Can Christ Return in 2027

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1 ‌Introduction
2 ‌ The Cosmic Week Idea
2.1 ‌ Sabbatical Years and Jubilee Years End in 2027
2.2 Spirit of Prophecy Pointing to the Year 2027
2.3 The True Meaning of Matthew 24:36
3 ‌ The Year 2027 in Daniel 12
3.1 The traditional interpretation of Daniel 12:11-12
3.2 The New Historic Interpretation Leading to the Year 2027
3.3 The possibility of Dual and Additional Application
3.4 Time of Trouble “For a Time, Times, and Half a Time” (Daniel 12:7) ‌
3.5 ‌ Symbolic and Literal Days in Daniel 12:7,11,12
3.6 Future Application of Literal Days in Daniel 12
3.7 ‌ Spirit of Prophecy on Daniel 12
3.8 Ellen White on Future Time Setting ‌
4 Signs of the Times Proving that the End is Very Close
4.1 Pandemic and mRNA vaccination
4.2 mRNA vaccination represents another abomination of desolation
4.3 Covid-19 Vaccine (Spike Protein) Detox
4.4 ‌ Global Digitalization
4.5 Global Warming Hysteria and Pope’s Green Sunday Law
5 How Should We Respond ‌
5.1 Study and Accept the Fully Restored Gospel
5.2 Time to Leave the Cities
6 ‌ Supporters vs Opponents of the Imminent Coming of Christ
7 Summary
8 ‌ Sources ‌
‌“And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11).
"Transgression has almost reached its limit. Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. God's people should be preparing for what is to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise” (Child Guidance, 555:1).
In my almost 40-year-long experience as a Christian and Seventh-day Adventist, I’ve never had tendencies to think about setting a time for Christ’s return. However, the recent unprecedented and shocking facts associated with the pandemic, the current united worldwide effort to impose the New World Order ("Global Reset"), and papal attempts to introduce Sunday law based on the false climate change hysteria, persuaded me that the Spirit of God must be now departing from this world and therefore the end is very close.
It is very interesting that the same estimated time of the end of the 6000 years can be established on the basis of not one but many sources including Daniel 12:11-12, the cosmic week theory, the final jubilee year, the final sabbatical year, as well as statements provided by the Spirit of Prophecy. I was very surprised and thrilled after discovering the fact that all these sources seem to agree and lead to the same year 2027.
If the presented here end-time estimation is correct, and the year 2027 is indeed going to be the last one in the 6000-year-long history of our world, then the final sabbatical period of seven years has already started in 2020 when the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of the pandemic regarded as the first stage in the plan known as the New World Order and the Great Reset. It will be followed by the digitalization of the world, a cashless society, enforcement of the false day of worship, and persecution of God's Commandments-keeping people.
Nevertheless, Prof. Walter Veith and Pastor David Gates, are right in suggesting that it shouldn't be our intention to persuade anyone that we can set the year 2027 as a definite and unquestionable time for Christ’s return. We can't do this because although the presented here arguments seem to be convincing, the advice from the Spirit of Prophecy prevents us from suggesting a distinct and definite date, or from being certain that the suggested end-time estimation is free from errors. However, on the basis of my in-depth study and prayerful analysis of the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and other sources dealing with the same subject, my conscience is prompting me to share a sensible conclusion that it is possible for the final events to take place between years 2024 and 2027. I feel compelled to join other voices supporting the same idea because, if it is true, then it is now the last time to start preparing. If we neglect this warning and the current short time given by God, then at the time of the Sunday law enforcement and outpouring of the Holy Spirit it might be too late!
According to the Spirit of Prophecy, the precise time (the day and hour) of Christ’s return, will be verbally announced by God the Father Himself during the darkest hour of the persecution and shortly before the second advent. This is the best proof that we will not know the exact time (“day and hour”) of Christ’s return until the time of persecution. Nevertheless, after careful and prayerful analysis of this subject, I strongly believe that we are now living so close to the second advent that it is God’s will for all believers to recognise the estimated time of the final events. Such knowledge and the right attitude should become for us a wake-up call, and since we don’t set a precise or definite time for the second advent, we should not be disappointed or lose faith even if the final events will be delayed by a couple of years. 
Concerning the timing of the final events, what matters is not whether it is going to be the year 2027 or 2031 but rather the idea that this time the end is truly very close and that this awareness should lead us to the spiritual revival encouraging a total commitment to God and His truth. The closer we get to the above dates the more clearly we should see that this is the time we’ve been waiting for. If the conclusion leading to the year 2027 is right then we can expect that from now on things can only get worse, especially for the commandment-keeping people. The final events, such as the Sunday law enforcement and the latter rain, may take place earlier than we thought leaving us a very short time to prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the time of trouble. If the final events don't start in 2024 we won't lose anything but if they do then those of us who are "sleeping" risk losing everything if we don't wake up now and start redeeming the time every day as never before with constant fervent prayers, seeking the Lord in His Word, and leading other sinners to Christ and His truth!
"Unless we are daily advancing in the exemplification of the active Christian virtues, we shall not recognise the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain. It may be falling on hearts all around us, but we shall not discern or receive it" (TM 507).
“I saw that many were neglecting the preparation so needful, and were looking to the time of ‘refreshing’ and the ‘latter rain’ to fit them to stand in the day of the Lord, and to live in His sight. Oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble without a shelter! They had neglected the needful preparation; therefore they could not receive the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a holy God... I saw that none could share the 'refreshing' unless they obtain the victory over every besetment, over pride, selfishness, love of the world, and over every wrong word and action. We should, therefore, be drawing nearer and nearer to the Lord and be earnestly seeking that preparation necessary to enable us to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord. Let all remember that God is holy and that none but holy beings can ever dwell in His presence... We should watch and work and pray as though this were the last day that would be granted us. How intensely earnest, then, would be our life. How closely would we follow Jesus in all our words and deeds" (Early Writings, 71).
"On Sabbath afternoon one of our number was sick, and requested prayers that he might be healed. We all united in applying to the Physician who never lost a case, and while healing power came down, and the sick was healed, the Spirit fell upon me, and I was taken off in vision. I saw four angels who had a work to do on the earth, and were on their way to accomplish it. Jesus was clothed with priestly garments. He gazed in pity on the remnant, then raised His hands, and with a voice of deep pity cried, 'My blood, Father, My blood, My blood, My blood!' Then I saw an exceeding bright light come from God, who sat upon the great white throne, and was shed all about Jesus. Then I saw an angel with a commission from Jesus, swiftly flying to the four angels who had a work to do on the earth, and waving something up and down in his hand, and crying with a loud voice, “Hold! Hold! Hold! Hold! until the servants of God are sealed in their foreheads. I asked my accompanying angel the meaning of what I heard, and what the four angels were about to do. He said to me that it was God that restrained the powers, and that He gave His angels charge over things on the earth; that the four angels had power from God to hold the four winds, and that they were about to let them go; but while their hands were loosening, and the four winds were about to blow, the merciful eye of Jesus gazed on the remnant that were not sealed, and He raised His hands to the Father and pleaded with Him that He had spilled His blood for them. Then another angel was commissioned to fly swiftly to the four angels and bid them hold, until the servants of God were sealed with the seal of the living God in their foreheads!" (EW, pp. 37-38).
Since the subject is of great importance, do not draw any based on preconceived ideas conclusion before a prayerful and careful analysis of the presented here arguments. Please, read it repeatedly, pray over it, and if you are convinced that this message comes from the Lord, share it with others.
‌Please, pray now before reading this article asking for the enlightenment and guidance of the Holy Spirit who is to "lead us into all truth".
The Cosmic Week Idea
‌The idea known as the “cosmic week” refers to the belief that the end of the world should take place after six thousand years of the world’s history. According to this theory, each day of creation week represents a thousand years (2 Peter 3:8). Since God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day, similarly, this world is to exist for six thousand years, followed by one thousand years of the earth’s rest and the simultaneous heavenly rest of those who are going to be saved. In the Bible, it is known as the Millennium (Revelation 20:5) and it refers to the final Jubilee and the Sabbatical year of Leviticus 25:2-4 during which the earth will rest uncultivated.
Regarding the Jewish belief in the cosmic week idea, Wikipedia provides the following statement: “The Talmud, Midrash, and the Kabbalistic work, the Zohar state that the due date by which the Messiah must appear is 6,000 years from creation”  (Year 6000).
Below I have included quotes from early Christian writers who believed that at the end of 6,000 years of the world’s history, Christ would return and reign for 1,000 years (referred to as the Millennium).
Barnabas (AD 100): "As there had been 2,000 years from Adam to Abraham, and 2,000 from Abraham to Christ; so there will be 2,000 years for the Christian era and then would come the Millennium."
Irenaeus (AD 150): "For the day of the Lord is as a thousand years; and in six days created things were completed; it is evident, therefore, that they will come to an end at the sixth thousand years."
Lactantius (AD 325): “Let the philosophers know that the six thousandth year is not yet completed; and when this number is completed, the consummation must take place."
‌Some Seventh-day Adventist pioneers believed in the cosmic week. The most influential proponent of this idea was John N. Andrews whom Ellen White described as “the ablest of our men”. He was known to be able to recite the entire New Testament and almost the entire Old Testament. In 1883 he published a series of six articles in the Review with the general heading "The Great Week of Time" (11). The following quote comes from one of those articles:
“Peter says that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day (2 Peter 3:8).  By this we think he meant, not simply that the day of judgment will occupy the period of 1,000 years, though this fact seems to be revealed in Revelation 20, in what is said of the two resurrections, but we think that Peter also signified by it that the period devoted to the history of man before the day of judgment, was also indicated by the days that God employed in the work of creation.  We think, therefore, that at the end of 6,000 years from creation, the day of judgment will commence, and that that day will last for the period of 1,000 years... It has been the faith of the most eminent servants of God, not only during the entire gospel dispensation but also during some hundred years previous to Christ's first advent, that the period of 6,000 years from the creation would extend to the day of Judgment. And we think that the most careful study of the chronology of the Bible and of the prophetic periods will strongly confirm this view. ‌Though the two great prophetic periods of Daniel 8 and Daniel 12 do not mark the exact time of Christ's coming, they evidently terminate not far from that event, and we shall find on examination that if the age of the world at the dates of the commencement of these two periods be added to the periods themselves, we shall have in each case very nearly the sum of 6,000 years. We shall have occasion to speak at some length on this point hereafter, and we shall also have occasion to speak of the sabbatical year and the year of jubilee, in Lev. 25, as typifying the great week of 7,000 years” (11)
Please notice that the frequently used word “we” indicates that apart from him also other Seventh-Day Adventists, including Ellen White, must have believed in the cosmic week idea.
‌Another important fact is that J. N. Andrews links the cosmic week idea with the sabbatical and jubilee years, discussed later in this article.
Apart from the writings of the pioneers, the last generation of God’s people has been blessed with the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy revealed in the writings and life of Ellen White who, as shown in the following chapters, repeatedly stated that this world is to exist six thousand years followed by the seventh thousand, known as the Millennium, the time of earth’s rest.
Sabbatical Years and Jubilee Years End in 2027
‌As suggested by J. N. Andrews, the Cosmic Week idea is closely related to the final sabbatical year and the final jubilee year that are to take place at the end of 6000 years of world history.
Leviticus 25 ordains a Sabbath year, after every sixth year (one in every seventh year) (Lev. 25:1-7), and a jubilee year, after every forty-nine years (one in every fiftieth year) (Lev. 25:8-17).
‌In the Sabbath year, each field was to rest uncultivated every seventh year, which appears to be a sound agricultural practice. The key reason why currently the food we consume is so low in magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium, and other life-sustaining minerals, is that we’ve been constantly abusing the soil without letting it rest so that it could replenish its mineral content.
A jubilee year happens once every 50 years. In that year all leased or mortgaged lands were to be returned to their original owners, and all slaves and bonded labourers were to be set free (Lev. 25:10).
‌In the period of the world history of 6000 years (from the fall of Adam till the return of Christ) there are 120 jubilees (120 x 50-year periods = 6000). There were 80 jubilees in the 4000 years of the Old Testament and there are 40 jubilees in the 2000-year period of the New Testament. The last of the 80 jubilees of the Old Testament period was announced by Christ at the beginning of His ministry in 27 AD (Luke 4:18-19):
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
According to The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, “the 'acceptable year of the Lord' is reminiscent of the year of jubilee, when slaves were freed, debts were canceled, and entailed land was turned back to its original owner (Leviticus 25:10; 15,24).”
Jesus started His ministry at about 30 years of age (according to the Jewish calendar) and was crucified at about 33 1/2. This corresponds to our calendar date of 27 AD. Because in 27 AD, Christ entered the last Jubilee overlapping from the Old Testament period of 4000 years (it was the 80th Jubilee of the OT and 27 AD was the 4000-year mark in time), we need to add 40 Jubilees (40 x 50-year periods = 2000 years). Therefore, the final jubilee year (at the end of 6000 years of the world’s history) should take place in the year 2027 (27 + 2000 = 2027)!
Jesus started His ministry in jubilee and therefore He should return in the last jubilee year (2027). Jubilee is also a perfect picture of the Millennium because in Jubilee years slaves were set free and the land was given back to the original owner. Likewise, when Christ returns, those who believe in Him will be set free from carnal natures and Satan’s oppression, and the Earth will be given back to its original owner (the Son of Man with Adam and his descendants who accepted Jesus as their Saviour).
Ellen White stated that after Christ’s return, which will take place at the end of six thousand years, the next stage will be “the jubilee, when the land should rest” (Early Writings, 35). It means that the earth will rest uncultivated for thousand years while all the saved will spend the same period of time in heaven:
“Then commenced (started) the jubilee, when the land should rest. I saw the pious slave rise in triumph and victory and shake off the chains that bound him, while his wicked master was in confusion and knew not what to do; for the wicked could not understand the words of the voice of God. Soon appeared the great white cloud. It looked more lovely than ever before. On it sat the Son of man” (Early Writings, p 35).
By the way, if you think that today our world is free from slavery, think again. “Almost 50 million people, or one in every 150 worldwide, are in situations of modern slavery”, according to the International Labour Organization, and it is getting worse every year.
It is also important for us to know that if the above calculation is correct, then the last sabbatical period of 7 years has already started in 2020, and if this world is going to last 6000 years, the last Sabbatical year of world history should be the year 2027. The same year is the last year of the Jubilee. It is significant that the virus responsible for the Covid-19 “plandemic” was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and that the World Health Organization declared that outbreak a pandemic on 11 March 2020, thus introducing the unprecedented time of “medical terrorism” and the first stage in the Satan-inspired plan of globalization of the world leading to the world-wide totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is defined as “a form of government and a political system that prohibits all opposition and exercises a complete degree of control and regulation over public and private life”. That is exactly what we experienced during the pandemic and there is no doubt it will get worse in the near future.
Another fought-provoking truth is that the year 2020 when the plandemic was officially announced, was the first year of the last sabbatical period that ends in 2027 which will be the final sabbatical and jubilee year of the 6000 years of world history (if we assume that 6000-year period starts in 27 AD).
If this calculation is true, then we can expect that the beginning of the final events (including enforcement of Sunday laws, spiritual revival, the proclamation of the gospel, and outpouring of the Holy Spirit) should take place very soon from now (December 2022), possibly late 2023- early 2024!
Also, Ezekiel 1:1-2 helps us to identify the jubilee year which occurs every 50 years: “Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God. In the fifth day of the month, which was the fifth year of king Jehoiachin's captivity.”
Albert Barnes' Notes on the Whole Bible helps us to understand how the Jubilee fits into this verse: "Others date from the 18th year of Josiah, when Hilkiah discovered the book of the Law (supposed to be a jubilee year) this would give 594 BC as the 30th year..."
Also, the Analysis of Sacred Chronology seems to confirm the conclusion: “The year of the observance of that Passover was, without doubt, a jubilee, and the thirtieth year of Ezekiel 1:1, is evidently the thirtieth from that jubilee.”  (1850, Sylvester Bliss, p. 131.)
A similar suggestion is found in John Gill’s Commentary: “Ezekiel 1:1: Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year. Either from the last jubilee, as R. Joseph Kimchi, Jarchi, and Abendana; or from the time that the book of the law was found by Hilkiah the priests.”
