Anti Christ
Anti Christ-Genesis 3:15 "I will put enmity between your seed and her seed.”
Her seed is speaking of Jesus Christ. There are many titles for Him in the Word. Jesus Christ is the Redeemer. Satan hopes the anti Christ will be the redeemer (to defeat Jesus). There are many references to the anti Christ in the Word. In Exodus, Pharoah is a type of anti Christ in the Word in that he broke all his promises and tried to destroy God's people. He resisted God, tried to destroy Israel, and was defeated supernaturally under God's hand.
In Numbers 24:22 Balaam calls him Ashur (anti Christ to come). More types of anti Christ in the Word are the crooked serpent in Job 26:13 and Isaiah 27:1. There are 3 psalms which deal with him which are 10,52, and 55. They portray the culmination of wickedness.
Isa.10:5 calls him the Assyrian, the rod of God's anger.
Isaiah 11:4 he is called the culmination of wickedness.
16:4 calls him the spoiler and the destroyer.
Jeremiah 4:7 destroyer of the Gentiles.
Jeremiah 10:14,23 calls him enemy ,cruel one, and wicked.
Ezekiel 21:25-profane wicked prince.
Amos 3:11-adversary,
Nahum 1:15-the wicked,
Habbakuk 2;5-proud man (long title),
Zechariah 11:17-ldol shepherd.
John 5:43 says"him you will receive". He will come to the Jewish people and they will accept him.
2 Thess. 2:3 he is called "man of sin". The opposite of this would be man of righteousness. When you think of sin, don't think automatically ugly to your sight. For example, many today think adultry is OK. It is sugar coated. In the garden, satan told Eve, "you won't die". He didn't tell the whole story.
He has been portrayed as a snake hanging in a tree. He didn't look like that as he was talking to Eve. He dazzled her. He came as an angel of light. He was a beautiful creature. He is called a snake because of his deceptive nature. She would have freaked if a snake had talked to her. He is sometimes called a dragon, but that is not what he looks like. He is also compared to a roaring lion. Different creatures represent how he comes at any particular moment.
Jesus called some people a generation of vipers. He isn't saying they are a snake. He is saying they are backed by the devil with all their venom. Satan came in with deception.
2 Thess. 2:3 calls him the "son of perdition". Judas was also called this because he was possessed by satan. 1 John 2;22 calls him "he that denieth the Father and the Son". Revelation refers to the anti christ many times. 1 John 2:18-There were many anti christs then-what about now?
2 Thess. 2:7-The end times are already unfolding (look at the news). The "mystery of iniquity doth already work". There are so many plagues at work today already, and tribulation has not even begun yet. The seeds are there though. We have the aids epidemic, killer bees, new breeds of roaches that can't be killed. There are swarms of killer bees coming across borders killing people. There are summits, conferences, wars, rumors of wars, and the economy. We are sitting on a powder keg. People's hearts are failing for fear. 2 Thess. 2:2-The people thought they were already in the tribulation. Paul had to write them and tell them that they weren't.
In our own history we've had Hitler and Mussolini. People thought they were the anti christ. They were one of them, but not the anti christ. The Ayatollah is not the anti christ. Henry Kissinger? No. People have written books about this one or that one being the anti christ. We don't know who he is. We may have a good idea who he might be before we leave. The New Age Movement calls him "Matreya". He is the same devil. Channelling is nothing more than conjuring up evil spirits. They don't know it but that is what they're doing.
2 Thess. 2:7-The mystery of iniquity is already at work" in New Age religions, all bringing it forward. John 5:43 "Another shall come in in his own name: him you will receive,"(speaking of anti christ). Jesus was telling them "I have come in the Father's name and you don't receive me. They said they trust Moses and each other. Jesus told them I came in fulfillment of all the prophecies. You won't believe it, but another is coming. Him you will receive. The anti christ will be received by the Jews.(He will have to be a Jew). They won't receive a fundamental Christian leader.
The one who is coming will be the individual who will wrap all religions together and attempt to fool everybody. The leading contender to be the anti christ has been the Roman Catholic church (the pope), but that isn't true. It cannot possibly be true. What is true is that it has been against the things of God. Many wars have been fought in the name of God. There are many Roman Catholics today who honestly know Jesus as saviour today. The system is anti God, but there are many good people in that church.
