Rejoice in the Lord
But Rob you come and share this with Lord laid it on your heart.
Have your baubles turn to Psalms 33. Psalms 33.
We'll talk about rejoicing in the Lord. This evening was going to briefly look at this solves. The first 12 verses
we think about rejoice in the Lord. It's
we really don't think about how we're supposed to Rejoice, right?
I'm a Cowboys fan of sorts by default because my wife is
on top of that being Razorback fan, it really makes it hard to Rejoice sometimes, right?
But yeah. Psalms 33, you know, I do this quite a bit. I'll tell you how to turn on a return there, but I didn't mark it this time. Psalms 33 starting verse 1. A Bible says rejoice in the Lord OU righteous reprise from the upright is beautiful. Praise the Lord with a harp, make a Melody to him with an instrument of ten. Strings seem to him a new song by skillfully. With a shout of joy for the word of the Lord is right. And all his work is done in truth, he loves righteousness and Justice. The Earth is full of the goodness of the Lord, by the word of the Lord. The heavens were made and all the host of them. By the breath of his mouth. He gathers, the Waters of the sea together as a heat. He lays up the deep in the, in the store houses. But all the Earth fear, the lord that all the inhabitants of the word world, stand in all of him, for he spoke and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast, the Lord brings the counsel of the nation's to nothing. He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect, the council, the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations. Blessed is the general blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he has chosen has its own inheritance. Spray Reverend father, we thank you for Gathering us here together tonight. Allowing us to gather in this place. Father was thankful for those who have made it farther. I know it's busy during the week and people get up early and go to work. And, and then we're tired. And we're so thankful to be able to come here. This weekend David. You were worship, you and study what you want us to study. Father and the father I pray that you give me Clarity of voice father and that I don't stumble over the words, like I have been lately father and I pray, this message is your message and not mine. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen. Psalms 33 is a call to live ly. The Lively again, Lively. Praise to God for his glorious attributes and his glorious works, as they are displayed to us and creation. Inverse one starts out singing rejoice in the Lord. All ye righteous for praise. From the upright is beautiful. We look at that first part. Rejoice in the Lord OU righteous, many of us, forget what rejoice in the Lord mean, We will jump & Shout when our favorite team scores or wins the game, but none of us including myself, doesn't seem to get excited for what God has done for us and is continuing to do for each and everyone of us. Rejoice means to shout or sing for joy. And as we look back that we really rejoice and sing and shout what God has done for us. We look back at our lives to look at the way we were. And now he has changed us. We should be rejoicing every moment of every day. We have the knowledge that God is an awesome God and that he is our God for eternity. that knowledge alone should have wakened within the US an unceasing, and overflowing Joy should have not But it seems that we have fallen into a rut only to rejoice in temporary cap comforts. And that is very dangerous. Manny today 10 to rejoice in themselves and that is sinful and we all must acknowledge God's holiness is Sovereign. He is great, he is true. The second part of verse 1 says, for praise, from the upright is beautiful. It's beautiful. God, people are beautiful when they praise him, why? Because he is our sustainer, there's nothing to be ashamed of and acknowledging, who God is and what he has done for us. The Opera by the righteous have plenty of calls, for praise a man who is upright, or who is a righteous man has much to Rejoice about and to give praise for. Charles Spurgeon said this, there are abundant reasons why God's people should rejoice in the Lord. The source of the Believers, Joy is not in the world nor in themselves but in the Lord they sing it to him a new song because they have been made new creatures who enjoy new the lies I'm so thankful that God has given me a new appetite, right? And even times. I let him down, why? Because I'm a real human, right? We're going to file. We're going to fall. But he is there always to pick us up and that alone is worth, praise to have a loving father that will pick us up, right? So they rejoice in the Lord, because of his word, his word.
We've been studying about the Holy scriptures and Sunday school and talked about how sufficient his word is and how powerful it is and what it means to the believer. The word of the Lord is, right? We see that verse for It is the right thing for the souls and lives of men because of its power. Psalms 19:7 dates that the law of the Lord is perfect. Converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure making wise, the simple, the statutes of the Lord are right. But joy seeing the heart, the Commandment of the Lord is pure enlightening, the eyes, the word of God is powerful. For by, at the heavens were made. It is The Incorruptible seed that endureth forever he speaks and it happens. The revealed word of God is right? Its precepts or holy, just and good. It is applied to all if partially, it is just in condemning the wicked and and in a quitting Believers to the count of Christ. Perfect righteousness. But which is magnified and made honorable by God. God's word is right, it announces truth, and good things. A directs men to Christ, it makes me and right when it works effectively in them, that persuades them to walk in the right ways and its doctrines are right or readily understood by those who have been given spiritual understanding. All of this is for joy and praise. So listen, here, the revealed word of God is exactly in accord with the Eternal rule of, right, that's because he made it so we cannot think or imagine it any other way. God's word is Holy just and good. This is grounds for praise and even leads to Thanksgiving.