If 594 BC was the thirtieth year since the last jubilee, then this would give 574 BC as the next jubilee after adding 20 more years.  If we add 12 more jubilees of 50 years (or 600 years) to 574 BC, we come to 27 AD as the last jubilee in the 4000-year period from the fall of Adam!
574 BC = 68th jubilee from the fall of Adam + 12 Jubilees = 27 AD (Christ’s baptism)
4000 - 27 = 3974 BC (the year of Adam’s fall)
3974 BC (fall of Adam) + 4000 years = 27 AD (Christ’s baptism in the 80th jubilee) + 2000 years (40 Jubilees) = 2027 AD (end of 6000 years and the last 120th Jubilee) marking the beginning of the Millennium (1000 years of rest).
In the year 2027, there will be 120 jubilees since the fall of Adam (120 x 50 = 6,000). It is interesting that the same number 120 was reflected in the time before the flood and in the life of Moses. 120 years was the time God granted to man before the Flood (Genesis 6:3). Moses, who was a type of Christ, was given 120 years divided into three 40-year sections: 40 years in Egypt, 40 years in Midian, and the last 40 years delivering God’s people from slavery in Egypt and travelling with them to the promised land. Much like Christ who has been leading His people to the heavenly Canaan for the period of 40 jubilees (2000 years).
It is mind-blowing how God is using numbers in His amazing plan of salvation. Every major event in this plan has its due time and finds its implementation with breathtaking precision. The same is true regarding the final events that are still ahead of us.
Here is what the 1914 edition of Bible Readings for the Home Circle, the written by 300 Adventist scholars book that was known as the most effective in leading people to Christ and His truth, says about Sabbatical years:
"The millennium is a great sabbath of rest, both for the earth and for God's people. For six thousand years the earth and its inhabitants have been groaning under the curse of sin. The millennium, the seventh thousand, will be a sabbath of rest and release; for, says the prophet concerning the land, 'as long as she lay desolate she kept Sabbath' (2 Chron. 36:21)... Israel's Babylonish captivity, under Nebuchadnezzar and his sons, was seventy years long because for 420 years, or for six times seventy years, from the days of Solomon to Nebuchadnezzar's time, they had largely neglected to keep the Sabbath (See Eze. 22:8,26; Jer. 25:8-11; 17:24, 27; 2 Chron. 36:15-21). The seventy years' desolation made up for the 420 years of Sabbath desecration. So during the millennium, or the one thousand years after Christ's second advent, the whole earth will lie desolate, or keep Sabbath, for one thousand years, because for six thousand years the world's inhabitants have disregarded the Sabbath. See this period and condition pointed out in Rev. 20:1-4; Isa. 24:1-6; Jer. 4:23-27. The periods of rest and desolation of the land are divinely appointed sabbatical compensations for man's irreligion, as manifested in Sabbath desecration. They are impressive lessons on the importance of keeping the seventh-day Sabbath, and the results of breaking and disregarding it" (Section 9, Chapter 101: The Sabbath in History).
It is interesting that the Messianic Jews believe in the cosmic week theory and are expecting the Messiah to come at about the same time as we expect the return of Christ. They maintain that the Messianic time of rest will begin in the year 2033. Unfortunately, when the false Messiah (Satan pretending to be Christ) will appear before the glorious return of Christ, it is possible that he will deceive also the Messianic Jews. One of the reasons the Jews are pushing so hard for the rebuilding of the temple is because they expect the Messiah to come soon and enter the temple where he will reign for 1000 years.
Spirit of Prophecy Pointing to the Year 2027 
In Revelation 12:17 we read that the last generation of God’s true commandments keeping people have something special. They “have the testimony of Jesus Christ” which according to Revelation 19:10 is the “Spirit of Prophecy”. We, Seventh Day Adventists, strongly believe that this God-given “Spirit of Prophecy” was revealed in the life and writings of Ellen White. It is, therefore, our privilege and duty to find out if this “Spirit of Prophecy” God's remnant people should “have” or "hold fast to" (Revelation 12:17 NIV), can help us to find out when we should expect Lord Jesus to return.
In her writings, Ellen White repeatedly stated that this world was to exist for 6000 years. For instance, in the book Patriarchs and Prophets (Chapter 29—Satan’s Enmity against the Law), she wrote that Satan was given a specific period of six thousand years to demonstrate the results of the introduced by him the sin of “iniquity” (Ezek 28:15) which refers to the independent from God life according to the principle of egocentric love:
“The great plan of redemption results in fully bringing back the world into God’s favor. All that was lost by sin is restored. Not only man but the earth is redeemed, to be the eternal abode of the obedient. For six thousand years Satan has struggled to maintain possession of the earth. Now God’s original purpose in its creation is accomplished. The saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever.”
Since the Spirit of Prophecy tells us that this world, in its sinful state and under the rulership of Satan (from the fall of Adam till the second coming of Christ), was to last 6000 years, we need to find the beginning of this period of time. The next statement (found in the book Confrontation, p. 32.1) seems to be the most helpful in providing the required time setting:
“Christ, in the wilderness of temptation (it took place immediately after His baptism, in 27 AD), stood in Adam's place to bear the test he failed to endure. Here Christ overcame on the sinner's behalf, four thousand years after Adam turned his back upon the light of his home.”
We are told here that from the fall of Adam till the temptation of Christ (in 27 AD) in the wilderness (immediately after Christ’s baptism) there were four thousand years. At that time Christ was 27 years old. Therefore, in order to figure out the end of the six-thousand-year period we must simply add two thousand to the twenty-seven years (the age of Christ at that time). As a result, we have the year 2027 which is the sum of 4000 years from the fall of Adam till Christ’s temptation in the wilderness, plus 2000 years to make the 6000-year period of world history between the fall of Adam till Christ’s return!
That, however, doesn’t necessarily mean we can set the exact year of Christ’s return. We still are not able to do this because we can’t be sure whether by “four thousand years” Sister White meant a precise or an approximate time. For this reason, we can’t set a definitive or exact time of the end. Nevertheless, based on the above statement we can draw a reasonable conclusion that Christ's return in 2027 is possible, or that we may at least expect the end-time events around the year 2027, meaning that the end-time events can still take place earlier or later. There is nothing wrong with such an idea, and with this attitude, no one should be disappointed in case nothing happens in 2027.
It is possible that the “four thousand years” in the above statement may not be an exact but rather an approximate period of time because in another statement Ellen White seems to suggest that the period of four thousand years ended at the time of Christ’s crucifixion:
“In A.D. 31, three and a half years after His baptism, our Lord was crucified. With the great sacrifice offered upon Calvary, ended that system of offerings which for four thousand years had pointed forward to the Lamb of God. Type had met antitype, and all the sacrifices and oblations of the ceremonial system were there to cease” (Great Controversy, pp. 327, 328).
Since according to this statement the end of four thousand years is linked with the death of Jesus, which took place in 31 AD, we could assume that the end of the six-thousand-year period should take place in 2031. However, we can draw this conclusion only on the condition that "the sacrificial system" started at the time of Adam's fall. Some believe it started when God made skin garments for Adam and Eve after they sinned (Gen 3:21). The problem, however, is that we can't make such a conclusion only on the basis of Gen 3:21. Also Ellen White never confirmed this idea. According to William Fagal, Director Ellen G. White Estate, "In Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 61, she (Ellen White) says merely that God provided a garment of skins for them (Adam and Eve), a statement which echoes the verse you have referred to. Every other reference to that event which I could find in her writings said essentially the same thing."
I believe that it is more probable that the "sacrificial system" officially started when Adam, who sinned against the holy law of God and was condemned to death, personally expressed his faith in the promised Savior by sacrificing the lamb for the first time:
“The sacrificial offerings were ordained by God to be to man a perpetual reminder and a penitential acknowledgement of his sin and a confession of his faith in the promised Redeemer. They were intended to impress upon the fallen race the solemn truth that it was sin that caused death. To Adam, the offering of the first sacrifice was a most painful ceremony. His hand must be raised to take life, which only God could give. It was the first time he had ever witnessed death, and he knew that had he been obedient to God, there would have been no death of man or beast. As he slew the innocent victim, he trembled at the thought that his sin must shed the blood of the spotless Lamb of God. This scene gave him a deeper and more vivid sense of the greatness of his transgression, which nothing but the death of God’s dear Son could expiate. And he marveled at the infinite goodness that would give such a ransom to save the guilty. A star of hope illumined the dark and terrible future and relieved it of its utter desolation” (Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 68).
The above statement fits the picture of the first sacrifice that initiated the whole "sacrificial system". Unfortunately, we don't know when exactly that first sacrifice took place. If it was three and a half years after the fall, that would explain why Ellen white in one place states that 4000 years ended at the time of Christ's baptism (27 AD) while in another place she suggests that the same period ended at the time of Christ's death (31 Ad).
Nevertheless, taking into consideration that we are dealing with the end of a very long period of six thousand years of the world's history, the three- or four-year difference seems to be insignificant.
Statements Contradicting the 6000-Year Period
There is one statement by Ellen White that seems to contradict the above idea of 6000 years of the world's history. It has been found in Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene (page 154). It makes the calculation of 6000 years more uncertain because it adds the word “over” to the 6000 years:
“The continual transgression of man for over six thousand years has brought sickness, pain, and death as its fruit. And as we draw near the close of time, Satan’s temptations to indulge appetite will be more powerful, and more difficult to resist.”
Fortunately, there were some curious minds that managed to find out a surprising reason for the addition of the word “over” in that statement. In 1977 Dr Robert Gentry contacted the Ellen White Estate concerning this statement and was told that the word “over” was a copying error and that this word doesn’t exist in the original statement by Ellen White which is found in the 3rd volume of Testimonies, page 491:
“The continual transgression of man for six thousand years has brought sickness, pain, and death as its fruits. And as we near the close of time, Satan's temptation to indulge appetite will be more powerful and more difficult to overcome.”
The word “over” is not found in the above original statement. Therefore, it must have been added to the same sentence when it was copied and included in the book Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene.
There is another, similar quote by Ellen White, derived from Historical Sketches (p. 133), which also seems to suggest “more than six thousand years” of the world’s existence:
“More than six thousand years of continual practice has greatly increased his (Satan’s) skill to deceive and allure... This is one great reason why the temptations of the last days will be more severe than those of any other age.”
In this statement, Ellen White doesn’t refer to the age of the great controversy on earth but to the time period in which Satan was practising deception. And, since he started practising deception in heaven before he deceived Adam and Eve, he could do it for “over six thousand years”. This statement does not deal with the time of the earth or the time since the fall but it deals with how long the devil was in the deception business. It could last over 6000 years because it started in heaven before the world was created.
The same expression “more than six thousand years” was used by Ellen White in the book The Story of Jesus (Chapter 32—The Home of the Saved):
“And for more than six thousand years, in its forms of beauty and gifts for sustenance, the earth has borne witness of the Creator’s love.”
From the title of the chapter “The Home of the Saved” and the context, we know that this statement doesn't refer to the age of the world from fall until the second coming of Christ but it deals with the world history from creation and also including the Millenium period (after Christ’s return).
The True Meaning of Matthew 24:36
Matthew 24:36: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.”
The 1930 Concordant Version of the Sacred Scriptures translates Matthew 24:36 in the following way: “That day and hour not yet anyone has perceived, not yet the messengers [angels] of the heavens, not yet the Son, [but] the Father only.”
It is thought by many Christians, that this passage proves that men are never to know the time of the second advent. But if it proves this, it also proves, that the Son of God Himself, does not know the time; for the passage declares precisely the same concerning Him. But, can you believe that the divine Lord, the "Alpha and Omega" "in whom dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily", is and will remain ignorant of the time of His return until it takes place? There are many Bible passages that clearly state that Christ is God and knows everything including the future. Therefore, in Matthew 24:36 He couldn't mean He didn't know the time of His return.
The expression "no one knows the day or hour" is a Hebrew idiom: In the past, the common answer given by the bridegroom to someone asking the question about the wedding date was a well know Hebrew idiom: "I don’t know, the angels don’t know, ask my dad!" The bridegroom might very well reply using another favourite idiom, "when the time is right." It is possible that when Christ stated "you do not know the day or the hour", He was using a common wedding idiom meaning that it will be revealed when it is the appropriate time to do so. This is in accordance with the same question asked by Daniel. The answer was, "seal up the book until the time of the end' (Daniel 12:1-4), or until the appropriate time.
The word "knows" (Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32) has been translated from the Greek word "eido" [G1492] which is used here in the perfect tense. The perfect tense describes something that was true or completed in the past, was still presently true at the time it is spoken, but which will not necessarily be true in the future. Therefore, it can’t be regarded as an absolute statement meaning that no one will ever know. As a matter of fact, it would contradict numerous scriptures that clearly state that the Bride of Christ will know and will the time of His coming and will not be taken by surprise (Amos 3:7, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5, Hebrews 10:25, Revelation 3:3).
Furthermore, the word "eido" can be translated as "to make known". Paul uses "eido" in this way in 1 Corinthians 2:2 when he says “I have determined not to make known to you nothing except Christ crucified.” If this is the way Christ used the word "eido" in Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32, then He could mean that neither Him, the angels, nor the believers will make known or declare the exact day and hour of the second coming but only the Father will declare or announce it. Accepting this understanding of Matthew 24:36 we can conclude that true believers can and will know the approximate time (maybe even year and season) of Christ's return but the precise time (the day and the hour) will be announced (make known) by God the Father.
According to James White, “Jesus has left us the sure promise, that His Father will make known the day and the hour of His coming. The ‘Lord God’ has promised to speak, and assures us that the word that He will speak ‘shall come to pass'” (James White, A Word to the Little Flock, p. 5–6).
Barnes Notes on the Bible: "Others have said that the verb rendered 'knoweth' means something to 'make known' or to reveal, and that the passage means, 'that day and hour, none makes known, neither the angels, nor the Son, but the Father.' It is true that the word has sometimes that meaning, as in 1 Corinthians 2:2...".
This assumption has been confirmed by the Spirit of Prophecy: “The sky opened and shut and was in commotion. The mountains shook like a reed in the wind, and cast out ragged rocks all around. The sea boiled like a pot and cast out stones upon the land. And as God spoke the day and the hour of Jesus’ coming and delivered the everlasting covenant to His people, He spoke one sentence, and then paused, while the words were rolling through the earth. The Israel of God stood with their eyes fixed upward, listening to the words as they came from the mouth of Jehovah, and rolled through the earth like peals of loudest thunder. It was awfully solemn” (Early Writings, p. 34).
In 1865 James White wrote a booklet titled "The Second Advent" and on page 18 he explained how he understood the words of Christ written in Matthew 24:36: “Many hastily conclude from this text that nothing whatever may be ascertained relative to the period of the second advent. But, in taking this position, they greatly err, in that they make this class of texts prove too much, even for their unbelief, and which at the same time arrays these declarations against others uttered by the Saviour, the most plain and pointed. We object to this position”.
In this statement James White simply meant that it is wrong to claim on the basis of Matthew 24:36 that Jesus doesn’t want us to know when He is going to return because He himself gave many signs of the times in order to help us recognize the end time. Please notice that James White wrote, “we object to this position”. The word “we” must have included also Ellen White as at that time they were already married for almost 20 years.
Here are the arguments James White provided to express his belief that in Matthew 24:36 Christ didn’t mean that we wouldn’t know the time of His coming:
“He (Christ) says: 'Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when its branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door.' Matthew 24:32, 33... No language can be more direct. No proof can be more complete. With all that certainty with which we know that summer is nigh when we see the buds and the leaves shoot forth from the trees in spring, may we know that Christ is at the doors. The most daring unbelief will hardly venture to deny these words of the Son of God, and assert that nothing can be known of the period of his second coming.
‌Because our Lord declares that as the days of Noah were, so should also the coming of the Son of man be. Said God to Noah, 'My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh; yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.' Genesis 6:3. The period of the flood was given to the patriarch. And under the direct providence of God, he prepared the ark and warned the people. So the fulfilling prophecies and the signs distinctly declare that the second coming of Christ is at the doors, and the solemn message of warning has gone forth. Those who claim that the text proved that nothing may be known of the period of the second advent make it prove too much. As recorded by Mark, the declaration reads: 'But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in Heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.' If the text proves that men will know nothing of the period of the second advent, it also proves that angels will know nothing of it, and also that the Son will know nothing of it, till the event takes place! this position proves too much, therefore, proves nothing to the point. Christ will know of the period of his second advent to this world. The holy angels, who wait around the throne of Heaven to receive messages relative to the part they act in the salvation of men, will know of the time of this closing event of salvation. And so will the waiting, watching people of God understand. An old English version of the passage reads, 'But that day and hour no man maketh known, neither the angels which are in Heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.' This is the correct reading, according to several of the ablest critics of the age. The word know is used in the same sense here that it is by Paul, in 1 Corinthians 2:2: 'For I determined not to know [make known] anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.' Men will not make known the day and hour, angels will not make it known, neither will the Son; but the Father will make it known... The Father will make it known when it pleases him... ‌When Noah’s work of warning and building was finished, God said to him, 'Come thou and all thy house into the ark. For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights.’ ‌So when the waiting, watching, toiling time shall be finished, and the saints shall all be sealed, and shut in with God, then will the voice of the Father from Heaven make known the definite time.”