Is the pope going to be the anti christ? No- Daniel 9:27. Jews don't like Christianity, but hate Catholicism. Zech. 11"16-17(coming of anti christ) the land-(Palestine). 1 John 2:22 The anti christ will deny Jesus is the Christ, and will deny the Father and Son. Catholics don't do that. When they take their vows they recognize the Father and the Son.
Ezekiel 21:25-"and thou profane wicked prince of Israel". This tells us he will be a Jew. Daniel 11:36-37 He will not regard the God of his Fathers (will be a Jew). Jesus said "If another shall come, him you will receive" (John 5:43), again a Jew. This word "another" is the word "allos" meaning of a different kind.
In Genesis, Dan has always been a rebellious tribe (Gen. 49:17). The verse says “ Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that bites the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.” Some people take this to mean that he will come from this tribe. Many others think he will come from Judah.
2 Thess. 2:3-"son of perdition". “ Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” He will not look like a devil, will be very attractive. He ways puts a fascade on.
Lucifer was the highest ranking angel in heaven. Cherubims were the highest ranking angels. They surrounded God. They are around the mercy seat. He was the annointed cherub with no angels above him. Seraphims do God's bidding. Next is the ark angel (maybe only one exists, Michael). Lucifer was the highest ranking of the highest ranking angels. He was right under God in power, and answered directly to God. He had the music ministry and was given riches. Satan's original sin was love of money. He was endowed with great riches. The riches caused his pride to come. The Word says "because of the multitude of thy riches". Satan is a counterfeiter.
Jesus sows good seed, but Satan perverts with tares. Matthew 38-God has children, so does satan. Jesus had apostles, so does satan. God seals his servants in the forehead. Satan puts a mark on his also. Jesus quotes scripture, so does satan. Jesus is the Lion of Judah, while satan walks about as a roaring lion. Jesus has a bride, while satan has a whore (Rev.(17:16). God has a vine, while satan has a vine of the world (Rev.14:19). God has a New Jerusalem, while satan has Babylon. Jesus works miracles, while satan has lying signs and wonders. God has the mystery of Godliness while satan has the mystery of iniquity. Jesus is called the Son of God and the son of satan is called the son of perdition (anarchy).
Judas (a type of anti christ), tried to stop Jesus. He was a type who will come and try to stop Jesus after the church age. Ezekiel 28:2-10 is a description of what will happen to satan at Armageddon. Verse 2 he is called prince of Tyrus (son of satan). Verse 12 he is called King of Tyrus (satan). How is satan going to bring him into this world? He will impregnate a woman. In Gen.6 we see one of the strongest perversions that satan tried on the human race (when angels came into woman). The offspring were one half angel and one half human.
Gen.6:1 is after Adam & Eve. In 6:2 we see the term "sons of God". That term appears 4 times in scripture. Every time it refers to angels, 3 times in Job and once here in Genesis. "Og" was one giant. He had a bed 18.8 ft. long. He had 6 fingers on each hand. Dakes bible has intense notes on this.
2 Peter 2:4 says those angels went to hell in captivity (hell here is Tartarus, underneath hell). Their judgement will occur at the same time as sinners and satan (2 Peter 2:5-6, Jude 6,7-strange flesh, in like manner as those (meaning homosexuality), were those angels who went after women in the earth. Fallen angels are not demons. They never had a body. Demons constantly search for bodies to dwell in. Angels have the ability to look as a man. They did have sex with women back then at that time. Jesus said angels will not have sex. Those who fell had the ability. Demons don't look like angels. They are hairy looking, monkey looking, impish. Angels are dazzling beautiful creatures. Demons are animalistic. They were perfectly fine to go into swine.
Now, 2 Thess.2:1-"We beseech you. Be not shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand." In 1 Thessalonians they thought the time was so close, that many sat down and quit work, waiting for Jesus. Paul had to admonish them to go to work. We don't know the time he is coming, but we can tell by the signs he is coming soon. We are supposed to live our life, to occupy, until he does come. Between 1st and 2nd Thess. someone had written a false letter saying that the rapture had occurred and now they were in tribulation. Paul wrote 2 Thess. to rectify that misconception.