We can rejoice in the Lord because of his works because of his works. The second part of verse for all of his works are done in truth. Jonathan Edwards said all his works are perfect, all his works and Grace as well in creation are done in truth. He is a just God and a savior if Christ is the way and the life he is. Also the truth to be saved by grace is not to be stayed at the expense of Truth for Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. John-117 pieces for the law was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. God's work of creation are done in truth. They are perfect and they are powerful because he is Almighty. They display his power, his wisdom and his goodness. His works of Providence are done according to his will and are done in the wisest and the very best mentor. We could not do what he does. We cannot do what he does wear all that. We're only allowed to do what he gives us the power to do. His works, not ours. His work of redemption is proof of his Devotion to the truth and faithfulness to his Covenant oath and promise that you made. Is work of Grace upon the hearts of his people is truth in the inward parts and which has he promised to carry Ellen and finish. He is faithful and he does it His work show us the outflow of his word and he is true to his word. God's word does not lie. There's not one thing that's phony about God's work. Not one thing. Everything God is done and creation through Providence and in Revelation is an unadulterated and it is pure. God is all that he promises, and that means that he can be trusted. God is the only one that any of us will ever know. That we can have complete Assurance in. He is the only one, no matter how good I try to be. You cannot trust me. You must trust God.
I can Rejoice, we can rejoice in his goodness in his goodness.
The Earth is full of the goodness of the Lord first five. Everywhere to those who have eyes to see the gift of his goodness may be seen, but it is in Christ himself that His Marvelous loving-kindness finds its fullest manifestation. Because of his goodness, he does, no man. Wrong. One is very kind and merciful to all men in the world to whom. He gives many blessings and invitations to his love. And a service. Matthew 5:45 tells us that you may be children of your father in Heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous the Earth is full of his loving-kindness. Every part of the earth, bear witness that he is good. The Earth is full. Only of God's glory and riches but also of his goodness. I know sometimes it don't seem like there's any goodness left around right, but he is there he promised he's there. because his word says He is there, we know that he is where they're great.
But he's there, we are never alone. We're Never Alone. And to this, we should be very thankful of his love and mercy. And that alone is worth praise. We should Rejoice, right? We're never alone. We can rejoice in his power. We can rejoice in his power verses 8 and 9 moving on. How that will go that way to talk about the music. Verses 8-9, let the Earth. Let all the Earth fear the lord at all. The inhabitants of the world stand in all of him for he spake and it was done. He commanded and it stood fast. Beer and also suggest a reference to God and should bring genuine worship. Ecclesiastes 12:13 tells us that we are to fear God and keep his Commandments, and this is the whole duty of, man. It's pretty strong words, right? We are to fear God, and keep his Commandments who grew up with a dad that if you didn't do what he said, you knew what was going to happen. We serve a father. A loving father, who's the same way?
But he's better.
This means that this is mandatory for all of man considering that he is our creator. Since he's our creator, he gets to make the rules for life. So, we have an obligation to worship, God, we should be thankful for his, providential care. And his goodness for all that he has done for us. And there's one thing to think about his power, you see, God gives us the power to worship Him. He makes us understand what fear in all his.
No one can feel the Lord properly, unless they have the grace of fear, put into their hearts by the spirit of God, he reveals himself to us. And it doesn't through his word. By his power, we can see it through his great works. You see? We have absolutely no power unless he gives it to us first nine stairs for he spake, and it was done. He commanded it and it stood fast. We can look at it like this. He spoke it and it was done just like it's hit. He said I ate a salad and a thing of which he spoke of came into existence at once immediately. Looking back at the creation account, Genesis 18 and God said, let there be light and there was light. What God Said came into being, because the words were accompanied by Almighty power, his power, he commanded it. And it happens. Whatever he spoke. It stood there and done it. Like you said, just like a servant does when his master commands him to do something. God's word. Once spoken is a standing law to which nature immediately obeys and this should be the same with man as well. The phrase in the steadfast tells us that every created thing continue to live on. All the things that were brought into being by his all commanding word and power are maintained by the same power, which is God himself. This is evident in Christ. The power of his blood for the atonement, for our sins, paid the believer, send that forever. And it continues to do so.
For the believer. We are sustained by his power. God speaks life into us and regeneration. He commands like to sign into our dark hearts and is done by the mighty power of God. Only, he has the power to change us.
We can rejoice in that, right?
