God's Blueprint for Success, part 2 // Ezra 7:10-24

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Father they were Bush. Now is restate. Your word teach our hearts. Help us to be more and more like you. We love you and we praise you. In Jesus name, we pray Amen. Amen. We started looking at the book of Ezra. I know some of you were not here last week. You will have a hard time finding the book of Ezra. Ezra is kind of like toward where you have a ride on like that because you're not using paper Bible, you know, just Isabel Jurupa Bell going back and and trying to get the people back into worship and it from chapter 6 and on you have a new character named Ezra and Ezra is about rebuilding the temple. And as there is about a teaching the people God's word So this morning, I want to continue our study from last week. God blueprint for success and let's do a part 2. So last week will look that verse 6 through 10 and today we're going to look at verse 10 to 24 so that just a short series that we're doing from last week and this week on God's roadmap for your life. So today God's blueprint for Success part 2. So let's look now, what will it take for you to win in 2023? So he's a message in one sentence. When you prioritize, what matters? Most your position, you position yourself to be blessed and to maximize success, you need a plan. When you prioritize, what matters, most you position yourself to be blessed, and to Maxim. My Success. You need a plan, encourage you to memorize to have by heart. It says for Ezra had said, he's hard to study the law of the Lord and to do with or to practice at to live it out and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel. So Ezra only talk to talk but Ezra Walk The Talk. The Ezra was intentional, it says Ezra set his heart. That means Ezra was committed to the things of God. Azrael was committed to God as your says, hey, I'm going to study God's word. I want to stay on guys were very intentional. My heart to study God's word and all of us need to be student of God's word. And we need to strive to do with, living out the practice and to teach it to others. And last week, that's where we came with. The 3L azra as a student, who study God's word. We say that answer everybody needs to be a learner. So when we come to church, we need to come with an attitude of learning. That's where you seen your message. Note at the bottom, I put there, it says, learn live and lead and then what we learned was to, put it into practice, with live it out. And then as we remember, he taught that God's words that we need to speak to leave and where we lead others were with teach them what we have learned so that they can repeat. The process where the learn the live it out and then they become teachers also and leading others to learn live and leave. So you will see that all year long, Tony Evans puts it this way. A good leader is someone who knows the way goes the way, and shows the way, and that's my prayer for each. One of us this year did, we will be Believers, will know, the way. And the only way you can know the way is you have to study not just listen to me. But you have to personally studies the address said he is hard to study, so you have to have some personal study time and then supplemented with what I teach and other people that you met listen to online. But we need to be Student of God's word where we need to be serious about learning God's words. We may know God's word and not do it but we cannot do it. If we don't know it it would mean we may know God's word in that, do it. But we cannot do what God calls us to do if we don't know it. So that's why we have to be student of the word. Nothing just changed the nameks of our family, more than seeing my dad reading his Bible. That's one thing like that might be earlier in an hour life, all of us children growing at home. We were scared of our dad scared scared, scared, scared, scared. But you say you something happened to my dad along the way K-8. Just like somebody like you, if my dad is in the living room, you try to go in a back room and a back door somewhere. So you don't see him if it takes going through a window. So you can go further back and you don't see him because you just afraid of what he might you do a tell you to do you just and me you know my my older siblings that laughing. I'm number six. My older siblings. You know had all the discipline me, I didn't get much but still have never personally. Spect me a family. One time I got to thinking from my dad, but but the oldest siblings already tell you. You look scared of you that but you know, the picture. I have my daddy's just sitting in the living room and just reading his Bible. I just totally transformed his life. Now I want to spend time with my dad and end, that's the same ball myself, trying to avoid him. We want to spend time with him because every day, my dad will wake up. Yet is coffee or even before just sit at the dining table and just reading his word for hours and then praying for us, he wakes up at 5 a.m. with my mom and just praying for us. It's just a blessing when you stay in God's word, I love being with my dad. But before I could not say that, but the transformation is God's word. Cuz God, what if you end up seriously, like to grow, it will transform your life. See a leader or someone? Who knows, the way goes the way, and shows the way, and I can tell you stories again after stories, about other people have Gods has changed their lives. Just two fingers coach, Tony Dungy, talk about how guys would change his life you know that just save his marriage. It's just bless the life that they have because of a commitment to God's word. So someone who knows the way goes the way and shows the way to remember the Three L's, learn live and Lead. Now here's the first thing that you need to do and your message notes. So it says they're the first thing we need to do another to be very successful in life is that we need to prioritize. What matters most at the beginning of the year. Everybody's always thinking about success and success. Does that mean like a money? But it's whatever is important to your life. For some of us it's our family different things we have to prioritize. What matters? Most Christians the very first thing we need to prioritize is come on. Tell me.

