The Good & Blessed Life
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In genesis, we see in th early pages of the scriptures a God who created a ordered, and good world where he places humanity to furlish and dwell with him forever. But huamnity was faced with a temptation and the tempataion at the surface is a temptation of desiring to gain wisdom and be like God, but the root of the tempation is a distrust of Gods Goodness and he will was Good for them.
beofre i gave my life to jesus, i never thought christianity was offering me a Good and blessed life. That the gospel was offering life after dealth not beofre. The idea that christianity was better now in this life then the world it would be hard to believe. So why did i give my life to jesus? Pain, we know since were kids if we burn our hands on the stove something is wrong or im doing something wrong? In high school i had a series of painfully events mostly all of them my fault but pain has a way of making you look for alternative ways of doing life. I was exposed to christainity enough to know alot of my ways had to go but in a step of faith i reached out my hand to jesus.
Now walking with jesus faithfully for 7 years, i have to see jesus doesnt just offer a way to aviod unnessacry suffering and pain but he offer a wholistic life better then the world.
i want to give close attention to the exodus narrative to see how God desires to give humanity a good and blessed life?
I guess the first question we need to ask is God want want us to have a good life and bless us?
In the early pages of narrative God is depicted has one who hears and responds to slavery and suffering of his people? This is consistent with his charcater from genesis when he created creation to good for humanity to dwell in and cultivate but also blessed them. Abhrham who God promised to make a father a nation and blessed him to joesph who he saved the nation and blessed. He has a consistent pattern of doing good to humanity and blessing them. Jesus says i have come to give life and life abudently. You might say no jesus might life after dealth but if you study the word eternal life it litterally means the life of the coming age. Its means you can have a forestate of the life to come in the new creation now. We need to take him seriously or his lying.
How does God actually bless them?
Sacrifical System
Sacrifical System
Beofre isreal the nation is oing to step into there new life and freedom whats interseting is what god establishes first which is the sacrifeee of all the firstborn. Those who have blood on there dorrsteps will escape judgement but those who dont particapate in the sacraifee of the lamb onto the lord there firstborn will be taken. This is a blessing because huaminity is concious of the reality os sin even athiest are. Romasn tells us that we have this build inawareness of sin that even in the most remote place of the world where there hasnt been any contact with the rest of the world you will hear them say things like this is wrong of this is right and this moral compass is build into us but these compass will accuse you of sin or exuse you of it. Humanity has found way to deal with this reality through out time but human sacriffes or alternative you accuse your sin you justifed until your conciousnes hearderns lie pharoh and you are wilingly opposing the will of God because you have willing harden your heart against your concious and even if a miracle was present to you in ungelibely fashion you will reject the sign. Humans cant escape the reality of there awareness of sin but what God does is he gives us a path to redeem for something like to be a sacirfee for our sins. That we dont have to live in shame and guilt more do we need to harden our hearts to the reality os sin but we can have something else take our place and make peace with us and God. God doesnt just require a sacrifee lamb for the peoples freedom but he builds a sacrifee system which is nessacry because God knew the people will conicoue to sin and if you want a society to floursih and be blessed you need a way for them to atone which measn to cover there sins and appoint priests who will lead them people in offering sacriffes because people need to find a way to make peace about there past, present and future sins without guilt and shame crippling them. The sacrifical system was Gods gift to isreal because you cant have a whole society who justifes there sins are not wrong because they dont wnat to feel shame or guilt and you cant have a whole society who is in constant awareness of there shame or guilt without atonement because it produces depression and anxiety but God in his wisdom establishs a system through which people will find peace wit God and his peaople. That was a shadow a temproary system which was needed but weak that christ fulfulled for us when we trust and belive in him. He wasnt just the sacrifee he was the whole system, he was the temple and the high priest through whcih sacriffes where made for the sins of the people.
God aslo blesses isreal trought the giving of the law.
When Mose read the law he talks about those who obey it will be blessed and then he share with them those who reject it will be cursed. Many people dont understand freedom without laws or instruction is chaos and disorder. In the narrative we see God take isral from tyranny to the wilderness to mount sinai where he gives instruction on how they are to live now there not slaves anymore. Many times we dont qoute the second half of the exodus sotry which is let my people go so that they can worship me and worship is a lifestyle not just a song. There is no blessing and a good life without laws then all you have is chaos. I strongle belive the reason jews are stastic much more successful in regards to life like money and managament and family life is simply because of the giving of the law at mounts sinah. Wehave a vry bad image of the law as christ even through paul never said the law was Bad. The law revealed something was wrong with us but the law itself was Good. You need laws and instruction in your home, church, societys because withouit them all you have is not freedom but disorder. We know well that if our city today unlift and removed every laws this second you saftey would be in danger because we need them. We need to know as christianity isnt a religion that doenst have any instruction it offers instrcution for our lifes. Just like mose jesus goes up a mountain and gives his set on instructions for wise living It. when i studied the sermon on the mount this last year it was beyond fasciating how much of my pain and suffering was closely linked to the violations of his Jesus teachings. Jesus was stragietic on how he gives practical advice on how we should govern our lifes so that blessing can flow in and through our lifes. He talks about anger and watch what we say and, lust, anxiety, money, praying for your ememy which is bittterness and the more i studied it the more i realized there is no another way to floursih in life outisde the teachings of christ. Its not option is you dont thank his teaching serious you will be forced to just like the law of gravity. Its the way God designed humans and life to work and if we resist the current of his ways jessus warned us when life comes you need these skills to navaige life successful. That why jesus says the one who puts them into practice is wise not after dealth but now.
But the reality is even for us who take jesus teaching seriously know how diffcult it is to put them into practice. That why Jesus send the help and he say this about the helper who is the Holy Spirit?
The Spirit
The Spirit
The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life.
The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
In the beginning Gods word an dhis psirit were the means through which life and creation came about in the new testament jesus doenst just give us a new sacriffeal system and instruction only on how to live but he gives us a helper like eve. This helper is a person who we grow in relationship with the Gods spirit who dwells in us. He doesnt jsut dwell there he counsells you, gives you revelation, gives gifts to you and help you fight temptation this wasnt offerned in the old covenaut and thats why it didnt work but in the new ovenutnt through accepting christ we recieve a helper to learen to live in a new way, that helps us be light and salt, that reforms our charctaer, thats gives us skills and knowledge and power for servuce in christ kingdom.
The world
The world
King soloman when he was passing and wanted to give of some value to the next generation he didnt offfer money, or wealth, but wanted the next generation to have long term thinking to see the shallowness of the world and its offer and to take Gods commands and ways seriously. Whats fasciating is king soloman understand how they will be tempted folly women who is attarct in the moment and the elogant women who is wify material, Solomon warns the next generation stolen waters are sweet because he knows young people are broke but instaad instruments him to work with his hand. people lack long term think sin is temporory but obiednce is the ways o God is painfully temporotay but produces a harvest of fruit in time.
I want to call us trust Gods desposition towards us that he works all things for the Good of them who love him and perpare to suffering pain temporary to gain life because christ offer lifes but you first must die to form ways of thinking, fleshly passions and environent, your control of your life so that he can he lord and let you to still waters and green pastures.
3 Minutees to respond offer your life
Closing Prayer