The Life of Daniel | Pt. 5
Tonight we are wrapping up our Daniel series. Over the past 5 weeks or so, we have been going through the book of Daniel looking at his life.
In short summary, it’s been W-I-L-D! Right?
We have seen Daniel and his group of friends have everything taken from them down to their names, they’ve been threatened numerous times and twice those times have resulted in them being thrown into a burning furnace and a lions dens.
Since we are wrapping up the series, I want to look at the book of Daniel from a 30,000 foot view.
What have we learned from Daniel and his friends?
1. Living for God requires a made up mind; (Dan. 1:8) “But Daniel made up his mind…”
Early on when Daniel was met with hard times he did not crumble.
Daniel and his friends knew that following God wasn’t popular. They also knew that with following God that it would cost them something, yet they were willing to follow him regardless.
Daniel shows us that having a made up mind takes practice. How do we practice? We practice by living for God in the small areas of our life, so that when big trials come its second nature (natural for us to live for God).
2. Through trials our God remains the same.
Our seasons of uncertainty do not change who God is. God is the same God today, tomorrow, and yesterday.
If God did it for him or her, He can do it for you too.
3. True submission to God is doing what is right regardless of the outcome; (Dan. 3:18) “But even if He does not…”
Many Christians live with the mindset of “If God…then…”, but Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-Nego tell us and show us that following God requires an “But even if…” mindset.
If God gives me a Godly girlfriend or boyfriend, then I’ll start practicing purity.
If God gets me into my dream college, then I’ll honor Him with my career.
If God gives me more money, then I’ll start tithing.
But even if God doesn’t give me more money, I’ll still praise Him.
But even if I don’t get into the college I really wanted, God is still faithful.
But even if God doesn’t send me my spouse, I’ll still praise him.
4. Our faith preserves us through trials.
Our faith in Christ is what give us hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Don’t let circumstances dictate character.
Things may look bleak, your situation may be toxic but be encouraged to press in to God. He is constant and He will hold you fast.
5. Tests bring about testimonies.
You can’t write the word testimonies without writing test.
Literally the word means to give an account or a testament.
Raise your hand if you’ve seen God do a miracle in someone’s life? Raise your hand if you’ve seen God do a miracle in your lie?
Then you have a testimony that others need to hear. In Daniel, at the end of every story we see that people fell on their knees after hearing about what God had done.
God can use you through your trial or difficult season. God in due time will reveal the why behind the what.
Think about it, Daniel came to Babylon as a captive, but through his faithfulness and unwavering spirit he became a king. Toward the end of Daniel, he became a king but he had to go through trials to get their.
Tonight I want us to be honest with each other and with God.
We know that NO ONE is immune to facing trials in life, right?
I want you to listen this:
1.) Are you facing a trial at school?
- Pressure of grades, bullying, trying to fit in, trying to figure out what’s next, etc.
2.) Are you facing a trial at home?
- Parents constantly fighting, maybe they got a divorce, mom or dad is in jail, etc.
3.) Are you facing a trial within yourself?
- Toxic boyfriend/girlfriend, toxic friendships, struggling with a particular sin, at the point of giving up, etc.
If you identify with any of those examples, I want to tell you that you are in the right place. God wants to meet with you in whatever season you find yourself in.
As Chelsea come up to lead, you can pray in your seat or adults will be in the back to pray with you. I saw it every week, but God wants to meet with you so will you meet Him?