The Church - A Gospel/ Jesus Centered People 2021
Sermon Tone Analysis
Father, you spoke the world into existence when you created all things. You have revealed your self through what you created by your words. You have revealed your self in the written words of your scripture and through your Son Jesus who is the exact representation of your character and nature and the radiance of your Glory.
Speak this morning new life into your children to give us the light of the knowledge of your glory in Christ.
Give us the grace to receive your Word and rejoice in it.
Convict us of our sins, convict us of the all sufficiency of your son Jesus so that all of us would turn every area of our whole life over and follow Jesus. Speak new life to all of us so that the weak in faith may strengthened, the young in faith be grown, the naive in the faith would be made wise, and the timid in the faith would be made bold and Christ’s body, the church would be built up by you adding to the number each day those who are being saved. I pray all of this In the mighty and holy and abundant Name of Jesus. - and all God’s children said?
If I have not had a chance to meet you; My name is Scott and I am a follower of Jesus and have the privilege of serving Him as the Lead Pastor among the people of Stonewater Fellowship.
Our facebook check-in and IG location tag partner for the month of August is BuildOn
buildOn’s mission is to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy and low expectations through service and education.
buildOn builds schools in some of the economically poorest countries in the world. They have constructed 2,028 schools worldwide, with more than 298,000 children and adults attending these schools every day.
Every FB check-in or IG Location tag that we do we send a little money to help provide bricks to build a school for a community in Senegal!
Open it to Matt 16:13-18 today as we Begin our yearly series on THE CHURCH .
NOW If you don’t have a bible or simply would like a new one!
Our Prayer is that as we walk together through The Word of God the truth of what God declares is that God will restore to all of us the Beauty and wonder of the miracle of what the Bible says the Church is, how the church is to live as the living body of Jesus, A living reality, Not just a biblical concept but a living breathing body of Jesus. what the church is ordained and commissioned to do by Jesus, how the church is led by sacrificial leaders, and how the church is expressed in the Bible and to be expressed in our culture.
I was praying Thursday as I was working through this series and I began to pray that God would move us aside. That God in the person of the Holy Spirit would move us aside and that in moving us, we would all approach this God designed Body of Jesus called the church from the aspect of what God wants His church to be as revealed in scripture and let God preferences push our preferences aside and out of His way.
My prayer over this message has been that we would come to know the ground on which the church is built. the Declaration, The person and the truth. The foundations that gives it its strength and the builder who made it eternal.
13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”
14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.”
15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
17 And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.
18 “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.
19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”
20 Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was the Christ.
Language - What is Language? - Language is a God given ability to use sounds and utterances to communicate basic definitions of the current environment. Animals have language - The white tail deer has a sound that young make calling for their mothers. They have sounds that indicate threat from one deer to another and sounds that give instructions to run away because of a threat.
COMPLEX language HOWEVER is a God Given ability, given only to the part of His creation that is made in His image, to used sounds and utterances to convey and communicate ideas, concepts and thoughts and the expression of self intentionality and emotions from one person to another. The sounds and utterances of complex language that are combined together make what you and I know as words.
WORDS - Words are So very important and we seem to have lost the importance of the use of words. Especially in the area of the accurate use of Language - What used to be Good is now Bad and that is Good. Salt and Pepper used to mean a table condiment and now it is the color of my hair. There are many ways in which words and their meaning have been missed used in our time and in our culture
And really - Some of us define Church as this… what we do on Sunday morning. After all, most of us who answered the question this morning about where we were going said “We going to church”
Here is the problem - for the last 50 to 70 years of church History, ( and I think this is extremely true of us here in the west, the american church) we have missed used many many words in the English language to express the ideas and concepts of CHURCH and as a result we really have this confusing frameworks of what the church is, what it is supposed to do, how it is to operate and what is the biblical was the church is to be expressed and viewed in our culture. - Biblically referred to the Body of Jesus with Him as the head -
There is a result of this miss use of language. It has caused confusion and cloudiness as to what is the church and has turned to most of us into people that have a cultural definition of church at some level and not a biblical understanding and definition of church. What this has caused is many to leave what is now referred to as the church.
On the flip side - What this cultural definition of church that has crept into our conscientiousness has caused with many many people who remain active is that they suffer at some level with this gnawing sense that this is not all there is there is. Which in turn causes conflict strife and in come cases division becasue I think that sometimes were not sure what to do.
