Snowblast Farewell Part 2

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Here We Go

If you had told me a year ago when we were at Snowblast 2021— That this would be my last snowblast— I wouldn’t have believed you.
I mean there is no way.
I love this role and I love you guys— no way.
But here we are.
And honestly, I have so many things I want to say.
And as Kevin has been telling me for weeks that this is my Magnum Opus.
And he kept calling it My Magnum Opus.
‌But I had no idea what that meant so I did some digging.
‌And Magnum Opus means it is your finest work.
This refers most naturally to an artist.
It is their finest painting, or movie, or song.
It is there masterpiece.
It is what you will be remembered with.
And while that puts an enormous amount of pressure on one message— I don’t know if this will be my finest work.
It is possible at the ripe age of 32 that it doesn’t get much better than this.
It is possible that I have already had my best.
One of my greatest fears is in life isn’t about sharks or snakes.
But my greatest fear is being forgotten.
So to put so much in this one moment— this one message, I don’t think I can do that.
‌Because honestly— even if I thought this was the greatest farewell of all time— you may not.
I think I have about 4 or 5 different starts and about a million directions I wanted to go.
But it wasn’t until 7am this morning that it hit me.
You magnum opus— your masterpiece should never boil down to a moment.
No you see I want my magnum opus to my whole life.
Because as an artist who paints one masterpiece that is their legacy.
That is what they will be remembered by.
Yet that doesn’t show who they were, it doesn’t show their character, it doesn’t show their personality, its paint on a canvas.
And I am not trying to diss on artist or anybody for that matter.
They are crazy talented.
But I bet they also wish people would remember them for more then just one painting.
Them like, me want to be remembered for who I was and like we talked about last night, whose I am.
So what I want to do is, I just reflect with you this morning.
And as I reflect on the past 5 years of being with you all— it has truly been incredible.
I have loved every second of it.
Every second.
There has never been a moment where I was like— ugh this job sucks.
When I stepped into this role I was asked to take a healthy ministry and keep running with it.
I can’t tell you how grateful I am to Weston for all his work that he did with the student ministry before I stepped in.
I am extremely thankful for those leaders who followed me and trusted me.
They have all left but one.
Morgen thanks for sticking it out for these 5 years in high school ministry.
And here is the crazy part about walking into that ministry is that there are so many here that were there when I first started.
But they were students.
Here is a photo from that first snowblast--
Student who became leaders are: Donnivan who was a senior, Hannah who was also a senior, John he was a junior, Austin Sophomore, Damon and Emma who were freshmen and Eli who was not at the first snowblast but was at the second one.
I am so thankful for you guys— and it has been so amazing to watch you as students transition to leaders who lead students.
I could not be any more proud of all of you.
It is a bit crazy to me that the last retreat that I would do is snowblast— as that was my first retreat I ran in 2017.
It was the first time that I had a chance to meet and be lead by Kevin.
I didn’t have red sweats but I have maroon on in honor of Kevin wearing red sweats with a maroon shirt— it would look awful on everyone else but some how I wanted red sweats and to be like Kevin but who doesn’t.
Thank you for saying yes to come and lead that first snowblast— and for saying yes to everything after.
The reason why I have loved this role so much is that leaders that make this ministry so fun.
I am thankful for all those leaders in the past but I really love your current leaders.
Kyle stepped to a group that had one another leader and has been serving well for many years now.
Keira thanks for stepping in and being flexible on what group you are going to be in.
Steph thanks for saying yes to serve as a small group leader, to be willing to speak, and for allowing God to use your marriage for his glory. when asked and for being a 3 with me.
I mean we are practically the same person.
Connor and Kenzie thank you for saying yes to serve as a new married couple.
I may not be the most popular thing to be around a bunch of high schoolers in your first year of marriage but you said yes I am so thankful that these students get to see a great example of a young married couple willing to serve others.
And Charly and Kristine— thanks for also being that married couple that has some miles on your marriage and providing a great example of loving people well.
Thank you for saying yes and jumping in to this craziness— thanks for speaking wisdom into so many student’s lives and into my life as well.
I could do nothing without these leaders.
I know I say that often but I am telling you I wouldn’t be able to.
They make all the difference in loving ministry or dreading ministry.
This is one reason as to why I have truly loved being here.
It is your leaders.
And as I depart lean on them.
They would not be your leaders if I didn’t trust them, they all are passionate about students.
They love you so much.
Keep showing up because if you don’t they will be checking in on you, because they care about you and want to see you grow in your relationship with Christ.
While the leaders make this job easy and fun that is just a part of youth ministry.
The other part the pretty big part is the students.
Its you guys.
And while I don’t have enough time to go to each of you individual and tell you why I appreciate you I thought I would just tell you somethings I have learned about you all that has made me fall in love with student ministry.
—Students keep me young.
Thank you for helping me stay up on all the current trends so I don’t feel left out or say anything that would get me jumped.
—Students are really funny.
You guys make me laugh so hard.
I have never really cried from laughing much prior to student ministry but at least every retreat I found myself keeled over wiping away tears.
From seeing Jared Fredrickson get rock in the nuts by Devon Reed, to Olivia Owen being baby Jesus, Watching star wars reenactments not once but twice, too seeing Maggie and Hannah run a very successful day camp.
From cabin conversations what have no meaning and if you try to tell the story outside of the cabin it never hits the same.
—Student will play any game as long as there is energy behind it
It was the first time we introduced the blender of doom which has been a staple ever since.
And so how— you guys have gotten better at this game— which I will never understand— You all are just built different.