God's God's word as Christians. We need to prioritize. What matters. Most. Okay, so when you prioritize what matters, most God will take care of you. This is Stephen Covey, says things which matter most should never be. Put at the mercy of things, which matter, lease things, which matter most should never be. Put at the mercy of things, which matter least give the thing. A lot of those things are good things. They are very good things. That's why Jim called and says in his book good-to-great to good is the enemy of great for us, but rather the enemy Keeps Us busy with good. Because Christians if I going to be like the crazy stuff that's going to, that's going to attract Us in the very good things. See a bit when we focus too much on those good things, instead of the things of God, instead of God's word, then we can not really live the great life that God has for us. So we need to be careful about good things in our lives because it was good. Things become the center, then now we cannot become great as God calls us to do. To be, I was reading an article about team collecting calories. One of my Favorite features Riders and then he was going to like reflecting in his life and then he said this it says he's going to pancreatic cancer right now stage for knowing that you are really going to die changes the way. You look at your time, The way you look at God, the way you look at your spouse, everything just changes when you actually realize time is limited and I am mortal.

When death is on your mind, it has a way of changing you. Making you a prioritized, the thing that really matters, and then he continues and says, this is going to sound like an exit, an exaggeration, my wife and I would never want to go back to the kind of prayer, life, and spiritual life we had before the cancer. Never, He said and he adds that this cancer Journey has made him genuinely experience. Psalm 90 verse 14 which says what is FiOS in the morning with your unfailing, love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. You see death as a way of making us focus on what really matters matter Mouse. And every so often can a cni that's his wife will say we having a much better life. Now

You have stage 4 cancer. Can happen at any time. But he's saying that. Every so often they saying, they having a much better life. Now, Cuz I wasn't as a prolific writer. Everybody wants him to write a book. NAU was always busy. Writing the next book. A busy with a Church of thriving Church in Manhattan. A very busy doing everything, but he says, now, he has a much better relationship with his sons, no time. Because when we get sucked in into good things, we missed the great things in life and you see God to bring the cancer in his life for him to really live his life. And now he's praying. He said, he thought he had a good prayer life, but until he had that cancer diagnosis. Now you realize what it really means to Pray by staying in the song, you see another 4 hours to really win in 2023 and any other time and to really experience the great life that God has for us we need to prioritize. What matters is what matters most and it is this as r710 memorized azra said his heart. He was intentional to study the law of God to do it and to teach him. Cuz that's what the gospel tells us, right? Says, we need to go and make disciples of all Nations baptizing, in the name of the father, Son and Holy Spirit and then was the word teaching them to observe all that. I have commanded you so God wants you to study the word for yourself and God wants you to Live it out. And then God wants you to teach it to others. Matthew 6:33. Seek first. The kingdom, all of us should know that by heart. Now, Matthew 6:33 says what safe with me seek first. The kingdom of God,