Don’t think that this is true - in 1520 about three years father Martin Luther did his thing and ignited the burning embers of the Protestant reformation that had been stewing for about 40 years. There was one denomination of Baptist - Called General Baptists - That divided in a few years into General Baptists and Particular Baptists and now there are some 61 different denominations of baptists just here in North America.
In realty the way the Bible speaks of Church is that there is more to it then just coming to a building with a group of people on Sunday morning worshiping in song and where worship happens through the declaration of His word.
Don’t get me wrong - I what happens on Sunday mornings in the area of a worship gathering is critical to our life as followers of Jesus. It is biblical in our commitment to it and to continuation to do it. At the very very basic definition of the word church in the original language of Jesus it is assembly - SO an un-assembled church is not a church.
Look if I was not the guy to come up on most Sundays and have the privilege of leading in worship by the honor and if I was not the guy who carried the unbelievable responsibility of being finite and mortal and unwrapping the infinite, transcendent and immortal words of God to everyone else. Matters not. Even if I never got to do this again.
What happens on Sunday mornings in places around the wold in the area of worship is a miracle of GOD and extremely CRITICAL to the life of EVERY person who identifies themselves as a follower of Jesus.
A deeper problem is that Some of us have gotten so enveloped with this gnawing feeling that “this is not all their is” that we have become glib and dismissive of what happens on Sunday morning by calling it the SHOW - or even worse thinking at some level the Kingdom of God would be better off is we did not do this Sunday morning thing and just figured out how to life for Jesus and worship Jesus in our own independent way of worshiping and serving.
But the reality is that many of us for YEARS going to a place and participating in a Sunday morning worship gathering, was really the only expression of the what church was. This has been so ingrained in us and what we grew up in, that the worship gatherings we do on Sundays we’ve come to know as “church”. That is so far from the truth of what the bible says is the church. becasue it is SO much more.
The Question that NOW we must ask is “What is the Church?” So with that question let us Look at our text this morning.
in the story line of the Time of Jesus as God walking among us. This is a MAJOR turning point in Jesus teaching and messaging. Up until this point Jesus has been confronting religious leaders for their religiosity, Preaching about the Kingdom, Healing both Physically and spiritually and teaching on what living a the new life He came to give looked like.
Jesus NOW takes a Turn with those closest to Him and begins to teach them in several things - the fact that He will be leaving soon as this part of the Story line of Jesus happens about 6 months before His death. second Preparing them for their leadership roles in his absence. 3rd - Jesus intention to execute His Eternal plan for the ages that being the introduction of the Idea that Jesus WILL build His church.
Jesus again is retreating from the large crowds that have been following Him around and his critics we see in the early part of this chapter -
Jesus takes His disciples to a retreat Type setting far from the distractions and interruptions from the desperate crowds wanting something from Him.
Ceasera Philippi is about 25 miles north of Copernican and a place LONG associated with Idol worship of Pagan Deities.
So as we unpack - Place ourselves in the Scene - Jesus Standing beneath the Idol of a false god names Pan that is carved into the cliff side - and the first thing that Jesus wants to get clear is His identity?
13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, He was asking His disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”
We must again not get too rushed through the story line- When we read the word ASKED in te English it is really easy to think that Jesus asked ONCE - and all these answers started flowing out -
This more than likely was not the way this conversation went.
More than likely Jesus asked repeatedly “who do the people say that the Son of Man is?”
Almost like he might have done a round robin Question and answer session - Matthew, who do the people say the son of man is?
James - Son of Alphaes, who do the people say the son of mans is?
Andrew and Peter?
Jame and John sons of Zebedee - Who do people say the Son of Man is?
Bart and Tom?
Jesus would has asked for lots of feed back - Cuz you know how it is in groups - When the facilitator asks a question, it takes a bit to get the answers flowing - No one wants to be first -
14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; but still others, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.”
Vs 14 - And they - The they is who - The they are his disciples - His disciples replied to the question - Some people say John the baptist?
Harrods the Tetchrach said that Jesus was John the Baptist raised from the dead when he heard of the works of Jesus. Some of Harrods servants who were attempting to help Him identify Jesus claimed that He was Elijah returned and Other people during that time that Harrods was trying to assess who this Jesus was said He is The Prophet - in other words Jeremiah and still others at that time were identifying Jesus as another prophet whom God had sent.
