Lessons from the Life of Our Lord

Text: Luke 2:40-52
Title: Lessons from the Life of the Lord
Let’s turn together
in our Bibles
to Luke’s gospel.
chapter 2.
& we’re gonna
read verses 40-52.
Luke 2:40-52.
& when you find that
in your Bible
Pls stand for the reading
of God’s Word.
The Title of
today’s teaching is:
Lessons from
the Lord’s Life
In Luke 2:40-52
Luke 2:40–52 (EHV)
The child grew and became strong. He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.
Every year his parents traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover Festival.
When he was twelve years old, they went up according to the custom of the Festival.
When the days had ended, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents did not know it.
Since they thought he was in their group, they went a day’s journey. Then they began to look for him among their relatives and friends.
When they did not find him, they returned to Jerusalem, searching for him.
After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.
And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.
When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us this way? See, your father and I have been anxiously looking for you.”
He said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be taking care of my Father’s business?”
They did not understand what he was telling them.
He went down with them and came to Nazareth. He was always obedient to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.
Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people.
You may be seated.
In this fascinating
& fact-filled passage
Luke takes us
on a journey
thru the early life
of Jesus.
& as we go on
this journey w/ Luke
we’ll learn
at least 4 lessons
frm the life
of the Lord Jesus.
We’ll learn some truths
abt how Jesus lived
His earthly life.
& How we
thru His grace
can imitate Him.
Let’s pray.
Father, as always
We thank you
for Your precious Word.
We ask you
to open our eyes
to see the truth.
Open our ears
to hear & receive
the truth.
& give us the will
& ability
to obey the truth.
In Jesus name.
[Transition: The 1st
lesson we learn
Frm the Lord’s Life is...]
Jesus shared our HUMANITY. (2:40, 52)
At this point
in Luke’s narrative:
Jesus has been born
& Jesus
& Mary
have moved back
to Galilee;
Back to
the city of Nazareth
where Jesus
was brought up.
In Luke 2:40
Luke tells us
what happened
while they were there.
He says:
Luke 2:40 (EHV)
The child grew and became strong.
Luke has spent
most of his gospel
focused on the deity
of God’s Son.
He wants us
to know
This child born frm Mary
is no ordinary child.
Jesus is
fully God.
But He’s also
fully human.
So, Luke now
turns His attention
to the humanity
of Jesus.
W/o ceasing
to be God
God’s Son became
a human being.
He took on
human nature;
& when he took on
human nature
Jesus took
on human weakness
& frailty.
It think we
get the idea that
Jesus was born
a 30-year-old man.
That wld’ve been
pretty painful
for Mary.
Jesus did not
come out of the womb
& working miracles.
Like all of us
Jesus came into
the world
as a helpless baby.
So, like
every other baby
Jesus got hungry.
Jesus got tired.
Jesus cried.
Jesus had
to grow.
He had to learn:
To walk;
To talk;
He needed someone
to teach Him
How to
feed Himself.
The One
who was all powerful
as God
Had to grow
& become strong
as a human being.
He truly shared in
our humanity.
In the 2nd part
of Luke 2:40
Luke goes on to say
that Jesus
Luke 2:40 (EHV)
...was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on him.
The word “filled” here
is a present tense verb
in Greek.
& it communicates
the idea
that Jesus was
continually being filled
w/ wisdom.
He was continually
learning to be wise.
Luke expresses
this same truth again
In Luke 2:52
when he says:
Luke 2:52 (EHV)
Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and with people.
Just like
every one of us
Jesus had to grow
in wisdom
& in stature.
But at the same time
Jesus also had
supernatural wisdom.
Jesus grew as
a human being.
But did not grow
as God.
How all of this works out
I won’t even pretend
to know.
How the One
who is Wisdom
also grew in wisdom
I don’t know.
How the One who is God
can grow in favor
w/ God
I don’t know.
But this is
what the Scriptures
teach us
abt Jesus.
Jesus really does
share in
our humanity.
But He is also
really God.
The 2nd Person
of the Divine Trinity
really did
become one of us.
The Son of God
really is
truly human.
But why did
the Son of God
become human?
Paul tells us in
Hebrews 2:14–17 (NIV)
Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—
and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants.
For this reason he had to be made like them, fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.
Notice those words:
Jesus shared
in our humanity;
& He had to
be made like us—
His brothers
& sisters.
Like humanity—
in every way.
So that thru
His death
He cld destroy
the devil.
& so that
Jesus cld become
a merciful
& faithful High Priest
in all things
that pertain to God.
& in Hebrews 4:15
Paul continues
w/ these encouraging words
Hebrews 4:15 (EHV)
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are, yet was without sin.
Sometimes we feel like:
Nobody understands us.
Nobody understands
our troubles.
