Romans 1:1-12
Many books of the New Testament have been questioned by Bible Scholars. But the Book of Romans never has.
Romans was written probably in Corinth, in the spring of the year 58.
Romans is a letter about the Gospel.
Set Apart for the Gospel
Set Apart for the Gospel
Paul identifies himself to open the letter. He has a list of titles.
Paul’s Titles
Servant (Dulos) Slave
A slave needs a Master who is his?
Apostle (Apostolos) Sent One
Not a job Paul applied to or selected himself to be. He was appointed, commissioned to the role.
Why would Paul declare these things about himself?
To establish authority so that everything else he writes is taken as true and right.
Set Apart for the Gospel of God
In Paul’s Life what did he separate himself from?
Wealth, health, fame, friends, safety
The Gospel
The Gospel
What was the Gospel that Paul is referring to?
The word for Gospel is Euangeloi- it means literally good herald. Or to Announce the Good News!
In the time of the Roman World if an emperor won a battle and a great victory he would sends heralds—angeloi— to declare his victory, peace, and authority.
Euangeloi- Good news!
Who’s Gospel is it? God’s
Because it is God’s Gospel we cannot add or subtract from it.
Is this a New Gospel? No! Verse 2
There are thousands of prophesies about the coming king, the Messiah. The old testament is full of promises and those scriptures build the platform or scaffold that Paul stands on to make these claims.
What is the Gospel? Jesus or His Son
We will never understand the full weight of the gospel until we realize that it is not fundamentally a message about our lives, dreams, or hopes. It does transform and inform about all those things, but it is at its core not about us. it is a declaration about Jesus.
Jesus is: v.3-4
Fully Human
The One Who Fulfilled the promise of Scripture
our Lord
Faith fueled Obedience
Faith fueled Obedience
What is the significance of Grace and Apostleship?
Apostleship is His job.
Sent out to spread the Good News.
Grace is the power to accomplish that Goal.
We are similarly called, not that we are apostles, but we are commissioned similarly through the Great commission.
Who is the Gospel for?
All Nations!
Is it required that we be obedient to be saved?
Obedience flows out of faith; it is a consequence of saving faith, not a second condition for salvation. —Timothy Keller
In other words we will obey if we have faith. It is a fruit of the spirit, not a requirement for the spirit.
We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone. — Martin Luther
It brings about grateful, joyful, trusting obedience.
Paul Wants to go to Rome
Paul Wants to go to Rome
Paul has never been here! But he has heard about them.
What has he heard about them?
They are Called by God.
They are Saints
Pure ones, or set apart ones.
Their faith is proclaimed in all the world.
What has he been doing for them?
Praying for them for:
Grace and Peace
Praising God for their faith
That he can visit them.
Why does he want to visit?
To use his spiritual gift to encourage them, or more accurately so they can encourage one another.
What would happen if we intentionally sought out to mutually lift one another up?
To Serve and Be served.
Small Group Questions
Small Group Questions
What was the worst thing that happened in the last week?
What was the best thing that happened in the last week?
What is missing from the gospel you believe in if you forget to downplay the truth that God’s Son is Jesus, or Christ, or Lord? Do you ever downplay one or the other of these in how you think or live?
Jesus- Son of God, 2nd in the Trinity
Christ-Deliverer from Sins
Lord- Ruler over us
Where can you see the “Obedience that comes from faith” in your life?
What difference would it make if you went to church next Sunday consciously seeking to encourage others? Do you allow the faith and words of others to encourage you?