Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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Good morning, everybody.
How is everybody today?
I was I was reading something this morning and they said that is the pastor's best friend is to have the temperature, plummets, immediately 35 degrees.
And I'm thankful that the pastor asked me to come and see if you have your Bibles.
We're going to be in John chapter 8, John chapter 8 and we're going to be looking at verses 1 through 11.
I'm here in just a few moments.
There was a very important book that hit the market in 1984 and it was later released in 2003 and the title of the book was emotions.
Can you trust him was written by a Doctor James Dobson in the book itself.
Discusses the impact that human emotions have upon the life we live and in the best of cases.
We know the emotions can bring us great.
Joy emotions can add.
I would I call pzazz to life.
They can bring color to life and and they're good and they add flavor to it ever were doing, but in the worst of cases, emotions can also blind us and crippled us and put us in a prison that we just cannot get out of some examples.
Think of anger that's left unchecked and your left.
Unchecked can destroy your relationships in your family and your workplace in your community, in the worst of cases anger, that's left, unchecked can lead to crimes, it can even lead to murder and what not?
If you struggle with depression, you're going to struggle with feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
It's not uncommon for young people who struggle with
Selves depression is a crippling disorder.
It's a crippling emotion.
I'm that could wreak havoc on families and individuals and even livelihood picture of the opposite, end of the spectrum.
If you experience something called Mania that euphoric High to can destroy you because you won't think about the basic needs that you haven't live such as eating and sleeping and it bring it won't allow you to bring balance into your life, but I think if there's one emotion above all.
That is the most destructive.
It's one we don't talk about a lot, it's called Shame.
No, shame is different than guilt.
Guilt says, I made a mistake.
I'm willing to pay the consequences for that mistake.
I have a comeuppance as a result of that mistake.
I made a mistake.
Shame says this shame says, I am a mistake.
I am bad.
I have I just have not created Havoc.
I am havoc, and I'm a destructive individual of those who struggle with trauma in their life.
They were brought up in a home where they were abused physically.
Emotionally often is pounded into their head.
Is this message?
You are bad?
You are bad.
You are bad.
And because you are bad, this is happening to you.
Such a person who who takes on, Daddy motion feel shame and they go.
Believing, they truly are bad as a result.
Their life is on a road that leads to destruction of those individuals who have a prodigal child or an incorrigible child, or maybe even a child, who who's incarcerated those individuals can believe.
You know what I'm bad because I'm bad.
I passed my badge on to my kids.
If I were good, my kids would be good and they added up one bad parent plus one bad child 2 equals incarceration.
And such a person can feel shame and and can go places and never lift their eyes, but it's always looking towards the ground if you have been in the past.
You know, I have and if you if you've been around individuals in the pasture, it is it in the ministry that have failed that can be a very shameful experience because the belief is, God has given you the highest of all callings and of God has given you.
The highest of all callings.
Certainly would equip you to succeed and if you don't succeed, you believe Somewhere In Yourself is bad and therefore you failed.
The good news, is it?
Jesus himself experienced shame.
You say, what when did Jesus experience shame?
If you were to turn to Hebrews chapter 12 and look up first two, it says this, fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and Perfecter of your faith, who for the joy before him scorned, The cross.
And sat down at the right hand of the father, you seen Jesus when he was on the cross.
He injure this shame.
When someone was crucified, not only wear their hair and nail to, the beemster feet were nailed to the beams.
Generally, the person was naked or had minimal clothing on when someone died, they often lost control of their bowels and bladder, the birds would come and pick their flesh away and was someone was crucified.
The common belief.
Is that person is bad.
And Jesus and that moment didn't take all of the sin past present and future upon himself.
The Russian gulags The Killing Fields in Cambodia the whores that are going on in Ukraine.
Today even the Crusades of the Middle Ages.
The sense of today, my sins and your since they were poured out Upon Jesus and I believe when he cried on the cross, my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
There was that feeling, or believe in shame that Jesus had, but the good news is that very same shame.
Is best conquered by the work of Jesus on the cross.
Shame is one of those emotions.
You cannot outrun shame as an emotion that you cannot just read a book and it'll be over with shame.
As one of those emotions that things you just cannot do enough good works and work it off.
It doesn't work that way.
The only remedy for Shane is Jesus in John chapter 8 and I am not going to text you a criticism here.
Showed it shouldn't be here.
I know all that, let's just leave that aside.
This is our Bible, it's here.
So what's the deal with it up front?
That's the easiest way.
And you know, if you have questions about this, this is a perfect thing to pack, take a pastor Ivan and he will be more than happy to just to just go all day on this.
And where it is.
Where it is.
It shouldn't shouldn't be.
What's a council wrong?
It's so far but it's here at dawn.
He appeared again of the temple.
Courts were all the people gathered around him and he set down to teach them the teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery and they made her stand before the group and said to Jesus teacher, this woman was caught in the very Act of adultery in the law of Moses commanded us to stone stone such a woman.
Now, what do you say they were using this question as a trap in order that they might have bases to accuse him?
The Jesus bent down started to write on the ground with his finger when they kept questioning him, he straightened up and he said to them.
If any, one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her. Again, he stooped down and he wrote on the ground at this.
Those who heard again, to go away, one of the time, the older ones first and totally Jesus was left with a woman still standing there.
Jesus straightened up and ask woman where are they Has no one condemned.
You no one sir.
She said.
Then neither do I condemn you Jesus declared go now and leave your life of sin.
We thank you for these words and and we thank you for this beautiful picture of how you treat each and every one of us.
And my goal this morning is that we accept the mercy you provide And in turn we provide that same Mercy.
Two others around us.
In Jesus name, we pray, amen.
Open up, Jesus is introduced by the three individuals or three groups of individuals.
The Bible says, it was a dog.
He got up early in the morning and he went down to the temple.
And and there must have been people Milling around already because he began to speak more and more gathered around him.
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