Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9
Turned up.
Coming up crying cat, baby.
We should have got a disco ball, show me.
I got all my brothers and sisters with me.
That we go.
I didn't do the whole song.
I even found the original 1979 video.
So on that note.
Good morning again fam, you know what I am.
So Grateful to be your pastor.
Thank God that he saved me in this church and called me to pastor this church.
I thank God every day for that because I'm honored that he would, you somebody like me for one and that I feel loved in this church.
I feel accepted in this church and I want you to feel the same acceptance among each other.
And from me,
so today we're starting to 7 series called We Are Family.
Because that's what we are.
This church is a family inside a big family.
This is off a small family and then we have extended family out outside of this church.
Meaning, in, in in our Christian Life, this is all family.
This is our home and then we also have extended family of all around the world, all the other believers in the world are part of our family.
But we're going to be talking about local family, which is this family right here.
So we're going to be choking church for the next 3 weeks.
So I want you to understand what a church is and why it is A good and biblical idea.
To belong to one to belong to one, not just hang out on Sundays but actually belong.
Cuz you can you can join and be a member of a church and still not really belong to that church.
You don't participate with that church.
So today I'm going to start in in 1st Corinthians 12 and take a look at how tall is comparing the church to the actual physical body.
So if you want to follow along in a few Bibles it's page, 90 to, but Jackie started and
All the checks is going to come off of that page.
So we're going to do, we going to do summer 12 and we're going to do chapter 14.
Going to, I'm going to use.
This body metaphor as my teaching point to teach the benefits of being part of this body.
See a church family provides a team to work with.
When you apart of the family, that's how even family Dynamics should work.
By the way at home, you should be 18.
if you're young and together,
it's just too usually in the team and then threw your life.
You got to pick a team and then it goes kind of bigger and bigger and bigger cuz your team gets bigger and bigger and bigger.
But that is what our church you supposed to do with supposed to be a team.
As a Christian, you not supposed to be a Lone Ranger.
These people that say, I believe in God but I don't need the church.
They haven't read the Bible for one.
because every believer needs of a believer's for many reasons who's going to hold me accountable, if I don't have other believers in my life, Who's going to support me when I'm down?
Who's going to? Who am I going to look for build up?
I'm doing this all by myself.
On a desert island.
That's not what Jesus wants for the church.
Jesus wants us to be a family.
You see, we need a team around is to support as a team is a unit working together and passed the church to a buddy.
Some members are arms some members, the legs, some of them members of The Hearth, some members of the kidneys, All of them, we need to function.
A church family provide the units that we can work with to make us stronger.
I'm not going to grow without you.
You're not going to grow without all of us.
That's how you grow people cuz they wore you and they prune you as you go through life, they help you grow.
And by the way, you can you can grow by hanging out with people that do not as mature in the Walkers you cuz they eat you something to that, they can teach you to remember what it was like when you first became a Christian, And you just sit there, doing nothing.
Because when you first get saved, you excited.
You can't stop talking about Jesus show much show.
That your wife.
Is that all you could talk about,
And says, hey how come every subject goes back to Jesus because I believe every subject is about Jesus.
But that's the passion you have.
When you first get saved Onion boy.
You been a Christian Saturday.
The more you forgotten what it was like when you first met Jesus when you were lost.
So, it's good to have.
Show called Baby Christians around.
It's also good to have mature Christians around.
People that are strong in their face.
People that have walked with Jesus for a very, very long time.
He almost walked with Jesus.
And on that point, by the way.
Mountain calendar for Sunday, the 29th at 2, I think it is cuz we're going to celebrate after church, Dale's 90th, birthday.
You're going to be there or you're Square.
Turn on the sanctuary.
We're going to put all the tables in.
I'm going to celebrate 92.
You should be that, it's Tails impacted your life in any way you should mark your calendar for that day.
There's a tree on the Sunday, the 29th.
Sub talking about team.
His head is a acronym for you that you can write down to remember what being a part of a team means.
So T is for together cuz you can't have a team without more than one person.
The E is for each.
Hey, is for accomplished.
And the end is from all because the team each accomplish this goal.
The Gabba eat.
so remember that together we will accomplish more
Cuz that's what it means to be part of a church, you know?
They want the news called.
The miracle Creek.
9 - 9 - with trap for 3 Days 240 ft underground in a water-filled mine shaft.
They decided from the get-go.
They were going to eat a die together.
Oh, they were going to live together.
So the water was 55 degrees Fahrenheit, that's pretty cold for 3 days.
But so The war, the war that threatened to kill them Slowly by hot the phone Mia.
So according to a news reporter when one would get cold The paint was huddled around that person, a walnut person.
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