Good God, Bad Stuff?
How can a Good God Allow Evil?
The logical problem of evil, as articulated by Hume and his followers, runs as follows: (1) given the biblical God’s all-good and all-powerful nature, God could not know and care that there is evil in the world yet at the same time fail to act powerfully in order to stop it coming about. Yet, (2) there is evil in the world, (3) therefore an all-good, all-powerful, and all-knowing God cannot exist.
God is God
Humans Perpetrate Evil
God Has, Is and Will Deal With Evil
You Can Trust God
In practice, this means that through the Son and in the Spirit, God our Father offers unique and lasting forms of what Judith Herman and the medical community tell us are required for recovery—namely, a sense of safety, a trusted community, and a coherent life story. These processes occur in tandem with Spirit’s work to transform both parties into Christlike servants in anticipation of the kingdom to come.