• Noah Building the Ark (Gen. 6:14–22)
• Abraham leaving Ur (Gen. 12:1–4; Rom. 4)
• Abraham waiting for Isaac (Rom. 4)
• Abraham offering up Isaac (Gen. 22:1–10; Rom. 4)
• Peter walking on water (Matt. 14:27–33)
• Paralytic lowered through the ceiling (Luke 5:17–20)
• Rahab offering hospitality to the Hebrew spies (Josh. 2:9, 11)
• Caleb & Joshua in their assessment of Israel’s ability to smite the Canaanites (Josh. 2:24)
• David slaying Goliath (1 Sam. 17:37, 46, 47)
• David not killing Saul (1 Sam. 24:1–22)
• Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego (Dan. 3:13–27)
Faith is just walking with God, as the child walks with a parent; it is enjoying the Father’s company, leaning on the Father’s arm, listening to the Father’s counsel, joyously running the Father’s errands. This is faith, this is spiritual life, which two things, in the final analysis, are practically one.
Faith is a Divinely-wrought living experience of the soul of man. Faith is not a cold, speculative, indifferent acceptance of the theory concerning God; but the surrender of the heart to the personal Being who has created, redeemed, called, enlightened, and saved us. Faith, at least where it has come to some degree of maturity, is not an uncertain, trembling waiting for deliverance; but, while it is the cause, it is also the blessed experience of it.
Faith is the eye of the soul by which that unseen to the physical senses becomes visualized and certain.