God's Blueprint for Success // Ezra 7:6-10 // Pastor Jose Brevil
Turn to the book of Ezra. I know some of you will have a hard time finding it, but let's turn to the book of Ezra Ezra Nehemiah Esther. So hopefully that gives you like a landmark. Nowhere to go. So azroc is a book in the Old Testament and I'll probably you rarely ever hear a sermon on the book of Ezra do. You always keep that yourself when you reading your Bible? But to this morning, we going to be in the book of Ezra. And for this new year, I want to do a short brief, a series that I'm calling God's roadmap for your life. And this morning, we're going to look at azra, look at his life. And then, from there, I'm going to learn some lessons from Ezra and see what God's roadmap for our life is. And today, more specifically, as we talked about, as Russell, we going to look at god, blueprint for Success. God's blueprint for success, in a New Year, everyone is always looking at a different things that they can do looking to see how we can do things differently in life, so we can have more success in life. So as this morning will give us a blueprint for Success. So let's read the text. So we going to be azra chapter 7 verse 6 to 10. So, hopefully, by now you have found it to those of you joining us online, you can get your Bible as read chapter 7 verse 6 to 10. So I'll read for you. It says this azra went up from Babylonia, he was a scribe. Skilled killed steal in the law of Moses that the Lord the god of Israel had given and the King. Granted him all dead. He did. You see you that the king, granted him all that. He asked for the bed with me, the hand of the Lord he is God was on him. Let's read that verse again. It says this address, I went up from Babylonia, he was a scribe. Remember the word skilled in the law of Moses that the Lord? The law of Moses that the Lord the god of Israel had given and the King, granted him all daddy, ask for the hand of the Lord. He is. God was on him or hear him sing? This is King Arthur's. That this is not a Christian man. King artaxerxes granted everything that azra asked. So remember the Israelites, the Jewish people, they were in captivity several times so they were sent into Exile in to Babylon. And the first part of the book of Ezra from chapter 1 to chapter 6. It it's kind of like you looking at two different stories do what you had a man named zaruba Bell brought a group a back to the lead and now as when you're bringing them back to the land of Israel and then Ezra went up to the king just like if you remember the story of me and Maya was a cub bear were before the king and the King just sent me in my it back, but also paid for the trip and give him all the resources, the same thing as ra the second group. Back from Exile and coming back to their land and the King gave him all that. He asked so not only the king sent them back to the game Finance at all as well. And Ezra had everything that he asked from the king, is a story that reminds us that God can use even the wicked, even non-believers to bless you. And one of them people might think that they doing their own thing.
Faking the making decisions like for them but in actuality God is making them make decisions that will benefit you. And that can go in your work where your boys making decisions thinking they were planning this year's along that all along that God was working in there. Hard to make those decisions in the end to burn. If you benefit of God's children because the Bible even says that the Wicked Will amass riches, you know, to give it to go walking with God in the Book of Proverbs. So here we see as he was a dedicated man to the word of God and he was skilled. And if he was really good at what he did and then he went to the king and the King gave him everything that he asked. And then in verse 7, it says here. In verse 7, it says they're went up also to Jerusalem in the seventh year of artaxerxes the king, some of the people of Israel. And some of the priests and Levites, the singers and Keepers and the temple servants and Ezra came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, which was in the seventh year of the team. So he about what's going on there. As those people are heading back, the Levites were all the people working in the temple leading worship, being at the door greeting people. They were the people who served in the temple and
Ezra was a priest and also azra was a scribe or Ezra really know God's word and Ezra meticulously writing down God's word. It says for add on the first day of the first month, he begin to go up front Babylonia and on the first day of the fifth month, he came to Jerusalem for the good hand of God was just going here in. Can you say that again with me for the good hand of God was on him for now, he's the first I want you to memorize and we going to talk about this morning for Ezra has said, he's hard to do. I do sit with me study the law of the Lord and to do it and to teach He's statutes and rules in Israel, for azra the law of the Lord to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel. Father, thank you for your grace this morning and Lord, as we study the word that you teach our hearts, may you help each one of us to study to do and to teach your word to everyone, we come in contact with here. The first thing, the story of Ezra teachers is that a pattern of right? Priorities, priorities in the right place. Ciara's real in the text, it says, azra sets his heart. You see anything that you want to accomplish in life you have to be intentional about them. If you are not intentional about them, they are not going to happen. So if you want a good marriage, guess what? You have to be very intentional about it. My wife reminds me of that all the time. If you want to do a good job at your work, guess what? You have to be very intentional about doing a good work where you sharpening your skills as often as you can do a good work, you make sure you meet your goals. You meet your deadlines on time and you will be great if you were in school. If