Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Week 1 “Don’t miss the Journey for the Destination.”
2 Corinthians 5:17
Week 2 “The Old Testament opens the window for us to understand the New.”
Matthew 5:17
Week 3 “We turn pages of scripture to now truth from error.” 2 Timothy 3:16
Remember we identified last week where our ability to correctly Interpret Scripture comes from?
The writer of Hebrews enter’s the idea of “entering God’s rest” in chapter 4. However in chapter 3 we have the picture of the struggles of obedience for the nation of Israel in the wilderness.
vs. 16 “Who were those who heard, and yet rebelled?
Was it not all those who left Egypt led by Moses?
The consequences of disobedience is that they would not enter the promised land.
(God’s rest)
vs. 11 of chapter 4 not introduces the “so what” of the preceeding section.
In light of what has preceded, “let us then make every effort to enter the rest” (emphasis added).
The writer here is giving the emphases that we should strive to enter God’s rest.
This means that we must work against our natural inclination or efforts to prove our own righteousness.
One of our chief responsibilities in the Christian life is to exhort one another to faithfulness.
This is one of the things we do every Sunday in corporate worship when we sit under the preaching of the Word of God.
This is what we do when we sing the precepts of the word of God.
This is what happens when we pray together the words of God.
This is what we do when we fellowship together because of the words of God.
Hebrews 4:10-13 explains the nature of this kind of faith.
The kind of faith that enables us to enter into God’s rest is a faith that first demands that we rest from relying on our own works and abilities.
He then tells us to make every effort to enter this kind of rest so that no one will fall by following bad examples of disobedience.
Making every effort to solely depend on God, to trust Him implicitly, to yield totally to His promises.
We are either trusting ourselves for our own salvation or we trust God to do for us.
God created rest for our benefit, to restore us.
We can experience true rest when we are spending time in God’s presence turning the pages of scripture.
We need to take time out of our busy schedule to be still, silent, present, and allow Him to work in us.
Now the writer of Hebrews is going to define the role of the word of God in our lives.
Have you ever heard someone say they don’t need theology of the Bible, I just need Jesus.
This is a misguided statement.
Christ cannot be divorced from His word.
Our knowledge of Jesus as the divine Son of God and his accomplishments for us only come through Scripture.
Martin Luther Sparked Mass Literacy
Writing systems are thousands of years old and are found in ancient Sumer, China, and Egypt.
But even in the most literate ancient societies only a small fraction of people ever learned to read, rarely more than 10 percent.
So, when did people decide that everyone should learn to read?
The move toward mass literacy began in the 16th century with the belief that every person should read and interpret the Bible for themselves.
This belief began to rapidly diffuse across Europe with the eruption of the Protestant Reformation.
It was initiated in 1517 by Martin Luther’s delivery of his famous 95 theses.
Protestants came to believe that children had to study the Bible for themselves to better know their God.
In the wake of the spread of Protestantism, the literacy rates in Britain, Sweden, and the Netherlands rose.
Motivated by eternal salvation, parents and leaders made sure the children learned to read.
Religious beliefs also helped spur the beginning of state-funded schooling.
As early as 1524, Martin Luther emphasized the need for parents to ensure their children’s literacy and placed the responsibility for creating schools on secular governments.
In the 16th century, reformer John Knox pressured the Scottish government to initiate free public education for all children.
One of his reasons was that everyone should have the skills to study the Bible.
Big Idea: When we hear it through the spirit we place our life under His knife.
The word of God is Alive and Effective (Active)
“The Word of God”
“Word” - The Logos of God.
In the beginning was the “word.”
Jesus is the very word of life.
John 1:1 “in the beginning was the word”
The word of God is not a Dead Book it is a living Book
*The Word of God Breaths out New Life
2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is breathed out”
Remember Jesus encounter with the Samaritan woman.
He declared that He would give her living water of which she would never be thirsty again.
In contrast to lifeless pagan deities, Yahweh is characterized as “the living God” (e.g., Dt. 5:26; Josh.
3:10; Jer.
10:10; Mt. 16:16; 26:63; Acts 14:15).
“Living” is sometimes applied figuratively to inanimate objects: flowing water can be called “living water” because it gives life, and thus it serves also as a figure for the presence and Spirit of the Giver of life
Recall Elijah and his battle with the prophets of Baal on Mt.
Elijah’s God is alive, the prophets of Baal serve a dead God who is not alive.
(perhaps your god is taking a nap or relieving himself in the john)
Consider every other world religion whether it is Buddha, or the God’s of the Hindu’s, they are not living and breathing beings.
We have a God who is alive, and His word is alive.
The Bible is not merely a history book or collection of good interesting stories.
It is a living breathing book with God’s words of instruction to His people.
From the very beginning of scripture god created the heavens and the earth with his word.
Therefore, scripture, because it is God’s word, is alive and life giving.
The Bible is not a bunch of dead, lifeless words.
It is the very living words of God.
So, if it is the living words of God then it will accomplish everything that He has planned or wills for it to accomplish.
*The Word of God never Returns Void
Void: Something that is not valid, empty, not legally binding.
God uses His words in surprising ways, at surprising times, and in surprising people.
We cannot predict exactly how God will use his word but we can be sure that it will not lack its effective intent once it is deployed.
God’s word produces the intended results in the hearts and lives of His people.
The picture of the Effectual effects of God’s word.
We see the living word of God in action throughout the pages of scripture.
The effectual words.
On the day of Pentecost Peter preached the effective words of God to the people in Jerusalem.
2. The effectual response.
The people responded by being cut to the heart, and asking the effectual question, what should we do now?
3. The effectual results.
3,000 were saved that day and as the disciples continued to give proclaim the living and active words of God in conjunction with the Holy Spirit as we read about in the effectual armor of God.
Ephesians 6:17
Note: Jesus spoke of the life giving properties of His words.
John 6:63
The effectiveness of the words of God are only effective if the spirit is present in them.
Without the spirit the words are lifeless.
Cultural Problem with Effectual words.
Many are listening to words that are not effective for anything?
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