Looking Back. Looking Forward.

Job  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  35:16
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Looking Back. Looking Forward.

Feels like a long time since we were here speaking about Job.
the last time we were together, we went over Elihu’s response to Job and the three wise men who were there.
Elihu was the youngest and he, essentially, repeats the charges the wise men have.
But, he is irritated, no hot in the nose, that the wise men have not DESTROYED Job’s arguments.
We are still going through Job in the new order, in other words I have re-arranged the order of the last chapters of Job so they are more logically aligned.
This is the final speech of Job, kind of, maybe!
Our perspective is such that often, we are looking BACK and wishing we could return.
“When I was a kid”
“The days of old”
“Golden age”
Our experience becomes a point of reference.
From that point of reference we judge the past, present, and future.
Job is going to argue from his past for his innocence.
Job wants one and only one thing:
The days of old,
his innocence,
and his reputation.
Listen carefully to Job’s closing argument and then we are going to find some AWESOME gems in here.
Job 29-31 a
Job 29:1–6 NET 2nd ed.
Then Job continued his speech: “O that I could be as I was in the months now gone, in the days when God watched over me, when he caused his lamp to shine upon my head, and by his light I walked through darkness; just as I was in my most productive time, when God’s intimate friendship was experienced in my tent, when the Almighty was still with me and my children were around me; when my steps were bathed with butter and the rock poured out for me streams of olive oil!
Job longs for the life he had before his present situation.
Some will try to make some lesson about the ORDER in which these appear.
I disagree with that.
I believe Job is remembering in the order in which he wakes up and starts his day.
God caused the lamp to shine (the sun rises)
He went through the sleeping night (darkness) with the light of God (he lived)
He prayed on awakening in his tent
He saw his children when he emerged from his room
He walked on smooth paths
His land was producing olive oil (business)
He proceeds to the city gate for legal affairs
Although it might only be weeks, months, or a year or so, FOR JOB, the “days of old” are like the “ancient times.”
And you know that feeling. Think about the best moments in your life.
How far away do “THEY FEEL?”
And the author has pretty intimate knowledge of the Hebrew Bible.
Here is the rub for us as believers...
God with us is measured, judged, by our present success.
So the question becomes...
If God is not with me, like Job, then:
why should I believe in him?
what can I do to be blessed?
If it is all up to God, then why try?
Job speaks of God’s presence being know by the status of his “tent” and his “life.”
Job lived out his FAITH...
Job 29:12–17 NET 2nd ed.
for I rescued the poor who cried out for help, and the orphan who had no one to assist him; the blessing of the dying man descended on me, and I made the widow’s heart rejoice; I put on righteousness and it clothed me, my just dealing was like a robe and a turban; I was eyes for the blind and feet for the lame; I was a father to the needy, and I investigated the case of the person I did not know; I broke the fangs of the wicked, and made him drop his prey from his teeth.
Sounds like Jesus a bit doesn’t it?
Let’s read on to an interesting passage...
Job 29:21–25 NET 2nd ed.
“People listened to me and waited silently; they kept silent for my advice. After I had spoken, they did not respond; my words fell on them drop by drop. They waited for me as people wait for the rain, and they opened their mouths as for the spring rains. If I smiled at them, they hardly believed it; and they did not cause the light of my face to darken. I chose the way for them and sat as their chief; I lived like a king among his troops; I was like one who comforts mourners.
Something to keep in mind when reading Ancient Wisdom Poetry, is that WISDOM can, and often is, personified.
And that is what we are reading here.
But again, I am going to say this sounds like Jesus, as if Jesus had read these passages and became familiar with them.
But, I implore you to please read these chapters yourself.
Read them slowly.
Meditate on them.
Job’s New Year’s resolution started young in his life.
And it never stopped.
It was a “New Life Resolution”
This is why Job can argue from a position of innocence
And his resolve was to ensure life was granted to others.
How did he do this?
He made a contract with his eyes (31:1)
When he sees a temptation, he turns the other way
When he sees an injustice, he works to correct it
When he sees suffering, he gives generously
He listens to the lesser (31:13)
He considers all imagers of God
If he does not regard them, then what will God do to him?
We were all made by the same God in the womb.
He gives to the poor (31:16)
He shares his food with and raises orphans (31:17)
He gives clothes to the perishing (31:19)
He votes for the orphan (31:21)
WANT to do something FUN for a minute?
Let me argue from a Democrat perspective for just a moment, make all of us feel a bit uncomfortable.
If congress drafts a bill to take care of the children of immigrants, who are here by no fault of their own, then BIBLICALLY, should you support that bill?
Even if it means that Democrats are the sponsors of the bill...
AND it means you are going to pay more out of your pocket...
AND it means they have more control?
KEEP in mind that Paul and Peter both wrote that the authorities in place are put there by God and we should, without violating the law of God, submit to them.
He does not trust in gold (31:24)
When his enemies are destroyed, he does not rejoice (31:29)
He controls his tongue (31:30)
He gives shelter to non-citizens (31:32)
He righted his wrongs against people (31:33)
He made a contract with his eyes, He listens to the lesser, ‌He gives to the poor, ‌He shares his food with and raises orphans, He gives clothes to the perishing, He votes for the orphan, He does not trust in gold, When his enemies are destroyed, he does not rejoice, He controls his tongue, He gives shelter to non-citizens, and He righted his wrongs against people.
This is a New Life Resolution
If there is no earthly blessing doing these things,
then will you still do them?
This is the WHOLE QUESTION Job is asking us.
In God’s system,
You better yourself when you better others.
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