According to the above quote by James White, it is clear that Christ didn’t mean in Mathew 24:36 that He, angels, or God’s people wouldn’t know the time of the end. He simply meant that neither He nor angels would make known (or announce) the precise time of the second advent, but God Himself will announce it with His own voice. The below quote by Ellen White proves it:
“The Day and Hour of Christ's Coming Announced. ‘But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only’. Matthew 24:36. The voice of God is heard from heaven, declaring the day and hour of Jesus’ coming, and delivering everlasting covenant to His people. Like peals of loudest thunder His words roll through the earth (The Great Controversy, 640)… He spoke one sentence, and then paused, while the words were rolling through the earth. The Israel of God stood with their eyes fixed upward, listening to the words as they came from the mouth of Jehovah and rolled through the earth like peals of loudest thunder. It was awfully solemn. At the end of every sentence the saints shouted, ‘Glory! Hallelujah!’ (Early Writings, 285, 286)… Then commenced the jubilee, when the land should rest" (Early Writings, 35).
On the basis of the above, we can draw a conclusion that God’s people living before the second advent should and will know the approximate time of Christ’s return before it happens. However, since shortly before the second advent, God Himself will announce its exact time (day and hour), it seems obvious that God’s people may only know the estimated, rough, imprecise, or inexact time of Christ’s return, maybe even year, but not the day and the hour.
There is, therefore, nothing wrong if someone links the final events with the year 2027 or 2031 on the basis of the above quotes by the Spirit of Prophecy. It would be even strange if God’s people wouldn’t know when to expect Christ’s return, especially if we take into consideration that the time of Christ’s first advent was provided by prophet Daniel long before it took place.
I believe that the words of Christ written in Mathew 24:36 were meant to be understood as a warning for Christians living in the past to prevent them from setting the time of the second advent and from being disappointed. But it is not to be understood as a warning for the very last generation of Christians.
David Gates - How much time do we have left? Full Interview English (video)
Benson Commentary on Mark 13:32 links the words of Christ with the destruction of Jerusalem and not the second advent: “It is stated in 1 Corinthians 2:2, Paul writes, 'I determined to know nothing among you, but Jesus Christ, and Him crucified,' that is, 'I determined to make known, to preach nothing among you, but Jesus Christ.' So likewise in the text, But of that day and that hour none maketh you to know, none hath power to make you know it ... neither man, nor angels, nor even the Son Himself, can reveal the day and hour of the destruction of Jerusalem to you, because the Father hath determined that it should not be revealed. The divine wisdom saw fit to conceal from the apostles, and the other disciples of Jesus, the precise period of the destruction of Jerusalem, in order that they might be laid under a necessity of watching continually."
Also, An Exposition of the New Testament by J. Gill applies the words of Christ to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and not to the second coming: "It is to be understood, not of the second coming of Christ, the end of the world, and the last judgment; but of the coming of the son of man, to take vengeance on the Jews, and of their destruction; for the words manifestly regard the date of the several things going before... (pp. 296)."
The Year 2027 in Daniel 12
“The people of God need to study what characters they must form in order to pass through the test and proving of the last days. Many are living in spiritual weakness and backsliding. They know not what they believe. Let us read and study the twelfth chapter of Daniel. It is a warning that we shall all need to understand before the time of the end” (Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 15, 228).
The traditional interpretation of Daniel 12:11-12
Even for Adventist scholars and experts in the field of prophecies, Daniel 12 seems to be difficult to find a clear application. For this reason, some of them prefer to avoid it in order to prevent a possible incorrect interpretation. The best example is the excellent book by Clifford Goldstein, “1844 Made Simple” which deals with all the chapters of the book of Daniel, except chapter 12. Another popular Adventist source suggests that 1290 and 1335 days/years in Daniel 12:11-12 are probably related to the 1260-day prophecy, and therefore, they may just overlap each other. It also concludes that “there is no official view from our denomination on the 1290 and 1335 days. Therefore, for now, some observations must come from continued personal research.”
In recent years some Seventh-day Adventists began applying the time periods in Dan 12:5-13 to the future, claiming that the three and a half times, the 1290 and 1335 days, as prophetic periods can be also understood as literal days still to come. Others tend to interpret the time periods of Dan 12 as merely a literary technique that suggests an apparent “delay” of the time of the end. There are also those who believe that these prophecies could have more than one interpretation and that it is not possible to state with certainty how they were to be fulfilled.
The typical dates assigned by Adventist interpreters to these two prophetic time periods, found in Daniel 12:11-12, are 508-1798 for the 1290 days/years and 508-1843 for the 1335-day/year period. As a starting point for these prophecies, the year 508 AD was chosen to fit the time frame until 1798 and 1843. The date refers to the converted to Catholicism French king Clovis I who in 508 AD was supposed to assume the role of defender of the Catholic faith.
However, these dates don’t seem to be very convincing because Daniel 12 is an epilogue for the entire book of Daniel and clearly refers to the very end time, resurrection, and second advent. Therefore these two last prophetic periods should be linked with the very end of the final events. We can see this idea in Daniel 12 in the specific words used there. Expressions such as “time of trouble” (the final persecution of God’s people), “your people shall be delivered”, “those who sleep shall awake”, and "seal the book until the time of the end" clearly tell us that this chapter goes beyond the year 1843 reaching the very end-time events and the second advent. According to Strong's concordance, the word "end" used here refers to extremity, border, final, and edge. Therefore, the time periods found in Daniel 12:11-12 should refer to the end of the world's history and not merely the year 1843.
The New Historic Interpretation Leading to the Year 2027
It also looks reasonable that 1335 years, instead of overlapping the 1290-year period, should be added to it. It makes sense as according to the context, these two verses (Daniel 12:11-12) deal with the very end of the world's history, and when we add these two long prophetic periods, the date we receive actually embraces the end-time events, possibly including the second advent.
Like the end of the book of Revelation also the end of the book of Daniel must point to the time of Christ’s return. The book of Revelation ends up with the words, “surely I am coming quickly. Amen, come, Lord Jesus!”. Likewise, the final verses of the book of Daniel refer to the same “blessed” event and not merely to time periods and dates already dealt with in the previous chapters of the book of Daniel.
The answer was given to Daniel's question “what shall be the end of these things?”. The expression “these things” refers to the events that were to take place long after 1843, including especially the final persecution of God’s people known as the “time of trouble” (Daniel 12:1). It is obvious that Daniel wanted to know the answer to the same question Christ’s disciples asked Him regarding the end of the world and His return. This argument proves that the answer Daniel received in the form of the prophetic periods has to lead to the final events. Therefore, the combination of 1,290-day and 1,335-day time periods should refer to the “blessed” event of the second advent, the deliverance of God’s people, and the resurrection (including Daniel’s resurrection).
In addition, Daniel was already given the explanation related to the years 1798 and 1844 in the previous chapters. He didn’t need merely a repetition of basically the same prophecy. He wanted to know more about the end of the last horrible persecution of God’s people and about the time of Christ’s return.
The word ”blessed” in Daniel 12:13 can be another evidence that the prophetic periods used here should end at the second advent and the resurrection of the believers because the word “blessed” is associated with the happiness of experiencing Christ’s return, salvation, and inheriting heaven at the second advent. In Matthew 5:3-11 Christ uses the word “blessed” nine times, and in most cases, it means “inheriting the kingdom of heaven” (v. 3,5,10), “seeing God” (v. 8), and “inheriting the earth” (v 5).
‌As previously mentioned, Adventist interpreters claim 508 AD as the starting date of this prophetic period. At that time the question of supremacy between the Catholic and Arian branches of Christianity was settled in favor of Catholicism by the subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks. Using the day-for-a-year rule (Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6), this makes the 1290 days (years) end in 1798 (at the same time as the 1260 days/years). If we start the 1335 days at the same time (508 AD), it brings us to 1843, very near the year 1844 which is the end of the 2300 days/years of Daniel 8:14.
The truth, however, is that the event claimed to be the beginning of those prophetic periods doesn't seem to match the description of the starting point because at that time the “daily sacrifice” was supposed to be “taken away”. The subjection of the Arian tribes by Clovis, king of the Franks as a starting date for Catholic supremacy doesn’t sound like a very convincing match for “abolishing the daily sacrifice”.
Having said that, let us now try to find out if there is a better and more convincing interpretation of the two prophetic periods of Daniel 12:11-12 and if this interpretation can refer to the end time.
A much more meaningful and significant date than 508 AD for the time of abolishing the daily sacrifices is the year 599 BC. According to the written by James Ussher (1581-1656) “Annals of the World”, in 599 BC Nebuchadnezzar’s army robbed the temple taking all the treasures (2 Kings 24:13-14). Also, Harry W. Lowe, Field Secretary of the General Conference, in his 1963 article published in the Ministry Magazine seemed to agree with Usher's dating: "By the threefold fall of Jerusalem at the hands of King Nebuchadnezzar (606, 599, 587 B.C.; see 2 Chron. 36:5-21) both Israel and Judah were captives in Babylonia... After the various deportations of the Jews, they were found in three main groups—one large group in Egypt to which they had fled when Jerusalem's fall was imminent in 599 B.C. or thereabouts, one in Babylonia, and the third in Pales­tine". (>) In the introduction to the book of Ezechiel, the popular Jamieson Fausset and Brown Commentary states as follows: "His (Ezechiel's) call to prophesy was in the fifth year from the date of his being carried away with Jehoiachin (see 2 Ki 24:11–15) by Nebuchadnezzar, 599 B.C. The best portions of the people seem to have been among the first carried away (Ez 11:16; Je 24:2–7, 8, 10)."
More modern sources (including SDA Commentary), however, claim that the event took place in 597 BC: "Thanks to the discovery of an astronomical tablet listing numerous solar, lunar, and planetary phenomena during Nebuchadnezzar's thirty-seventh year, we can date to the very day the capture of the Jewish king, Jehoiachin, in Nebuchadnezzar's eighth year (2 Kings 24:12). The date was March 16, 597 B.C., and the final assault appears to have been launched on the Jewish Sabbath."
It is interesting that describing that invasion, the Bible doesn’t mention anything about the ark of the covenant. The Second Book of the Maccabees (included in the Septuagint, a Greek collection of Jewish scripture) provides the explanation for this mystery. Shortly before the arrival of the Babylonian army, inspired by God prophet Jeremiah removed the ark from the temple and hid it in one of the caves. 2 Maccabees 2:4-8 tells us that before Babylonians invaded Jerusalem, Jeremiah left the city with three of the holiest temple relics. Those three relics included the sacred tent that was once used as a portable temple, the altar of incense, and the ark of the covenant. Jeremiah, being warned by God, commanded that the ark should be removed from the temple and hidden.
When the temple was plundered by the Babylonians the daily sacrifices stopped because it was impossible to continue those sacrifices without the ark of the covenant (containing the transgressed by sinners holy law) and its mercy seat made of gold overlay, the symbol of God's presence. In addition, we read that Nebuchadnezzar "carried all Jerusalem into exile”, which must have included all priests, because “only the poorest people of the land were left” (2 Kings 24:14).
Since, because of Israel's continual sin, the temple was plundered and deprived of the ark and God's presence, it practically seized to exist. For this reason, the daily sacrifices came to an end. They had to be “taken away” (Daniel 12:11) because in order to be valid, those daily sacrifices required the presence of the transgressed by sinners holy Law of God (hidden in the ark): "So David left Asaph and his relatives there before the ark of the covenant of the LORD to minister before the ark continually, as every day’s work required" (1 Chronicles 16:37). It doesn't mean that priests entered the most holy place every day as we know it took place only once a year, during the Great Day of Atonement. However, every day priests entered the holy place with the blood of animals sprinkling the veil in front of the ark without entering the most holy place. Therefore, also for the daily sacrificial service the presence of the transgressed by sinners holy law was required.
‌Now, having established the start day of 597 BC (or 597 BC) for the first long prophetic period of 1290 days (provided by Daniel 12:11), we must now add to it 1290 years to set the end date of the same period. As a result, we have the year 692 AD. Can this date provide an important event that could be described as the “abomination of desolation” and fit the definition given in Daniel 12:11?
Well, when we accept the year 597 BC as the starting date of 1290 years, then the closing date of 692 AD also matches the description of Daniel 12:11. Various reliable historical sources confirm that 692 AD is associated with the completion of constructing the Dome of the Rock. Although according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Dome of Rock was “built in 685–691” (>), numerous other sources claim the year 692 AD to be more precise: "Known as the Qubbat al-Sakhrah to Muslims, construction on the Dome of the Rock began in 691 CE and finished in 692 CE" (>, >, >).
 This fact perfectly fits the description provided by Daniel who defines that event as another "abomination of desolation" (Daniel 12:11) because a very hostile to Christianity pagan temple was built on the holy site of God’s temple.
‌The second possible date for the "abomination of the desolation" to take place could be the building of the Al-Aqsa (or Al-Aksa) Mosque on the same holy temple site in Jerusalem. "The Al-Aqsa Mosque is one of the two important buildings erected by Moslems on the platform built by Herod the Great. A Brief Guide to the Dome of the Rock and Al-Haram Al-Sharif, published in 1965, says the original Al-Aksa Mosque was built in A.D. 693 and later it was reconstructed and enlarged." (>) "The Dome of the Rock is NOT a mosque but it was built to protect this important site (the holy rock). Al-Aqsa, on the other hand, IS a mosque and is called such as the place where Mohamad ascended to heaven." (>) "Al-Aqsa Mosque was laid down by caliph Omar (or Umar) and consecrated in 693... Al-Aqsa Mosque has much larger capacity than that of the Dome of the Rock, which is more an architectural monument than a prayer house." (>) "The Muslims added two dominant structures to the site: The Dome of the Rock, built in 691 CE, that stands in the middle of the mount, directly over the ruins of the inner sanctuaries of the two temples; and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, built in 693 CE, in the southwestern corner of the mount." (>)
Instead of one, we may have two possible dates for the end of the 1290-year period, and both options can match the long time of 1290 years. The first and most convincing extends from 597 BC and ends in 692 BC (the construction of the Dome of Rock was finished). The second time application starts in 597 BC and ends in 693 AD (Al-Aqsa Mosque was built on the temple site in Jeruslem).
According to Wikipedia and other sources another possible date for the siege of Jerusalem is 598 BC: "The Babylonian Chronicles, which were published by Donald Wiseman in 1956, establish that Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem the first time on March 16, 597 BC. Before Wiseman's publication, E. R. Thiele had determined from the biblical texts that Nebuchadnezzar's initial capture of Jerusalem occurred in the spring of 597 BC, but other scholars, including William F. Albright, more frequently dated the event to 598 BC" [32] Also the British Museum website states that "In 598 BC the Babylonian army besieged Jerusalem. It fell on 15/16th March 597 BC" (33).
Now, since we have dates for the first prophetic period established, let us move to Daniel 12:12 and deal with the second period.
Immediately after Daniel was told about 1290 days/years (Daniel 12:11), another long prophetic period of 1335 days/years was added to the previous one:
“Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days” (Daniel 12:12).
Some Adventist interpreters, such as Kenneth Cox and Doug Batchelor, teach that these periods can be also treated as literal days and placed in the future referring to the final events. I believe that even if we still regard them as years, they will still lead us to the final events and the second advent.
However, the first period of 1290 years should start in 597 BC (not 508 AD) and end up in 692 AD, while the second period of 1335 years, instead of overlapping the first, should be treated as its continuation.
Notice that Daniel was told that “blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of 1,335 days (years)” as if to suggest that we are to wait for another 1335 years to reach the blessed time of Christ’s return and inherit God’s Kingdom.