Jesus true Identity was ALWAYS in question
IN His home town that called Him the Son of Joseph
HE Drives out demons he must be or have a demon! - Some even called Him the Devil.
15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
Jesus, Standing beneath a graven image used for Idol worship, Jesus asks Hid closest followers, the ones He was fixing to prepare for His departure, The ones who will go out and take this Gospel Everywhere. That is all fine and good and really is irrelevant to me what others say it is really most important as to what you all say about who I am. There is NO frustration response from Jesus. You don't see Jesus or read Jesus saying “Really some people think I am the Devil? Some people think I am John the Baptist - Jesus never skips a beat by being side lined about Everyone else Reply to the question!
Jesus wanted His closest followers to stand against the crowd. TO go against popular opinion - TO clearly enunciate with their mouths he divine identity. Jesus Turns to His disciples and Says “who do you say that I am” now it is import to understand that the use f the word “you here” is a Texas slang word that people form other states especially from the north have to learn how to use down here. The word that would be appropriate in this sentence would be “Ya’ll!” or in other English usage “you all” _ Jesus is asking all of His disciples - “Who do you all say that I am”! Each one of you has answered my call to follow me - You have followed me for the last three years or so. After all that time, I am really not concerned at this particular time what the whole world thinks about me, I want to know what those who follow me claim about me.
Again, its like asking a group of people a question there might be this little pause cuz no body wants to be first - And you can imagine the Pause cause we have all been there and the ONE the THAT GUY, the one that cant stand silence, Peter speaks up -
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
It is important to understand what Peter was declaring about Jesus when he responded like He did.
You are the Christ - The Anointed one - The Holy One of Isreal - The Zeal of YAWHAY, The Promised Messiah, The fulfillment of all prophecy, The Promised redeemer, and then He declares Jesus divinity with clarity and without hesitation, reservation or ambiguity. The SON of the Living God.
The Son - The off spring, the one who carries divine DNA, The Heir of all things! The One who will receive the inheritance, The One who will Reign and Rule the Kingdom.
OF the LIVING GOD = the God who is alive - not like the Idols and false gods that others have made up. The Alive one who is alive and sovereign over all things. The Alive one who is powerful and capable to do all things 0 The LIVING GOD - The Everlasting Father.
You are the SON the offspring, the DNA carrier of the ONE and ONLY True God -
Jesus Responded with a response that some how doesn't seem to fit a yes or no right or wrong kind of answer. You see Jesus could have responded to Peter by simply saying “your right”
17 And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.
If I didn't know better I would think that Jesus was kind of surprised that Peter had this answer - It is almost as if Jesus was saying - There is no way you could have gotten that by your self you must have had some help. Remember Peter is the one who is always sticking His foot in His mouth - Mount if Transfiguration thinks He needs to set some tents up - Voice from heaven has to Cut Him off.
Same page in your Bible this very page He is going to go from “Blessed are you Simon Barjona” to being called satan” Peter was known as “that guy” - You know the guy that always had something to say, and was convinced HE was right and everyone else in the room didn’t think so much of what he had to say.
But Jesus is not surprised by Peters Answer - What Jesus does affirm is that all of us, peter, pauls, maries, bob,s scotts sally or cindy, No matter what our names are or where we are from, The father in heaven has to reveal Jesus to us all. That in our natural state we are incapable of coming to that conclusion simply by means of flesh and blood.
Jesus then does what Jesus does - He makes all who follow Him and understand in the same way what Peter just declared about Jesus - Jesus makes us all NEW - and at that Very Moment He began the process of Making Simon Barjona New by Giving Him a New Identity.
There is some confusion in this massage of Scripture - As the word in our Bibles that is used is ROCK -
18 “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.
Jesus Says you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of headed will not over power it.
The word Peter in the original language of the Bible means : Rock - but more specifically it means what you and I would refer to as a “Stone” a single rock or a single stone”
Jesus then continues after He names peter “Stone” Jesus then says “upon this Rock I will build m church” The word are the same words with one letter difference - and that One letter makes all the difference in the world!
We must read this in the view of the rest of the New Testament. Jesus said Simon you are now a Stone and from these other rocks I will build my church. In other words Peter you will be first stone among many rocks that I will be building my church out of.
