Sermon Tone Analysis
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God has a plan for us - our relationships
I’d like to start today with a story from the book of Luke.
It is a centurion, a Roman, a Gentile, an “unbeliever”.
Someone considered “unclean” by the Jews, but yet look at his faith.
Here the centurion understood the relationship between leader and follower, master and servant.
His men obeyed him as expected.
He knew that Jesus was the Son of God and likewise expected His orders to be carried out.
This man showed such great faith because of his understanding of that relationship.
God has planned many such relationships for us so that we can better understand His plans for us.
Genesis 1:1 “1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
And from that beginning God has had a plan for how it would all unfold and what the final outcome would be.
He gives us a hint of what that will be and assurances that He has it planned all throughout the Bible.
From the beginning God planned our salvation.
From the beginning God knew that Jesus would be our path to eternity with Him.
There was a plan.
We can see part of this plan in how He laid out our relationships.
On earth, we have basically six types of relationships: With our parents, our kids, our marriage, our friends, our acquaintances, and our enemies.
Everyone we know fits into one of those categories.
If you really think about it, the Bible tells us how to handle each of these relationships.
Our first relationship as a child
In Ephesians 6:1-3 Paul tells us of the first commandment of the ten commandments to contain a promise.
That is found in Exodus 20:12
Jesus Himself quoted scripture in Matthew 15:4
Finally Paul says in Colossians 3:20
The court punishment for disobeying and striking your parents was death.
It was considered the equivalent of murder.
God intended us to submit to their authority.
We were to learn to respect them and understand that there are ones who know more that we do.
We see just how much God emphasizes obedience and respect to parents through Jesus Himself.
When He was about 12, the family had been in Jerusalem but was returning home when they realized Jesus was not with them.
They returned to Jerusalem and started looking for Him everywhere.
Even though He knew He needed to be about God’s work, we see in verse 51 that He went with them and “was subject to them”.
He obeyed.
We see it even more in His first recorded miracle at the wedding at Cana.
John 2:1-4
Here Jesus just told her it isn’t time yet.
But in verse 5, she ignores what He said and tells them to do whatever Jesus tells them to do.
John 2:5 “5 His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.””
Because she knew that Jesus was an obedient son and would place her wishes above His own.
And we see He does just that in John 2:6-9
Because we are HIS children!
And while we are all God’s creation and Salvation is offered to all, not all become Children of God.
You see, it is at this second birth when we become children of God.
When we accept the Holy Spirit which IS GOD.
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Just like children, we go through that stage of our lives that I call the “No Laws”.
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
Y’all all know the stage from the little kids.
No, don’t touch that.
No, don’t put that in your mouth.
No, stop hitting him.
It’s no wonder that one of the first words a child learns is no.
My little sister called donuts “No no’s” because every time she went to get into them she was told no.
That’s the old law.
Our “No Laws”.
But you see, we are growing up.
The Faith has grown.
God’s people have grown.
Jesus came to teach us what it’s really about.
That its about who and what we are.
It’s about our heart.
But you can’t ever get to that point of developing the correct set of personal rules unless you got the first set.
A child that disobeys, steals, constantly injures others, continually runs away, doesn’t develop a respect for their earthly parents.
How can they understand the respect that they need to have for their Heavenly Father?
I heard “It’s my house, it’s my rules.
As long as you live under this roof you will live by my rules.”
so many times growing up it was ingrained into me.
Now I can respect that all of existence is “God’s House” and its His rules.
As parents
By design, children were only to come into the marriage covenant.
We are only children of God through the marriage with Christ.
While all are part of God’s creation, not all are His children.
That child-to-parent relationship isn’t a one way street.
As you can see, God’s instructions to parents center on their teaching their children His Word and His will.
If a parent is living in God’s Word, as He intended it, they will most likely be a good parent.
They will understand their children are gifts from God and they will take serious the responsibilities of raising them correctly.
You can take each and every one of theses verses and reverse them to see what happens without it.
Isaiah 54:13 “13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord, And great shall be the peace of your children.” would become “All your children shall be taught by the world and there shall be no peace with your children.”
Proverbs 29:17 “17 Correct your son, and he will give you rest; Yes, he will give delight to your soul.”
Becomes “Fail to correct your child and they will give you no rest, no peace.
They will torment your soul”
You see Satan attacks this basic relationship of the child-to-parent to keep folks away from God.
If you have no respect for the earthly child-to-parent relationship, you will have no respect for the heavenly child-to-Parent relationship.
Look at 2 Timothy 3:1-5
If this doesn’t describe people who have no respect for EITHER child-to-parent relationship, I don’t know what does.
If parents do not teach the children the ways of the Lord, Satan will teach them the ways of the world.
Children were meant to be the product of another relationship.
The marriage relationship.
In Marriage
From this we see that from the beginning God has intended it to be one man and one woman.
Not like the Hebrew fathers turned it into of one man and many women.
Not like Satan has tried to corrupt it into since the times of Noah of two men or two women.
God created it as one man and one woman.
We can see that God intended them to work as a team.
First, He tells us He is searching for a suitable help mate and none is found.
In Genesis 2:20 “20 So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field.
But for Adam there was not found a helper comparable to him.”
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