Matthew 9:35-10:7

Purposeful Living  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Matthew 10:1 NASB95
Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of sickness.
In his command in chapter 9:38, Jesus said, pray to the LORD of the harvest to send workers.
Now in Chapter 10:1, Jesus called 12 of his DISCIPLES so he can send them as workers of the Kingdom to help in the harvest.
a “disciple means learner; cf. 11:29)
They will learn now what it is to be a follower and worker of God.
In verse 2, the 12 were called “Apostles”. These Twelve were specifically sent out (v5).
“apostle” means “one sent forth to represent an official” by Jesus and given His authority to cast out demons and heal every kind of disease and sickness.
The 12 Apostles were here named in pairs and probably were sent out in that fashion (“He sent them out two by two” [Mark 6:7]).

IV. God can use you when you accept his power trustingly (Matthew 10:1)

The 12 responded to the call of Jesus Christ, humbled themselves, and in simple trust accepted the power required for their task of witnessing.
A. Because of the authority and power of Jesus, you can accept his call to be gospel witness with a trusting heart.
Start the year by desiring a TRUSTING heart.
Jesus gave them authority - the right to control or command with absolute power.
Now that Christ is physically absent (he ascended to heaven after 3 days), The Holy Spirit serves as the source of our power.
Acts 1:8 NIV
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
We must accept this power trustingly. The Holy Spirit living in us will not force us to obey nor submit, we must wholeheartedly submit and recognize HIM and TRUST Him to perform His Ministry IN and THROUGH us.
God will not give us power without a purpose. We can trust God to impart His power to us to accomplish his purpose.
We cannot use that power available to us when we don’t submit and trust the Holy Spirit.
Analogy: Your fast charging cellphone charger will be of no value if you will not connect that to your cellphone. Only when the cable is connected to the power port that you can enjoy its fast charging power.
The problem: Doubting heart
often times, we do not live as witnesses for Christ because we don’t trust God to empower us to do great and mighty things for Him -
how many times we say to ourselves - dili lang ko Lord kay di ko kamao...
dili lang ko LORD kay kinsa raman gud ko...
dili lang ko LORD kay wa jud koy gift anang sharing...
if you have this attitude mga igsoon, In the name of Jesus - PAG BAG-O NA!
Stop doubting, stop procrastinating!
stop running away from God’s calling - start trusting God!
By God’s power and grace - God can use you mightily!
Nearness to him, intimacy with him, assimilation to his character—these are the elements of a ministry of power.
The more we draw near to Jesus, the more we know Him, the more we develop our trust in Him!
Matthew 10:7 NASB95
“And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’
As they go as God’s servants and messengers, they must preach the good news of the Kingdom of heaven!
They have a goal, a mission, a purpose - their purpose is to PREACH-
to proclaim, to announce…to announce what?
The kingdom of heaven is near!
The Kingdom of Heaven refers primarily to God’s kingly power exercised over creation and people.
God is the sovereign LORD of all creation. That is the TRUTH.
but His RULE over the EARTH is not universal. His will is not universally followed on earth.
The LORD Jesus taught the disciples to pray: Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
In heaven, his preceptive will (command) is followed by all the angels.
On earth, his preceptive will (Law - 10 commandments), is not followed by all people.
Thy Kingdom come means - a future event which came during the time of Jesus.
The Kingdom of God has come when Jesus came and was resurrected from the dead.
Mark 9:1 NASB95
And Jesus was saying to them, “Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.”
See the Kingdom of God with POWER - the Resurrection of Jesus from the DEAD is the manifestation of the realization of this prophecy. His resurrection was a sign marking the arrival of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus is now ruling in the heart of his followers. But the fullness of the Kingdom of God will happen when Jesus comes again.
In Acts, the kingdom of God is often used as a synonym for the gospel or good news (Acts 8:12; 19:8).
Acts 8:12 NASB95
But when they believed Philip preaching the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were being baptized, men and women alike.

V. God can use you when you share the Gospel joyfully (Matthew 10:7)

Luke 10:17 NASB95
The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”
Wherever the disciples went, there was joy and excitement - The long awaited Messiah had come, the Kingdom of heaven was at hand - The King is now here with us!!!
Start the year by desiring a joyful and willing heart in the LORD.
A joyful heart will not happen apart from the Gospel for the salvation that you have received. Unless you are saved, you will not fully experience the heavenly JOY of the LORD.
We were given the wonderful privilege of being the ambassador of the King of Kings to this dying world - we have the most wonderful, and most humbling job in the world - in this we must rejoice.
We shall joyfully share the Gospel because we have freely received it, thus we must freely give it!
Matthew 10:8 NASB95
“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.
They have the power to heal diseases - imagine if they are to charge every person that they heal! -they could become very rich!
But Jesus cautioned them - freely you received, freely give. You have received grace, be gracious.
You have received forgiveness, be forgiving.
You have received power, use that power to bless people without asking anything in return.
To freely give means to obey the command without any condition whatsoever
to freely give means to have a willing heart to do what was commanded - to preach the Gospel.
The problem - Unwilling heart and complaining heart
Usahay makig bargain pata sa Ginoo - Lord hatagi ko ani, mo share lagi ko sa Gospel.
Lord tubaga usa akong prayer then mo share na lagi ko sa Gospel...
Yuna pa, kinsa man diay ang tinood nga LORD o Master?
You can share the Gospel joyfully because of the assurance of SALVATION!
You don’t have to wait on the kingdom of heaven - it is now here! you can enter the Kingdom of God now!
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