you don't study was going to happen. Not going to be great, okay? You have to be very intentional about doing a good job. That's where it says, as respect. His life was very intentional. That's why the key to success in life is that you need to have a pattern of right priorities. You need to have a pattern of constantly, putting your priorities in the right place. See us, Stephen Covey. I said things, which matter most should never be food at the mercy of things, which matter least. Things, which matter most should never be. Put at the mercy of things, which matter, Liz lease, that's why it says, is that, right? To do three things to study to do. And to teach. So, first one steady. So, anybody serious about God's word, you have to do what you have to study, it just like in your work. You have to know your craft. You have to study so here as well as ra study to show, himself approved. See 2nd Timothy 2:15 says, do your best To present yourself as one approved who has no need to be ashamed. And what rightly handling the word of Truth. Christian God, expect us, we need to know his word and then we need to look at it in context. And to be able to say, this is what it means. And this is how you can apply it in your life. It says you need to be diligent. It says do your best. That means you got to put your best foot forward when it comes to God's word. This is not just for the preacher, but it's for everyone to study God's word to show yourself approved, as a worker was no need to be ashamed. That means, you know what, you're talkin about rightly handling the word of truth. That's the same thing that Peter tells us it says always be ready to give an answer for the hope that you have in Christ. A lot of us are a shame. We don't talk to people about God just because we don't know what his word says. Cuz we don't want people to laugh at us. We don't want people to make fun of us. We are afraid to share the gospel because we don't have the answers and we're afraid that they would ask a question that will stumble Les. Paul tells us, we need to do our best to present our self approve. That means we need to be in the word, studying the word of God. See if you don't read the word of God you will not know what it says. One of my favorites on me so I'm one. It says blessed is the man will walk snat in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of Sinners, nor sits in the seats of scoffers. But his Delight is in? What? The law of the Lord that you have success in life. The way that you grow in your faith is by delighting in the law of God. He's were the Bible and on his lower, he meditates when they and you got your roadmap. Now, that means you got to read God's word day and night. See, and actually, David says, you know, I I meditate on your word all day long. See, that's why we need to memorize scripture. We don't necessarily have to have a physical Bible in our hands. But as we go through all the day, we can hang out over staff to read a chapter. In the morning, we keep overseeing our mind that we keep meditating on YouTube showing on it, every all the entire day and keep you at peace. And inverse 32 do there is a blessing attached to it and it's for your own good. Not just forgot to look at what it says there. When you are in God's word constantly, here's what's going to happen. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its sleeve weather. And whatever you do, you will prosper when you stay in his word. I did that make this one up? God says, if you stay in his word, you read that you meditate on it day and night and you do it got this, everything that you do, you will prosper. So, if we are not prospering in every aspect of Our Lives, it is not God. God wants you to prosper. I'm not talking about the Prosperity Gospel that tell you never a problem problems in spite of your problems, whatever you face. I will be with you in the problem and sometimes God has to give his problem to us. So that we can prosper to the level that God wants us to prosper. So many of us, when you take like things very seriously in life, when you were just like let's say you were in school. You on the brink of failing. Do you take School? Seriously you go crazy in the library trying to study hard. If you know that you might be getting fired. You know how to do if you do a budget. So very tired, they about to cut some people. Love you. Try to set yourself everybody will see you that you will see that at 8 if they're going to cut some people, it's not going to be Because I'm going to do whatever it takes, but that's what God says you. God says, in all that you do you will prosper when you stay at a church to him, see the word season there. Okay. Does winter the spring this fall and what are the season do we have any way of Summer? But now, if you have those seasons, does the winter look like spring this ring look like summer. The summer, looks like fall. See, whatever season. That means that when you go food different season of Life, they will look differently. K summer heat is not the same as winter, cold case, it will look different. But God says in whatever season that you face in your life, you will prosper. And that's what we saw as ra invoice 6 to 7. It says that hand of God was upon him and the King, granted him, everything that he asked and invoice 9, we saw the same thing uses. The hand of the Lord was upon him. But again, remember what did Ezra do? What was his posture in verse 10? Azra said he's white as what was intentional, Ezra had his priorities in the right place said he's hard to study God's word, you see, you cannot know what, God's word really says. We Follett reading it for yourself. You cannot know what God's word really says, without reading it for yourself, you have to be in the world and you cannot know. And not grow, but you can't grow without knowing. You got that, you can know and not grow, but you can't grow without knowing, okay? To know the word of God, another for you to grow. And that's why is Ralph said, he's hard to, what's the first thing you did? Steady azra said, is hard to study approach approach that is very easy and you can get the most. Make the most of your Bible study is the Bible inductive Bible study approach is simply this Observation interpretation and application. Anytime you read the scripture, you need to do three things. You observe what you read? That means you just reading verbatim, you just asking yourself the question. What does it say? What does it say? That's all you doing. You just read the text. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He makes me lie down in Green Pastures. You just just go back and think about it. What does it says? The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want K or you didn't even paraphrase that you know, in your own words. What does it say you wanted say, what does it say exactly? Okay. You moved to interpretation, what does it mean? What does it mean? What I just read when it says, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want Does that mean what does that mean? What is a Shepherd? A Shepherd will never go away if he needs to discipline him by yanking it or by giving a little, a little slap to bring them back where they need to be. So, the shepherd also, guide and love on the sheet to keep the sheet together. He doesn't let the Sheep one, the away scene that when it says, the Lord is my shepherd. Now, what does it mean? Both? That means God loves me. He will care for me. He will take care of it for me. You will make sure that I don't wander away, but at the same time sometimes, you will also discipline me as I'm running away. Has to yank, me, and sometimes also went, when I'm running away, I don't want to go where he wants me to go. He might have to take the steak and the rod and just hit me cuz that's what some of 23. Your Rod and your staff, they do. What They conferred me, she wouldn't like God discipline but sometimes the only way that God can get our attention is blue. See when it says, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want you see a sheep all that they needed to shepherd? Shepherd does what the Shepherd protects them? The shepherd provides for them, the shepherd's care for them. The shepherd, give them everything that they need. All that they have to do is to follow the shepherd. If they stay with the shepherd, nothing wrong with that happen to them. If they stay with a Shepherd you don't have to worry about other animals, coming to prey on them, because the shepherd will do what protect them. See, when you had a sheep plan in the Old Testament, when you have the sheet pan, you at night, where the shepherd's will take all the Sheep, put them inside the Sheep pen, guess where the shepherd is, At the gates. The shepherd would even sleep at the gate. So if anybody has to come through, they have to come to the wear. Luther Gates, they have to go through the shepherd. That's where Jesus says, I am the door of the sheet. See, that's the same thing that God does for us. God, is our Shepherd. You see here when you get to interpretation now, you start asking questions. Why does it mean? What does it mean that God is my shepherd and I shall not want. That means that I got everything I need in God and then the last part is application application. Can I don't lie. You observe what does it say interpretation? What does it mean then application? Do it. Okay. What do I need to do? A lot of us. That's the problem that we have. Observation we know exactly what it says interpretation, but we have duology problem. I just create a new what? I know. That's a word, okay? We have a problem. We just got to do with it. It says the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. So that means do I need to worry about stuff. Bible says, be anxious for nothing. But in everything by prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. So why do I do? I meditate on God's word. The war Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want father right now, I am struggling. There's things don't look good for me right now but you say you, my shepherd in Green Pastures, are you going to give me the best green money, right? Grass looks good. Okay. But literally seriously, that's what it means. Being with this Green Pastures, the green grass. We're always when somebody's green guys, with the grass is greener where you water it? Okay. Does he makes me lie down in Green Pastures? You lead me beside Still Waters. That means peace, Still Waters means peace. Believe me in Paths of righteousness for his namesake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of there, if that's problem, that means the worst problem. You can think of the Valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil for God says, you don't have to feel about anything even when he's up on your head as you don't have to fear because why I will be with you even though I work for the Valley of the shadow of death, I will be with you for your rod and your staff, they comfort me. So if it's if it's something wrong that you doing got to give me yank you back your rod and your staff. They comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies? Even if you have enemies that are trying to hurt you guys I'm going to prepare a table before you. That means like I'm I'm just going to have whatever it is doing is going to come up on their own head and then you going to walk right fluid, you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil in my cup over. That means like he feels you with his holy spirit, all of the picture of his holy spirit. My head with oil in my cup over through and what does it say in the last verse? Surely goodness, and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord. What ever see a Christian should never fear. Christian, should always have peace. Secretion should never worry about anything because you have God goodness with you. And God says that all that you do, you will prosper. Even if may not look Prosperity right now, God will teach you whatever. He has to teach you, to take you to the place