A Productive Knowledge of Jesus
Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 1:55:47
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Title: Living an Effective and Productive Life
Text: 2 Peter 1:3-11
Let’s turn together
in our Bibles
to 2nd Peter.
2nd Peter
chapter 1.
& we’re gonna
read verses 3-11.
2nd Peter 1:3-11.
& when you find that
in your Bible
Pls stand for
the reading
of God’s Word.
The title of
today’s teaching is:
In 2 Peter 1:3-11
the Scriptures say:
2 Peter 1:3–11 (NIV)
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;
and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;
and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.
For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.
Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble,
and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You may be seated.
How do we live
an effective
& productive life?
Depending on
who you ask
You might get
dfrnt answers
to to that question.
But for us
who are followers
of Jesus
we know
an effective
& productive life
is a godly life
where we follow
the Lord’s
will for our lives.
In today’s passage
Peter teaches us
at least two
equally important truths
that will help us
do that.
As we learn
How to live
an effective
& productive life?
Let’s pray.
Father we thank You
for your Word.
We ask you
to open our ears
To hear the voice
of Jesus.
Open our eyes
to see the truth.
& give us the will & ability…
to follow Jesus
wherever He leads us.
In Jesus name.
[Transition: The 1st truth
we must know
to live effective & productive lives is...]
God gives us EVERYTHING we need for a godly life.
Notice how Peter starts verse 3.
Talking abt God
Peter says...
2 Peter 1:3 (NIV)
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life...
The verb “has gvn”
points to a
completed action
That has
continuing results.
When we’re
born again
God gives us the gift
of the HS.
& when we have
the HS
We have God’s
divine power—
the power of God—
at work in us
Giving us everything
we need
to live
a godly life.
& as Peter
continues in verse 3
He tells us how
God gives us
His divine power.
He says
God’s divine power comes to us…
2 Peter 1:3 (NIV)
...through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
God’s glory & goodness
are two aspects
of God’s character.
Peter’s saying
God’s character
is praiseworthy
& excellent.
God wants us to know
His praiseworthy
& excellent character.
& Peter does not mean
to know
in the sense of
head knowledge.
But to know
thru experience
& participation.
God wants us
to share in—
to experience—
His glory
His excellence
& all the other attributes
of His
Holy Character.
So that by sharing in
His divine nature;
& divine pwr
We can live
praiseworthy &
& excellent lives.
Lives that
bring glory
& praise to God.
God gives us
His divine power
Thru an
experiential knowledge
of His character.
And where do we
experience knowing God
in this way?
Two places:
Thru His Body.
& Thru His Book.
Thru the Church
& thru the Scriptures.
The Church is
the Body of Christ
on earth.
The Scriptures are
the Book
thru which Christ
speaks to
& thru the Church.
Thru the Church
& thru the Scriptures
We learn exactly
what God is like.
& we learn
who we can be
Like Him
as we receive His grace—
as we experience
His divine power—
in the Church.
Peter puts it this way
in 2 Peter 1:4
2 Peter 1:4 (NIV)
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
Thru God’s glory & goodness
God has gvn His ppl
many very great
& precious promises.
Promises we find
in the Body.
& in the Book.
We see three:
Of those precious promises
in today’s passage.
God promises
To give us
everything we need
to live a godly life.
God promises
We can escape
the corruption
of sinful world
caused by evil desires.
& God promises
We can overcome
every evil desire.
By learning
& applying
the promises we find
in the Church
& the Scriptures
We participate
in God’s divine
So, to know what God is like—
To know what you
& I can be like
thru God’s power—
We need to know
God’s promises.
We learn God’s promises
thru His Body
& His Book.
So, we all need
to keep gathering
like we’re doing now
to hear God’s promises
w/ other members
of the body—
Where we can hear
the promises
of God.
& outside of
these gatherings
we need
to get
the Book.
the Book.
Listen to
the Book
be read
by others.
Study the Book.
& as we approach
the Body
& the Book
we shld to do so
w/ this understanding:
If we’re united w/ Christ
in His Body
then every
very great
& precious promise
to the Body
in the Book—
That’s all ours!
Bcs thru His life
& resurrection
Jesus inherited
all the promises.
& thru our union
w/ Him
we inherit
all the promises too.
I think we often read
the promises of Scripture
thru an earthly filter.
We put our limitations
on God.
But listen:
The Church
is a supernatural body
& the Scriptures
are a supernatural book.
