Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
Invite to Psalm 68:19
Thank Sis.
Laird for her song & for testimonies
It’s the New Year - and rather than bore you with a vision casting sermon - I felt compelled to encourage you this morning to look back, remember you blessings, and look forward to this New Year with the assurance that God is still blessing.
We are Blessed.
Psalm 68:19 is a good place to do that.
READ: Psalm 68:19
Here we are at the start of a New Year - 2022 is over and 2023 has begun.
We can look on the unknown before us with:
trepidation or anticipation
Optimism or pessimism
Fear or faith
We could take the approach of the football coach I read about recently...
A few years back, Montana State had a bad football season, but the coach faced the new year optimistically: “We’re sure to improve,” he said.
“We lost all ten games last season.
This year we have only nine games scheduled.”
Whatever the new year brings - we can be sure of one thing - WE HAVE A GOD OF BLESSINGS -
no matter how 2023 plays out I will still be able to end it by saying “ I am blessed!!!”
That’s how I view what the author is saying,
I don’t believe the Psalmist felt as though the blessings of the Lord were just barely enough - no he talked about being daily loaded with benefits.
1. Burdened by Blessings (KJV)
I like what Charles Spurgeon writes on this verse:
"God's benefits are not few nor light, they are loads; neither are they intermittent, but they come "daily; "nor are they confined to one or two favorites, for all Israel can say, he loadeth us with benefits."
The Treasury of David.
‘He brought me to the banqueting house …’—and that is where he always brings us.
It is not to some kind of ‘soup kitchen’.
Spiritual Blessing, 98
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Robert Chapman a pastor from years ago - called by Charles Spurgeon one of the saintliest men, was met on the street one day by an acquaintance.
The normal greeting took place - “Hello pastor, how are you doing”
Chapman responded with a smile, “I’m burdened this morning”
The other person looked confused and the silence was kind of awkward.
Finally Chapman said, “I’m talking about Psalm 68:19 “19 Blessed be the Lord, Who daily loadeth us with benefits, Even the God of our salvation.
When I think of blessings, I am reminded of an incident I witnessed a few days before Christmas
Panera Bread had a Sip club trial subscription where you can get free drinks every day.
My wife and I subscribed and were at the Ridge and Maple location.
We were entering the store to get our free iced-coffee’s when I noticed a little bird, probably a sparrow on the ground by the patio tables outside.
I was intrigued why it didn’t fly away, when I realized it was because someone had left a rather large piece of bread.
More like half a sandwich.
The bird stayed close to that bread the entire time we were there.
I also noticed the little bird didn’t move like other birds, it had an injured leg, and hobbled more than hopped.
As I saw this - I couldn’t help but think of the words of Jesus and how much greater value we are than the birds.
While it is easy to focus on our injuries and injustices, if we could only see the loaf of bread sitting next to us - it would change the way we view the world.
Gratitude brings joy, purpose, reasons for living, reasons for persevering while ingratitude fosters feelings of entitlement, victimization, covetousness, unhappiness, reasons for giving up, and quitting.
I want to notice my bread blessings and live with my injuries, or even inconveniences just like that little bird.
After all as the songwriter reminds us well, “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He’s watching me.”
I am blessed.
God’s heart, not mine, is the measure of his giving; not my capacity to receive, but his capacity to give.
God’s Heart The Source Of All Blessing, Volume 45, Sermon #2641 - 2 Samuel 7:21
Charles Spurgeon
My how burdened we are with blessings.
But you know an important part of Bible study is the language study.
What was the original intent and meaning of the author?
What is the meaning of the word that we translated this?
One way you can do that is by comparing translations.
When I did that with this verse I found out that translators don’t agree with how this verse should read.
Through the help of others I noticed a pattern and I want to share that pattern with you in a way that I am borrowing from Robert J. Morgan.
The rest of my outline will be the way other translations give us the verse.
We have seen the KJV/ NKJV tells us we are burdened with blessings...
2. Burden Bearer (NIV)
Psalm 68:19 Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.
we sometimes have burdens heavier than we can bear -
I love Psalm 55:22 “22 Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”
I remember as a kid in school - my backpack full of heavy books, notebooks, supplies, and gym clothes.
I would be pushed down - weighted by the load on my back - bulging and ripping at the seams.
I would get ready to sit down on the bus to go home and I would slip that backpack off my shoulder and let the bus carry it home.
Oh I knew it was there, I might have to change its position is someone wanted to sit next to me or if we hit a big pothole - But the bus was bearing my load
It was far more powerful and stronger than I was.
It didn’t even feel the strain of pulling my little backpack compared to the weight of itself
Oh our burdens - our worries, our cares, our grief, our sorrows, our unknowns and whatever fill our spiritual backpack until we think we are going to die under its weight
But can I remind you we have one who is stronger than we are, who is more powerful, who doesn’t even feel the strain of bearing your burden who wants us to just slip it off our shoulder and let him bear it awhile - or forever...
It doesn’t mean that burden is going to magically disappear or evaporate - but the weight of it, the heavy part is being varied by someone else
The songwriter said,
what a friend we have in Jesus
all our sins and griefs to Bear what a
privilege to carry Everything To God In
Oh we are burdened with blessings, and we are burdened by other things in life - but we have a burden bearer - one who will carry our load
I want to look at one more....
3. Up Bearer (ESV)
Psalm 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation.
Oh I know our burdens weigh us down and sometimes they get heavy - but sometimes we get tired, we don’t think we can take another step.
As a young christian I thought of the poem Footprints in the Sand as sentimental and frothy
As I’ve gotten older I see the depth and richness of that little truth
The poem tells the story of a man having a dream of him and God walking on the beach.
As they walked along scenes from his life flashed in the sky.
In these scenes he notices two sets of footprints, his and the Lords.
When the scenes ended he looked back over and noticed some of the hardest, most treacherous spots had only one set of footprints and it bothered him and he asked the Lord about it.
God’s response in the poem is powerful.
"My son, my precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."
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