That's a promise from God, you think that God is reliable. You've proven it over and over in your life and in my life, God says, if you seek my kingdom and my righteousness first, all this thing's what? All this means. Everything else that are good in our life that we making the top priority to give you all those good things. Emily. He prioritizes personal relationship with God with prayer. See Much Greater prayer life. Got this one, you seek me first. I will give you all those other things than the second thing is we need to do is to position ourselves to be blessed. We need to position ourselves to be blessed. We need to position ourselves to be blessed. Let me show it to you and attacks in Ezra 7:11 to 24. So I'm just going to read a fluid and then it was just going to make some comments along the way. So you need to position yourself for success to be blessed. Birthday 11. This is a copy of the letter that King artaxerxes gave to as read the priest. Describe, a man learned in matters of the Commandment of the Lord and his statutes member. For the new guys were, these are learned. Learn if man is King of Kings by these shoes before God, that this is only reserved for one person only for God, Alone kak King of Kings to Ezra the priest, the Scribe of the law of the god of Heaven. Peace, the funny thing again, your blessing will come in unlikely places. That King wolf, X's the king of kings, and he's the one that God is using to bless me in Maya to bless azra. Remember when we were last week, was it? The hand of God wasn't. As for the hand of God wasn't azra in versus 6 and verse 9 of chapter 7, but here, look at a man was so prideful that came You calling himself King of Kings. But this is the man that God is going to use the Blessed, Ezra your blessings. Can come in the most unlikely, places. That's why you never discount people. You never let people was bothering. You just don't worry about them in due time. God will take care of them. You don't have to God, will fight your battles. That any one of the people of Israel or they are priests or levite in the Kingdom will freely offers to go to Jerusalem. May go with you. The Ezra has a hard to bring the people back into the king, isn't anyone? Who's going to do all the work in the Kingdom? Can you bring anybody wants to go back? There were in Exile. Go back. You know just you think the government will be happy for all of us. We're moving back to Canada back to speak. What's going to happen about the taxes. Coming home, what's up with taxes? But now they say, anybody wants to go back and go back and in 14 are sent by the king and he is seven councilors to make inquiries about Judah and Jerusalem according to the law of your God, which is in your hand. So he respect and also to carry the silver and gold that the king and his counselors have freely. so, the king is paying for the trip to Really offered to the god of Israel was dwelling, is in Jerusalem verse 16 with all the silver and gold that you shall find in the whole province of Babylonia and with the free real offerings of the people and the priests valid willingly for the house of their God that is in Jerusalem, it just blows my mind. That will keep reading 17 with this money then you shall befall diligence by Bulls Rams and lamps with their grand offerings in their drink offerings. And you shall offer them to the altar of the House of your God. That isn't so, the king knows about all their sacrificial system. All that stuff that you need for the second. Go worship and I'm going to pay for your sanctuary. In other words, I'm going to pay all your bills. 18, whatever, seems good to you and your brothers do with the rest of the separate go.

use all the stuff at your own discretion, and you may do a cording to the The Kings will according to the will of your God. That means according to what in the statutes, what God's word says, the vessels verse 19 have been given you for the service of the House of your God. You shall deliver before the god of Israel and whatever else is required of the House of your God. We should Falls to you to provide this point with me. You may provide it out of Wu.

But you already gave them everything that they need. Another can you said if there's anything that falls in your responsibility Pictures from the king's Treasury Office. Doesn't make sense.

God will bless you in the most unlikely places. God can use the most unlikely people to bless. You, don't fight with people. It's like with them. God will even use them to bless you and your worst enemy and I artaxerxes the king make it the cream to or call the treasurer's in the province, beyond the river, whatever Ezra the priest, The Scribe of the law of the god of Heaven requires of you. Let it be done with

Doesn't make sense up to a hundred. Thousands of silver 100 cores of wheat, hundred bags of wine, hundred, barrels of oil and salt. Without prescribing, how much salt was a big Madeleine is, They Don't Care, Unlimited, whatever is decreed by the god of Heaven, let it be done in full for the house of the god of Heaven. Unless he is rapping against the realm of the king and his son, the king here doesn't serve God. Because he look at his right and see what God can do cuz I have never feared is God. You see God can use people who don't even know what. I'm even serve him to be a blessing in your life and in verse 24 we also notify you that it shall be lawful to impose you. Also we also notify you that it shall not be lawful to impose tribute Custom Auto on any one of the breeze, the Levites, the singers of doorkeepers, the temple server to or the Servants of his house of God.

So there's nothing in it for the king except that I don't want God to come. Hurt me and my children, babe, I don't want your taxes. I don't want anything back from all the money that I

We did you just we don't have to fight our battle once when God puts a desire in your heart but something to do, just go ahead and do it. Just honor God and God will honor you. Psalm 37 verse 4 and 5 says, delight yourself in the Lord and He will do it. You will give you the desires of your heart. So anything that you desire, as you stay in God's word, God is transforming your life. It is for the asking, you delight yourself in the Lord, stay in God's word. He will give you the desires of your heart because now your desires become God's desires and God's desires, become your desires and just like the perfect marriage, whatever you ask, God, God will give it to you since commit, your way to the Lord, trust in him, and he will act as his, when you put me first, I'm going to act on your behalf.