No one has ever
faced the same trials
or been tested
or tempted
like we are.
But that’s just
not true.
Jesus faced
them all.
All of our
All of our trials
& temptations.
Jesus faced
them all.
Bcs He shares
in our humanity.
Jesus knows
what it’s like
To be despised
& rejected by others.
Jesus was a
man of sorrows
& acquainted w/ grief.
Jesus mourned
w/ those who mourn.
Jesus wept
w/those who wept.
Jesus truly understands
we face as humans.
He was tempted
in every way
as we are.
But something
Jesus never did.
Jesus never sinned.
& this shows us
an important truth
abt human nature.
Sin is not
a part of
human nature.
If Jesus took on
human nature
& shared in
our humanity
yet Jesus
did not sin
then sin cannot
be a part of
human nature.
Human nature
has become corrupt
& taken captive
by Sin & Satan.
Jesus had to be
fully human
in every way
So, He cld
fully redeem humanity
frm Sin & Satan
in every way
thru His death.
So, Jesus not only
All of our
human weaknesses
He also overcame
all of our
human weakness.
So that
thru our union
w/ Him
we can now overcome
human weaknesses
thru His grace.
Jesus became
like us
in every way
so that we cld
become like Him.
He shared
our human nature
so that we
cld share in
His divine nature.
& I keep saying this
week after week
Bcs this is
the Christianity
that has
been there
all along.
But this truth
has not been
the focus
of the modern Church.
Jesus became
one of us
to restore humanity
to God’s
glorious image.
Jesus came to earth
to become
the firstborn
Among many
brothers & sisters.
Jesus became like us
so that thru His grace
we can become
like Him.
& this is
God’s promise
to His children.
We can approach
God’s throne of grace
w/ confidence
knowing we have
a High Priest
who knows
our weaknesses
& who ever lives
to make intercession
for us.
We can approach
God’s throne
of grace w/
bcs one of us
is seated
at God’s right hand.
We can
cry out to Him
to strengthen us;
& He will give
us grace
to help us
in our time of need.
Those voices we hear
Voices that say:
“You’re all alone.”
“Nobody understands
“your problems.”
Nobody cares
“abt your problems.”
Those are
demonic voices.
don’t blv the lies
of demons.
Blv the truth
of God’s Word.
When we’re
children of God
we’re never alone.
Jesus understands
our problems.
& Jesus cares
abt our problems.
Jesus knows exactly
what it’s like
to face any difficulty
You or I
cld ever face.
& Jesus promises
to be w/ us
& to strengthen us
to overcome
those difficulties.
As long as
we’re on this earth
We will face:
& Troubles
as children of God.
& we cannot
fight those battles
w/ human strength.
We need Someone stronger
than us
to help us.
Someone who has
fought our same battles
Who has fought
our same enemies
& defeated
them all.
Jesus also knows how
To overcome
all of those things
Thru God’s grace.
& Jesus will help
us overcome
the world
Thru God’s grace
just like He did.
It was not only
bcs Jesus is
God in the flesh
that He was able
to overcome the world
It was also bcs He
stayed filled
w/ God’s grace
that He overcame
the world.
& we
who are God’s children
we can
overcome everything
we face in this world
Thru the power
of the One
Who has overcome
the world.
We can approach Jesus
w/ complete confidence
w/ our weaknesses
Our temptations &
& ask for His help.
& He will not
turn us away.
All of this
is possible
bcs Jesus became
truly human.
& that brings us to
The 2nd lesson
we learn
Frm the Life
of the Lord…]
Jesus obeyed the Lord’s LAW. (2:41)
In Luke 2:41-42
Luke continues
our journey
Thru the early life
of Jesus.
He says:
Luke 2:41–42 (EHV)
Every year his parents traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover Festival.
When he was twelve years old, they went up according to the custom of the Festival.
The Passover Festival
was an annual
to remember how God
delivered His ppl
frm bondage in Egypt.
In obedience
to God’s command
every male Jew
was obligated
to take this annual
trip to appear
bfr God
at the Temple
in Jerusalem.
Luke mentions
that Joseph & Mary
Went to
the Passover Festival
every year.
He does this
to emphasize
their strict obedience
to the Law
of the Lord.
Luke wants us
to know
Joseph & Mary
loved God’s Law
& they taught Jesus
to do the same.
So, when Jesus
was 12 years old:
Joseph & Mary
went up to Jerusalem
for the Passover
as they usually did.
& Luke says
Jesus went w/ them
according to
the custom.
Luke gives us
all these details
to show us
Jesus was
brought up in
In the training
& instruction
of the Lord.
He was taught
to love
the Law of the Lord
& to demonstrate
that love
thru simple obedience.
& we all
need to learn
to do
the same.
In Luke 2:43
Luke tells us
Luke 2:43–45 (EHV)
When the days had ended, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents did not know it.
