APOLLOS: Qualities of a true Christian
Back Ground:
Place: Alexandria, Ephesus
Apollos: Name of a god (Appollonia)
Caste: A Jew
Meaning: Destroyer
History: A prominent figure in the I st century (I Cor. 1:12; 3:4, 6)
Apollos: A destroyer, who shall come, when he gets an opportunity
1. He was a Jew (18:24)
- Not an inter cast but a pure Jew
*Are we true Christians
2. He was mighty in Scriptures (18:24)
- Mighty means “thorough knowledge’
a. Why should we be mighty in the Scriptures?
- To be a witness 18:26
- To teach powerfully 18: 25
- In the assembly 18:27 (inner)
- In the synagogue 18:28 (outer)
b. How can we be mighty in the Scriptures?
- Search it daily Acts17:11
- Hide in the heart Ps. 119:11
- Read Deut. 17:19
“It is better to be mighty in the Scriptures than mighty in the world’s wisdom”
3. He was instructed the way of the Lord (v: 25)
- Many had been instructed by the Lord
Positive Figures
a. Noah (Gen.6:13) as the Lord commanded v:22
b. Moses (Ex. 25-31) Tabernacle 40:16
c. Theophilos Lk. 1:3, Acts 1:1
d. Believers:
- By God’s Word
- By God’s servants
Negative figures
a. Lot’s wife
b. Jude
Are we positive or negative figures?
4. He was fervent in Spirit (18: 25)
Fervent: intensity of feeling or boiling (E.g.: 2 Pet.3:10, 12)
· Following God: Rom.12:11
· Proclamation of the Word: Acts 18:24
· Caring for God’s servants: 2 Cor. 7:7
Fervent Prayers: Jas.5:16
Fervent in charity: I Pet. 4:8
5. He accurately declared God’s Word (18:25)
Accurately or Diligently
Bible is specific in those areas where we must be diligent
a. Diligently hearken to the Voice of the Lord: Ex. 15:26
b. Diligently keep them Deut. 6:17
c. Diligently let it be done Ezra 7:23
d. Diligently teach children Deut. 6:7
e. Diligently follow every good works I Tim. 5:10
f. Reward for those that diligently seek him (Heb. 11:6)
6. He was humble in mind (18:26)
- Not proud of his talent
- Heard the voice of the God’s servants
- Moses: meekest man Num. 12:3
- Rewards of humility
Road to honor: 1 Kings 3:11:14
Leads to riches: Prov. 22:4
Brings blessings: 2 Chr. 7:14, 15
Guarantees exaltation: Jas.4:10
Ensures God’s presence: Isa. 57:15
Makes truly great: Matt. 18:4
7. He was useful to others (18:27)
- Believers at Corinth.
8. He refuted the Pharisees (18:28)
- In the synagogue.
- With the living Word.
9. He watered (I Cor.3:6)
- Ministry of watering: all believers can do this.
10 . He proved that Jesus is the Messiah
- Today we are here to proclaim that Jesus is God.
- Let’s focus on His last commandment (Mat 28: 18-20).