Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Martin Luther - the founder of the Reformation Movement.
What is Legalism?
■ noun
1 excessive adherence to the details of law.
2 Theology adherence to moral law rather than personal religious faith.
—DERIVATIVES legalist noun & adjective legalistic adjective legalistically adverb
Guilty if we believe works = salvation
Rules without principles
**stories of people leaving the Apostolic church
The Bible condemns legalism
God is not a God of rules, He’s more interested in the relationship
The rules are not completely abolished
conformity to external law never meant anything unless the heart was right (Romans 2:17-29).
**stop on v 27 to expound
The Law was for the purpose of defining sin
To know what is in opposition to God
What does it take to please God
Beginning of a marriage
Don’t know other’s personal likes/dislikes
The Law just goes to show us that there is “none good, no not one!”
salvation has always been by faith, not by works.
Abraham (before the law) and David (under the law) were saved by faith in God, not by good works or conformity to law
In Acts 15 Peter explained that the Gentiles had already received the HG by their faith
These specific works were no longer neccessary.
Gentiles did not have to obey the law of Moses, except to abstain from food offered to idols, blood, things strangled, and fornication.
Legalism is an insufficient motivation to live for God.
It will not bring salvation, nor will it produce holiness.
- David K. Bernard
Self Righteousness of Works Based Salvation
Legalism teaches that we’re saved by OUR works instead of God’s grace
The Bible does stress the importance of good works as the inevitable result of saving grace and saving faith (Ephesians 2:10; Titus 2:11-12; 3:8; James 2:14-26).
We live in holiness not to PRODUCE salvation, but because we HAVE salvation
Failure to manifest holiness & good works indicates either failure to receive salvation initially or subsequent rejection of God’s continuing work of salvation.
legalism actually sidesteps grace, faith, and the Spirit.
It tries to produce holiness by human efforts alone and to purchase salvation by that human “holiness.”
Fails to Develop an Inward Holiness
Legalism develops a need for outward holiness
the focus becomes what you look like and less about what your heart is like
When you develop a heart that loves God, it will naturally produce an outward expression of an inward holiness
To some, legalists seem holy, but are found lacking in the eyes of God
Fails to Develop an Understanding of Principles
ultimately makes turns to legalism
Under developed sense of conscience
Cannot make mature and informed decisions on their own
Frequently ignore the dangers and grey areas that are outside of their rules
**rule of attending theaters, but will watch the same film at home
The “rule” isn’t being broken, so it must be ok
Legalistic leaders constantly find themselves trying to invent and enforce new rules to cover new situations, because their followers do not know how to apply principles.
“forgive 70x7” rule won’t forgive 491 times
Living by Minimum Requirements & Loopholes
Their attitude is, “What are the minimum requirements of this church, of this pastor, and of salvation itself?”
They have little desire to seek positive holiness, but define holiness in terms of the negative.
looks for loopholes to justify what they want to do
legalists treat Christianity as if it were a collection of rules like the US Tax Code.
Hypocrisy and Inconsistency
no set of rules can ever cover all situations, legalists usually end up doing as they please.
If they cannot satisfy the desires of the flesh in one way, they usually manage to do so in another way.
For example, some would never wear a necklace or an earring because of rules against them, but they will satisfy their desire for ornamentation by wearing extremely flashy rings and watches.
Some will shun all jewelry but flaunt extravagant, outrageously expensive clothing.
Others do not wear lipstick, but think nothing of wearing mascara or blush.
They base their conduct only on specific rules of limited application.
They are not truly concerned with upholding under all circumstances the biblical teachings against ornamentation, vanity, immodesty, and costly array.
Manmade Rules
Legalism takes human rules and treats them as if they were the Word of God.
Traditions become more important than doctrine
Taking Things Too Far
improper alternatives to legalism
Many people who see the dangers of legalism reject it, but in the process they sometimes discard practical holiness altogether.
Frequently what happens is this: one generation discovers a life-changing relationship with God and embraces scriptural holiness.
They rearrange their entire lifestyle around the concepts of separation from the world and dedication to God, and they pass this new-found lifestyle to the next generation.
explainations and principles fade and legalism steps in
become pios and cold
liturgical schedules and adherance to guidelines more than to the Spirit and principles
the next generation rebels against the rules - no foundation
Some suppose that we must abandon holiness teaching in order to have revival.
However, we should never sacrifice quality in favor of quantity.
In fact, the more we emphasize and implement the Word of God the more we will have true, apostolic revival.
A church does not have to be legalistic to emphasize holiness.
Nor does a church have to go to the opposite extreme of worldliness in order to grow.
A conservative, holiness church can have revival.
most revival churches have a strong sense of holiness on a practical level
A Moral Compass is Still Needed!
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9