What date do we get when we “wait” another 1335 years from the end of the 1290-year period?
As a result, when we count 1335 years from 692 AD (or add it to the 1290-year period), it leads us to the year 2027 AD!
‌This interpretation is more convincing because it fits the end time context and the scenario of Daniel 12:11-13 much better:
1) The daily sacrifice is abolished (597 BC - the Temple was plundered after the Ark of Covenant was removed from it).
2) The Abomination of Desolation follows 1,290 years later (the Dome of Rock build on the temple ground in 692 AD).
3) After the Abomination (691 AD) we must wait 1,335 more years for the “blessing” (2027: deliverance of the persecuted Christians, return of Christ, salvation, and resurrection of the believers, including Daniel).
The fact that the same year 2027 can be established on the basis of not one but three separate sources (the jubilee and sabbatical years, Daniel 12:11-12, and the Spirit of Prophecy), should finally wake us up and make us very happy as it increases the probability that this time the return of the Lord is very close indeed! If the year 2027 is correct and if it refers to the second advent then we can expect that the final events should start taking place very soon.
The possibility of Dual and Additional Application
‌Let me share with you a very interesting quote by Artur Stele, PhD and current vice president for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, in which he surprisingly seems to justify the possibility of a dual application of Daniel 12:11-13:
“Ellen G. White did not get involved in the debate about the physical resurrection of Daniel as presented in the final verse of the book. Instead, using the language of the verse, she applies it to the fact that the prophecies of Daniel have now been more clearly understood: 'The time has come for Daniel to stand in his lot. The time has come for the light given him to go to the world as never before. If those for whom the Lord has done so much will walk in the light, their knowledge of Christ and the prophecies relating to Him will be greatly increased as they near the close of this earth’s history’... The question remains, does the text itself provide any hint of a possible additional application? Although we do not find any textual justification for the dual fulfilment of the prophetic period mentioned in Daniel 12:12, nevertheless, the wording of Daniel 12:13 seems to point to a possible additional application besides the promise of resurrection given to Daniel himself. The indicator is found in the last word of the passage. For this last word, translated as “days,” Daniel uses two languages. He starts in Hebrew but ends the word in Aramaic. Although these two languages have the same root for the word “days”, the Hebrew beginning of the word cannot be mistaken because of the definite article. In Hebrew, the definite article comes as a prefix to the word, but in Aramaic, the definite article comes as a suffix to the word. In addition, the definite articles in these two languages are unmistakably different. If Daniel had used only Hebrew, it would point back to the word days used in referring to 1,335 days. If Daniel had used only an Aramaic word, it would just clearly and totally differentiate the word days in Daniel 12:13 from the word days used in Daniel 12:12. However, the fact that Daniel combines two languages in the final word may suggest that, although there is a clear distinction between the two passages, there still is some possible connection between them. Ellen G. White, without proficiency in ancient languages, nevertheless saw indicators that allowed her to make a noteworthy contribution in addition to the fulfilment of the promise of a physical resurrection for Daniel himself. Ellen G. White referred to the “resurrection” of the message of the book of Daniel. We can believe that the same Holy Spirit who guided Daniel in writing his book, guided Ellen G. White in understanding it.” (12) (Ministry, December 2021)
Unfortunately, in the above statement, Artur Stele does not explain what could be that suggested by him “additional application” of Daniel 12:11-13, and what could be the meaning of the fact that guided by the Holy Spirit Daniel wrote the very last word “days” using two languages.
Nevertheless, he seems to be right in suggesting that there is a “possible connection between” the last verses and also between the two long prophetic periods found in Daniel 12:12-13. That double application and the connection between those verses and time periods refer to the fact that these two prophetic periods should be connected or combined together ending at the time of the “blessed” return of the Lord, which also includes the day of Daniel’s resurrection. Those two periods should be connected in a similar way as Hebrew and Aramaic elements are connected in the final word “days”.
Ellen White was right in her comment on the last verses of the book of Daniel. Instead of confirming the past singular application suggested by her husband, Uriah Smith, and other authors, she only stated that the “knowledge of Christ and the prophecies relating to Him (his coming) will be greatly increased as we near the close of this earth’s history”.
Well, her words are being fulfilled now as we enter the last stage of the world's history and experience God’s “blessing” in the current “resurrection of the message of the book of Daniel” in the form of a deeper understanding of its final part.
Time of Trouble "For a Time, Times, and Half a Time” (Daniel 12:7)
The more I study Daniel 12, comparing it with other chapters and various Adventist interpretations, the more I am convinced about the possible double application of the three prophetic periods found in Daniel 12:7,11,12.
On one hand, 1290 days and 1335 days can and should be regarded as symbolic years and combined together lead us to the year 2027 and the second advent. On the other hand, the “time, times, and half a time” (the same 1260 days or three and a half years) can be treated as literal days and refer to the literal time of the time of trouble just before the second advent. This idea also seems to give us an additional reason why the word “days” (Daniel 12:13) was written in two languages, instead of one.
‌If we only overlap 1290- and 1335-year periods of time and count 1335 years from 599 BC we would have the year 737 AD. However, in the year 737 AD nothing significant happened to justify the solemn words received by Daniel: “Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.” (Daniel 12:12)
The only event that could be associated with the year 737 AD was the battles between the European Franks and the Umayyad Muslims in Southeastern France. The Franks destroyed the Umayyad stronghold and ended the advancement of the Islamic faith in Europe. Perhaps for some Christians, it could be regarded as a blessing, but the context of verse 12 deals with the time of the end and with the final outcome of the great controversy between good and evil. For this reason, we should expect that verse 12 is dealing with the most blessed hope of Christ’s return.
‌No one knows the day or the hour, but maybe God is allowing us to understand the year and perhaps the season. Let us continue studying Daniel 12 and see if we can find more details concerning the timing of the final events.
Daniel 12:1 tells us that “there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered”.
There is no doubt that the “time of trouble” refers to the persecution of God’s people before the second coming, while the words, “at that time your people shall be delivered” indicate the deliverance of the followers of Christ at His glorious return.
The “time of trouble” from Daniel 12:1 is the same "great tribulation” mentioned by Christ in Matthew 24:21-22. He even used the same language here which leads us to the conclusion that He must have quoted Daniel 12:1. It is interesting that in all three passages, Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7, and Revelation 12:14 the persecution of God’s people lasts three and a half years, or "a time, times, and half a time." This is also 1,260 days or forty-two months (see Daniel 7:25; Revelation 11:2-3).
After Daniel was told about the time of trouble and that God’s people will be delivered from it (Daniel 12:1-2), Daniel was instructed to seal that message until the time of the end, because, as he was informed, at the time of the end God’s people will be “running to and fro” (or repeatedly going through the book of Daniel and other related books), and their knowledge and understanding of the prophecy was to increase.
Now, the “sealing” of the message didn’t mean that Daniel was not supposed to receive more details concerning the timing of the final events but that the three prophetic periods he was about to receive would be understood only by the “wise” believers living in the very end of world history.
And, immediately after that promise was given, Daniel heard the very same question he himself was very eager to ask: “How long until the end of these awful things?” (Jewish Publication Society, Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures).
If you were Daniel who was told that God’s people (your brothers and sisters in Christ), would be persecuted in an “awful” way, what would you be very eager to know? Because of your empathy for them, love, and your solidarity with them, you would want to know how long time they would suffer like that and when it would end! And lo and behold, the answer was provided immediately after that question was asked:
“for a time, times, and half a time” (Daniel 12:7).
The majority of Adventist interpreters claim that the expression “time, times, and half a time” is the same period of 1260 years of the persecution found in Daniel 7:25, and that it proves that the same period of time given in Daniel 12:7 can’t refer to the future but only to the same past period of papal dominance and persecution (538 AD to 1798 AD).
However, even though the prophetic period of Daniel 12:7 seems to be the same as in Daniel 7:25, this time it can’t refer to the same year 1798 simply because it wasn’t the time of the end of the world's history. Therefore, the expression “time, times, and half a time” in Daniel 12:7, should refer to the “time of trouble, such as never has been” (Daniel 12:1) and the “awful” persecution (Daniel 12:6) that will take place just before the return of Lord Jesus.
And, since the final persecution can’t last 1260 years, this time the prophetic period of “time, times, and half a time” should be treated as a literal time of 1260 days, or three and a half years.
Since this persecution is to end at the return of Christ, it should start 3,5 years before the second advent. Therefore, if we assume that Christ may return in autumn 2027 then the persecution time should start in spring 2024, on the condition that this interpretation is correct. If the year 2031 is the right time for the second advent, then the “time of trouble” should begin in the year 2027-2028.
It is thought-provoking that although Sister White provides comments and confirmation of the right interpretation of the 3,5-year period in Daniel 7:25, she is quiet concerning the same one found in Daniel 12:7. She only tells us to “study the twelfth chapter of Daniel” and prepare ourselves for an “overwhelming surprise”: “Let us read and study the twelfth chapter of Daniel. It is a warning that we shall all need to understand before the time of the end” (Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 15, 228). "Transgression has almost reached its limit. Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. God's people should be preparing for what is to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise” (Child Guidance, 555:1).
Ellen White didn’t comment or explain any of the three prophetic periods of Daniel 12, including “time, times, and half a time” because it wasn’t yet the right time for unsealing the three prophetic periods of Daniel 12. It was supposed to take place just before the second advent. Therefore, now is the right time for diligent study, understanding, and unsealing this mystery, by God’s grace.
Whether the time-setting provided here is correct or not, taking into consideration the global medical terrorism we have recently experienced, the global economic crisis, the papal efforts to push Sunday law using the fake climate change hysteria, and global efforts to digitalize the world, there is no doubt that this time the end is really very close.
‌There appears to be a 3,5 year time of trial and crisis (“time of trouble”) (Daniel 12:1) before the end, as mentioned in Daniel 12:7. Christ also had a 3.5-year period of time for accomplishing His mission, from Fall 27 AD to Spring 31 AD. This is much like Christ’s faithful followers who will be standing for the truth during a 3.5-year period of time, and they will receive the seal of God, but the unfaithful receive the mark of the beast. If the year 2027 is going to be the last year, then it is possible that the 3,5 years could begin in 2024. Before that time (as soon as the Sunday law is imposed) we must leave cities and move to the countryside, a place where we can grow our own food. A country living will help us to survive.
‌If the above calculation is correct, we can expect that between now and 2027, things should get worse and worse, especially for those who keep the commandments of God.
The possible time of the second coming of Jesus Christ, the autumn of 2027 AD, will be the start of a year of jubilee that may continue to the autumn of 2028 AD, counting cycles of fifty years from 27 AD, where at the Day of Atonement of that year of jubilee, which is Yom Kippur, a final trumpet will be blasted after the festival of trumpets:
"Count off seven sabbath years--seven times seven years--so that the seven sabbath years amount to a period of forty-nine years. Then have the trumpet sounded everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land. Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each of you is to return to your family property and to your own clan.” (Leviticus 25:8-10)
If the year 2027 is going to be the last one then it is possible that the Lord may return in the Fall of that year, around the time of the feast of trumpets (Leviticus 23:24) on the first day of the seventh Jewish month (September/October). The feast of trumpets was pointing to the end of the world and the return of Christ:
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God”.
1 Corinthians 15:51,52: “For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”
Matthew 24:30–31: “Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”
Symbolic and Literal Days in Daniel 12:7,11,12
‌Some Adventist commentators believe in both symbolic and literal application of the prophetic “days” found in the book of Daniel and Revelation, meaning that the prophetic periods can be regarded as both years (symbolic days) and literal days. As a result, they support the idea of dual application of the prophetic periods, claiming that as the literal days these prophetic periods refer to the final events and that such literal interpretation does not nullify the symbolic (historicist) one but rather completes it.
Some time ago Doug Batchelor made a presentation sharing his belief in a double application for the prophetic days of Daniel 12:11-12. While still believing in the historical application of 508 AD - 1798 for 1290 days/years and 508 AD-1833 AD for 1335 days/years of Daniel 12:11-12, he claimed that the 1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days may very well be literal days and can be applied to the end-time events.
Although this idea has met some opposition from the proponents of the traditional (historicist) view, I personally wouldn’t disqualify this idea by accusing it of being untrue and dangerous. First of all, it doesn’t undermine the traditional historicist interpretation of 2300 and 1260 days/years. Second, although I am not sure whether Doug Batchelor and other proponents of the literal application are right, I wouldn't categorically disqualify any additional interpretation because I have learned that God’s plans and prophecies reveal such incredible wisdom of God and sovereignty that I wouldn’t be surprised to discover not only double but even triple application in Daniel 12:7-13.
I believe that the suggested here new historicist interpretation, which combines the two prophetic periods of Daniel 12:11-12 instead of overlapping them and sets their beginning in 599 BC while their end in the year 2027, is the most convincing one. It uses the historicist application and it perfectly agrees with the date of the end set on the basis of the cosmic week theory, jubilee, and sabbatical years, as well as the statements by Ellen White. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t reject any additional interpretation without prayerful investigation. If it turns out to be true, it will only make more meaningful the promise of unsealing the prophecy of Daniel 12 in the “time of the end” (Daniel 12:9).
Those who believe in the dual application claim that the Bible uses different words for literal days and different for symbolic ones. In Dan. 7:25 the word “times” was written in Aramaic, in Dan. 12:7 “times” are in Hebrew, and in Dan. 8:14, 26 “evenings and mornings” are also in Hebrew. All of them were used to describe prophetic times. As previously discussed, only the word “days” found at the end of Daniel 12:13 is unique and special as this one word was written in both Hebrew and Aramaic!
However, the opponents of the literal application argue that the above argument is inconsistent because the Hebrew word for “weeks” in Dan. 9:24-27 is also used to describe literal weeks in the Old Testament, and yet the 70 weeks (490 days) in this text apply the year/day principle and equate to 490 years. The same refers to the Greek word for “days” in Rev. 11:2 and Rev. 12:6 which is also used to describe literal days in the New Testament, and yet the “1260 days” in these two verses are regarded as 1260 years. These examples show that terms describing both literal time and symbolic time can be used interchangeably in Scripture, and thus reveal the inconsistency of the “literal day” argument. Therefore, the use of the Hebrew word for literal days in Dan. 12:11-12 does not necessarily require that the 1290 and 1335 days are literal days to be fulfilled in the future.
Nevertheless, let us assume that those who believe that periods used in Daniel 12 can be treated as literal days are right. In such case, if Christ is to return in the Fall of 2027, then we need to count back literal 1260 days (see chapter on Daniel 12:7) and literal 1335 days (Daniel 12:12). As a result, in both cases this application would lead us to early 2024 (with a 2.5-month difference) possibly indicating the end-time events such as the Sunday Law enforcement and the beginning of the “time of trouble”.
It is also possible that at that time, as Ron Wyatt believed, the ark of the covenant containing the ten commandments (found by him in the garden tomb area in Jerusalem), will be taken out of the cave and shown to the world as a testimony (Revelation 11:19).
Assuming that this application is correct, then from now (end of 2022) there would be only over one year left till the spring of 2024! It seems to be a very short time. We can’t say it is impossible as we are told that we are going to be surprised by the rapid development of the final events. In addition, we clearly see the constant efforts of the current pope to push the Sunday law using the fake climate change hysteria argument and other tools. Therefore, it is very possible that the Sunday law could be enforced in America sooner than we think.
Nevertheless, if autumn 2027 is too early for the second advent, we can also take into consideration the autumn of 2031, suggested in the next chapters as another option. In this case, we may expect the beginning of the final events in 2027-2028.
“The people of God need to study what characters they must form in order to pass through the test and proving of the last days. Many are living in spiritual weakness and backsliding. They know not what they believe. Let us read and study the twelfth chapter of Daniel. It is a warning that we shall all need to understand before the time of the end.” (Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, vol. 15, 228)
Future Application of Literal Days in Daniel 12 
‌As Seventh Day Adventists we believe that there is a typical historic application (generally accepted) of the three periods of Daniel 12 as years: 1260 (538 AD -1798 AD), 1290 (508 AD - 1798 AD), and 1335 (508 AD - 1843 AD) that overlap each other.
However, as previously explained, there appears to be also a second (additional and new) historic application. Applied to Daniel 12:11-12 this new application is more convincing when it is understood as a combination of the two last periods of 1290 years (599 BC - 561 AD) and 1335 years (561 AD - 2027 AD) and not just overlapping the three prophetic periods. In Daniel 12 it seems to be a more reasonable interpretation because it fits the context of the end of the great final persecution and the second advent.
This second (new) understanding of the two prophetic periods of Daniel 12:11-12 also seems to match the expression “time, times, and half a time” in Daniel 12:7 if we interpret it as the literal 3,5 years of the final persecution that ends at the second advent.
The above new interpretation, consisting of the combination of two long prophetic periods of 1290 plus 1335 years and the literal 1260 days (3,5 years), provides us a justification for the suggested above by Artur Stele “possible connection” between the prophetic periods and the “additional application” of Daniel 12 proposed by Stele due to the fact that the very last word “days” has been written in two languages (Hebrew and Aramaic).
However, according to some popular Adventist preachers, such as Pastors Kenneth Cox, Doug Batchelor, and Richard Gates, there might be also another additional application of the three prophetic periods of Daniel 12 (1260 days, 1290 days, and 1335 days). They believe that all those three periods can be also treated as literal days and as such, they may point to the last events of the world's history just before the second advent. There is only 30 days and 45 days difference between them possibly signifying three different events.
Pastor Kenneth Cox, the popular Seventh-day Adventist evangelist, wrote a book on Daniel in which he expressed his belief that the days of Daniel 12 are literal and should be applied in the future:
“An understanding of this time element will be given to the righteous during the ‘Time of the End’ (12:9), or after 1798. Daniel did not understand the angel’s use of the time elements. Always before, a day had represented a year. But in this case, the angel used literal, and not prophetic time. Always before when speaking of prophetic time Daniel used different Hebrew words. In Daniel 7:25 in the original Hebrew, it is ‘iddan’ or year. In Daniel 8:14 it is ‘ereb-boqer’ or evening-morning (2300 day prophecy). However, when the angel tells Daniel, ‘But you, go your way till the end, for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days’ (12:13), he uses the word yowm which is used in connection with literal days and not prophetic. This word is used by Daniel in chapter 1 in verses 12, 15, 18, concerning the ten-day test he and his companions faced regarding their diet. In Daniel 6:7 it is used for the thirty days of royal decree. The word yowm is used in the book of Daniel only when referring to literal time. Therefore, to be consistent we must conclude that the 1260, the 1290, and the 1335 days of Daniel 12:11,12 must be literal days.” (pp 149-150)
Treating the three prophetic periods of Daniel 12:7,11,12 as literal days we need to apply them to the end of the 6000 years as according to Daniel 12 they refer to the end-time events directly before the second advent. If the autumn of the year 2027 is to be the time of the end, then 1335 days would begin in early 2024, the 1290 days about 1,5 months later, and the 1260 days another month later. Each of the three periods is believed to mark different events, possibly the Sunday law, outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the beginning of the time of trouble ending in the Fall of 2027 when the special resurrection will take place and when God will announce the day and hour of Christ’s coming.
The below chart is an example of the literal application presented by pastor Dough Bachelor in 2015, although, in his 2018 video on the same subject (Daniel 12 prophecy) he didn't seem to uphold this interpretation anymore. I've never heard pastor Kenneth Cox confirm giving up on the idea of the literal interpretation of the three prophetic periods of Daniel 12. Nevertheless, even though we can't be sure this understanding is correct, yet if the autumn of 2027 is the time of the end, then using the below chart we could assume that the Sunday law, which marks the beginning of the final events, could take place around the spring of 2024. In this case, according to the original interpretation by Dough Bachelor, during the first three and a half years since the Sunday law enforcement, we would live in a period of the "small time of trouble" followed by only two and a half months of severe persecution between the death decree and return of the Lord. Obviously, this idea, although possible, is only a hypothesis as it is impossible to prove that this idea is correct. For more details, please watch the video by pastor Bachelor.
‌Some Adventist sources suggest that shortly prior to 2024, possibly in 2023, an early, mild Sunday law could be introduced based on the new environmental legislation but with no religious or worship reference. The video by Dr Norman McNulty suggests the following stages of the development and implementation of the Sunday law:
1. Refrain from working on Sunday - 9T 232, 233, CT 550,551 (May not be enforced)
2. Honor Sunday, but can still worship on Sabbath - GC 608 (Enforcement may start)
3. Cannot worship on Sabbath, only Sunday - GC 607 (fines and imprisonment imposed)
4. Death penalty to those who worship Sabbath and disregard Sunday – Rev 13:15-17, GC 604, 621, 635
Spirit of Prophecy on Daniel 12
‌“His (Daniel’s) wonderful prophecies, as recorded by him in chapters 7 to 12 of the book bearing his name, were not fully understood even by the prophet himself; but before his life labors closed, he was given the blessed assurance that 'at the end of the days' —in the closing period of this world history— he would again be permitted to stand in his lot and place. It was not given to him to understand all that God had revealed of the divine purpose. 'Shut up the words, and seal the book,' he was directed concerning his prophetic writings; these were to be sealed 'even to the time of the end.' 'Go thy way, Daniel,' the angel once more directed the faithful messenger of Jehovah; 'for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. . .  Go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days’ (Daniel 12:4,9,13). As we near the close of this world’s history, the prophecies recorded by Daniel demand our special attention, as they relate to the very time in which we are living (she believed the second advent was to take place in her lifetime) ... 'The wise shall understand' (verse 10), was spoken of the visions of Daniel that were to be unsealed in the latter days”  (PK 547.1, 22).
How are we to understand the phrase “at the end of the days?” Ellen White explains that it means “in the closing period of this world’s history”. Should we then conclude that the closing period of world history is the ending of the 2300 years and the associated events of 1844? No, 1844 was not “the close of this world’s history”. Therefore, Ellen White placed the prophecies of Daniel 12 in the future. “As we near the close of this world’s history, the prophecies recorded by Daniel demand our special attention, as they relate to the very time in which we are living”. Ellen White often relates the last day events to her times as she believed that Christ would return in her lifetime.
In the above text, referring to Daniel 12:13, Ellen White wrote that Daniel “would again be permitted to stand in his lot and place.”  This is exactly what the book of Revelation says about the “little book” (of Daniel 12) that was to be used to "prophesy again" before the end time (Rev 10:8,11). “And the Mighty Angel (Jesus) said unto (the last generation), thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings” (Rev 10:11). There are similarities between Rev 10:4-11 and Daniel 12:4-13 such as sealing the prophecy, Christ lifting His hand and swearing concerning the time. It is therefore possible that the “little book” (Rev 10:2,8,9) may also refer to the last chapter of the book of Daniel. Also, the words “you must prophesy again” (Rev 10:11) refer to Daniel prophesying again through the last chapter of his book in the end times and through disclosing the meaning of the three prophetic periods of Daniel 12 that were sealed until now.
The book that was sealed was not the book of Revelation, but the prophecy found in the last chapter of the book of Daniel related to the last days. Now, as Ellen White predicted, “at the end of the days—in the closing period of this world’s history”, Daniel is “again permitted to stand in his lot and place”. It is now (in the end times) that the prophecy of the last chapter of his book is being unsealed and understood.
It is interesting that the seven thunders (Rev 10:3-4) were sealed up like Daniel 12 prophecies. It is, therefore, possible that the seven thunders relate to future events which will be disclosed in their order as a result of unsealing Daniel 12. Daniel shall stand in his lot again at the end of the days and unseal the last prophetic periods known in Revelation 10 as seven thunders.
Ellen White clarifies that “the prophetic periods of Daniel “extend to the very eve of the great consummation”: “In the scripture are present truths that relate especially to our own time. To the period just prior to the appearing of the Son of man, the prophecies of Scripture point, and their warnings and threatenings preeminently apply. The prophetic periods of Daniel extending to the very eve of the great consummation, throw a flood of light upon events then to transpire… None need remain in ignorance, none need be unprepared for the coming of the day of God” (RH-25-83).
Notice that in the above quote she says that Daniel brings us to “the great consummation” which is the second coming. It is Daniel 12 that brings us to the final events, the time of trouble, and the resurrection.
“Daniel stood in his lot to bear his testimony which was sealed until the time of the end when the first angel’s message should be proclaimed to our world. These matters are of infinite importance in these last days; but while 'many shall be purified, and made white, and tried,' 'the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand.' (Dan 12:10) … The book of Daniel is unsealed in the revelation to John, and carries us forward to the last scenes of this earth’s history”  (TM 115.3).
According to this statement, the prophecies of Daniel (ch. 7,8,9) were sealed until the time of the end, leading to the year 1844, but in addition, it was going to be unsealed again (Daniel 12) and lead to the last scenes of the earth’s history. Now is the time to unseal Daniel 12.
This assumption can be confirmed also by the following statement: “The Lord has shown me in vision, that Jesus rose up, and shut the door, and entered the Holy of Holies, at the 7th month 1844; but Michael’s standing up (Daniel 12:1) to deliver his people, is in the future. This will not take place until Jesus has finished his priestly office in the Heavenly Sanctuary” (WLF 12.5).
“I saw a throne, and on it sat the Father and the Son. I gazed on Jesus’ countenance and admired His lovely person. The Father’s person I could not behold, for a cloud of glorious light covered Him. I asked Jesus if His Father had a form like Himself. He said He had, but I could not behold it, for said He, 'If you should once behold the glory of His person, you would cease to exist.' Before the throne I saw the Advent people —the church and the world. I saw two companies, one bowed down before the throne, deeply interested, while the other stood uninterested and careless. Those who were bowed before the throne would offer up their prayers and look to Jesus; then He would look to His Father, and appear to be pleading with Him. A light would come from the Father to the Son and from the Son to the praying company. Then I saw an exceeding bright light come from the Father to the Son, and from the Son it waved over the people before the throne. But few would receive this great light. Many came out from under it and immediately resisted it; others were careless and did not cherish the light, and it moved off from them. Some cherished it, and went and bowed down with the little praying company. This company all received the light and rejoiced in it, and their countenances shone with its glory... I saw the Father rise from the throne, and in a flaming chariot go into the holy of holies within the veil, and sit down. Then Jesus rose up from the throne, and the most of those who were bowed down arose with Him. I did not see one ray of light pass from Jesus to the careless multitude after He arose, and they were left in perfect darkness. Those who arose when Jesus did, kept their eyes fixed on Him as He left the throne and led them out a little way. Then He raised His right arm, and we heard His lovely voice saying, 'Wait here; I am going to My Father to receive the kingdom; keep your garments spotless, and in a little while I will return from the wedding and receive you to Myself.' Then a cloudy chariot, with wheels like flaming fire, surrounded by angels, came to where Jesus was. He stepped into the chariot and was borne to the holiest [Most Holy], where the Father sat. There I beheld Jesus, a great High Priest, standing before the Father. On the hem of His garment was a bell and a pomegranate, a bell and a pomegranate. Those who rose up with Jesus would send up their faith to Him in the holiest [Most Holy], and pray, 'My Father, give us Thy Spirit.' Then Jesus would breathe upon them the Holy Ghost. In that breath was light, power, and much love, joy, and peace... I turned to look at the company who were still bowed before the throne; they did not know that Jesus had left it. Satan appeared to be by the throne, trying to carry on the work of God. I saw them look up to the throne, and pray, 'Father, give us Thy Spirit.' Satan would then breathe upon them an unholy influence; in it there was light and much power, but no sweet love, joy, and peace. Satan’s object was to keep them deceived and to draw back and deceive God’s children” (EW 54-56).
What truth is hidden behind the great light from God that is to be accepted or rejected by us just before Christ’s return? Is it possible that a part of this great light provided by the Lord just before the second advent is also associated with the three unsealed prophecies of Daniel 12? Obviously, there could be more than one truth included in the great light that is being now accepted or rejected by us with blessing or curse. The most important one, I could think of, is the fully restored gospel (the foundation of the three angel message, Rev 14:6) proclaimed by late pastor Jack Sequeira. This gospel is not the same as the popular evangelical gospel (accepted by most Adventists) as it includes the complete truth of the righteousness by faith alone, Christ’s true corporate incarnation, beautiful and forgotten by Adventists the in-Christ motif (first preached by W. W. Prescott and adorned by Ellen White), and the greatly neglected in our Churches most precious truth about Jesus going through the experience of the everlasting death for us.
Ellen White on Future Time Setting ‌
I believe that taking into consideration the recent events and time we live in, the message presented here agrees with God’s will and plan for us. However, there is only one thing that makes me uncertain about the year 2027. My doubts are caused by some statements written by Ellen White. Let us then take a look at those texts trying to understand their meaning and the reason why they seem to discourage believers from setting the time of the end.
Great Controversy, p. 456-457: “Some were led into the error of repeatedly fixing upon a definite time for the coming of Christ. The light which was now shining on the subject should have shown them that no prophetic period extends to the second advent; that the exact time of this advent is not foretold. But turning from the light, they continued to set time after time for the Lord to come, and as often they were disappointed... Many Adventists have felt that unless they could fix their faith upon a definite time for the Lord’s coming, they could not be zealous and diligent in the work of preparation. But as their hopes are again and again excited, only to be destroyed, their faith receives such a shock that it becomes well-neigh impossible for them to be impressed by the great truths of prophecy. Those who persist in this error will at last fix upon a date too far in the future for the coming of Christ. Thus they will be led to rest in a false security, and many will not be undeceived until it is too late.”
“I have been repeatedly urged to accept different periods of time proclaimed for the Lord to come, [but] I have ever had but one testimony to bear: the Lord will not come at that period, and you are weakening the faith even of Adventists, and fastening the world in their unbelief” (Letter 38, 1888 [Manuscript Release #1210]).
1 Selected Messages, p. 188-189: “Should we advance in spiritual knowledge, we would see the truth developing and expanding in lines of which we have little dreamed, but it will never develop in any line that will lead us to imagine that we may know the times and the seasons which the Father hath put in His own power. Again and again have I been warned in regard to time setting. There will never again be a message for the people of God that will be based on time. We are not to know the definite time either for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit or for the coming of Christ… The message must go, and that it must not be hung on time; for time will never be a test again. I saw that some were getting a false excitement, arising from preaching time, that the third angel's message can stand on its own foundation, and that it needs not time to strengthen it, and that it will go with mighty power, and do its work, and will be cut short in righteousness. I saw some were making everything bend to this next fall; that is, making their calculations, and disposing of their property in reference to that time. I saw that this was wrong for this reason: instead of going to God daily, and earnestly desiring to know their present duty, they looked ahead, and made their calculations as though they knew that the work would end this fall, without inquiring their duty of God daily... I told the people they need not take heed to this man's theory; for the event he predicted would not take place. The times and the seasons God has put in His own power. And why has not God given us this knowledge?—Because we would not make a right use of it if He did. A condition of things would result from this knowledge among our people that would greatly retard the work of God in preparing a people to stand in the great day that is to come. We are not to live upon time excitement. We are not to be engrossed with speculations in regard to the times and the seasons which God has not revealed. Jesus has told His disciples to 'watch,' but not for a definite time. His followers are to be in the position of those who are listening for the orders of their Captain; they are to watch, wait, pray, and work, as they approach the time for the coming of the Lord; but no one will be able to predict just when that time will come; for 'of that day and hour knoweth no man.' You will not be able to say that He will come in one, two, or five years, neither are you to put off His coming by stating that it may not be for ten or twenty years.”
First of all, in the above statement, Sister White writes about a “definite” time (day and hour) which can be understood as a precise time of Christ’s return. But the time suggested in this article is not confident, certain, indisputable, precise or definitive but an estimated time, with the possibility of being postponed.
“After these seven thunders uttered their voices, the injunction comes to John as to Daniel in regard to the little book: 'Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered.' These relate to future events which will be disclosed in their order. Daniel shall stand in his lot at the end of the days. John sees the little book unsealed. Then Daniel's prophecies have their proper place in the first, second, and third angels’ messages to be given to the world. The unsealing of the little book was the message in relation to time... This time, which the angel declares with a solemn oath, is not the end of this world's history, neither of probationary time, but of prophetic time, which should precede the advent of our Lord. That is, the people will not have another message upon definite time. After this period of time, reaching from 1842 to 1844, there can be no definite tracing of the prophetic time. The longest reckoning reaches to the autumn of 1844” (7BC 971.4,7).
According to pastor Dough Bachelor, in this statement, Ellen White doesn't say that there won't be any future prophecies but that we can't use the 2300 years prophecy for any future application. The reason she did that is because in her days many tied to place the fulfilment of that prophecy in the future. Please notice that she says "After this period of time..., there can be no definite tracing of the prophetic time. The longest reckoning reaches to the autumn of 1844”. She puts the definitive article before the word "longest" making it clear that she referred to the longest prophetic period of 2300 years, meaning that there will not be any future time setting based on that specific prophecy of 2300 years.
Speaking of the book of Daniel, she says, “The visions he saw…will soon have come to pass” (MS Rel. v 16, p 334, 1896) placing the fulfilment of Daniel's prophecies also in the future (after 1844).
“The prophetic periods of Daniel extending to the very eve of the great consummation, throw a flood of light upon events then to transpire… None need remain in ignorance, none need be unprepared for the coming of the day of God” (RH, 25-83).
“The great consummation” refers to the second coming of Christ. It is Daniel 12 that brings us to the final events, where Daniel speaks of the time of trouble and the resurrection of the believers at the time of the second advent.
It is also very interesting that James and Ellen White came out with a new version of the 1843 prophecy chart to replace the one William Miller had created. In their new chart of 1850, they omitted 1290, and 1335 days of Daniel 12 because those three prophecies were to be fulfilled in the future before the return of Christ!
In addition, Ellen White herself repeatedly stated that this world is to exist for 6,000 years and provided a clear basis for the estimated end of that period.
‌She never corrected her husband after he suggested in his articles that God’s people living before the second advent should and will know the time of Christ’s return. They will not know the exact time (the day and hour) as it will be announced by God the Father shortly before the second advent, but there is no doubt that the closer to the end the more aware and convinced they will be about the estimated time, possibly even the year, of Christ’s return.
She never corrected J. N. Andrews after he wrote, "We think that at the end of 6,000 years from creation, the day of judgment will commence... the period of 6,000 years from the creation would extend to the day of Judgment... and we shall also have occasion to speak of the sabbatical year and the year of jubilee, in Lev. 25, as typifying the great week of 7,000 years” (11)
Please notice that the frequently used word “we” indicates that apart from him also other Seventh-Day Adventists, including Ellen White, must have believed in the cosmic week idea. Another important fact is that J. N. Andrews links the cosmic week idea with the sabbatical and jubilee years (both end in 2027).
One of the arguments used to condemn those who try to place the fulfilment of prophetic periods in the future is the letter Ellen White wrote to Brother O. Hewit, concerning some erroneous ideas he taught: "We told him of some of his errors in the past, that the 1,335 days were ended and numerous errors of his.”
Unfortunately, this statement is not clear as depending on its interpretation, it could be understood as opposing or supporting the idea of the future fulfilment of the 1335 years from Daniel 12:12. Pastor Dough Bachelor uses the same quote as evidence that the conjunction "that" should be understood in the above-quoted statement as bearing the meaning of "such as”, suggesting that among the errors Hewit held was the idea "that the 1335 days (years) were ended." However, those who disagree with Bachelor say that if Ellen White's intention was to correct Brother Hewit for believing that the 1,335 days were already fulfilled, then why she did not correct other Adventist writers who believed that this prophetic period was already fulfilled in 1843 and/or 1844. Why did she not reprove her husband (James White) who in 1857 stated in the Review that "the 1,335 days ended with the 2,300, with the Midnight Cry in 1844"?
Anyway, even if she meant to condemn the setting of the end-time in the future, that was probably because in those days it was always incorrect as this knowledge was sealed at that time and was to be revealed just before the second advent on the basis of Daniel 12, jubilee and sabbatical years, the cosmic week idea and Spirit of Prophecy writings. She often uses the words “us” and “we”, referring to those who lived in her days, almost 200 years ago. For them knowing that the second advent would take place after such a long time would cause disappointment and could encourage carelessness.
The opponents of those who try to figure out the time of the second advent, claim that such attempts disregard the warnings of the Spirit of Prophecy against the attempt of extending the fulfilment of any time-prophecy beyond 1844. To prove their position they use the following quote by Ellen White: "The Lord showed me that time had not been a test since 1844, and that time will never again be a test… The Lord showed me that the message must go, and that it must not be hung on time; for time will never be a test again" (Early Writings, p. 75).
In this statement, Ellen White is not saying that God’s people living before the end of the world’s history will not be able to know the approximate time of the second advent. She only states that for true believers “time will never be a test" leading again to disappointment. She clearly refers to the very severe test the believers experienced in 1844 when Jesus didn’t come on 22nd October 1844. Here is how Hiram Edson described the devastating feeling experienced by those who went through that severe time of test: "Our fondest hopes and expectations were blasted, and such a spirit of weeping came over us as I never experienced before. It seemed that the loss of all earthly friends could have been no comparison. We wept, and wept, till the day dawn." (10)
It is clear, therefore, that everything Ellen White wanted to say is that we will not have to go through the same severe time test that will result in a huge disappointment, but it doesn’t mean we will not know the time of the end.
Ellen White believed that the second advent would take place in her times, especially during the 1888 era as a result of proclaiming the message of righteousness by faith alone. She even wrote that the proclamation of that message in 1888 triggered the beginning of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain and that the return of Christ was at hand. Unfortunately, since the message wasn’t accepted, the great blessing was withdrawn, and Christ’s return never happened. Throughout the history of Christianity God never forbade His people to believe that the second advent was to take place in their time. It was true also in case of the 19th-century Adventism. For this reason, Ellen Withe warned certain Adventists to avoid time setting as it would finally make some to set the time of the second advent in a far distant future, thus leading many to spiritual apathy:
“God gives no man a message that it will be ten years or twenty years before this earth’s history shall close. If it were forty or one hundred years, the Lord would authorize no man to proclaim it. He would not give any living being an excuse for delaying the preparation for His appearing . . . for this leads to reckless neglect of opportunities and privileges to prepare for that great day. Every soul who claims to be a servant of God is called to do his service as if every day might be his last . . . Are my sins forgiven? Has Christ, the Burden-bearer, taken away my guilt? Have I a clean heart, the righteousness of Christ, by faith? Woe be to any soul who is not seeking a refuge in Christ, and conforming the character to the character of Christ. Woe be [to] all who shall in anywise divert the mind from this work, and cause any soul to be less vigilant now” (Manuscript 32a, 1896 [Manuscript Release #1308]).
The right interpretation of the two prophetic periods of time found in Daniel 12:11-12 was sealed in previous times until now because if it was shown to those believers that Christ would return in a very distant future, it would be depriving them of their zeal. For this reason, even Christ’s disciples and early Christians believed that the Kingdom of God was to come within their own lifetime. We see this approach in Paul’s writings when he describes how he himself together with other living at that time Christians were waiting for the return of Christ: “We who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, shall not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the archangel’s call, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thess. 4:15-17).
Because God did not want to deprive the believers in all previous ages of that exciting hope of Christ’s return in their lifetime, He let them believe in the soon Christ’s return. However, at the same time, He didn’t want them to set specific dates for the second advent to prevent disappointment, discouragement, and doubts. 
‌God knows the day and hour of Christ’s return, and Ellen White even heard it in her first vision, but the Lord erased it from her memory: "I heard the hour proclaimed, but had no remembrance of that hour after I came out of vision" (Selected Messages, book 1, p. 76; see also Early Writings, pp. 34, 285).
Obviously, the good Lord couldn’t let Christians living at that time to learn that His Son would return two centuries later. They loved Jesus and had great hope of experiencing His return. If they were told that the second advent would take place in a very distant future, it could encourage them to become careless and neglect the work of proclaiming the truth and preparation.
Today, however, taking into consideration recent and current events, there is no doubt that we live in the very last stage of the world’s history and that the end is very close indeed. God, therefore, unseals and uncovers for us now the truth behind the jubilee and the sabbatical years as well as the additional and more relevant to us interpretation of the prophetic periods found in Daniel 12. He does this because now it is the right time and because He wants us to recognize the urgency of the days we live in, to shake us and wake us up from sleep. The Lord let us know the time because in His mercy He desires us to understand it is the very last call and opportunity to prepare and devote ourselves completely to Him and His Truth. Therefore, in our current situation, knowing the approximate time of the end and final events can only be beneficial in encouraging spiritual revival and complete surrender to God.
Signs of the Times Proving that the End is Very Close 
Although it may look like the five years we may have left until the year 2027 is not enough for the fulfilment of all the final events (including the spiritual revival, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the global proclamation of the fully recovered gospel and the three angels message, enforcement of Sunday law, the appearance of Satan as Christ, last plages, persecution of God’s people, and the death penalty for keeping the Sabbath instead of Sunday), but we should still regard it as possible because we are told that the “last events will be rapid ones”:
“The days in which we live are solemn and important. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely being withdrawn from the earth... The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.” (Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, p. 11.2)
The fact that the Lord may allow globalists to achieve their goal might be scary but at the same time, it is wonderful news, because it means that the long-awaited return of our Lord and Saviour is at hand. He Himself told us that the final signs of the times we are experiencing now should be the reason to rejoice: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28).
Pandemic and mRNA vaccination  
The best proof that the time of the end is very close are the unprecedented events that take place in front of our eyes. One of them is the recent pandemic. A certain Adventist pastor wrote in his recent article that he asked his congregation if the Coronavirus pandemic was a sign of the end. Responding to his question, all present raised their hands except only one person. There is a huge amount of true evidence to prove that the Covid-19 pandemic is to help usher in the new world order and so-called 'global reset' leading to the fulfilment of the prophecy found in the book of Revelation 13:16-17. As a response to Covid-19 and the WHO statement, politicians used greatly exaggerated emergency measures to introduce unnecessary long-term lockdowns; and dishonestly touted the experimental and insufficiently tested vaccines as the only remedy, although inexpensive and safe remedies against Covid-19 were already available but forbidden to be used.
For about two years we have been brainwashed by dishonest scientists with their guaranteed claim that the new mRNA vaccine will not integrate itself into our DNA. Unfortunately, and as expected, it has been proven to be just another big lie.
Scientific Study confirms Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine alters Human DNA
A study published in October 2021 from Sweden found that the spike protein (generated in cell ribosomes from mRNA vaccines) enters into our cells’ nuclei and impairs the mechanism our cells use to repair damaged DNA thus increasing the risk of developing various cancers. This also compromises an individual's adaptive immunity and even might lead to the formation of cancer cells. The study, titled “SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro”, was published by the Department of Molecular Biosciences at Stockholm University. The researchers pointed out that various clinical studies have shown that patients with Covid–19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses for reasons that are unclear. To provide a reasonable answer to this question, the authors that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity.
According to the same study, the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. This means that the spike protein, which is generated in cell ribosomes after the cells have been hijacked by mRNA vaccines, doesn’t always leave the cell and enter the bloodstream. In some cases, the spike protein enters the cell nucleus. There, it interferes with the DNA repair mechanism. “Surprisingly, we found the abundance of the spike protein in the nucleus,” concluded the study authors. This means, without question, mRNA vaccines result in chromosomal alterations in the body’s cells. It is confirmation that such vaccines are, indeed, wreaking havoc with genetic integrity and are exhibiting side effects that have not been described by mRNA vaccine proponents (source).
A newer Swedish study has demonstrated and confirmed that the mRNA in the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid injections infiltrates cells and transcribes its message onto human DNA within 6 hours, altering our own DNA! This study was scientifically approved (confirmed) and published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine (MDPI). It found that the SARS-CoV-2 RNA within the Pfizer vaccine can reverse-transcribe itself and install itself within the DNA of the human genome within a matter of just six hours following exposure to the vaccine. Aside from modifying DNA in humans without their knowledge, the changes may cause “genotoxic side effects,” according to the study.
The scientists who performed the study found that the mRNA injection is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7. Huh cells are ‘immortal’ liver tumour cells and can grow ad-infinitum (without end or limit) in the right environment.
The results indicated a fast up-take of mRNA vaccine into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. The LINE-1 is a reverse transcriptase that we carry and comprises ~17% of our genome! The study shows that [Pfizer’s mRNA injection] … can be reverse transcribed to DNA … and this can affect the integrity of genomic DNA, which may potentially mediate genotoxic side effects.
So, basically, there’s an enzyme that can take that messenger RNA vaccine information and put it into the DNA. And we were told that messenger RNA could not go into your DNA, but this is showing that it can. It means that the viral spike protein can now be continually made by human cells because the lipid nanoparticle has distributed the mRNA all over the body including also the cells that actually are the sperm and the egg. If this is true, then it means it can be passed to the embryo.
Referring to the study Dr Peter McCullough tweeted: “Alden et al, Lund University, Sweden, confirms one of our worst fears. The exogenous [extracellular] genetic material coding for the dangerous Spike Protein is reverse transcribed into the human genome; possible long-term constitutive expression/synthesis of disease-promoting lethal Spike.”
What’s even more worrisome, though, is that preclinical data for the vaccine has demonstrated that the messenger RNA can travel to several other organs in addition to the liver, including the spleen, heart, kidney, lung, and brain. And it doesn’t take much to begin seeing the effects as researchers found that the mRNA entered the liver cell line with high efficiency despite the concentration [of mRNA] in the liver [being] roughly 100 times lower than that of the intramuscular injection site. Pfizer’s own clinical data showed the mRNA was travelling and could be found in several critical organs after injection.
The excellent video will help you to better understand the study results.
mRNA vaccination represents another abomination of desolation 
The fact that almost the entire world's population was repeatedly vaccinated with mRNA vaccines should be regarded as a huge sign of the time proceeding the return of Christ because the mRNA vaccine interferes with the written by God DNA code, and it does it on a global scale.
The Word of God tells us that the body of a true (born from the Spirit) believer in Christ, is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It is fascinating that also the human cell is the model of God's sanctuary (video of the Cell Structure): Cellular cytoplasm represents the holy place; the nucleus of the cell represents the most holy place; the nucleus contains, written by the Creator, DNA code which symbolizes, written by the same God, ten holy commandments; the ribosomes represent the altar; tRNA (cross-like structures) used by ribosomes could be a symbol of the sacrifice; the natural messenger RNA (known also as the mediator) (video1) (video2) stands for the High Priest as it has access to the cellular most holy place (the nucleus and DNA).
While all types of RNA are involved in building proteins, mRNA is the one that actually acts as the messenger or mediator - an excellent cellular symbol of Christ - our great Mediator (Hebrews 9:15; 9:24). The mRNA (Mediator) bonds with the ribosome (altar), which reads the mRNA’s nitrogen base sequence (fire that burns the sacrifice) with the help of the cross-like structure known as the tRNA (the sacrifice). Transfer RNA (tRNA) is a small RNA molecule that plays a key role in protein synthesis. Transfer RNA serves as a link (or adaptor) between the messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule and the growing chain of amino acids that make up a protein.
Messenger RNA (mRNA) instructs the DNA how to make various necessary for life proteins, which reminds me 0f Christ who as our Mediator uses His blood in the most holy place sprinkling it over the holy law to ensure our forgiveness and eternal life.
As shown above, the scientifically confirmed fact that the Covid messenger RNA vaccine transcribes its unclean, destructive and lethal message onto human DNA, altering our written by the Creator DNA code, should be regarded as another “abomination of desolation” (Daniel 12:11).
Covid vaccines inject into our cell temples an alien messenger RNA mediator (evil cellular high priest) that can interfere with our DNA (symbol of the written by Creator holy commandments) in two ways:
1. After injection, carrying the viral spike protein blueprint (unclean offering) messenger RNA (false high priest) uses cellular ribosomes (altar, outside the nucleus) to make (to burn) the dangerous viral spike protein (evil offering) which enters the cell nucleus (profane the cellular most holy place) and interferes with the DNA repair mechanism (prevents forgiveness) thus increasing the risk of cancers (symbol of eternal death due to the lack of forgiveness) and other health problems.
2. The wicked messenger RNA (false and evil high priest) with its viral spike protein blueprint (corrupt offering) from the Covid injections, can directly get into the nucleus (defiling the most holy place) transcribing its message onto human DNA and altering the written by God DNA code (changing written by God cellular commandments). Then, it forces the DNA to produce deadly viral spike proteins (replacing the symbol of the life-giving Christ's offering with an evil death offering)! It means that the mRNA from the vaccine can reverse-transcribe itself and directly install itself within the DNA of the human genome, modifying our DNA (without our knowledge and approval) and leading to very dangerous genotoxic side effects.
‌In addition, those spike proteins (made by both ribosomes and DNA), representing death offerings that replace life-giving Christ's offering, are spreading all over the body and accumulate in various organs causing inflammation and damage, triggering autoimmune responses, infertility, blood clots, heart damage and cancers leading to suffering and death.