where he needs to take you. Okay? When you have something on the way that's keeping you for the place, you see, you know, when you get when you get a kick back in or just like it, it's just a setup for you to go and do the things that God wants you to do. So you don't have to worry when things are not working. You just have to wait. Sometimes the posture is just too wet in the book of Ezra be looking here, chapter 1, to chapter 6, and there's a big gap there. I believe about like 80 years before 7 and the rest of the book she sometimes we have to wait to see. So you observe you interpret the tax and then you apply that means you do it. One more Bible approach. In the how you steady the scripture is when you call soap self everyday, you take a shower so you can remember this one, right? Just remember soap, okay? So as you reading the text as you so you can remember. So every day we got to take showers. So because of that, just remember. So the first one is scripture, scripture scripture, okay? So you ride the verse in your Journal. So, let's say you read a chapter, you read someone today, but take one verse and write that verse in your Journal, you just write it down, okay? There's something about writing things down, it helps with your memory files it in, okay? So the soap method, the first thing you do, you just read the text. And then, you write a key verse in your journal, or on your notes, like, in my iPhone. OK, Google scripture. The old observation, just like an inductive Bible study. Salvation has about the scripture K, what do you see? As you read the text? What do you see? As you read the text, I just ride down some quick notes for yourself there. Then the air, as you guess it is for application application. Can you ask yourself the question? How can I apply, what? I have observed K. How can you reply? How can you apply? What you observed in your life. So you look, you look at your life and you look at the text I do was NSYNC or are they not okay if they're not insane, guess what you're supposed to do?
You get in sync with the word because the word of God doesn't change, right? But a lot of time we want to make the word, get in sync. With what we doing, we try to make it say what it's not saying. I remember sticking to somebody recently and saying and I'm a Christian but I don't believe this is that in the Bible. What does the Bible say? Oh, I don't like that.
Because if you don't subscribe to the word of God, you cannot claim that you are Christian. And I think that's the problem that we have in our culture, if you talk to a Muslim that believe in the Quran,
You will not make it say anything that it doesn't say what their current says. That's why they subscribe to OK. Google did go with what they're teaching size, you go to a Buddhist. They do what they're teaching say. But the Christians is like, we're always think there are some loopholes that we're looking for that, we can go ahead and change. Seek God word Bible says never changes. The Bible says, Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever. He is the same. The Bible says Heaven and Earth will pass away, but not on Iota. That means like the smallest. That you can think of Got Jesus's death will not pass away. He needs word will remain the same. What it was 5000 years ago. Going to be the same today, so scripture cannot be broken. So scripture, observation application. And then the last step in so is prayer, prayer. You write out a prayer to God based on what you just learn and ask him to give you opportunities to live out his truth. You write out a prayer so you can getting all to that thinking and then it's going to propel your actions so you got it, you got inductive Bible study, what is it? What are the steps, observation interpretation and application and you also have soap Which is scripture observation application and prayer prayer. All right, so now Ezra did three things, Ezra study the law of God and then he Practice the word of God. He practiced the word of God, as ra practice the word of God, and I think that's where we struggle is doing God's work, and most of us were grew up in the church especially here in the Bible. Belt with know what the Bible says. Doesn't matter what people do, but most people have had quite a lot of exposure to the Bible. They may not, they may have a little understanding of what it says or doing it or sometimes we know it and just willfully, not do it, but we know what God's word says, is he, that's why I study is not an end to itself, steady is not an end to itself, if we simply steady and then we close the book and then nothing else happens in our life. It was a waste of time remember as exposure to scripture does not guarantee a Godly life. Remember Joanne that we started last year exposure to scripture does not guarantee a Godly life. If we don't do, we don't apply what we learn from scripture. it's kind of like we just washed our hands and then we grow we going the dirt and then we We just ride on the dirt. Okay, so if you serious student of God's word, we also need to do what we need to practice it. That's what James chapter, 1 tells us actually in a few weeks, we're going to be studying the Book of James this year. It says, we need to be doors of the word and not hearers. Only the sibling I was going to do it yourself in whatever area of life that you are submitted to God, that you are not obeying that you let living James is saying that you just wasting your time of God. Write the Bible says God cannot be mocked. You're right. You will wake you with me and you in the new year. Right now, our sales ourselves, Matthew 7, verse 16, through 21 says that you will recognize them. How You can say it with confidence, you will recognize them by their fruits are grapes. Healthy tree Bears, what good fruits but the disease tree bear. You can say it, but the disease Three Bears. The gods are there. If you're not doing my word, after you read that, you are a diseased tree. That means you sick. That means you need help. That means you got issues.
