosion. In 1973 a warning predicted that by 1993 the world would exhaust its supply of gold, mercury, tin, zinc, oil, copper, lead, and natural gas. As Y2K approached, computers were expected to be the downfall of civilization.
A lot of the news we see and read is geared toward making us fearful. While some things are legitimate causes for concern, let us not be paralyzed by fear. Always remember that Jesus is Lord, and “in him all things are held together.”
—Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell