Encontrar a Dios en el torbellino que vivo.
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Sermon Tone Analysis
La atencion/Estar atento.
La atencion/Estar atento.
Attentiveness - Tenemos que estar atentos
Torbellino-Remolino de viento o aire que avanza rápidamente y levanta a su paso polvo o materias poco pesadas.
Finding God in the Whirlwind that I live.
Whirlwind-Swirl of wind or air that advances rapidly and lifts its dust or little heavy materials.
1 Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.
1 Por tanto, es necesario que con más diligencia atendamos a las cosas que hemos oído, no sea que nos deslicemos.
Cualquier persona entre nosotros le puede pasar esto: llegas treinta minutos tarde al Doctor, porque llegaste veinte minutos tarde al salir del banco porque llegaste diez minutos tarde a dejar a los niños en la escuela porque el coche se quedó sin gasolina a dos cuadras de la gasolinera, y olvidaste tu billetera. Nuestro dia parece un domino affect.
Any of us can experience this being thirty minutes late to the doctor’s office because you were twenty minutes late getting out of the bank because you were ten minutes late dropping the kids off at school because the car ran out of gas two blocks from the gas station—and you forgot your wallet.
The problem is not if this discribes a day in your life. The problem occurs if this defines your life.
Un gran problema del Cristiano es que las demandas de la vida lo lleva corriendo o atrazado con su tiempo.
Hay personas que se enojan conmigo porque no contesto todas mis llamadas cuando estan sonando.
Mi manera de mirar mi dia es; me pongo metas dependiendo de mis demandas para esta semana. y cuando me encuentro haciendo algo que yo dedique ese tiempo para esa cosa. Trato de ser celoso con lo que en mi agenda estoy haciendo.
Para estar atento al momento que vivo tengo que ignorar las distracciones.
Una de las cosas que me vuelven loco es tratar de hablar con alquien y la persona trata de mostrarme que me esta escuchando, pero yo puedo ver que no tengo la completa atencion de el/ella.
Porque quiero que la persona este atenta y estar atenta envolucra sus ojos y sus oidos.
Miremos como muchas veces Dios mira que no estamos atentos a su voluntad y esta es la razon porque no hacemos su voluntad, pero nosotros creemos que si hacemos su voluntad.
Que vemos en Luke 10:38-42.
Doing the things God wants you to do. Haciendo las cosas que Dios quiere que hagamos.
Doing the things God wants you to do. Haciendo las cosas que Dios quiere que hagamos.
38 Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house.
39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.
40 But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.”
41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things,
42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
v.38 Martha, Mary and Lazarus where close friends of Jesus. Being so close you would think they knew each other very well. I feel that it was a regular thing to visit them when he was in town.
What do we know of Martha?
what do we know of Mary?
v. 39Mary is to be commended for her priority. Regarles how upside down you think your life is, it should never take the time you and I spend with the Lord.
She sat and gave her undivided atention to Jesus.
Martha was probably like, Go ahead Jesus I can here what you are saying.
v. 40 You can tell Martha was getting more and more irritated with Mary just seating there.
She gets to a point to say I had enough.
She inquire of Jesus to speak to Mary and get with what is only common sense.
She is justify as to her choice of action. She is feeling that what she is doing is justify with what she should be doing.
Mary is just not considerate, maybe even lazy in her doing.
v.41 Jesus corrects her in love.
Martha, why are you so concern in so many things? I believe this is us now days. This system has many of so concern in so many things. Look at how many things we are doing on the phone. (Banking, Texting, Social Media, Games, News, sports, etc., etc)
What I mentioned to the Leadership yesterday. Please forgive me if you find that I don’t answer your calls, but I need to prioritize many things. Prioritize means, not on website, social media and/or answering phones or texts. I take very literal that there is a time for everything.
Martha, What is important with what you are doing? Believe me she was doing things in her mind that where important. Nothing is more important, than the presence of Jesus. You will not always have him. When you do, take advatage.
v.42, Martha, I can’t ask Mary to not do something that she should be doing.
Stop what you are doing and take a seat and be feel spiritually to serve physically.
Luke 10:38–42 (RVR95BTO)
38 Aconteció que, yendo de camino, entró en una aldea, y una mujer llamada Marta lo recibió en su casa.
39 Esta tenía una hermana que se llamaba María, la cual, sentándose a los pies de Jesús, oía su palabra.
40 Marta, en cambio, se preocupaba con muchos quehaceres y, acercándose, dijo: —Señor, ¿no te da cuidado que mi hermana me deje servir sola? Dile, pues, que me ayude.
41 Respondiendo Jesús, le dijo: —Marta, Marta, afanada y turbada estás con muchas cosas.
42 Pero solo una cosa es necesaria, y María ha escogido la buena parte, la cual no le será quitada
Martha lo recibe. Martha es un buen anfitrion.
Martha is that person that always looks busy, When every you are around her you feel you are not doing anything. Martha has many things on her mind.
Ten cuidado si eres una persona que puedes realizar multiples tareas a la misma vez. Pero esto tambien puede ser desventaja.
El que hace muchas cosas a la misma vez, probablemente las hace a medias.
Serving was an act of worship, but to allow God to speak in to you is where our service come from.
El servir es un acto de adoracion, pero el dejar Dios te hable es de donde viene como servir bien.
Some times when you are overwhelmed doing many things. Have you stop to think what is important of the things you are doing. What can wait.
This is usually the person that says, “I didn’t have time to read the bible.”
I had something to do and that’s why I didn’t go to church.
Let’s look at another problem with His disciples.
Listening to the Lord.
Listening to the Lord.
13 And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them.
14 But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.
15 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”
16 And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.
Here in this particular time. The disciples saw as a waste of time to bring the children to him.
The children are treated as second citizen.
But, Question, are you really doing and listening to what the Lord is doing?
v.14 What does it mean that Jesus became indignant. (he became angered at something seemingly unjust or wrong; anger was stirred up in him)
Why was angered stir in him. Maybe he had already made clear that Children where important to him and He knew they where just not listening
This happens to us when we are not lisening, right.
A women heard the Lord say to her “I will visit you today”. She was excited of the visitation of the Lord. She wanted to be ready and receive Him and give Him the best attention. She decided to go to the store and buy somethings she could offer Him while he visits her. On the way to the store she ran into some challenging situations.
She saw a lady with her child beggin for money on the entrance. The lady asked her for money but she said. Sorry, I only have enough to buy what I need to entertain a guest I will have today. Maybe next time.
When she was putting her groceries in her car. A man ask her to help with some spare change to put gas and go see his children that he had not seen in 2 years. Sorry, I don’t have anymore money than what I need to buy things for my guess tonight.
Someone came to her door and asked for some help. Please lend me your phone to make an important call. I don’t have a phone as I just got robed. Sorry, I don’t have time to waste. Maybe another time will be.