In the Bible, changing the written by God holy commandments as well as the profanation of God's temple and the daily sacrifice can be regarded as the abomination of desolation and a sign of the time. Likewise, the burning on the ribosomal altar an evil offering of viral spike protein blueprint, brought by evil high priest messenger RNA, and invading the cell temple by the same messenger RNA carrying the blueprint (corrupt offering) of the most dangerous viral spike protein in order to alter the written by God DNA code (representing holy law of God), should be regarded as the modern abomination of desolation.
I believe this fact is another remarkable sign that the end is very close because during the time of medical terrorism (which started in the first of the 7 years of the last sabbatical period of the world's history) almost the entire planet was repeatedly forced to get this dangerous and often deadly untested mRNA-based vaccination produced by inspired by the devil big pharma supported by corrupt governments, globalists, big tech, and constantly lying mainstream media.
David Gates - How much time do we have left? Full Interview English (video)
Covid-19 Vaccine (Spike Protein) Detox
It has been now a scientific fact that the spike protein, produced in our body as a result of receiving the mRNA vaccines, can accumulate in various organs (including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, blood vessels, ovaries, testes, etc.) weakening our immunity, triggering autoimmune responses, myocarditis, infertility, blood clots, liver and kidney problems, etc.
REMEDIES: For this reason, the following remedies are suggested by experts, to help the body to get rid of spike proteins and to prevent health problems caused by them: Chlorella, Black Seed Oil, Activated Charcoal, NAC, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Pine Bark Extract, Quercetin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Vitamin B12.
EXTERNALLY: Regular exercise and daily water treatments that induce sweating (hot foot bath, sauna, alternative hot and cold showers, etc.)
AVOID: Animal foods (including meat, fish, and dairy products), sugar, antibiotics, white flower products and other refined foods, smoking, and pessimism.
EAT MORE: Raw vegetables, garlic, onion, cabbage, and raw coconut oil instead of other fats and oils.
Global Digitalization
‌Today cashless transactions have grown from a frightening suggestion to a comfortable reality. In Sweden, the most cashless society in the world, 80 percent of purchases are made electronically. Many African countries use electronic currencies—more than 75 percent of adult Kenyans use a mobile-wallet service. India, with the world’s second-largest population, recently pushed to eliminate cash by withdrawing the most popular bills from circulation. China’s central bank announced earlier this year that it is ready to test a digital currency.
While eliminating cash may be a practical solution for business concerns, it will easily lead to the oppression predicted in Revelation 13. Bloomberg Tax even warns about the dangers. “Critics say that in a digital-only economy, governments and banks could take control of your financial life, leaving you penniless with a flick of a switch.” The digital economy that is rapidly expanding around the world is bringing us much closer to the time when buying and selling can be easily controlled.
One of the most significant signs of Christ’s return is the control of money and financial transactions. In Revelation chapter 13, we are told that the Antichrist and his one-world government will introduce the 666-mark of the beast monetary system to control buying and selling. With this mark, the Antichrist will control the global economy through the international financial, banking, and trade systems.
In recent years, we see the emergence of the concept of digital wallets. We use mobile devices to make purchases. China is the first country to make the transition, and it does so seamlessly. The quick adoption of digital money by the Chinese took many observers by surprise. This digital phenomenon spreads rapidly. As of 19 September 2022, the beta version of the digital yuan was officially launched for iOS and Android in Chinese app stores. Digital currency will give the communist regime total control over the Chinese people.
The United States announced earlier this year of its intention to roll out its digital dollar. In his first week in office, the new United Kingdom Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, gave a briefing on the progress of the development of the U.K. CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency). Sunak had been at the forefront of pushing for a British CBDC when he served as the Chancellor of Exchequer in the previous cabinet. The Eurogroup (an informal body that brings together ministers from the European Union to discuss matters related to the European currency) emphasized the importance of developing the digital euro. Technology is neutral and technological developments are good. But in the hands of these global elites with suspicious motives, the world is quickly moving toward totalitarianism. A global government with an ironclad grip over international finance and banking is emerging soon.
Here are a few examples of how CBDCs can be used to control individuals. In the event of a pandemic, the government can use CBDC to enforce compliance. Say a lockdown is imposed and the citizens’ movement is restricted to one kilometre from their homes. If a person goes outside the one-kilometre range, his digital wallet can be shut down and he will not be able to pay for his petrol or make any purchase. To encourage vaccination, the government can place many restrictions on the digital wallets of those who remain unvaccinated. Their lives will be inconvenienced and made miserable.
A powerful monetary system like that will sooner or later fall into the hands of wicked despots. Actually, these power-hungry global elites already have plans to use it for global control. Now, connect the dots to the 666-mark of the beast system. You can see how easily the Antichrist and his one-world government can make use of this new monetary system to exert tyrannical control over both nations and individuals. The move has huge implications for the rest of the world too, and it's setting us up for the fulfilment of the End Times prophecy.
Have you ever wondered about the passage in the Bible about a government restricting the population so that you cannot buy or sell unless you have a particular mark? Well, China's move toward a cashless society is the answer. This is where the entire world is literally being set up for that kind of government control. The Chinese government is pushing ahead on many fronts to restrict what its population can and cannot do. They already restrict the right of assembly. They already restrict religious freedom. They certainly restrict political speech. And any speech that is critical of their government (and the way they run things) is definitely cracked down on.
They want to control, and they're doing it right now with social credit scoring where if you don't score a particular way you're not allowed to travel. That's already in place. But just imagine a government that, if you step out of line, can now turn off all your money and do it instantly so you cannot buy or sell. That's what digital currency allows a government to do. And if you think it's just going to happen in China think again. The Federal Reserve already has a study group looking at a digital currency for the United States. Why are they doing that? Because they're afraid China will usurp the U.S. and become the world currency, that digital currency is taking over.
Unfortunately, at the end of that, you and I will now be subject to a government that may not agree with your opinions, may not agree with your religion, may not agree with the people you hang out with, and they would absolutely restrict your access to that digital currency in an effort to control you. That's how you get the fulfilment of a Bible verse that says you can't buy or sell without a mark. The prophetic passage referred to in this commentary is found in Revelation 13:16-17:
“He required everyone—small and great, rich and poor, free and slave—to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.”
Global Warming Hysteria and Pope’s Green Sunday Law
Global warming and climate change hysteria have developed over a belief that the world is heading for apocalyptic destruction through man-made global warming caused by an increase in CO2 emissions and other factors. If there was a problem with global warming, we would hear about it from top scientists around the world. There would be far greater talk than what we have heard thus far. But, the fact is that true and honest scientists are not worried about global warming. According to many reports, only about 1% of all scientists believe that there is a problem with the temperature on the earth. The other 99% say that just the opposite of global warming is true. NASA measured the CO2 levels around the world and learned that most of the problems come from Chinese, South American, and African rainforests. When you do your research, you will learn that in the past decades there have been plenty of years as warm as we experienced in 2022. The horrific hole in the ozone layer was very recently found to be the smallest ever measured. It seems to correspond to the level of climate fear present on the planet at any given time.
According to the Word of God, it is not climate change or global warming that will mark the end of world history but Christ's second coming that will follow God's last plagues: “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22); "The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire" (Revelation 16:8).
Existential climate change is a deception from the pits of hell. Global warming is a hoax, and the reasons listed above are only a few among many arguments to prove that climate change hysteria is not substantiated.
Climate Change Is A Hoax - David Icke Exposes Global Warming (video)
Climate change hoax collapses
Yes, there will be global warming, but it will not be caused by climate change but by the wrath of God poured without mercy on all those who lie and suppress the truth:
"He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still. And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work...  Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie" (Revelation 22:10–15); "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second (everlasting) death” (Revelation 21:8).
Since climate change is a lie, no wonder that the famous for suppressing the truth papal Rome is using it to enforce its false day of rest. The Catholic Climate Movement is a global network of over 650+ Catholic organizations, including the Jesuits, the Knights of Columbus, and many others. They have organized for one purpose – to implement Pope Francis’ “Laudato Si” encyclical which calls, through stealth, for “Sunday” to be the “law of weekly rest” in order to save the environment.
The Catholic Climate Movement is using its vast network and membership to lobby political leaders by urging them to adopt Laudato Si. They are also busy training Catholic laypeople to become “Laudato Si Animators.” These “Laudato Si Animators” receive special training to become “champions” for raising awareness to the Pope’s message on climate change in our society.
In addition to holding seminars, rallies, marches, and other Laudato Si events, the Catholic Climate Movement is using its influence to boycott businesses and organizations that are not following the Pope’s message on climate change.
The Sunday law movement is gaining new life and making new grounds as Pope Francis’ encyclical is being used to push through a Sunday rest measure. These Sunday law agitators are campaigning to stop the so-called desecration of the environment. This climate issue has become part of the national debates as even politicians are engrossed in this controversy.
Rome is pleased with all the attention her Sunday doctrine is receiving. Legislators and even several of the Protestant churches are also fighting to secure Rome’s future Sunday law. They are laying down the groundwork for the future, final crisis. In the end, only a small, minority will oppose the green Sunday law measure and only a few will stand up in defence of religious liberty.
“To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few—this will be our test. At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason. The nation will be on the side of the great rebel leader. The test will surely come … the observance of an institution of the papacy would be enforced upon the people by a Sunday law, while the sanctified rest day of Jehovah would be trampled underfoot” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, pp.136, 137).
There will be two clear voices being heard as we enter the final crisis, Rome using corrupt governments to enforce Sunday law as the only solution to save the planet, while God's people influenced by the Holy Spirit will be warning the world to not receive the mark of the beast. God will always have a people who will step up and disclose the truth despite the consequences. (source)
"As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan himself will personate Christ. The church has long professed to look to the Saviour's advent as the consummation of her hopes. Now the great deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come. In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling the description of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation (Revelation 1:13-15). The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have yet beheld. The shout of triumph rings out upon the air: ‘Christ has come! Christ has come!’ The people prostrate themselves in adoration before him. … In gentle, compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious, heavenly truths which the Saviour uttered; he heals the diseases of the people, and then, in his assumed character of Christ, he claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and commands all to hallow the day which he has blessed. He declares that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen to his angels sent to them with light and truth. This is the strong, almost overmastering delusion” (Great Controversy, p 624).
Walter Veith - Climate Change, Lockdowns, and Sunday Laws (VIDEO)
How Should We Respond
Study and Accept the Fully Restored Gospel
If you want to prepare yourself for the coming time of trouble, there is nothing more important than making sure you understand the gospel, the truth about righteousness and salvation by faith alone, and that you are free from all forms of legalism (including the subtle ones). It is the most vital part of the preparation because if you doubt God's love and your salvation in Christ, during the persecution you will deny Christ out of fear because your feelings will force you to think you are not good enough to be saved.
From the history of the 1888 message (the Minneapolis General Conference era and the following events), we know that a positive and enthusiastic attitude to the truth of the Everlasting Gospel will lead to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain and eventually to the second coming of our Lord.
In 1890, just two years after the Minneapolis message was proclaimed, Ellen White wrote that before the second coming of Jesus, "One interest will prevail, one subject will swallow up every other — Christ our righteousness" (Review and Herald Extra, 23 Dec.).
In Matthew 24:14, Jesus declared that before His second coming what message is to be preached all over the world? "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" (Matthew 24:14).
Unfortunately, the great majority of us today accept and proclaim only the popular evangelical gospel, according to which Christ took our sinless nature, died instead of us sinners, and if we believe in Him, His righteousness is imputed to us, and this is the end of the gospel. According to the gospel given to us over one hundred years ago and which was proclaimed by Waggoner, Jones, and later, especially by professor Prescott, Christ took our sinful human nature and become the second Adam, or second humankind - our representative, and in a sense, we all were in Him. So when He lived a holy life in the flesh and when He died on the cross with the equivalent of the second death, then we all we righteous in Him and died in Him.
This everlasting gospel is the basis of the entire three angel's message (Rev 14: ) and it involves the following:
1. Power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes (Rom 1:16)
2. Constant peace with God (Rom 5:1)
2. Freedom from the condemnation of the Law (Rom 8:1; 6:14, 7:4,6; 10:4)
3. The new birth (John 3: ) and Christ in us the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27)
This gospel, unlike the evangelical one, is not limited to only justification but involves also sanctification by faith, or the truth about Christ in us. However, this sanctification by faith does not contribute to our salvation but it is the sure result of our death in Christ which leads to obedience to all God's commandments.
This wonderful and most precious truth was first entrusted to Apostle Paul through many revelations (Gal 1:12), and he presented it in the clearest and most systematic way in the book of Romans (especially in chapters 3 to 8). He also warns us to study it very carefully and prayerfully because anyone who distorts it or preaches another gospel, which is not exactly the same, must be accursed (deprived of eternal life): “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!” (Gal 1:8-9)
Please study the two following materials in order to find out more about the gospel which is to lead to the spiritual revival and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Fully Restored Gospel Under Attack
Beyond belief
If the conclusion leading to the year 2027 is right then we can expect that from now on things can only get worse, especially for the commandment-keeping people. The final events, such as the Sunday law enforcement and the latter rain, may take place earlier than we thought leaving us very short or no time to prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the time of trouble. If the final events don't start in 2024 we won't lose anything but if they do then those of us who are "sleeping" risk losing everything if we don't wake up now and start redeeming the time every day as never before with constant fervent prayers, seeking the Lord in His Word, and leading other sinners to Christ and His truth!
"Unless we are daily advancing in the exemplification of the active Christian virtues, we shall not recognise the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain. It may be falling on hearts all around us, but we shall not discern or receive it" (TM 507).
“I saw that many were neglecting the preparation so needful, and were looking to the time of ‘refreshing’ and the ‘latter rain’ to fit them to stand in the day of the Lord, and to live in His sight. Oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble without a shelter! They had neglected the needful preparation; therefore they could not receive the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a holy God... I saw that none could share the 'refreshing' unless they obtain the victory over every besetment, over pride, selfishness, love of the world, and over every wrong word and action. We should, therefore, be drawing nearer and nearer to the Lord and be earnestly seeking that preparation necessary to enable us to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord. Let all remember that God is holy and that none but holy beings can ever dwell in His presence... We should watch and work and pray as though this were the last day that would be granted us. How intensely earnest, then, would be our life. How closely would we follow Jesus in all our words and deeds" (Early Writings, 71).
Time to Leave the Cities
“Again and again the Lord has instructed that our people are to take their families away from the cities, into the country, where they can raise their own provisions; for in the future the problem of buying and selling will be a very serious one. We should now begin to heed the instruction given us over and over again: Get out of the cities into rural districts, where the houses are not crowded closely together, and where you will be free from the interference of enemies” (Letter 5, 1904; Country Living, 9).
"The Protestant world have set up an idol sabbath in the place where God's Sabbath should be, and they are treading in the footsteps of the Papacy. For this reason I see the necessity of the people of God moving out of the cities into retired country [places] where they may cultivate the land and raise their own produce. Thus they may bring their children up with simple, healthful habits. I see the necessity of making haste to get all things ready for the crisis" (Letter 90 1897).
David Gates said we have been preparing spiritually for many years but now we need to also prepare for our physical needs in the future when all earthly support will be cut off. Our bread and water will only be sure during the big time of trouble, but before then we are told to find the right place in the country where we can grow our own food and prepare ourselves for the time when it will be impossible to buy it.
Ellen White shared with us what Satan said concerning the time of trouble: “I will make the observance of the seventh day a sign of disloyalty to the authorities of earth. Human laws will be made so stringent that men and women will not dare to observe the seventh-day Sabbath. For fear of wanting food and clothing, they will join with the world in transgressing God's law. The earth will be wholly under my dominion" (Prophets and Kings, 184).
In 2020, we have already experienced the foretaste of the time of trouble when governments all over the world deprived us of our freedom, imposed lock-downs although it was proved that they don’t reduce the risk of infection, forced people to wear equally useless masks, threatening us with fines if we violated their tyrannical and unjustified prohibitions. Finally, they forced almost all people to get repeatedly vaccinated with a new, untested, and later found to be dangerous and in many cases deadly mRNA-based vaccine that interferes with human DNA.