Is it clear in check so we can move on. So first we prioritize the things that matters most that matter most then when we do that that positions us to be blessed and to have success in our life. And then lastly we need to plan for success and act on our plan. We need to plan for success and act on our plan.

We have a lot of desires, but we never turn them into plans. K. Just a desire will not do it. We need to have an action plan to prioritize, God, so that God can position us to be blessed. Proverbs 16 verse 1, says, the plans of the heart belong to men, we are responsible. We are responsible to make a plan. God gives that to us that God has a plan for our life but God wants us to write down that plan. K, the plans of the Heart Belongs To Men through this. Something that you want to accomplish. You need to make a plan for it. With me, okay? You want to get a promotion in your job. You need to make a plan and know what what are the steps that I need to take to get that promotion? You want a great marriage? I need to have a plan. What do I need to do? More than what I'm currently doing? To make sure I have that great marriage CM so far for, you know I want to delete you Lauren, what's my plan to raise Godly children? What do I need to do more? Whatever it is in your life. What ever it wherever you are in your walk with Christ? You want to have a better relationship with others. We need to have a plan. The plans of the heart belong to man, that the answer of the tongue is from the Lord. See member delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Still, when you have the plan and you've been staying in God's work, is if it's good for you, I'm going to give it to you. If it's good for you, going to give it to you. Proverbs 16 Verse 3, coming to your work to the Lord, in your plans will be established that. It always starts with. God is always starts with God. I'll probably 16 verse 9, the heart of man plans his way but the Lord establishes his steps. So you got a plan, but when gas is, does a problem in your plans, you going to fix it for you. Okay, you with me but just think like you do. This is just like a blank check old is a million-dollar right now. I'm going to get it by the end of the year, skate doesn't work like that. The heart of man plans. His was you playing And then God will establish your stepdad and then when it comes to getting a million-dollar, you know, you just like, you know, slow and steady wins the race that you've booked, right? I'm not trying to get slow and steady wins the race, The Tortoise and the There you go. All right, I forgot they have.

So in other words, what I'm saying is that you need to put down some goals on paper. If it's not on paper it's not a plan and act on them regularly. Okay. So you know, one business principle that we always like to say, you know, you planned your work and then you work, your plan, you plan your work, then you work your plan. A lot of us are planners that. Somebody I'm helping right now but I love you loves to plan a lot but it's not working. The plan, I love you, Junior, you plan your work and then you have to work your plan, okay? You need to put down some goals on paper. Now, you have something to look at and then you need to regularly act on your plans. Make sense. All right, here are some key areas of your life. You need to make some goals for you to make some plans. So let's do that to work an 8-hour time. So first remember God first thing first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness, so we need to have some spiritual goals. We need to have some spiritual goals, we have to have some goal for our family. If we're married, that's our wise, that's our spouse. That's our kids and then extended family. If we had married, these are extended families, that you have brothers and sisters. We need to have plans for better relationship with them. We need to have some career goals. Dodger job. We all spend the bulk of our time, in our jobs and our career Financial. We need to have some financial goals, some Fitness or health goals.

