Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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Good morning.
Did they see each and every one of you this morning?
Isn't it nice to know that we're not alone?
For God tells us, he is always with us.
You'll never leave us, nor forsake us.
That's a, a promise that we can Bank on him.
Then you have your Bible this morning, go with me to the book of Nehemiah.
We're going to talk about commitment this morning, be the second Sunday of the new year.
I think every year we should look at that aspect of commitment.
My opinion.
And I take that from the word of God, but my opinion, is every year if we commit a fresh in a new to God, then other things, if God is first and foremost in our commitment, the rest of it will fall into place as it should.
According to God, that doesn't mean that everything is going to go our way doesn't mean it's going to happen the way I think it should.
If I'm committed to God then I'm open to buy will be done.
Not my will be done.
The problem with committing to God as we commit to God, as long as he does.
Things are way they man.
I guess that means yes I know we don't want to say it out loud, but we know I'll do it.
I'll do whatever you want me to do as long as whatever that aspect is.
That's The Human Side of all of us.
I mean, Jesus had that Human Side to do not Lord.
I know what's going before me.
I'm going to the Cross, not my will, but thine be done.
It's not really what I want to do.
Let this cup pass from me, but I will be done.
And that's really what it comes down to committing to God's the greatest challenge of the new year.
I think, is when we began to make those resolutions, are we began to make those commitments, a new year, gives us an opportunity to start afresh and maybe put aside the things I've been pulling us down and say, okay, God, I want to give it a new start in and maybe this year will get a little further with, then we did last year maybe this year, as we freshen it off.
And we get a little further down the road because there's some roads that may be paved, a little longer this year than they were.
It's maybe a new job, that's a challenge to you.
You go to a new job and you start fresh and new because the people there don't know you, they don't know your failures, don't know your Tendencies, your past weaknesses, whatever it may be.
So, you start fresh and new.
And then somewhere along the line in that new year, as you get to know one another, maybe they won't.
Go figure out a nickname for you.
Or you figure out a nickname for those around you that goes along with their aspect of work, relationship, whatever it may be, But that new year that we have before us is an opportunity and a chance to live better than last year.
And I thank each.
And everyone of us this morning and say, you know what, I desire to live better than last year, I hope to live better than last year even if last year was a great year and you lived, great do better live.
Great read.
We started out the new year last week, talking in the beginning, God because God is very important in our lives.
Is very important in the whole aspect of where we need to be, if God's in the right place and other things will fall into place as they should in God's eyes and then God's Direction.
But if he's watching football on Monday night, you saw something take place on the football field that everybody who may be like football or watches football, fall to the ground after we made a tackle.
It wasn't that hard of a tackle but his heart stopped beating 24 years of age.
Pretty much was dead.
Right there had been would have been had it not been for those who came and gave him CPR, and help him get off the field via the ambulance.
But what you saw afterwards, you saw a stunt Stadium.
You saw a strong group of men and trainers and coaches and everybody that was their camera.
Swapping and praying and wondering.
What's going next?
What's happening?
Is the young man alive.
Is the young man going to be.
Okay, what is the aspect in the prospect of this young man?
A young man whom you and I may only know by name.
Maybe we see him on television, when he plays football, whatever it might be, but we only knew him, I only knew him by name.
But you're sitting there and you're enthralled on suit.
What's next?
Where do we go from here?
And if you change the channel to something else, you almost feel guilty because should not be concerned about this.
Young man concerned about his family.
Those that are all consumed with whatever is taking place here.
See, we saw a commitment by a group of people Monday night.
To begin praying in beseeching God, on this young man's behalf.
And those who are still praying.
Beseeching God on this young man's.
We have although it says he's doing better and reports and pictures of him waving and smiling and Reports have been speaking to his teammates.
I look at that is regardless of what team you're on.
As we saw those two teams come together,
As one and we saw a nation.
Come together.
As one we saw a commitment to the welfare of this young man.
And boy, didn't that feel good?
And all that we've been dealing with and everything around us in this world of negativity and hatred and despising certain people.
Then it feel good to come together as one and in a commitment.
This Damar, Hamlin.
I did, as you listen over the week and you heard his progress and didn't know whether he's getting better, whether he wasn't getting better.
Nobody really, really knew until somebody came out with an official statement, all kinds of ideas and plots.
And even if social media, there are those who were saying negative things about, well, you know what, he makes billions of dollars or hey, that's what are the chances of You can make a dollar in fall over dead.
Jesus tells us in his word is appointed unto man once to die.
And after this, the Judgment each and everyone of us.
As an opportunity and a destination for death.
Now physically.
If the Lord tarries is coming it probably going to happen.
It has for many, but if he comes soon, then maybe we won't have to physically die.
But there is something that we need to do in order to ensure that if he does come back or if he does call us home to death, that we have a place with him and heaven.
And that place with him.
And Heaven, only comes by believing in the Lord.
Jesus Christ, putting our faith and trust in him.
It's not our works, it's not our money.
It's not our up, whatever.
We've got to offer, that's not it.
It's receiving what God has given us his son Jesus Christ.
4 John 3:16 Says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life and that belief is more than just a head knowledge, you hear me.
And I'll say that every time because some people do I believe in God, Okay, well, that's good.
So does Satan and trembles, so the demons and they tremble, they have a belief, they just have it received him as their lord and as their savior, And I'm afraid in our society.
Today, there are many people who have a belief in God.
But not a relationship with him.
This morning, we're going to look at commitment.
How do we commit ourselves to this relationship?
How do we commit ourselves to God? How do we commit ourselves to putting him in that?
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