Philippians Part 20 (2)
The Care of The Philippians, Vs 14-16
The Care of The Philippians, Vs 14-16
A Share in Trouble, vs 14
A Share in Trouble, vs 14
Fellowship, vs 14
Synkoinoneo - to be connected, participate, to be in partnership
Paul has used this term in different places in this book (Phil. 1:5, 3:10)
In The New Testament, this term has characterized the intimate connection we have with one another in the church. It is a special type of bond, not easily broken, that the world cannot even claim for itself. While the world has a multiplicity of goals in their fellowship, which often times even contradict each other, the church enjoys the particularly powerful form of fellowship congruent with its one goal of glorifying God by proclaiming faith in the Lordship of Christ. But what makes this fellowship worth anything is that it is rooted in fellowship with the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. since we all share this fellowship with our God, we also have fellowship with one another, in easy times and hard times.
In Trouble
They didn't abandon him in his time of need
we share in the trouble of Christians in Ukraine
It is in troubling times that fellowship between Christians is actually tested. It is, of course, common to see a distance placed between those going through an easy time and those going through troubling times. when we see people going through those troubling times, we often treat it like a disease, where we stay as far away from it as possible so it doesn't rub off on us. But this is not the fruit and definition of christian fellowship. christian fellowship sees their sibling in Christ and should have an undying loyalty to them no matter what happens to them. They are to be committed to their well being, their spiritual upbuilding, and an encouraging voice that keeps their shoulders back and heads held high. If God does not abandon us in our time of need, but rather grows closer to us, then we should mirror that attitude with fellow Christians.
Their Proven Reputation, vs 15-16
Their Proven Reputation, vs 15-16
Paul brings up how faithful they have been “You only”
they certainly had the means to support them
when you have tools, use them, don't hoard them.
Even in Thessalonica
which seems to suggest getting funds to him there was difficult
or he was well supplied there and they sent things anyways
All of this to their track record of grace
Philippi is being propped up as a great example of christian benevolence and love. In different societies where Christianity exists, the tools they have at their disposal can very. Some have money, some have businesses, some have materials that can be given, some are champions in prayer. Each church, by Philippi’s example, should use all of the tools available to them for the advancement of the gospel, which meant for the Philippians, supporting the man that planted their church as he preaches the gospel.
What would the track record of Otisville look like?
A Content Person is a Caring Person, Vs 17-20
A Content Person is a Caring Person, Vs 17-20
The fruit that increases to their credit, vs 17
The fruit that increases to their credit, vs 17
What Paul wants for them
Its not the money, its their spiritual excellence and their conforming to the image of Jesus
What kind of spiritual father would he be, if he did not want to see their fruit grow?
There are many in this world who teach their children that the pinnacle of success is having money and materials. They teach them tactics on how to get ahead in life, using whatever means necessary, and if you have to use dirty tactics to help you get ahead, then by all means do it. Most of the time when people grow up in this environment of teaching, they end of being despicable people, with little integrity and no honor. That’s Because the priority for them was financial success and not moral success, getting the most you can and not being the most you can be, material fruit and not spiritual fruit, displaying yourself instead of displaying Christ. Paul has the Philippians priorities in check even as he is going through a difficult time by not having a desire for the gift that they gave but having a desire for the continual reflection of Christ in their lives through their giving of that gift.
It is more blessed to give that to receive (Acts 20:35)
it is more blessed to give than to receive because in giving, you display a preference of others well being over your own. This is the example that the Lord Jesus gave by coming here, living and dying, for our sins. He could have stayed in His palaces in heaven but chose to leave for the benefit of others.
by doing this, you lay treasures in heaven for yourselves instead of on earth. It seems pretty obvious that the Philippians treasures will be great. What about ours?
1 Timothy 6:17-19,
When you are content, you seek others benefit, vs 17 continued
When you are content, you seek others benefit, vs 17 continued
many people wait for everything to be just right before they help others
the goal is not only to look out for yourself but others before you
A Sacrifice Pleasing To God, vs 19
A Sacrifice Pleasing To God, vs 19
When we give and sacrifice of our means for more prosperity, it is pleasing to God
Hebrews 13:16
Sacrifice is never without reward, vs 19
As they supplied Paul, they will now be supplied by God
“every need of yours” not just financial
When you sacrifice something for the good of another, never let yourselves be convinced that it goes unnoticed by God. Any Christian with experience in the area of giving for any reasons could probably tell you times when they have sacrificed something for the good of another and seems to come right back to them, either in the same way they gave it or a different but meaningful way. Whether the reward for your sacrifice comes immediately or not, those reward you get here for your good are mere glimpses of the reward you’ll receive in Heaven.
Remember that every sacrifice you make for another, whether it is time, more, or resources, per Matthew 25, it is as if you are doing it to the Lord Jesus
If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.
C. T. Studd
Farewell, Vs 21-23
Farewell, Vs 21-23
Greet Every Saint, vs 21
Greet Every Saint, vs 21
Caesars Household, vs 22
Caesars Household, vs 22
most likely a reference to the servants in Caesars household
Grace of Jesus With Your Spirit, vs 23
Grace of Jesus With Your Spirit, vs 23