Epiphany 2008
<<Pagan astrologers respond to the living God, but those know their bibles off by heart don't>>
Epiphany: 3 kings, Gold, frankincense, Myrrh, Primary school plays – crowns, cloaks
Story we think we know
SUBVERTS what we think we know.
Translators:- Kings, Wise Men, Magi - embarassed
Astrologers - “magicians enchanters and sorcerers” Dan 2 Septuagint
How would a Jew have thought of this?
- Hear about the King by a pretty dubious means
- Don't know where to look
- Bring inappropriate gifts
- BUT “knelt down and paid him homage” (v11)
Chief priests / Scribes
- Jewish religious leaders
- Know Micah's prophecy
- Afraid when they hear about the messiah – don't go to worship him.
All through the gospels...
Unexpected – poor, lame, women of questionable repute, tax collectors...
Meet Jesus turned into nice people (or so we think).
Magi – subvert that. Not poor, oppressed
Powerful, wealthy, pagans, don't stick around.
Probably went back home and carried on with their astrology. BUT something about that encounter would have stayed with them.
Place in God's purposes for them too.
Christmas season
People who we don't see rest of year. Who we only see once.
Carol service – Music lovers
Crib service - Parents nagged by eager children.
Midnight - Worse for wear - party/pub.
Christmas morning – family members cajoled into coming
Yes it would be great if they came back regularly! Right to pray – sustained commitment!
Astrologers from East – only once
Place in God's purposes.
Pray that they encountered the living God.
Look at ourselves.
We're here every week. We know the Bible stories – recite several verses!
Chief priests / Scribes – Bible / Temple
Do we kneel down and pay him homage? Heart worship.
Sometimes Pagan astrologers respond to the living God, and those know their bibles off by heart don't!
Encouragement: God is often at work in ways we never expected!
Challenge: Have we grown wearied by the years