Since they thought he was in their group, they went a day’s journey. Then they began to look for him among their relatives and friends.
When they did not find him, they returned to Jerusalem, searching for him.
Joseph & Mary
Their family & friends
were heading home
after the
Passover festival.
They’ve spent
7 days celebrating
Israel’s redemption
frm bondage.
They travel
for a whole day
Probably abt 15 miles
or so—
on foot.
& everyone
is still in good spirits
after the celebration.
But suddenly
their celebration
turns sour.
Mary looks
at Joseph & asks:
“have you seen Jesus?”
Joseph says.
“I thought
He was w/ you.”
Mary says:
“I thought
He was w/ you.”
So, they check w/
their friends.
& they haven’t
seen Jesus.
They check w/
their family;
& they haven’t
seen Jesus.
Joseph & Mary
have lost sight
of the Lord Jesus.
& Luke tells us
After Joseph & Mary
Checked w/
their friends & family
& did not find Jesus
They took
the day long trip
back to Jerusalem
to look for Him.
So, it’s been
two days
since they’ve seen Jesus.
& the spend
another day
in Jerusalem
anxiously searching
for Jesus
for another day.
& that’s a long time
to worry abt
what happened to Jesus.
There were
probably still a lot of ppl
In Jerusalem
after the Passover.
& I’m sure
as Joseph & Mary
anxiously searched
for Jesus
some of these thoughts
start to flood their minds:
What if someone
has kidnapped Him?
What if He’s hurt?
What if we never
see Him again?
Joseph & Mary
were panicky
as they anxiously
for the Son of God.
& when they
finally find Jesus
He’s in a place
they were not
expecting to find.
They go into
the Temple in Jerusalem
& there
they see Jesus.
& He’s sitting among
the religious teachers.
& He was not
just listening to
the religious teachers.
He was asking
them questions
& answering
their questions.
& as Luke says
in Luke 2:47
Luke 2:47 (EHV)
And all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.
Jesus sat among
The religious experts
Men whose whole lives
Were dedicated
to studying
& interpreting
God’s Word.
Jesus sat among them
at twelve years old
& amazed them.
They saw
something special
In Jesus’ understanding
of the Scriptures.
Those teachers
did not
know it.
But they were
talking to
The Author
of the Scriptures.
& the One
the Scriptures
were written abt.
30 years later
Jesus wld say
to some of these
in John 5:39-40.
John 5:39–40 (EHV)
You search the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them. They testify about me!
And yet you do not want to come to me in order to have life.
Jesus not only
knew the
He’s the One Whom
the Scriptures
Testify abt.
The Prophet
Whom Moses
promised wld come
& lead God’s ppl.
So, even at
12 years old
& answers
brought amazement
to everyone
who heard Him.
& as Luke says
in Luke 2:48
Luke 2:48 (EHV)
When his parents saw him, they were astonished.
Why were
Joseph & Mary
Well they
did not expect
to find Jesus
in the Temple;
Much less
in the Temple
among the teachers.
But as Mary
The last two days
She & Joseph
have endured
anxiously searching
for Jesus
Her astonishment
turns to anger.
& she asks Jesus
Luke 2:48 (EHV)
“Son, why have you treated us this way? See, your father and I have been anxiously looking for you.”
The Greek behind
the word “anxiously
“To be in
extreme pain”
Or “To be in
great anguish.
Luke’s telling us
Those days
where they
Lost sight of Jesus
Had caused
Mary & Joseph
extreme pain.
or Great grief.
& there’s an
important spiritual truth
We can learn
frm this
historical event.
What happens
when we
lose sight of Jesus?
It causes us
to become anxious.
It causes
extreme pain.
Great grief.
We lose
our peace.
Our joy.
Our hope.
Bcs it’s only
as we keep our
eyes on Jesus
& stay where
Jesus is
That we can have
True Peace.
& Hope.
Our lives
are just not right
When we
lose sight of Jesus.
So, thru this story
Luke reminds us
we need to keep
our eyes on Jesus.
We must never
lose sight
of the Son of God.
So, Joseph & Mary
find Jesus
in the temple.
& they were astonished
to find them there.
But Jesus seems
astonished also.
He seems astonished
that they wld
look for Him
anywhere else.
Notice how
Jesus answers
Mary’s question.
He answers
her question
w/ His own questions.
This was a tactic
Jesus often used
to get ppl to think.
In Luke 2:49
Jesus asks Mary
& Joseph...
Luke 2:49 (EHV)
“Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be taking care of my Father’s business?”
Why did Jesus
stay in Jerusalem?
He had to
take care of
His Father’s business.
Other translations say:
He had to be
in His Father’s house.
Either one
of those translations
is possible.
& either one
gets us to
Jesus’ meaning.