Some intellectual gold goes to grow professionally, and personally, and then we need to have some social and relationship goals, right? So let me just give you some quick versus there to help you as you plan in all those different areas of Lexus. Google's they'll be like your scripture reading. Okay. What's your plan then? Just say, all I want to reach through the Bible this year. If you want to read through the Bible, this year, you need to have a plan to know how many chapters I need to read to read each day with me. And if you need help, go to a website, Bible Fellowship live in bed or slash Bible, you'll get some plans then plan for the New Testament Old Testament, and New Testament is also a link to some other plans that you can access from other websites or meet so scripture reading. Okay, you schedule it. Anything important in our life, we have to schedule it. That's why you have a work schedule. Okay? So same thing, if you went to the scripture reading, so schedule that schedule the saying, you know, probably first thing when I wake up in the morning and just going to spend the first 15 minutes and just to to read God's word and to pray you know if it's something very important in your life, something that you see that you keep going fit in in, in cycle in your life. You need to spend some time fasting about it, okay? If you see a recurring problem in your life, you need to spend some time and fasting about it act on what you're learning, as you reading God's word and studying God's word evangelizing, telling others about God's work, That's so spiritual goals and see first Samuel. This is going to be our Fame for the theme for this year. Just look at the the bottom part there. Where it says, I will honor. Those who honor me for those who honor me, I will honor. Let me read the, the folders are confusing, the Lord, the god of Israel declared. I promise that your house in the house of your father, should go in and out before me forever, but now the Lord declares far be it from me for those who honor me. I will honor and those with the spies mean, shall be lightly esteem. I would like to spend more on that passage as we go for this year. When we start our series, I'm look up James. I bet but our theme for this year's that God will honor those who honor him. And that's where I found that verse in 1st. Samuel chapter 2 verse 13. When you honor God God will honor you that's more spiritual goals comes first. Proverbs 3 5 & 6. All of, you know, this dress in the lower volume heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will. The wreck your steps Matthew 6:33 were already saw that. So spiritual goals have some spiritual goals in your life family, family goes member Tim Keller and now he's putting it apart from his walk with Christ and he had that wrong. He had like his work, but but now he's probably ties in his relationship with his wife, with his son, seeing your family, is those people will be there with this stuff with you, okay? Doesn't matter how bad it is really, they're stuck with you, and you stuck with them, okay? That's why we need to be careful with our work, a lot of time, we neglect our families for our work. But in the end, when when we pass away, when we have an illness was going to be at the hospital. Our family when were ties, there was going to be at the funeral. Your supervisor your bus may not be able to make it a priority.

They have to take care of that, they have to still go to work and they have to take care of their family, right?

Sound bad but they're not evil is just that. Just the way that life is design. God gives us our family. For a reason, our family, our family. They aren't just the first line of communication that people that God gives us in our life. That's why we should never envied that process. Putting out of work above our family make sense. 6 verse 4 to 9 says, he or Israel. The Lord, Our God. The God is one. Do you still love the Lord, your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might see, see the priority with God's spiritual first, and there's words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children. You see how the family here, teach them to your children. So I'll talk to them when you sit down in the house and when you walk, by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up, you can do that. If you're not in the word yourself. See what I'm saying. And then you shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes, you shall write them on the doorposts and your house and on your gate seek God, first, family second hydrated. Adam, what did he do? He give him work to do. You shall work? The less, you have to work, okay? Bible says, if you don't work, you do that. We have to, we have to take our work seriously. We have to take our careers seriously. We have to pick our schooling seriously, because God put us here to work to make the world a better place to provide for our families provide for ourselves. Do you get the finger that we want? Your career is important because God created us to make a difference but we just need to put it in the right place. Proverbs 18 verse 16 says a man's gift makes room for him and bring him before the Great. See when you and your work, if you want to go higher what do you need to do? You need to sharpen your skills, okay? You sharpen your skills and as you sharpen your skills, what does Bible says, what will make room for you? Your gifts your skills k. A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before the great at your job, but it's to work harder on your self. The harder you work on yourself, the greater job, you will do at work and the greater job you will do for yourself. Probably starting your own business. Text. So what you need to work harder on is yourself and then your gifts will make room for you. Cuz that means going to be tomorrow. To get a skill. It takes 10,000 hours. Okay, that's what Malcolm Gladwell to Jesus. You need 10,000 hour to practice something so that you can be really good at it. So start your 10,000 hours so you can get that skill that you want. Still your gift can make room for you. Proverbs a Psalm 75 or 6 and 7, I just had to do this for my King James people. Look at this for promotion, but neither from the east from the west north from the South, but God is the judge and leather. My Kingston people's Alleluia

is a promotion comes from God. You don't have to fight at work that you don't have to fight at work. Do what you have to do the promotion will come And then sometimes we just fighting for something, you know, in one place with Mike, this is where I need to get it. I need to get it here.

