Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
My friend, since he killed the man who had a crippled hand.
But since Jesus healed him on the Sabbath day, the Jewish sabbath day, then the Jewish religious leaders deemed it as blasphemy, because it broke their tradition.
They got so angry at this that the Pharisees and herodians who are normally in Emmy's one with another joined forces in order that they might destroy the Lord.
Jesus Christ, they wanted to kill him.
But despite the threats to his very life to Jesus, still miniature to the crowds, he still taught them, he still did Miracles Healing The Sick, casting out, demons and so forth.
So, Jesus received opposition from the nation of Israel, his own countrymen, 4646 him as the Jewish religious leaders lead the way as Israel's leaders.
But not only did the nation of Israel forsaken, the Lord Jesus.
We saw last Sunday that his own family for 6 p.m. His own family, turned his turn their back on the Lord Jesus Christ.
We saw how they came to him and said that, he was crazy.
He was going out of his mind and they wanted to take him by force to take him back to Nazareth.
That's bad.
As that is, it gets worse?
It's almost like a n from infirmary in from infomercials.
Thank you, Robbie, for all that.
Those info commercials where they say, hey, wait, there's more, right?
Well, that's the same here with Jesus, it just gets worse and worse and worse.
But wait, there's more.
And that's when the scribes of Jerusalem, they come down describes are the teachers of the law.
They claim, and they spread this news to all who would hear they claim that Jesus teaching, and all of his miracles that he did, all the work that he did.
All of that road was accomplished by the power of Satan.
How awful and this is something they said over and over again.
That Jesus was belzebub, is what it said.
In chapter 3, he was the prince of demons.
To which Jesus warns them that they were about, to cross the line, they're about to commit, the unpardonable sin, the unforgivable sin.
But as we look at chapter 4, as we get the chapter 4, Mark 6, to explain to us, why Jesus is message and why is a Ministry encountered?
Such Fierce opposition.
Why did Jesus experience opposition from the scribes?
Why did, why did they oppose Jesus welcoming tax collectors and sinners into the kingdom of God?
Why did the Pharisees criticized Jesus for healing on the Sabbath?
Why did they seek to destroy the Lord Jesus?
Chapter 4. Mark explains that those outside.
the unbelieving community even though they heard Jesus words with their own ears, And they saw with their own eyes.
The miraculous works of the Kingdom.
They could not understand what was taking place.
And here's the thing they didn't care.
To understand, they did not want to understand.
all the god, however, has given to us as he did his followers, the gift of understanding That the kingdom of God has come.
That Jesus is the son of God.
He is the Messiah.
He is the Christ.
Is the savior of the world.
And we're grateful for that.
I wanted to look at.
This morning, this sore.
The seed.
Anise oil.
My first noting the setting.
The setting first one.
And again he began to teach by the sea.
And a great multitude with gather to him so that he got into a boat and sat in its on the sea and the whole multitude was on the land facing the sea.
The first one teaches us and tells us that Jesus is teaching from a boat on the edge of the Sea of Galilee and he's using this as a acoustic effect.
Are the Still Water.
The water could act as a sounding board if you would and he would be able to be heard by the thousands who had gathered around to hear him.
But we know this here in verse one that Mark uses the word multitude, a great multitude, this is the first time that Mark uses the word meaning that there was no doubt, thousands of people who have gathered together to listen to Jesus.
This takes us to the audience.
Who is the audience?
Who is there, who it is?
Who is it?
You are following Jesus at this point.
Well, We we know that his enemies are, they are right, the Pharisees or Sadducees, the scribes, all those who hate Jesus.
We also know that those who are just intrigued with Jesus.
Are there those who are just captivated by his popularity and know that he is at this particular place, they travel to just to listen.
The curiosity is getting the best of them you could say.
There are also those who are there.
Who only want to be there so that they can receive something from Jesus.
There they are just there to see what they can get from Jesus.
They really don't love me under.
This is like what Jesus can do for them.
And then there are those though, they are few who are there because they generally love the Lord Jesus.
They love him.
They want to follow him.
Until Mark said, this is a great multitude.
This is a huge crowd.
Jesus has at his Pinnacle as his popularity is concerned, despite all of the rumors that he was the prince of demons.
So this is a huge crowd and I think about this all of Jesus popularity occurred.
By Word of Mouth.
Jesus did not have an agent who was his publicity manager, right?
Are there was no social media announcement of the disciples did not get on Twitter and say, hey Jesus is going to be at the Sea of Galilee at 1, come on down.
No listen, Jesus popular to spread the old-fashioned way and the best way and that is the word of mouth.
Hey, listen to, it is good to say things about Christ on Facebook and on Twitter and courage that obviously.
But the best method of sharing prized is not through a computer, but through the voice, your, your testimony, your word.
May God help us to do a better job of that.
We see the audience.
We see is teaching really the method of his teaching.
Verse to tells us is that he taught them many things by parables.
and said to them in his teaching, So we see his method of teaching has changed here.
He he's no longer preaching and teaching to them as as he used to do.
You don't have the Sermon on the Mount type of teaching.
To the public anymore.
Now he is teaching them in Parables.
He begins to speak to the public in Parables that raises they question.
Then what is a parable?
What the simplest definition.
As, you know, is a parable is an Earthly story with a Heavenly meaning.
And that's not a bad definition at all, but to be more detailed.
A parable is a story drawn from the world drawn from the world of familiar.
Things used to convey some unfamiliar spiritual that bills from the known to the unknown.
Okay? and as a matter of fact, the word Parable means to cast alongside by way of comparison into a parable is where you compare something physical, something Earthly to some spiritual truth, So that that spiritual truth is then grasp an illustrated and seen.
Making the goal of the parable, a vehicle used to teach some spiritual in Heavenly truth, but to teach them in such a wave that it captures the mind and heart.
< .5
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