The games we have played over the years are dangerous: Death by frisbee, American Eagle, Sock War, Kickball slip N slide, Firing squad, Pong, you remember that one right— Oh well here’s a video— we are still looking for Andrew’s teeth.
the games are gross: Blender of Doom, Pudding Cups, Hogfest year 2, Lemonade Shake-Up— probably the worst game to date.
and the games are boarder line torture: Hogfest year one This was the one where we did it in small groups and it seemed like everyone wanted to kill me, the Fish Bowl of death, and of course bubble soccer when we put all you junior high students in the bubble soccer balls and proceeded to run into you all sending most students flying.
—Students can lead well right now.
I have the loved having juniors and seniors serve in our junior high ministry.
When I first stepped into this role I have no idea that this was really a thing and I had more questions about if this should continue, but after a week of seeing students leading their small groups all doubts vanished.
As I reflect on student ministry here.
I notice that the biggest season of growth in their faith happens when to students in their junior and senior year, call it maturity, getting older but I think it has to do with you having to lead others.
You all have the potential to lead.
You may not feel ready, but you never know until you try and to be truthful as soon you jump in you wont want to jump out.
I have seen students pour into other students.
There are times on Wednesday nights that I am literally just there in case someone gets hurt really badly.
You guys run the night often.
Some of my favorite moments in youth ministry is when a student becomes a leader and you get a chance to watch them lead.
They have an impactful conversation— they lead a game— they give a message— they come up to you afterwards and they say— I just got to pray with my student.
Why that is so impactful is because you have seen them come full circle.
Thank you for being able and willing to serve right now.
And if you are freshmen or sophomore— get ready and even if you are not— say yes.
—Student singing praises to the Lord will always be my favorite.
There is no other group of people I would rather worship the King of the universe with then you all.
Since you all wear your emotions on your sleeves you worship that way as well.
And it is genuine and honest and real.
I have left the spirit move more time then I can count.
Our worship team does an incredible job leading us to the throne room to pour out our hearts to the Lord.
Keep singing— you got a lion inside of those lungs— keep praising the Lord even if all you have is a hallelujah.
—Student are willing be gospel centered.
Students are pretty in-tune with what is going on around them.
They are watching leaders and they are learning by silently watching.
I watched two cabins have a snowball fight— tensions ran a little high.
And as they talked about it with each other— realizing that they need to clear the air.
Both cabins went and apologized.
Buried the hatch— hugged it out—
What you guys did last night is counter cultural.
Going and saying sorry— apologizing— that gospel living.
Jaxon asked me what I was doing during all this.
And I told him after I got out of my duct tape throne I went back to the room.
Borrowed Aidan boots— thanks again.
And I got out of my fart sprayed clothes and I climbed into my bed and watched.
And I saw tempers rise— I saw them come back down— I saw them laugh about it— I saw them realize that some feeling may be hurt and they may have reacted out of anger— and I saw the need to say sorry.
Guys you don’t understand how abnormal that is.
I kept thinking I was going to have to step in— but you knew the right thing to do.
And there will be many times in life where you are going to have to do the right thing.
It takes courage to do the right thing over and over again.
It takes boldness.
You guys have all of that and then some— you just have to be willing to choose what is right.
Choosing what is right is not aways the easiest.
And there will be times where you don’t get it right— that’s okay— just keep trying to do what is right.
Ask for forgiveness and move forward.
So as I want to wrap up this morning— with recapping snowblast:
Build your relationship on a firm foundation and the best one that you can do that build on is Jesus.
Start single and secure.
Create good boundaries and stick with them.
If a boy or girl doesn’t respect you or your boundaries you need to bounce have the courage to leave.
You can’t find the right person when you are with the wrong person.
Have high expectations and never compromise!
Now I have 5 things I want to leave you with as I move on:
5. Your leaders are here for you—
They are not perfect which makes them perfect to lead you.
Your leaders are incredible— And I know they are going to do amazing.
4. You have my permission to change anything—
I hope that I have built a culture where we don’t have anything that is sacred.
There is phrase that happens after someone leave a job or ministry that goes something like this:
Zach did it this way, or We have never done it that way, Zach would not have done it that way.
Try with every fiber of your being to fight against that.
Starting Jan 8th everything will be different because I’m not here anymore.
Someone else will eventually lead with different skills and talents and they will lean into those.
They will be different then me and that is a great thing.
Don’t hold onto a past that God is trying to change for a better future.
3. Be a light
Be a light.
Make choices that are different then the world.
You will stand out but you will be in good company.
Stand out— tells others your story— and if you don’t know what your story is or how to tell others— You guys are going to start a new series on Jan 8th called My Story.
You will not want to miss this.
So keep showing up.
2. Its all about the Gospel.
Jesus came to live a perfect life— and he paid a debt that we owe— There is nothing you can do to enter heaven on your own— it is because of the cross we are redeemed.
And when you live gospel centered- you will extend that grace to everyone around you.
Forgive often.
Love deeply— through the flaws because that is how Jesus loves.
Be gospel centered in your life and in your relationships.
If you want to know how to live this out— Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are great places to start and go back to often.
Remember that you are so loved
From my first message to my last— This is how I have sent you out.
As a reminder that you are so loved by God.
No matter where you are at in life or what stuff is happening in your life— God loves you— and he sent his best for you.
And I say it to you today because I love you all.
So very much.
Thank you for coming back to youth group— thank you for showing up to camps with an open heart and an open mind.
Thank you for allow God to move in your life.
Thank you for asking questions and being curious never stop being curious.
I know that we will have some distance between us now but stay in touch.
Add me on all the social stuff—I would love to say in touch with you all as best as we can.
I will keep praying for you and I can’t wait to see what God does with you and with this ministry.
He has big plans I know it.
You are in the best hands.
Keep chasing Jesus always and forever.
Will you pray with me.
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