Sometimes we get too attached to one thing while. God may be opening doors somewhere else. See God, says, promotion comes from him. I was just looking at the, the story of what is the famous lady who just passed away? 93, Barbara. Walters when she was on the TV said she was not allowed to ask questions until the the anchor her co-anchor in the mail, anchor acts at least three questions and it gives you wanted to start a question. First, she needed to get her own interviews and that's how she started. Interviewing people one-on-one. And then why didn't it? She found there. She had literally interviewed Amy important people that would call in the world. So she had to find those interviews. Go to their houses interview then and now, what is she known for?

The person would just interview had the most meaningful interviews just one-on-one with people. You think she could have just fart or know how to do this right here stat. That could have gotten her somewhere. You see how now, what is she known for? God has all the ways, you know, to do things. Sometimes you don't always have to fight for your right. But God will have it for right into place is he? Then we'll just another door? Was opening that nobody knew about.

And everything is. Okay. So we say spiritual goal, family, goals, career goals, and then, you need to have some financial goals. You need, to also have some Financial ghost, see your financial plan, should always starts with giving financial plan, always start with giving giving to the work of God and giving to those who are in the Proverbs 3 verse 9. And 10, says what honor the Lord with your well? And, with the first fruits of all of you of all your produce, that's why you have the principle of tithing in the Bible so that God can work so that you can always put God first. That's what it says in Deuteronomy. The reason you give can we give to God? Is there anything that God doesn't have? Is this? Our guy can teachers to put the priority where it belongs. It's is there in your barn will be filled with plenty, and your ass will be bursting with mine. Anytime you was a promise to provide but do we give just so we can get wrong attitude. Probably got might make you suffer for a while when you trying to give to get and then you never get, okay? Until you realize that I just give as a Thanksgiving to God, okay? I give because God asked me to give you got to give out of obedient. So that's why was it Deuteronomy. 8:18 says you shall remember the Lord your God for it is, he will gives you what the power to get. Well, so for you to be able to succeed, in your job to be able to do that is God will give you the power to get wealth that he may confirm his Covenant that he swore to your father's as it is this day. 2nd Corinthians 9 6 2 7. The point is this wherever so sparingly will also reap sparingly and whenever slows down to Philly with also read bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided and is hard to give not reluctantly on the compulsion for God. Loves to cheerful Giver so you'd cheerfully just give the gun and remember God does not need anything. Now. God doesn't need anything that just opened in just like you give a kid some money and you say hey give me a dollar or no, this is mine.

Give me a $10. Can I have a dollar or can you buy me an ice cream? Oh no, this is my money. Is your money. I just give you $10. You know what I'm saying? It's a hard attitude, I'm just trying to give you some more money if she is, was more faithful. Now, buy me an ice cream. Would I give her $20 or even 50. See, that's what I was. Just listening to a millionaire online that I can buy. Just the way he teaches kids about money, when they five or six years old. He gives them $5 and tell him to take 3 to spend and then $1, then $1, you safe. And then you say by the time, you know, if they do it you just hold it back, okay? Until they get that principle, you always have to save a lot of us. We just spend everything that comes in. That's not a good Financial, but we have to save. And we have to give When you do this, when you do well financially it gives you a good thing. It's the love of money that we all need money. We come on, talk to me we all need money, right? That money is a tool that God gives us okay. To use and when you have some you have options K today, I don't want to cook, I can order something, okay? Because I have that money or give me options.

It's good. Money is a good thing that it gives you options gay but money is not an end to all thing. So we need to be careful and as Christians we need to do well financially, okay, that doesn't mean that everybody's going to be, you know, super b****. You know as the Prosperity Gospel wants to show it, but as a Christian, I need to be. Hey, when I have plenty, I should be fine. I don't have much also. I just trust God because God says that he will provide for me, if you find yourself lacking constantly and have an unhealthy relationship with money, you might have a giving problem that's where your financial plan starts and offering. God wants to give us more but he just cannot trust us with it. Cuz that's what it says in Luke 16 if then you have not been faithful in on righteous. Well, We will, and trust you the true riches.