It's the but the Bible says you cannot bear bad fruit. See if you are a healthy tree you cannot bear bad fruit. Nor can a diseased tree. They are good for the really. What you show is what you really are.
That's things every tree that does not bear. Good. Fruit is what? You can read it for me. Cut down and thrown into the fire. That means you worthless. That means it's not good for anything and that's the freaking, that's the comparison that Jesus makes two are alive. Jesus is saying, hey, if we're just reading his word and we not doing your Jesus, say, we good for nothing. Men January 1st, that's what you will. Recognize them by their fruits that everyone who says to me, Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father in Heaven, the blessing is in the doing. God is looking for people who will do his were not only steady, he's worried but practice it, do it live it out. I love the way that Prof. Howard Hendricks from Dallas field. Logical, Seminary, he's long gone now to the Lord he says he puts it this way. God's word was not given to satisfy your curiosity, but to transform your life. God's word was not given to satisfy your curiosity, but to transform your life. When God bring something to your attention, when you study it in his word, God wants you to be transformed by it. So that remember, in all you do as a Christian, you will prosper when you stay in God's word. So God didn't give it for your curiosity, God give it to you. Transform your life so that he can prosper you in whatever area of your life that he wants to prosper. You. With me.
He's awake that another Pastor puts that Colin Smith with it. This way, they hand of God will be upon us when the word of God is where in us. Okay, when we study God's word, God does the work in us and then when we do it together, as a work Lu us, the hand of God will be upon us when the word of God is in it. That's what happened to Ezra, Ezra was in the word Than Ezra, let God Work Work, lose him as he was doing it. Adrian Rogers for the pastor in Memphis, for long time, was with the Lord. Now also said this the problem most Christians face today, is that day have no accountability in their lives. They have nobody in their lives with k. Is enough to be willing to ask the important questions in their lives.
This is sad.
And I'm not getting Rogers, hit it right on the money. A lot of us we have people, we hang out with that, we don't really have friends. Cuz a friend will not just tell you what you want to hear, especially a Christian friend. So the Christian friend will tell you what you need.
See when we don't speak truth in our friends lives. That means we don't care enough about them.
You're great.
Are we need to be leaving the area where we don't want to open anybody.
You know, it's it's their life. But God put you in their life. So that their life would not be the same if you are in somebody's life and you don't bring any value to them. If you see that going down the wrong path and you would not steer and steer them, you know, they just bring it to their attention to go the right path. You are not a good friend. The problem most Christians face today is that they have no accountability in their lives. They have nobody in their lives with cares, enough to be willing to ask the important questions in their lives. See, Ezra not only study God's word but he also do it. You need people in your life when you not doing God's word. They can tell you, hey, I know you can do better. I see that lately. You been going this way, nothing that you sending, but I think it might lead to assume that. I remember when I was much younger, I was in Bible school and I was very young and I remember some Pastor friends of mine. One day, we went out for breakfast and then they sit down and then they started telling me about some things in my life. My life that I needed to change. I was mad. I do like what they were saying, I kind of saw what they said, but I said no. And I know what I've been. You know. Come on guys. Really.
I was mad but you know, later on, I realize they were really right. Victor save me just a heap of trouble. I hope.
if we had just eaten lunch that day, I would not even remember if you would have heard about this. But because we sat down they spoke some real things in my life. They start some problems, they saw some red flags and they told me you can't do that. This is Madison. Yeah, but it might lead to sin.