Breathed out by
a supernatural God.
So our natural minds
cannot help us
the things of God.
We need God
to give us
Supernatural eyes.
So we can truly see
The hope.
The inheritance
& the power
That’s available to us
in Christ
thru God’s promises.
So we need
to keep asking God
to help us
see & accept
His precious promises.
& trust God
to fulfill His promises
Thru His divine power.
So, to live
an effective
& productive life
We must know
God gives us
everything we need
for a godly life
thru His divine power.
& we experience
that divine power
through the precious
promises we find
in Christ’s body
& Christ’s book.
Thru God’s promises
we’re able to participate
in God’s divine nature
& live effective
& productive lives
that bring glory
& praise to God.
That is
God’s promise
to His ppl.
But Peter is not finished.
As w/ nearly every
other promise
in the Scriptures
there is a condition
to receiving this promise.
[Transition: & that brings us
to the 2nd truth
We must know
to live effective
& productive lives.]
God goads us to make every effort to live a godly life. (1:5-11)
In 2 Peter 1:5
Peter says:
2 Peter 1:5 (NIV)
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith...
What reason
is Peter talking abt?
Why shld we
make every effort
to add to our faith?
Bcs God has gvn us
everything we need
to live a godly life
thru knowing Him....
Then you & I
have gotta get busy
& stay busy adding
to our faith
to live out
that godly life.
Many have
wrongly taught
we cannot add
anything to faith
in Jesus.
& if we try
to add to faith
then we cannot
be saved.
But those false
teachers know
the Scriptures
nor the power of God.
Faith in Jesus
is only
the beginning.
Submitting to Christ
as our Lord;
Turning frm sin;
Turning to God;
Being Baptized
into Christ;
Being born again
Thru water
& the Spirit
That’s just
the beginning.
That’s how we get
on the way
to salvation.
That’s how we
get united to Christ.
But after
we’re united
to Christ
we’ve gotta grow
in our salvation.
& to grow
we’ve gotta
add some things
to our faith.
We’ve gotta cooperate
w/ God
to be transformed
into Christ’s image.
& this means:
Living a godly life
takes work
on our part.
We’ve all gotta
put forth
strenuous & sustained
Working w/ all
the energy
God gives us
thru His grace
To live
a godly life.
We must make
every effort
To add Christ’s
character qualities
to our faith.
The more
these qualities
are in us &
are increasing
in our live
The more we
will look like
the Lord Jesus.
& that’s the goal
God has for us.
That’s what an
& productive life
will end up.
That’s why
God allows us
to share in
His divine nature.
It’s to make us
like Jesus.
To conform us
to His image.
The image
that was lost
when Adam & Eve
chose to sin.
So, God’s Son
became one of us.
He united our
human nature
w/ His
divine nature.
& humanity
& divinity
have been forever
united in
God’s divine-human Son—
The Lord Jesus Christ.
& thru our union
w/ Christ
Our human nature
is healed.
& the divine image
of our glorious God
is restored in us.
God’s Son came
to rescue humanity
frm the trash heap
of hell.
& recycle our lives.
So we can be
transformed into
precious stones
To be used
in the household of God.
Christ became one of us
So, that thru our union
w/ Him
We can live
& productive lives.
Lives where we’re
always adding
Godly qualities
to our character.
Qualities that
bring us closer
& closer
to the radiant image
of God’s Son.
In Christ—
In the Church—
We’re becoming
the righteousness
of God.
That means:
We’re taking on
the qualities
of His divine nature.
We’re becoming righteous
Just as Jesus
is righteous.
As He was
so are we
in this world.
We’re living
as Jesus lived.
We’re loving
as Jesus loved.
That’s God’s goal
for all of us.
But again:
this will only happen
We make
every effort
to add Christ’s
character qualities
to our faith.
& Peter goes on
in 2 Peter 1:5-7
to list eight
of these character qualities.
He urges us to
2 Peter 1:5–7 (NIV)
...make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;
and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;
and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.
Notice Peter’s list
begins w/ faith
& ends w/ love.
Faith is
the starting point
Love is
the end goal.
Everyone of
these Christian
Character qualities
lead us to love God
& love others
just like Jesus did.
Let’s talk briefly
abt these qualities.
Here Peter echos
what he said
a few verses earlier.
God called us
by His own goodness
to a life
of goodness.
A life of moral excellence.