Ghetto self spiritual goals, family goals, career goals, financial goals, and then we need to have some fitness and health goals when you get some fitness and health. Good, we have to stay fit, see Friday. I have to go see my doctor and I'm really scared. I haven't been making some good decisions according to the National Institute on disability and over way together, our second leading causes of preventable death in the United States close me on tobacco. Use an estimated 300000 deaths per year are due to obesity epidemic. So, we have to take care of ourselves. We have to make some good decision like this week. I'm going to be exercising everyday before I go see my doctor on Friday.

I'm going to keep it after that, okay?

Closest Wawa battery draining ISM, some Valium its it has some value to some people make Fitness there. God, that's not what I'm saying. Okay, we still need to keep them in the man fixes godliness, is a value in every way as it holds promise for the present life and also to the life to come the battery. We have now is just what this life we need to take care of the body. He has given us make sense. We need to have some intellectual go, some intellectual, we need to grow so it's every month, every 3 months, whatever your that's how you grow Charlie. Tremendous Jones put it this way, you will be the same person in five years as you are today. Except for the people you meet in the books you read And I've seen this one. I've seen people use after years and never change. Because it never done anything different in their life, reading books, good books, changes your life. I'm about to share with you right now because I'm just reading the Bible as my primary book and I'm reading a lot of other books. Like, when I just love reading you really grow and about

I don't think he has a formal degree or you see does it not in net in physics? You know, the kind you need for launching Rockets reading books and you got the internet. Now, you can learn so much stuff and it relationship goals relationship goals, and one of us leaving isolation, that should not be. We need to have some relationship goals when we need to have some people in our lives. Proverbs 18:24 says a man of many companions, may come to ruin, but there is a Safe with me friend, who sticks closer than a brother. You need good relationships in your life. Preferably good Godly relationship in your life if possible so far. Is it depends on you. Live at peace with everyone, Hebrews 3:13 exhort one another every day. As long as it is called today, that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of your sin. So you need to have other people in your life on a daily basis. To remember make your goals smart, okay? They need to be specific measurable tenable relevant or realistic and then they need to be time-bound. Okay, that's how you said go. That's how we teach people to set goals in the business world.

If you just say, you know, I want to read more books this year. That's not a goal. Okay. I want to read one book every month. You see how I'm making it. I'm bound. And then if you've never read before, don't say that just read one book by the end of June, so give yourself six months, okay, don't don't go crazy. Right now. A lot of us. The problem we have at the beginning of the year, we tried to set up. Perfect Plans. You know, like what the ideal is, it's great if you can do it, but most of us will not. Like I'm going to read through the Bible, if you never read a chapter at all, I'm just going to start for Proverbs. Okay. I'm just going to read one chapter will probably every day. Okay, cuz I'm 31 problem. So if you take the month, Probably one on the first property and today's what the eighth today and tomorrow, the problem 911 crazy trying to go with the perfect plan. I'm going to read through the Bible. We're going to be five chapters. When you've never read, not even the verse make sense. So be realistic relevant and then you need to have some time

All right, so don't go crazy. So, spiritual goals, do something doable. If you're not reading that all, don't try to say, I'm going to read for an hour. Okay, just 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes. That's all you need with me or your family. There's an area. I want to go just pick one thing. Okay. Let's try to say I'm going to be Super Why for Super Mario. Super. OK. Google OK. Google thing that you can do. That makes sense. Okay so change will not happen overnight but you can start today and the hand of God will be upon you. Just like the hand of God was up on Ezra, I will sit with me. Honor, those who honor Amen. Look at this, verse to add in 2nd Corinthians, 9, and 8, and God is able to make all grace abound to you. So that having all sufficiently in all things. At all times, you may abound in every good work, I said with me and then we'll end our time and said, like, you believe it's okay and pause, okay. You ready? And God is able to make all grace abound to you. So Dad having all sufficiently in all things. You may abound in every good work in every area of your life. And I love verses in all things at all the times that God's promise to your father, thank you for your grace help. Each one of us would die to live in your sufficiency and experience your grace. This year, we love you. We praise you with magnifying, with glorify your name with Love You, Lord. Thank you. Help us to grow in you to learn your word to live it out and to lead others to know your word as well as the father help us to prioritize what matters most so that we can position our self. To be blessed Center, have success, and father, help us to plan.

For success and help us to act on them regularly. We love you and we praise you. In Jesus name, we pray Amen. Amen.

Changing me and changing.

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