Luke 6 Wisdom of Spiritual Disciplines for Holiness
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Luke 6:1-11
Luke 6:1-11
Intro-Happy New Years
Family Update
Matching Grant
Pray and Read All of 1-11
Invite us to read this story in light of what all of us are thinking…How do I lose 10 pounds (but really quit and gain 10) or pick up a new habit haha
Vs 1-5
vs 1-2 Jesus and his disciples, Where did the pharisees come from?
Jesus looked around and saw Peter with crumbs in his beard....dang it Peter!
Sabbath or Shabat- “ Jewish scholar Participating in God’s Presence & Rule over creation”.
Friday Evening-Saturday Evening. Sunday was first day of the week.
For us Sunday became the holy day because Jesus rose on a Sunday.
Gen 2:1 -2 “Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work” God Shabat or “ceased from” because it was complete or “it is finished”
Story: Kids making Fort with Blankets yesterday, it was too enjoy.
vs 3-4
David did it, he approached the temple by faith and was not condemned by God
vs 5 Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath… I am Lord of Communion!
vs 6-11 Luke smashes these stories together
vs 6
Man with withered hand
Jesus is teaching where unclean gentiles were
vs 7
Watching him closely
Would he heal?
would he bring completeness, which is what the sabbath is really about?
vs 8
God is always one step ahead, Jesus knew their hearts.
Calls the man up
This mans perspective is important.
Will he be another teaching example
Was he there so Jesus would heal him?
this is why pharasee’s are watching
vs 9 Jesus asks a question
Why did God give us this?
vs 10-11
Jesus heals this man and brings completeness to his body. Rest to now live into community.
As we think about the Gospel of Luke, I would invite you and meditate and gain wisdom for our own lives
New Years Resolutions
Spiritual Disciplines are different----> Wisdom for Resting in God
American culture “Work hard Play Hard
Rest is not doing nothing.
New, Next, Nap
Genesis 2: God doesn’t do nothing…he enjoys the goodness of what he created.
Rest is living into the fullness God provides to us through the Person of Jesus, by the Holy Spirits power, and for the Glory of God”.
Spiritual Disciplines Point us to Jesus “Lord of the Sabbath”
tons of books on this.
It is meant to do in community, with your family, with the Lord
It is meant to draw you closer to the Lord
Scripture, prayer, fasting,
It is meant to challenge what you really love…ie food, gossip, laziness,
Spiritual Disciples take preparation and Understanding
Hunting Analogy
tell someone what you are doing, pursue it with grace.
Spiritual Disciplines make us look forward to Christs return and Holiness
2 Peter 3:10-12 “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.
Spiritual Disciplines make us crave what will come when Jesus returns
10. Closing thoughts Jesus on the Cross
Sabbath is about The Finishing of God’s work. Redeeming what has been corrupted
It points us to Jesus’s cry of the Cross, “It is Finished”
The work of Jesus’s grace to you and I is given to those who have faith and that cannot be undone. It is finished! It is up to use to live into what has been finished
“Why do we pursue holiness through taking up our cross and walking towards death? Because Jesus models that this is the way to true life and life to the fullest. Pick up your cross and engage in Jesus in a new way this year, and in doing so, join with the saints in hastening the Lord coming! Amen?!?”
11. Pray