Jesus is asking His
earthly parents:
“Why wld you
search for me
anywhere else?
“This shld’ve been
“the 1st place
“you looked.
“I’m God’s Son.
“So didn’t you know
“I wld be
“taking care of
“My Father’s business?
“Didn’t you know
“My business is in
“my Father’s House?”
there’s a contrast here…
Btwn Mary’s words
& Jesus’ Words.
Mary calls Joseph
Jesus’ father.
& Joseph was
Jesus’ earthly father
by adoption.
But Jesus is speaking
of God the Father—
His heavenly Father.
Jesus was not
disrespecting Joseph.
Jesus was
letting Joseph
& Mary know
that Jesus knew
God was His Father.
Jesus is also
teaching us
An important principle:
His relationship
w/ His heavenly father
Took precedence
over even his closest
Earthly relationships.
He loved God
His business
Was to be abt
His Heavenly
Father’s business.
And His
heavenly Father’s business
was in His Father’s house
at the Temple.
& there is some sense
In which this applies
to all of us.
We’re all called
to love God supremely
Just like Jesus did.
The first & greatest
commmandment is
to love the Lord Your God
w/ all your hearth
soul & strength.
We do that by learning
& obeying
God’s commandments.
John says
it this way
in 1 John 5:3
1 John 5:3 (EHV)
...this is love for God: that we keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome...
We love God supremely
by keeping
His commands
just like Jesus did.
& God also expects us
to be abt
our Father’s business
Just like Jesus was.
This means
We need to find out
What Gods wants
frm us.
How God wants us
to serve Him
as a kingdom of priests
in the body of Christ.
Our relationship w/ God
Must take priority
Over every
earthly relationship.
Jesus loved God supremely;
& we shld follow
in His footsteps
by obeying
God’s commands.
We come now
to the last lesson
we learn
Frm the life
of the Lord Jesus.]
Jesus submitted to AUTHORITY. (2:51a)
At the beginning
of Luke 2:51
Luke says:
Luke 2:51 (EHV)
He went down with them and came to Nazareth. He was always obedient to them.
Jesus was obedient
to His parents.
He was obedient
to authority.
As long as that authority
Did not conflict
w/ His relationship
w/ God
Jesus submitted Himself
to human authorities.
Jesus is God
in the flesh.
So, Jesus is
obviously a higher rank
Than either
Joseph or Mary.
Yet Jesus
submitted to
His parents
& was obedient
to them.
The Creator
Submitted to
His creatures.
He put Himself
under the authority
of ppl He’s created.
Bcs all authorities
are established
by God.
God established
the law that says
Children are to
obey their parents.
So, when
the Son of God
became flesh
& had parents
He was obedient
to that law.
Jesus submitted
to authority.
No human being
can ever be
completely autonomous.
Only God is truly
In every human
In the church.
In the community.
At our workplaces.
In our homes.
Authority structures
exist everywhere.
Authority structures
are good.
They keep the world
frm chaos.
Every single one of us…
Have Someone in authority over us.
& it will always
be that way.
Jesus’ parents
were His authorities
When He was
a young man.
So, He submitted
to them
He was obedient
to those
who were in
authority over Him.
& He calls us
to do the same.
I often hear
ppl talk abt
How lawless
our society is becoming.
Ppl don’t seem
to want to submit
to any authority
any more.
That stems
frm a sinful desire
to be completely
We all wanna be
our own boss.
Make our
own rules.
We want to
do things our way.
& sadly
that awful attitude
Has rubbed off
on the church.
The church has embraced
this unbiblical idea
That we’re
all our own authority.
Ppl think
there shld be
no authority structure
in the church.
Or in the home.
But we need
to learn well…
This lesson
frm the life
of the Lord.
The King of Kings
& Lord of Lords
Jesus submitted
to those
who were
in authority
over Him.
& if we’re gonna
follow Him
We need to
submit to authority.
Now, as we close:
We can learn
a lot of lessons
Frm the life
of the Lord.
Jesus is the ultimate example
Of what a
righteous life
Looks like.
Four lessons we’ve learned today are:
Jesus shared our humanity.
He became like us…
To make us like Him.
Jesus practiced His faith.
& we must practice our faith.
Jesus loved God supremely.
& we must love God supremely.
& finally…
Jesus submitted to authority
& we shld do the same.
Let’s remember these lessons…
Frm the Life of the Lord.
& let’s keep asking God…
For the grace…
to follow in His footsteps.
Let’s all stand for prayer.
Father You are so good to us.
We thank You…
for sending your Son…
To become like us…
So, we can become like Him.
We ask you to help us…
To learn frmHis life.
To Live as He lived.
To love as He loved.
& To become like the Lord Jesus…
In all we say &do.
In Jesus name.
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