2 Thess.2:3 says "let no man deceive you." Some people are preaching that if you are not doing exactly something, you will miss out. You won't be deceived if you know the Word. There are cults today filled with sincere people. Know the Word and you won't be deceived. That day cannot occur until there be a falling away first. The word "falling" is apostasia. That day cannot occur until the departure occurs first. That is the falling away. It means the church departure from the earth.
We will now speak of the genius of the anti christ. In Daniel 7;20 we see the 10 horns. That is 10 nations joined into an alliance. The horn rising up is a kingdom. One with eyes and a mouth is the anti christ. The eyes speak of brilliance. He will be an intellectual man, an intellectual genius. Daniel 8:23-He will understand dark sentences. Dark sentences means sayings hard to understand. The same word is used 1 Kings 10:1-She brought many hard questions (Sheba to Solomon). He will be able to unravel hard sayings.
Colossians 2:3-In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (in Christ). Anti Christ will seek to imitate Christ. Many will be fooled. Judges 14:12-Samson asked riddles. The same word for riddle is the same word for dark sentences-hard questions. Anti christ will be able to unravel many mysteries. People wondered how Jesus could unravel those things. Anti christ will be able to unravel secrets that no one else has been able to unravel. That's because satan has saved the best for last. Unlike satan, God's wisdom is for everyone. He is no respector of persons.
Daniel 7:20-The anti christ will be able to communicate, (a gifted speaker)"a mouth that spake very great things." Rev.13:2.describes him as having the "mouth of a lion". The voice of a lion is louder than anyone else. The anti christ will be able to out talk anyone else. No one will be able to comunicate like him. It was said of Jesus "no man ever spake like this man. Again, he will try to immitate Jesus. Matthew 7:28 "HE spoke as one having authority and not as scibes & pharisees (they only had opinions). Jesus wasn't like them. It wasn't maybe. It was definate (not opinions).
Jesus was very dogmatic. He said it is like this (not, it could be like this). Everything in life works one way, contrary to what people say. Cars only run 1 way. All roads do not lead to Rome. The anti christ will have political power. Horns in the Word speak of different empires.
Dan.11:21-He will come in peacably with flattery, saying the right things.
Matt.24-Some will flee to the mountains. He will try to rule the whole world, but won't control everyone. That is reserved for the King of kings. There will be a remnant saved during the Tribulation.
Daniel 8:25- lets us know that he will have business sense, business genius, commercial genius, he will prosper.
Revelation 13:17-No one will be able to buy or sell w/o his mark. He will try to control all the wealth of the earth (he did at one time before Adam & Eve).
Ezekiel 28-He ruled over all of it. It was under his control. The bible says the "earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof". Satan will try to imitate that. All things were created for Christ by Christ.
Daniel 8:24-He will have military might, military genius." He will shake kingdoms and make the earth to tremble" says Isaiah 14:16.
Rev.6:2-He will do much conquering. Rev.13:4-"Who is able to make war with him?" No one except Jesus. The anti christ will have governmental genius.
Rev.13:1-"Beast" is the anti christ. The "sea" is the nations of the world. The same things are found in Daniel. When the 4 animals are spoken of it is talking about 4 kingdoms. What is being said in Revelation is that the anti christ's kingdom will be more powerful than all 4 put together. Rev. 17:17 The nations will give themselves over to him.
Isaiah 9:6-The bible says about Jesus "the government shall be until his shoulders". The anti christ wants to imitate Jesus Christ. The anti christ will end. Jesus' kingdom will not end. The anti christ will have religious genius.
Jesus has a bride. The anti christ has a whore.(Rev.17).
False religion runs rampant today in the earth (New Age etc.). Satan has his religion (dropping differences, telling people they are God themselves), saying that Jesus (is just another teacher). The anti christ will be the culmination of all the religious teachings of the past. He will be their messiah. He will sit in the temple pretending to be God (2 Thess.2:2).
Revelation 13;3 says speaking of the anti christ "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death: and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." He will die and literally resurrect himself. The world will wonder at his great power. He will perform lying wonders. Rev.13:14-15- The world will worship him.