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John 7:37–39 NASB 2020
Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ ” But this He said in reference to the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
The flow stops when we quit drinking of living water
Getting out of the flow produces stagnation (think of what this does in nature and then in our relationships, spirit
Gettting back in the flow brings life to everyone around us.
Among other things flow is change, ever changing keeps us in the flow.
No flow equals stagnation.
Need to move from needy to needed, or helpless to helpful.
Evernote on A Desert in the Ocean
Isaiah chapter 44? To stay in the flow of the call, have to stay in flow of the spirit
(Flow) (Change) It is a pity that so many Christians talk as if the resurrection was some future event of which they have no experience. If we look at ourselves as human beings we discover that our bodies are dying and being renewed all the time. The resurrection of the body is not a one-off future event; it is something that happens to us every day, in fact at every single moment of our existence. Our bodies are made up of living cells that are changing every second of our life. Every one of us has something like sixty billion cells. Every single second of every minute of every hour, five millions cells die, and another five million are born. Every minute three hundred million cells go through death and resurrection, every minute we are being reborn. Our bodies are in a continual state of death and resurrection. I find it so easy to say, "I believe in the resurrection of the body." It is a little harder to decide which body, as I have already had so many different bodies in growing from infant to full manhood. Yet, of each of the bodies recorded on photographs I can say, "That's me and nobody else, and nobody else's body." So much of God's creation goes through similar patterns of death and resurrection that is is beyond doubt that God can give us another body as it pleases him. Not only is the resurrection of the body an ongoing and more-than-once event but we experience many other resurrections in our lives. We change and change again; old patterns, old relationships die and new ones are formed. We will only die fully if we cease to change. There is a suggestion in the Scripture that in fact we move from glory to glory! This is not to belittle the resurrection that we shall experience after death; it should rather enhance it for greater glories lie ahead. p.100-101
(Flow) It is no that God does not call or reveal himself, it is rather that we have ceased to see or hear; we have closed ourselves up to the mystery and the beauty that is about us and within us. When this happens we need again to travel, to move away from where we are and to give up habits that bind us. p.60
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