Since the DNA code symbolizes the Ten holy Commandments of God and is found in the nucleus of the cell (the most holy place), modifying the written by Creator DNA code should be regarded as another “abomination of desolation” (Daniel 12:11). This fact may also be a proof that the last sabbatical seven-year period has already started in 2020. The similar tools that were used during the Covid pandemic and additional new evil tyrannical devices that are being developed now, will be used soon against true Sabbath keepers.
Now we are given a short time of relative peace and rest so that we could prepare ourselves for what is coming soon. Satan knows better than us how precise God is regarding timing and when is the last Sabbatical and Jubilee year. God now is preventing Satan from developing his evil plan for a year or so and is uncovering for us the last chapter of the book of Daniel and gives us the understanding of the cosmic week idea so that we could realize that it is time to wake up and prepare ourselves for the coming time of trouble.
Let us not trust Adventist preachers who in 2020 and 2021 were not protesting against medical tyranny or dangerous vaccines, accusing godly and brave people, like Walter Veith, of time-setting or spreading conspiracy theories. Let us trust the Lord and ask for Holy Spirit to guide us in this matter and inspire us to make the right decision in due time, especially when the national Sunday law is introduced in America. Until that time, let us pray, watch, study the Word of God, and share the true Gospel and the message of the imminent return of the Lord as never before.
“The prophecy of Daniel pointed so unmistakably to the time of Messiah’s coming, and so directly foretold His death, that they discouraged its study, and finally the rabbis pronounced a curse on all who should attempt a computation of the time.” GC 378
‌“The fact that certain doctrines have been held as truth for many years by our people, is not proof that our ideas are infallible. Age will not make error into truth, and truth can afford to be fair. No true doctrine will lose anything by close investigation.” CW 35
‌“The proclamation of a definite time for Christ’s coming called forth great opposition from many of all classes, from the minister in the pulpit down to the most reckless, Heaven-daring sinner. The words of prophecy were fulfilled; ’There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the father fell asleep, all things continue as they were’” GC 370.
Is It Time to Flee the Cities? Q&A with Doug Batchelor (video)
When to leave the Cities -Pavel Goia (video)
David Gates - How much time do we have left? Full Interview English (video)
Supporters vs Opponents of the Imminent Coming of Christ
‌Testimonies for the Church, Volume 5 (9.2): “Our ministers are not doing their whole duty. The attention of the people should be called to the momentous event which is so near at hand. The signs of the times should be kept fresh before their minds… When the signs predicted begin to come to pass, the waiting, watching ones are bidden to look up and lift up their heads and rejoice because their redemption draweth nigh.”
In March 2020, Prof Walter Veith delivered a video presentation in which he suggested, on the basis of the quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy, that the end-time events may take place around the year 2027. However, he repeatedly stated that it was not his intention to set an exact year of the second coming of Christ but to share his belief that this time the end is truly very close. Inspired by the recent events and signs of the times he decided to find out if the Spirit of Prophecy can provide us any help in answering the question of when we should expect Christ’s return. According to Prof Veith, the year 2027 is not a precise time as there is no proof for this and even if the calculation is right the Lord may add to this date or even make it shorter. It is, therefore, possible that around that year we may expect the fulfilment of the last events or at least the beginning of the final events.
Based on decades of research, Professor Walter Veith shares evidence about the united global effort that is wielding control over world events to bring about a new world order, great reset, and world government. And this is not a conspiracy theory, but an undeniable true fact confirmed by countless reliable sources.
As expected, after Prof Veith had delivered his video presentation suggesting that it is possible that according to the Spirit of Prophecy texts the end time events could take place around the year 2027, immediately the opposing voices were raised condemning him for his attempt.
Good examples are the articles written by Laurence Turner representing the Trans-European Division (TED) of the Seventh Day Adventist Church; Loren Seibold (Adventist Today), a very controversial author who in July 2020 delivered a sarcastic article titled “Our Conspiracists, and Why We Love Them”, or Elias Brasil de Souza (director of the Biblical Research Institute) who in April 2020 published a similar article “The Apocalyptic Fiction in Times of Covid-19”. Also, Mark Finley in his sermon titled “Preparing For the Crisis in End Times” (24) condemned those who link the second advent with the year 2027.
All of them directly or indirectly seem to address the video presentation by Prof Walter Veith about the possible end-time events around the year 2027. However, I have followed their arguments carefully and couldn’t find in them any proof either from the Bible or the Spirit of Prophecy that would make me believe that there was something wrong or dangerous in his approach. Everything he did was providing evidence that our pioneers and Ellen White believed that this world is to exist for 6000 years and that this period may end in the year 2027 as according to the Spirit of Prophecy there were 4000 years from the fall of Adam till Christ’s baptism (27 AD) leading to the year 2027 as the end of 6000-year period. He also added that we can’t be sure that this year will be the last as the Lord can prolong this time or even shorten it. We also don’t know if by 4000 or 6000 years sister White meant the exact or approximate time.
Unfortunately, critics tend to condemn this approach without telling the whole truth. Instead of encouraging a diligent and prayerful study of the last chapter of the book of Daniel concerning the second coming of Christ, they make an impression that the ideas suggested by Kenneth Cox, Dog Batchelor, or Walter Veith are fanatical and deceptive. Subconsciously they repeat the sin committed by the Jewish religious leaders before the first coming of Christ: “The prophecy of Daniel pointed so unmistakably to the time of Messiah’s coming, and so directly foretold his death, that they discouraged its study, and finally the rabbis pronounced a curse on all who should attempt a computation of the time” (Great Controversy, 378).
If I had to make a choice between these two opposite approaches, I would immediately choose the one represented by Prof Veith because he is not setting an exact time but provides compelling evidence that the end time events may take place soon and therefore it is time to wake up.
In addition, Prof Veith is one of the few recognized Adventists who are brave enough to openly tell the truth about the recent pandemic and the obvious attempts of the globalist movement. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any sign of such courage from Laurence Turner, Elias Brasil de Souza, Mark Finley, Loren Seibold, or other opponents of the cosmic week idea. It is about them and all those who keep quiet when it is time to protest, that Ellen White wrote the following words: “Our ministers are not doing their whole duty. The attention of the people should be called to the momentous event which is so near at hand. The signs of the times should be kept fresh before their minds…” (5T, 5.2).
Our leaders and ministers should recognize the current and clear signs of the times and like prof Veith they are expected to boldly protest against crimes associated with the pandemic and very dangerous mRNA vaccines, constant and obvious lies propagated by health authorities, politicians, and mainstream media. Like Prof Veith, they should keep on telling the truth about the current attempts of the papal Rome to push the Sunday law based on the fake climate change hysteria. Like Prof Veith they should be brave and expose the truth about the globalist movement attempting to build the modern “Babel tower” predicted in the book of Revelation. If they claim to “have the Spirit of Prophecy” they should do what the Spirit of prophecy says: “My message to you is this: No longer consent to listen without protest to the perversion of truth” (Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 2, p. 15).
Another reason I prefer to trust Prof Veith is the fact that he is also one of the few Adventists who accepted and proclaim the fully recovered gospel. The best proof is his sermon titled “Corporate Identity” (6). The same message was first preached by Prof W. W. Prescott (7) during the 1888 era, and in recent decades constantly proclaimed by the late Pastor Jack Sequeira (8). Proclamation of this fully recovered gospel is the most vital sign of the time because it was always the gospel that in the history of Christianity led to great spiritual revivals and reformation and it is also the true gospel which is the foundation of the three angel messages (Revelation 14:6) as the first angel carries the gospel and the two other angels join the first and follow him. I believe that the same gospel as revealed in the sermon “Corporate Identity” (6) should soon open the door for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, in the same way as the message proclaimed by Waggoner and Jones, according to Ellen White, triggered the beginning of the letter rain during the 1888 era.
The above-mentioned opponents of the cosmic week idea are far from proclaiming this truth and the BRI, represented by Elias Brasil de Souza and previously by Manuel Rodriguez, even dare to openly oppose this most precious gospel in numerous articles (13). I have dealt with this subject in my article “Fully Recovered Gospel Under Attack”.
Great Controversy, 312.3: “It was not the scholarly theologians who had an understanding of this truth (the first coming of Christ), and engaged in its proclamation. Had these been faithful watchmen, diligently and prayerfully searching the Scriptures, they would have known the time of night; the prophecies would have opened to them the events about to take place. But they did not occupy this position, and the message was given by humbler men... Whoever is with singleness of purpose seeking to do God's will, earnestly heeding the light already given, will receive greater light; to that soul, some star of heavenly radiance will be sent to guide him into all truth.”
God wants us to be humble, study the inspired words, look closely at the signs of the times, pray, draw conclusions, tell the truth, protest openly against lies of the globalists and enemies of the truth, understand how near is the time of Christ return, rejoice, and proclaim the most wonderful good news of the fully recovered gospel to the world!
“Child Guidance” (555:1), Prepare for an Overwhelming Surprise: "Transgression has almost reached its limit. Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings. The end is very near. God's people should be preparing for what is to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise”.
Christian Service, 111.3: “In the visions of the night a very impressive scene passed before me. I saw an immense ball of fire fall among some beautiful mansions, causing their instant destruction. I heard someone say, 'We knew that the judgments of God were coming upon the earth, but we did not know that they would come so soon.' Others, with agonized voices, said, 'You knew! Why then did you not tell us? We did not know!' On every side, I heard similar words of reproach spoken.”
The recent unprecedented and shocking facts associated with the pandemic, the current united worldwide effort to impose the new world order ("global reset", and papal plans to introduce Sunday law based on the false climate change hysteria, persuaded me that the Spirit of God must be now departing from this world.
It is very interesting that the same estimated time of the end of the 6000 years can be established on the basis of not one but many sources including Daniel 12:11-12, the cosmic week theory, the final jubilee year, the final sabbatical year, as well as statements provided by the Spirit of Prophecy. I was very surprised and thrilled after discovering the fact that all these sources seem to agree and lead to the same year 2027.
If the presented here end-time estimation is correct, and the year 2027 is indeed going to be the last one in the 6000-year-long history of our world, then the final sabbatical period of seven years has already started in 2020 when the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of the pandemic regarded as the first stage in the plan known as the New World Order and the Great Reset. It will be followed by the digitalization of the world, a cashless society, enforcement of the false day of worship, and persecution of God's Commandments-keeping people.
Nevertheless, Prof. Walter Veith and Pastor David Gates, are right in suggesting that it shouldn't be our intention to persuade anyone that we can set the year 2027 as a definite and unquestionable time for Christ’s return. We can't do this because although the presented here arguments seem to be convincing, the advice from the Spirit of Prophecy prevents us from suggesting a distinct and definite date, or from being certain that the suggested end-time estimation is free from errors. However, on the basis of my in-depth study and prayerful analysis of the Bible, Spirit of Prophecy, and other sources dealing with the same subject, my conscience is prompting me to share a sensible conclusion that it is possible for the final events to take place between years 2024 and 2027. I feel compelled to join other voices supporting the same idea because, if it is true, then it is now the last time to start preparing. If we neglect this warning and the current short time given by God, then at the time of the Sunday law enforcement and outpouring of the Holy Spirit it might be too late!
According to the Spirit of Prophecy, the precise time (the day and hour) of Christ’s return, will be verbally announced by God the Father Himself (Matthew 24:36) during the darkest hour of the persecution and shortly before the second advent. This is the best proof that we will not know the exact time (“day and hour”) of Christ’s return until the time of persecution. Nevertheless, after careful and prayerful analysis of this subject, I strongly believe that we are now living so close to the second advent that it is God’s will for all true believers to recognise the estimated time of the final events. Such knowledge and the right attitude should become for us a wake-up call, and since we don’t set a precise or definite time for the second advent, we should not be disappointed or lose faith even if the final events will be delayed by a couple of years. 
Concerning the timing of the final events, what matters is not whether it is going to be the year 2027 or 2031 but rather the idea that this time the end is truly very close and that this awareness should lead us to the spiritual revival encouraging a total commitment to God and His truth. The closer we get to the above dates the more clearly we should see that this is the time we’ve been waiting for. If the conclusion leading to the year 2027 is right then we can expect that from now on things can only get worse, especially for the commandment-keeping people. The final events, such as the Sunday law enforcement and the latter rain, may take place earlier than we thought leaving us a very short time to prepare for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the time of trouble. If the final events don't start in 2024 we won't lose anything but if they do then those of us who are "sleeping" risk losing everything if we don't wake up now and start redeeming the time every day as never before with constant fervent prayers, seeking the Lord in His Word, and leading other sinners to Christ and His truth!
"Unless we are daily advancing in the exemplification of the active Christian virtues, we shall not recognise the manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain. It may be falling on hearts all around us, but we shall not discern or receive it" (TM 507).
“I saw that many were neglecting the preparation so needful, and were looking to the time of ‘refreshing’ and the ‘latter rain’ to fit them to stand in the day of the Lord, and to live in His sight. Oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble without a shelter! They had neglected the needful preparation; therefore they could not receive the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a holy God... I saw that none could share the 'refreshing' unless they obtain the victory over every besetment, over pride, selfishness, love of the world, and over every wrong word and action. We should, therefore, be drawing nearer and nearer to the Lord and be earnestly seeking that preparation necessary to enable us to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord. Let all remember that God is holy and that none but holy beings can ever dwell in His presence... We should watch and work and pray as though this were the last day that would be granted us. How intensely earnest, then, would be our life. How closely would we follow Jesus in all our words and deeds" (Early Writings, 71).
Since the subject is of great importance, do not draw any based on preconceived ideas conclusion before a prayerful and careful analysis of the presented here arguments. Please, read it repeatedly, pray over it, and if you are convinced that this message comes from the Lord, share it with others.
‌1. Video: Walter Veith - Is This The End? Part 1 (2 Hour In Depth Study) - What's Up Prof?:
2. Video: Walter Veith - Is This The End? Part 2:
3. The Trans-European Division (TED) has released a Bible study by Dr. Laurence Turner, entitled “Blessed Hope or Blessed Calculation?” challenging an idea advanced by Dr. Walter Veith and others that sets the year of Jesus’ return to be 2027 or by that date:
4. Central Bank Digital Currency:
6. Corporate Identity - Walter Veith (video):
7. Why Christ Could Return in 2027 (VIDEO):
8. Article on 2027:
9. The Abomination of Desolation:
10. Hiram Edson, undated manuscript of his life and experience, quoted in George R. Knight, William Miller and the Rise of Adventism (Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2010),         184.
11. The Great Week of Time by John N. Andrews:
12. Artur Stele, Daniel 12:13 and early Adventist interpretations:
13. Loren Seibold, Our Conspiracists, and Why We Love Them:
14. Apocalyptic Fiction in Times of Covid-19 by Elias Brasil de Souza:
15. Adventist Eschatological Identity and the Interpretations of the Time Periods of Daniel 12:11-12, Abner Hernandez:
16. Even at the Door (2018 Video by David Gates predicting the second advent):
17. The 1260, 1290, and 1335 Days: A Response to Futurist Interpretations of Daniel 12 (
18. Kenneth Cox, Daniel. Coldwater, MI: Remnant Publications, 2005
19. Pastor Richard Gates speaking of 6,000 years and 2027 (at the end of the video):
20. Four Stages of the Sunday Law (video):
21. Pattern Matching Time, Rob Bertholf (video):
22. Can We Believe the Prophet? (article on 2027):
23. Walter Veith: Country Living and the Crisis Ahead (video):
24. Mark Finley condemning 2027 (video):
25. Spike Protein Induced By Covid Vaccines Inhibits DNA Repair & Is Linked To Cancer Finds Major Swedish Study:
26. Encyclopedia Britannica on Dome of the Rock:,circle%20of%20piers%20and%20columns
27. How accurate is Biblical chronology?
28. Its Almost Time - 6000 Years Prophecy - By Pastor Michael Pedrin:
29. David Gates - How much time do we have left? Full Interview English (video)
32. Kenneth Strand, "Thiele's Biblical Chronology As a Corrective for Extrabiblical Dates," Andrews University Seminary Studies 34 (1996) 310, 317:
33. The British Museum website states that "In 598 BC the Babylonian army besieged Jerusalem. It fell on 15/16th March 597 BC":
34. Article by Pastor Lynn Bryson, "Can We Believe the Prophet?": file:///C:/Users/kewal/Downloads/Great-Millennial-Week.pdf
35. "No one knows the day or hour" is a Hebrew idiom:
36. The Day And Hour Of Jesus’ ComingThe Day And Hour Of Jesus’ Coming:
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