Elizabeth's Confession
The Son: Meeting Jesus through Luke • Sermon • Submitted
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This morning we pick up the saga with Mary just shortly after the angel Gabriel reveals to her that she would miraculously give birth to the Messiah. You’ll remember that along with revealing God’s plan for Mary, he also informed her that her aged cousin Elizabeth was pregnant and about six months along. Her pregnancy too was miraculous, but in a different way. Elizabeth was not a virgin like Mary, she was barren and unable to have children. Her husband, Zacharias was the natural father of her child.
Nonetheless, you could imagine the joy that Mary felt after being told that she was going to have a child miraculously and then hearing her cousin too was going through something similar. Here was someone close to her, who at least in some way, understood just how she was feeling about all of this and could help her to process it.
Luke’s explanation of Mary’s trip is pretty mater-of-fact.
39 Now Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, to a city of Judah,
After hearing from the angel it seems she likely made hasty plans with her parents (Mary is likely 12-14 years old at this time); and rushes to make the journey to the countryside home in Judea of Zacharias and Elizabeth. An 80-100 mile trip that would have likely taken her 3 to 4 days to complete. It seems as if she couldn't wait to get there, so much so that she arrived unannounced.
Our text before us today lays out the events that took place when Mary arrived on the doorstep of Zacharias and Elizabeth. These two cousins, born generations apart, would become co-conspirators in the divine plot to save the souls of men.
This morning in our time together, we’re going to observe the events that took place upon Mary’s arrival, what those events teach us about God and how this event can help us today.
1.) A leaping prophecy. (v. 40-41a, 44)
1.) A leaping prophecy. (v. 40-41a, 44)
41 And it happened, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
44 For indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
It seems as if before Elizabeth could respond to Mary’s greeting, the baby in her womb (John) did.
Only a mother really can understand what a prenatal kick feels like, but this was far more than that. He leapt, this was an upward vault. After she felt this leap, we’re told she was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out with a loud voice.
Why did this happen?
A.) She was carrying a prophet and this was his first prophecy.
This was the first recorded prophecy of John the Baptist and it happened three months before his birth. The Holy Spirit of God, who vs.15 tells us John was filled with before his birth is the one who prompted this leap.
B.) The baby leapt because he was filled with Joy.
Notice, this was while he was in his mothers womb. He was in the fetus stage of development and he could experience the emotion. This demonstrates for us, that a child is a person even when it is inside of it’s mothers womb. As a six month old baby, in the fetal development stage of his growth, John was already an emotional being.
But there is even more here, Mary, is only about three or four days pregnant here. Jesus would have been at the zygote stage of development , and when John leapt for joy, his mother Elizabeth exclaimed that she was the “mother of my Lord.”
Had Mary have gotten an abortion at this point, she wouldn't have aborted a potential human being, she would have aborted the eternal son of God. Why, because life begins the very moment of conception.
2.) A unique proclamation (v.41b-42)
2.) A unique proclamation (v.41b-42)
As the baby John, leapt inside of his mothers womb, scripture also tells us that Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit then led her to speak with a loud voice a proclamation of praise.
Elizabeth was the first person to know about Mary being pregnant with the Christ child other than Mary herself because the Holy Spirit of God revealed it to her in this moment.
In that moment she proclaims Mary to be blessed among women and that the “fruit of her womb” would be blessed as well. In other words, Mary was blessed because the child in her womb was the son of God.
What an encouragement to Mary this had to have been. Here was this little 12-14 year old girl.Pregnant and scared, away from home to talk to the only woman who has any idea what she’s going through.
This proclamation from Elizabeth to Mary tells me something great about the Lord.
God sees to it that we are encouraged when we as his children need encouragement. Mary needed assurance and God took her to the place where she could get it. The home of her cousin, who herself was having a miraculous pregnancy. Notice something though, God gave her this encouragement while she was obeying him. Friends, sometimes obeying the Lord is hard and we can get discouraged along the way. Thank God he often leads us to the right person at the right time to offer that encouragement.
There is also a lesson about our own behavior and yieldedness to the Lord. Elizabeth willingly humbled herself to help Mary. She was older and held a higher position as the wife of a priest, yet she denied and surrendered herself to push Mary and her child forward. Friends, every event in life isnt always about us. Sometimes we have to step to the back in order to push someone forward and lift them up.
3.) A saving pronouncement. (v.43-44)
3.) A saving pronouncement. (v.43-44)
Elizabeth in vs.43 calls Mary’s child “my Lord.”
Remember, that when Zacharias was told Elizabeth would have a child the angel said that child would be great. But the child Mary was carrying was greater.
Elizabeths child, John, would prepare the way for the Lord. But Mary’s child was the Lord Jesus himself.
But notice, the child wasn’t just “the Lord” to Elizabeth he was “my Lord” to Elizabeth. Elizabeth knew that the child her cousin was carrying was the one who would forgive her sin. Her faith and trust was in the messiah resting and growing in Mary’s womb.
Elizabeth’s confession of her Lord was a very personal thing. She apparently never shared it with John. John did not know Jesus was the Messiah until Jesus’ baptism.
31 I did not know Him; but that He should be revealed to Israel, therefore I came baptizing with water.”
32 And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him.
33 I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’
34 And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”
John had to confess Christ for himself. So do we all. It is a personal decision. Your parents or spouses faith isn't enough for you to be saved. You must place your faith in Christ.
15 Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
4.) A comforting promise. (v.45)
4.) A comforting promise. (v.45)
Elizabeth proclaimed under direction of the Holy Spirit that Mary’s faith would receive the promise from God.
She called Mary Blessed because she believed. When the anfgel told Mary she was going to give birth to the Son of God even though she was still a virgin, her response was absolute belief in the word of the Lord.
38 Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.
Contrast that with the response from Elizabeths husband Zachariahs when he received the Lords word.
20 But behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time.”
The result of Mary’s faithful belief in the word of the Lord was that she would see the performance of God’s promise. That her faith would be made sight the day that child was born.
I wonder today in conclusion, have you like Elizabeth confessed Christ as your Lord and savior or are you depending on someone else's faith to be enough?
Are you humble enough to let God use you to be an encouragement to someone else today, like Elizabeth was?
Do you need encouraged today like Mary did?