Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Laying a Solid Foundation For Living
There can be a place where dreams come true, and no one has any unmet expectations, and everyone is sold out to a common cause.
There could be a community called Romans Twelve.
It is the place that I long for our church to be at.
In this place serving Christ passionately comes without question.
In this radical contemporary place people live out their entire lives sold out to the sole vision and purpose of serving a risen savior.
Radically obedient believers who here from the Lord continually and do His bidding no matter how ridiculous the request.
In this place on any given day, you can take part in inspiring worship services that draw you into the very presence of God.
There you will meet Him in the Holy of Holies, and you will fall to your knees in reverent submission before your creator.
After worship each day powerful preaching takes place.
The word spoken penetrates your body and you are once again drawn to Him who sits on the throne.
These words are living and active and move about your soul with a swiftness that compels you to move.
On any given day you can see people leaving this place.
Their heads held high they are on a mission.
They have been so inspired and blessed and motivated that they are going out to start another Romans Twelve community.
Into every nation, into every part of the world they carry their radical obedience making sure they tell everyone about HIM.
If you go outside and look around, you will notice that we are in a very rural setting.
Hayfields, cornfields, wheatfields woods and streams dot the horizon.
Cars zoom up and down the road outside and nobody looks twice at the little old church tucked into the countryside along Church Road.
We can feel like we are isolated and insignificant when we take in our surroundings.
We can feel like we do not matter in the greater scheme of life and the world.
Sometimes we can feel like we are looking out into the chaos and evil and we want to stay safe in our little church, not ruffle any feathers, not become a target for the enemy.
Sometimes we don’t even want to leave our homes because it’s safer.
We want to pretend that it doesn’t matter.
We like to pretend that we cannot make a difference.
Slowly we begin to believe that we have nothing to offer, we believe a lie.
We start to believe that nothing we do will make a difference and our light fades.
Then the questions start:
Who have we become?
What have we become?
Can we begin to make a difference?
I want to tell you a story.
Once upon a time… Don’t those words begin to fill you with awe?
I love stories that start out that way.
Because you know that something magical is about to happen as you turn the pages of the story and experience words woven into the tapestry of their world as we make it our own.
A good story draws you in, makes you want to be a part of what is happening.
I don’t know if I am a good storyteller or a good story writer – Probably not.
But I am a good story reader.
I love to ready Stories.
This isn’t a magical story, it doesn’t have the ending I like but it is true.
Once upon a time there was a Hero who wore a red bandana.
It is said that his family used to dress up for church
One such week, our young hero asked his father for a handkerchief to put in the breast pocket of his jacket.
His father then handed his son a handkerchief to put in the jacket “for show” and a red bandana to keep in a back pocket “for blows,”.
He kept the red bandana in his back pocket for years to come as a way to connect to his father.
He was a young man just 24 years old at the time of this story.
I don’t know what went through his mind that day.
I really don’t know what he was thinking.
I don’t know what his morning routine looked like, did he have coffee, a donut?
Was he happy or sad?
Looking forward to the day?
His mom once said “he was full of adventure, always leaping from the highest places,”.
“But he was also kind of like a guardian angel.”
At age 5, he followed his 3-year-old sister after she ran into the street and pulled her back to safety.
This would be the role he would play on the day of our story.
The Role of the Guardian the role of Hero.
Bravery and sacrifice beyond measure.
The hero’s name was Welles Crowther
Crowther was an equities trader who worked on the 104th story of the World Trade Center’s South Tower.
After the plane struck, Crowther helped 18 people escape the wreckage and get out of the building before it collapsed.
He had been identified by many people as simply “the man in the red bandana” (which he wore to protect from the smoke and debris).
Many reported that Crowther gave firm directions to those who were still stunned from the impact and assisted the injured.
He ushered several floors of office workers to safe exists, even carrying one woman on his back at one point.
After clearing those who could move, Crowther went back into to search the more floors.
His face covered, the man in the red bandana saved at least 18 people by showing them a way out of the South Tower of the World Trade Center.
In the 2017 documentary “Man in the Red Bandana,” survivor Ling Young recalls hearing a young man say he found stairs to escape the tower and followed him along with several others.
After that man led Young and others out of the South Tower, he ran back up the stairs.
The towers collapsed and his body was found with the firefighters.
Ultimately, he gave his life to help others until the very last seconds before the building fell.
His impact was so great that many of those he saved remain connected – bonded by being saved by the same person.
In his office before the attacks Welles kept the bandana folded on his desk.
One day, a woman who worked in the office approached him and asked about the bandana.
“Welles picked up the red bandana, turned around and held it up and said, ‘With this red bandana, I'm going to change the world,’ ”.
How many people died that day including our hero?
2,977 - 2,996.
Depending on who is telling the story.
We know for sure that 1 person made a difference in 18 lives.
He could have said, I cannot save everyone, I am just going to get out of here.
But he didn’t.
Why did I tell you this story?
I wanted to show you that I person can make a difference
I wanted us to make this our spiritual story –
Wearing the Red Bandanna
Leading people out of chaos and evil
Showing them the way
Leading people to Jesus
We need to believe that we are significant in the kingdom of God.
We are not a little nameless church in the middle of rural Ohio.
We are New Creation Fellowship Destined to Amazing Kingdom Work one person at a time.
We can be a Romans 12 Church.
How will we do that?
I feel like more than anything else God is calling us to work together to empower each other to share Jesus within our sphere of influence.
Building community within NCF to share Jesus with the world!
People are hungry to know that you care, people want to know that they matter.
I want to start out this year by asking us to make Romans 12 the foundation for the year.
So want to take us on a journey through Romans 12 for several Sundays to Help us begin to lay the foundation of how this works for real in our lives.
When we come to faith in Christ Jesus, what’s supposed to change about our lives?
That’s the subject of Romans 12.
Romans 1-11 is that portion of the Bible that sets forth in logical and theological terms the doctrine of being justified by grace through faith.
The remainder of Romans—chapters 12-16—explains to us the changes that should occur in our lives once we have accepted the message of the first eleven chapters.
Since we have been justified by grace through faith, here is how we should then live.
< .5
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> .9