A life where we
do to others
only what we
want others to do
to us.
& also a life
where lavish good works
done to all
becomes 2nd nature
to us.
This is one reason
God recreated humanity
in Christ.
As Paul reminds us in
Ephesians 2:8–10 (NIV)
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—
not by works, so that no one can boast.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
expressed thru good works
done thru God’s grace
is what we’re created
to do in Christ.
We do good
Bcs we have the Nature
of the One
who is good
in us.
Bcs we participate
In His
divine nature
He makes us good.
& as we stay connected
to the fount frm
ALL goodness flows
the goodness of God
will flow into us.
& then
it will flow
out of us.
& express itself
in good deeds
done to others.
But we must apply
every effort
To add goodness
to our faith.
[Transition: The 2nd
character quality
We must add to our faith is…]
The kind of knowledge
Peter has in mind
is a knowledge
that increases our
& experience of
the one true God.
This is a knowledge
we can only gain
if we’re active
in Christ’s body
in the Church.
& absorbed in
Christ’s Book
in the Scriptures.
So many of us
claim to love
the Scriptures
blv the Scriptures
& cherish the Scriptures.
But how many of us
are dedicated
to knowing
the Scriptures?
Knowing the Scriptures
in a way
that changes our lives
takes discipline
& determination.
So, we must make
every effort
to add knowledge
to our faith.
[Transition: Another character quality
We must add to our faith is]
Christian’s shld be known
as ppl
Who are able
to control ourselves.
To control our tendencies.
our tempers.
& our tongues.
To control our appetites
Our attitudes
& our actions.
& I blv
If we Christians
wld stop making
every excuse
for why we
cannot control ourselves
in this or that area;
& if we wld
start making
every effort to
To be self-controlled in
all areas of our lives
I blv most of
the problems ppl
struggle w/
in the Church
wld vanish.
What if we made every effort
to be self-controlled in…
What we eat.
What we drink.
How we dress
& where we go.
What we read.
& listen to.
What if we made
every effort to be
self-controlled in
How we spend
our money.
How we spend
our time.
& who we spend
our time w/.
What if we were
so we cld be
consistent & disciplined
in our spiritual lives.
I don’t stand here
as one who has
mastered all of this.
But as a
fellow follower of Jesus
who’s still learning
how to apply
these things.
So, let’s rely
on God’s divine power
to give us the ability
to make every effort
To add self-control
to our faith.
[Transition: Another character quality…
We must add to our faith is…]
This character quality
allows us to courageously
keep living for God
Even in the face
of Strong opposition
& evil.
When we persevere
even thru tough times
We show God
we trust Him
to keep His promises.
& cultivating
this character quality
Will become
even more important
& more challenging
As the Day of the Lord
draws near.
Living a godly life
Is not easy
in an evil world.
But we need to
patiently endure
to the end.
We will not be saved
if we do not add
to our faith.
As Paul reminds us
in Hebrews 6:12
Hebrews 6:12 (NIV)
We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.
Only by adding
to our faith
will we inherit
God’s promises.
So, we must be sure
We’re making every effort
To add perseverance
to our faith.
[Transition: Another character quality…
We must add to our faith is…]
This character quality is all abt…
Putting our religion
into practice.
& yes
I really did use
the word “religion.”
The word ‘religion’
has been mostly
In the modern church.
You might’ve heard
or seen the popular
“Is not a religion
“But a relationship
& I’ll admit
that sounds good.
It looks good
on a T-shirt.
But the problem is
That is NOT
a true statement.
The statement
assumes we can
either have religion
or a relationship
w/ Jesus
but we cannot
have both.
But that’s just
not true.
Christianity is abt
a relationship
w/ Jesus.
More precisely
a relationship
w/ God the Father
thru Jesus.
But Christianity is
also a religion.
We cannot have
a relationship
w/ God the Father
thru Jesus
the Christian religion.
The Christian religion
Is a certain set
of beliefs & practices
Handed dwn to Jesus
by the Father.
Handed dwn
to the Apostles
by Jesus.
& then handed dwn
to the Church
by the Apostles.
& it’s only thru
the Christian Religion
that ppl can get in
& stay in a right relationship
w/ God the Father
thru Jesus Christ.
Christianity is indeed
a religion
& the only religion
God the Father
As James remind us
in James 1:27.
James 1:27 (NIV)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
This is
what Peter’s talking abt
When he says
we must make every effort
To add godliness
to our faith.