I was not happy. But today, I'm thankful.
We need those people in our lives. That will not just go with the flow but challenges to do what is right as steady as ra practice and Ezra taught God's word. So you need some friends like that in your life that will speak truth to you. See, not only when we study God's word that the work. Does NS. When we do it, that's the word that God does us, but we also need to teach or lie. That's the guy that that's the word that God will do be on us. That's the word that God will do for us teachers. And when you teach, it's kind of like you replicating yourself and I hope them teaching right now, I'm giving myself that, you will teach it to somebody else, then that somebody else will learn and that somebody else will do. And that's somebody else also becomes a teacher and then we keep repeating the process.
That's What God Says in Matthew 28. It says go therefore and Make Disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to do what all of your teachers. This was not just the this was not a commitment to preachers. It says teaching them to observe all that. I have commanded you and behold. I Am With You Always through the end of D h, c, all of us here. God calls us to be teachers. And God says a, when you teach his word, you are being faithful. Use the sad reality in our Christian walk. Look at Hebrews 5, 11 to 13. It says about this, we have much to say and it is hard to explain since you have become dull of hearing. We have too many Christians that are dull of hearing. Is he being dull of hearing? Was not a problem. Just in the today was the same. Also in back in the days, And you see you then then the writer of the book of Hebrews at a hard time explaining himself. He says It is hard to explain, you have become dull of hearing any saying, he's the best way that I can put it in verse 12 and 13 for dual. By this time, you ought to be what teachers, you need someone to teach you again. What the basic principles of the earth cools of God, like a baby all over again. We give up teaching the same things over and over. You need milk. Not solid food. The right of Hebrew saying, if I give you like the salad for that, I really want to give you right now, you will choke on it. Because you still in the baby stage since for everyone, who lives on Mick, milk is unskilled. But what did we learn about Ezra in versus 6? Azra was killed in the law of God, so we are called to be skilled in the Bible. We are called to be skilled to rightly divide God's word says, but you, everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness. Since he is a child. See, the problem we face in our Christian walk is that we don't have too many mature Christians. But a lot of babies can babies lead. Babies cannot lead. That's why we need my true Christians to lead. We have to know God's word. We have to be in the word so that God can use it. Andrew Murray puts it this way. There are only two types of Christians, two types of Christians. Backsliders. Soul winners. That's it.
Backsliders and soul winners. So is United winning so far cries. Guess what said backslider?
I didn't make those things out there that people give you a bunch of dead people today, okay? Only put us back sliders and celebrated. We each have to ask ourselves. Which one are we? All of us need to be very intentional that are hard to study. Do God says go therefore and make disciples. We need to go there appointment disciples, teaching them, all that, God has commanded us. So we need to go in teaching, people like guy does. That means we need to evangelize sharing the gospel with others. Is the message that Chelsea Hallelujah.
God's hand was open as Rob because he did what prioritize, What mattered most. And as a result, God bless.
And gave him favor even before an ungodly King. God's hand was upon Ezra because he prioritize What mattered most and as a result got blessed him and gave him the favor. Even before an ungodly King, And this is the same thing that God will do for you and the same thing that God will do for me. When we walk with him, he is hand. Your gracious had a favor will be upon us. And then God will use us and bless us so that we can do the work that he has called us to do. Amen. Amen. So he's the formula we need to study. That means we learn practice. That means we live it out. I need to teach that means. We're leaving. And we can not skip steps. A lot of us. went to skip from steady to go ahead and teach But it starts with studying. Starts with practicing living. When we learn we live, as we live, then we can leave. With me father, thank you for your grass Grace. Thank you for azra, thank you for what you have. Taught us today. Help us for God to put it into practice. Help us to live it out. Help us to walk, according to your ways. and that according to h a h, Phyllis a price of your streets. Thank you, Lord. Thank you. with your Amazing Grace. Help us. Lord God. Do not mess up. The work that you are doing in each of Our Lives this morning. May we show ourselves approved. They were steady your word, they would do it. And they would teach it. Learn. Live in Leeds.
Thank you for calling us to be leaders. And father, help us to take. That calls seriously. To lead in every aspect of Our Lives.
That the pope ourselves up. But the glorify your name.
We love you, Lord. Be magnified. Be glorified.
In Jesus name, we pray.