Here's Someone You Can Trust

Major Posts from Minor Prophets: Be an Influencer • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 35:36
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Sermon Tone Analysis
Obadiah 1-4
GOD is your God and Will Be the Center of Your Worldview
GOD is Lord of Your Nation (Ob. 1) - Do not ignore GOD. He will let you ignore Him, for only so long.
GOD is Lord of Your Morality (Ob. 1-3) - Do not test GOD. He will let you do your own way, for only so long.
GOD is Lord of Your Destiny (Ob. 4) - Do not be GOD. He will let you be ruler of your world, for only so long.
GOD is your God and Will Be the Center of Your Worldview
“Will be...” He will have it no other way
“Will be...” Whether He currently is or not, there will come a time that He will be, with or without your cooperation.
GOD is your God and Will Be the Center of Your Worldview
Have you experienced broken trust, one of those moments where someone you should have been able to trust, breaks that trust? Has that experience made it difficult for you to ever trust them to the same level again or even trust others as you did?
Verses 5-8 of Obadiah are a reminder that God takes note of those who betray you. You can trust God to make things right. And what God makes right, He does so completely and in ways the clearly demonstrates that it is He will not be dismissed, He will not be disobeyed, and He will be the center of their worldview.
I want to take a minute and have you note with me Obad. 15. In 2 weeks we will get back to it, but I want you to notice how central it is to the overall theme of Obadiah.
Obad. 15 “15 “For the day of the Lord draws near on all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head.”
Gal. 6:7-8 says, “7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.8 For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life.”
That is what Obadiah is all about. As we noted last week, God is Lord of your morality and that applies to all mankind. He will not be mocked and He will vindicate all those who have been wronged by others through acts of disobedience to His precepts - His standards.
God is someone you can trust; God is the one who is safe to be with; God will make right all the wrongs; God will keep you safe and judge any who stand against His people.
As a child of God, you can trust God and find safety with Him. In that protection, there is a stern warning to all those who oppose Him, or His people.
God is your God and will not be mocked.
Remember, “Will not be...” He will have it no other way
“Will not be...” Whether He currently is or not, there will come a time that He will be, with or without their cooperation.
God’s retribution is unmistakable (Obad. 5)
God’s retribution is unmistakable (Obad. 5)
God’s retribution is unavoidable (Obad. 6-7)
God’s retribution is unavoidable (Obad. 6-7)
God’s retribution is incomprehensible (Obad. 8)
God’s retribution is incomprehensible (Obad. 8)
God is your God and will not be mocked.
Remember, “Will not be...” He will have it no other way
“Will not be...” Whether He currently is or not, there will come a time that He will be, with or without their cooperation.
There is no safer place to be than in the care of the God who loves you, who will never betray you, and who will absolutely vindicate you.
God is Your God.