We must make
every effort
to put our religion
into practice.
& that includes
Doing good to others
Giving to the poor.
& living a holy life
By keeping ourselves
frm being polluted
by the world.
We must make
every effort
To put our religion
into practice.
[Transition: Another character quality…
We must add to our faith is…]
Mutual affection.
The Greek word here
is φιλαδέλφια.
You might recognize
that word.
What does that sound like?
& you may know
is called the
“City of Brotherly love.”
& this is why.
The word Philadelphia
Brotherly love
or mutual affection.
& when Peter
uses this word:
He’s talking abt
having a true affection
for other believers;
A familial
type of love.
Other Christians
are a part of
God’s family—
they’re a part
of our family.
& we shld have
a certain affection
for them.
But notice Peter says:
It takes every effort
To add this affection
to our faith.
Just like in any other
family relationship
It’s not always easy
to show brotherly love
to our brothers & sisters
in Christ.
our brothers &sisters
Say things
we don’t like.
They do things
we don’t like.
Even ppl we love
can get on
our nerves.
But we’re commanded
to make every effort
To allow God’s grace
to work in us.
& give us a greater affection
for our brothers
& sisters in Christ.
& one way
we can make
this affection grow is
& by adding
a final
to our faith.
[Transition: & the final characteristic
We must add to our faith is…]
We must make every effort
To learn
to love others
as God loves us.
God’s love for us
is a self-sacrificial
A love that
urges us
to lay dwn our lives
for others.
& in 1 John 3:16
John tells us
what it means
to lay dwn
our lives for others.
He starts by
defining what love is.
& it’s so important
that we let the Scriptures
define love for us.
Especially in a culture
that has a whole lot
to say abt love
but has no clue
what real love is.
John says:
1 John 3:16 (NIV)
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
Love leads us
to lay dwn our lives
for others.
& John goes on
in verse 17
to tell us how
to apply this
in practical terms.
He says:
1 John 3:17–18 (NIV)
If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
It’s easy to say
we love
one another.
It’s much dfrnt
to show we love
one another.
Loving one another
Means we lay dwn
our lives for others.
& we lay dwn
our lives for others
When we use
what we have
to meet the needs
of others
especially in the Church.
We must make
every effort
To add that
kind of love
Christ-like love
to our faith.
As we went thru
this list:
Christlike character qualities
we need to add
to our faith
Like me
You may have found places
Where these qualities
need to increase
in your life.
Don’t be discouraged.
Peter’s purpose
is not to discourage
but encourage us.
We need to understand
Christlike character qualities
will take a ton
of work on our part.
& this is something
we need to keep doing.
As Peter says in 2 Peter 1:8
2 Peter 1:8 (NIV)
For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
How many of us
want to be effective
& productive
in our knowledge
of the Lord Jesus?
We’re not content
w/ a false Christianity
that talks abt
knowing God—
But has not experienced
the life-transforming
grace of God.
We want
a Christianity
that has power.
Real Power!
Divine power!
To have that
kind of a Christian life—
which is really
the ONLY Christian life—
Everything else is
just counterfeit Christian.
To have the truth
Christian life
We must possess
the character qualities
Peter mentioned.
& those qualities
must be always increasing
in our lives.
This means
There’s always
room to grow.
The Christian life
is a continual process
Whereby we’re constantly
being transformed
as we learn
& submit ourselves
to God’s will
& walk in His grace.
& this glorious Christian life:
Is available to
everyone of us.
Anyone of us
who will allow
God’s divine power
to energize us.
& who will make
every effort
to add to our faith.
We will participate
in God’s nature
& live a life
that’s pleasing to God
As we bcm
more & more like God.
Now......what abt ppl
Who do not
add these qualities
to their faith?
Peter has some strong words
for them in 2 Peter 1:9
2 Peter 1:9 (NIV)
But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins.
Peter’s talking abt someone
who’s spiritual sight
is really messed up.
They did not do
what’s necessary
to grow in a true
knowledge of God
so they become
blinded to the truth.
& they’re no longer
able to see the truth.
They’re eyes are blinded
Their hearts hard.
Their conscience seared.
They do things
they said they
wld never do.
& as Peter says
in 2 Peter 2:20-22
2 Peter 2:20–22 (NIV)
If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning.
It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and then to turn their backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them.
Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.”
So, we don’t wanna be
like the ppl Peter
describes here.
& we never need