Jesus is the Corner Stone -
18 for through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father.
19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God’s household,
20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone,
Jesus is the Foundation The Large Rock of our salvation:
6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth.
7 So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.
8 Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
9 For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.
10 According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each man must be careful how he builds on it.
11 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Jesus did not and will not and will not build His church on Peter - Jesus will build his church out of the many stones and Rocks that make up the rock quarry of everyone through history who believe and trust in Jesus the same way Peter believed in and trusted in Jesus.
When we speaking of Being the People of God building the Kingdom of God - We are talking about building the kingdom the same way Paul to the Corinthian church - People are Gods building and the Foundation is Christ Jesus - Jesus builds His church out of people and He does not dwell in temples made with hands.
Jesus says it is out of these Stones that I WILL build my CHURCH - Church - In the simplest way to un-pack that is - when Jesus used the term Church what Jesus said was His Assembly of the Ones Called out. Each person who claims to be a follower of Jesus is part of the assembly of the ones called out.
The Church is a People - A particular and perpendicular unique people... Who is the Church?
- The Church - The Assembly of ones called out by Jesus is in NO Way a location, A building or an Institution. The Church is a People, A gospel called people! A Gospel Centered People called out of the Darkness, rescued out of darkness by Jesus, to Assemble as the living reality of His body, Born again, Regenerated by the Holy Spirit unto new life, to live a new and crucified life, fully and ongoing surrendered to Jesus to change the world through the proclamation of the Gospel by word and by deed.
SO Returning TO THE QUESTION THAT WE BEGAN WITH - What is the church -
The Church is a people.
The Question is not not what but Who? Who is the Church...We are the church -
What areas of our live need to be changed by the word. By understanding that the church is not a building, the church is not an address, the church is not a location but the church is a people. that we are the church, and you are part of it.
For many of us we must let this truth that we are one of the many building blocks that Jesus is building His church upon, we must let the understanding of how huge and magnificent and how loving that God must be to perform such a powerful, complete and total miracle to bring us from death to life in christ, to assemble us together, formerly dead men and women, Now the bride of Jesus, formally living our own life now crucified to that old life, with Christ living through our lives, The Bride of Jesus- assembled together in unity, with a single propose, to life all and give all to follow the commands of Jesus take this life giving proclamation to the world simultaneously in word and in deed.
Let the truth of that overwhelm you heart, Let this declaration from God be your identity. Let this declaration remind you of what privilege it is to be the bride. Let the importance of the being the bride, assembled together in unity with one eternal purpose over whelm your mind and heart this morning and every day. Let this bring to your mind and heart every day the goodness and love and the majesty of God. Let this miracle that God has called you our of the darkness to assemble together for this eternal purpose of proclaiming the Gospel to the ends of the world bring into your life an awe of the majesty of God that overwhelm your life each and every day.
Assurance of our forgiveness through the table.
After our time of repentance through prayer, we come to the table of Jesus together. At the table of Jesus, we are reminded of the assurance of our forgiveness because we openly and actively declare the Gospel as we participate in communion together.
Because we are openly and actively declaring the gospel of Jesus and the assurance of our forgiveness, communion is open to everyone who is a follower of Jesus saved by grace through faith.
If this is NOT you, we would simply ask you to allow those who are participating to walk past but after worship reach out to someone with a lanyard and ask what it is to be a follower of Jesus.
Unity of the Table
When we come together as a family of faith, Brothers and Sisters in Jesus. We are spiritually united together as the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 10:17 that Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread. So we are spiritually united together we and we are also united with Jesus in his death and resurrection at His table.
Remembrance at the Table
BREAD: On the night He was betrayed, He gathered His disciples for a Passover meal. While they were eating Jesus took some bread; after He blessed it and gave thanks to the Father: He broke it, gave it to His disciples and said: “Take this all of you and eat of it, for This is My body, which is for you; when you do this, do this in remembrance of Me.”
CUP: After the meal, in the same way He took the cup, again gave thanks to the Father. He took the Cup and gave it to His disciples saying, “Take this all of you and drink of this cup. This cup is the cup of my blood. The blood of the New and Everlasting covenant. My blood which will be poured out for the forgiveness of sins for many; when you do this, as often as you drink it, do this in remembrance of Me.”
Invite: Come to the table of Jesus