We can rejoice and his knowledge. And his knowledge. First 10. The Lord bringeth the counsel of the nation's to nothing, he make it the plans of the people's of no effect. He knows all about the secret desires of the ungodly 1st Corinthians 3:19. Since for the wisdom of this world is full of sadness was God for his written. He take, it's a wise in their own craftiness, Joseph Spokane. Genesis 5:20, but as for you, you thought evil against me. But God meant it unto good to bring to pass as it is this day to save much people alive. He can sanctify adverse things into the furtherance of the gospel and Philippians. 1 verses 1213 we read, but I want you to know brother and that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the Gospel, so that has become evident to the whole Palace guard and to all the rest that my chains. Are in Christ. God by his overruling purpose and Providence halls or changes the plans of the nations of the earth and he advances his own plans and purpose. And purposes, in spite of theirs. their plans come to nothing when they come in competition with his plans, their purpose will always yield to his
Whatever may be the thoughts and purposes of whatever may be the thoughts and purposes of human beings if they are opposed the plans of God, they will be rendered useless. God is omniscient. He knows all the secret things. The plans of men is omnipotent and renders them unsuccessful and ineffective, he spoils their plans and this is the hard thing for us to understand. We have a hard time dealing with this ourselves today with everything is going in the world and and and I know we pray in it and we come together and pray about things and we can understand how this wickedness keeps going on and on and on. Bugatti, remember that he is doing things for his glory. There's a reason why he is doing things. We must not get discouraged when things don't go the way that we want them to go. And we must remember that God has his plan. He promises that we will be taken care of. So we are not to lose hard, but to stay steadfast and unmovable and I understand that he is all wise and all-knowing. And we are not. God is great and a glorious, and he is Sovereign over all and he will make everything fall under his own will and his own time.
We can rejoice in the Lord because of his faithfulness. Verse 11, the Council of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations. Sergeant also wrote this the thoughts of his heart revealed in his word shall stand forever. Man is famous for his vain thoughts but precious are they? I thought so Lord because they are infinitely, great and good and true and faithful. So you see the Lord does all things according to the council. Of his will. And the government of the world. And in the salvation of men, it's all done according to his will. There's nothing that we can do to change his plans, the council, the Lord stands forever. This means that it will be carried out and will never be changed. The thoughts of his heart or the things that he has planned. These are the things that he has planned for his own people, thoughts of Peace, grace, and mercy. These thoughts go to all generations. This means This makes the generation upon generation for all time. The plans of God or not changed by the passing of one generation. And the coming of another lesson, no, man can make it to where his plans are passed from his generation to the next even looking at Kings and Pharaohs. The next one in line, made his own mark on their so-called Kingdom. No Monarch and make plans, that will be completed by his successors. Cuz I don't have that power. They don't have that power. We can Rejoice because of his grace. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. The people he has chosen as his own inheritance.
Grace is not an afterthought with God. He belongs to his eternal character. It is an essential attribute of his nature. For we are, chosen by him. Before the foundation of the world and now blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ, Jesus. Ephesians 1:3 and forced to blessed. Be the God, the father of our Lord. Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings, in Heavenly places in Christ. According as he had, chosen Us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and Without Blame before him and love. God is real. He is the only true God and not the product of somebody's imagination.
His laws are just and good. God, peoples are blessed and are chosen by him for his inheritance. By God's Divine Choice, someone will take him to be their God until he takes it to be his chosen people. We are selected to know lowly estate for no shameful purpose. We are chosen to be his disciples and we are too delighted him and in him alone. we are blessed because we know God has Jehovah and we are blessed because he has chosen us out of all the nations of the earth to be his Leslie nations were talking about people.
The grace that had that has chosen us to be made. I'm sorry the grace that has chosen us is to be made sufficient for us. Therefore rejoice in the lord always again and I say rejoice and I will finish my reading the rest of Psalms 33, known all the reasons we can Rejoice will pick up a 13
The Lord looks from Heaven. He sees all the sons of men, From the place of his dwelling, he looks on all the inhabitants of the earth, he Fashions our hearts individually and he considers all their works. No King to say by the multitude of an army. A mighty man is not delivered by great strength or horse, is a vain, hope for safety, neither shall it. Deliver any by his great strength. Behold, the Lord is on those who fear Him on those, who hope in his Mercy, to deliver their soul from death, and they keep them alive and famine are so wait for the Lord. He is our help and our shield for our heart shall rejoice in him because we have trusted in His holy name. Let your mercy of Lord be upon us just as we hoping you a man. I hope that was help you this evening.
We got a lot to be thankful for Ryan. I don't have a pen prayer request.
Praise praise Colton.
The shots are helping Colton's.
And a scene from the post. It's probably a lifelong treatment or praise the Lord. That it's working and we pray keeps working.
He's at the max dose to write. Yes. Golden Barrel.
Anybody else?
Thanks for the weather thing. It too bad for us. I took a little envious looking at the snow on Facebook. Right. But I'm glad I don't have to drive in it and working in
Anybody else?
How can anybody else? A request to Heather trustee?
Heather, Heather trustees at home.
She's in the hospital with a bad infection.
Have I miss Carroll? How is she doing?
Is she back at home or she's got a bronze back at home and on therapy, physical therapy.
Well, they're fun.
I hope there's someone else but I can't remember.
I talked to read a code for this morning. She's doing well, she's not as much pain as she's been in, she still appreciate your prayers and thank you for your prayers.
I can't think of anybody else. The Lord knows. I will go Lord in prayer this time. For the day, it'll get you to start. And then for the blood thinner, if you choose to close