Bo (Go/Come)

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For your Salvation: Exodus is such a profound book, because displayed all throughout the book is G-d’s Salvation. Last message was really great, it was all about how G-d reveals Himself to each of us individually. Isn’t it awesome that He makes the devil pay for our food!
I was sitting and listening to a powerful word as I was reading Exodus - Ex 12:12–13
Exodus 12:12–13 TLV
“For I will go through the land of Egypt on that night and strike down every firstborn, both men and animals, and I will execute judgments against all the gods of Egypt. I am Adonai. The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. So there will be no plague among you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.
As I was reading this, there was a moment in which I was talking with my siblings, and G-d was speaking to a wretched person that was deserving of the death penalty. Everyone is surrounding this woman ready to bring her down, but HaShem Yeshua tells her of the promise of Salvation. He tells her, who condemns you? And she replies, “no, one”
John 8:3–11 TLV
The Torah scholars and Pharisees bring in a woman who had been caught in adultery. After putting her in the middle, they say to Yeshua, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of committing adultery. In the Torah, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do You say?” Now they were saying this to trap Him, so that they would have grounds to accuse Him. But Yeshua knelt down and started writing in the dirt with His finger. When they kept asking Him, He stood up and said, “The sinless one among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” Then He knelt down again and continued writing on the ground. Now when they heard, they began to leave, one by one, the oldest ones first, until Yeshua was left alone with the woman in the middle. Straightening up, Yeshua said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” “No one, Sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Yeshua said. “Go, and sin no more.”
And so Yeshua says, go and sin no more! Why do I bring this up? Because this exodus story is the same way. G-d is bringing order to bring down the Egyptian gods, and He commands Moses to tell the children of Israel that G-d is going to bring forth death, but in the midst of death, He is going to keep those who are under the “BLOOD OF THE LAMB”. What does it mean to be under the blood of the Lamb? The Blood of the Lamb is the staple. It was not the food, it was not the community, and it was not a persons past. Anyone that was a sinner, who was in Egypt, but believed in what God was doing that put the blood of the lamb on their door… that person was saved! Let’s reimagine the Passover scene putting together the scene of the woman being stoned. So I am going to have two people. Person #1 will represent the woman and on this side we are going to have the house of Person #2. Person #2 is such a nice guy, but man, he believes that in order for someone to be saved, they must turn from their old ways and be saved. He is such a righteous person and hears what G-d is about to do to all of the nations in the land of Egypt, so he does what G-d says. He puts the blood on the door…. Come on Person #2 put the blood off the lamb on the door of you heart. He’s so excited for G-d to bring forth his judgment. But what he doesn’t know is that this beautiful Person #1 that has struggled with sin and has not yet turned from her ways hears what God is going to do and she puts her faith for the first time in God and places the blood of the lamb on her door... And she’s so excited about the Salvation of G-d! She so happy that she’s got a chance for life, and so it is in the middle of her struggle that she still believes and puts the blood of the lamb on her door… Person #1, go ahead and put that blood of the lamb over the door of your heart. Congregation Rebirth, who is going to be saved? Some of you have been captured by this, because G-d does not expect the sinner to turn from there past sins, G-d tells us to “Go, and sin no more!” The Salvation comes first, and G-d works with the rest! Salvation comes first then the heart to run after G-d is what is next! I am glad that many of you are Torah observant, but what is the Torah without Yeshua! What is the Word of G-d without Salvation! Without Yeshua, the law brings to you your death sentence!
Here’s a better question… when did G-d give the Torah to Israel? was it in Egypt or was it after Egypt? It was after Egypt right?!
Second question, why was the Torah given? Was it because Israel needed Salvation from Egypt? I don’t think so. I believe that the Torah was given for Israel’s Sanctification! You see,
Israel was Saved by G-d first, and then...
the Torah of G-d separated Israel from the nations, it made them distinct, it allowed them to come into a covenant relationship with HaShem!
G-d brings Salvation, and then the Covenant of G-d is restored to us! The Covenant of G-d is restored to us so that when we make the effort to run after G-d with all our heart in that though we fall/sin, we are able to get back up, because our focus is on the promise.
It means that G-d is not just taking you out from Egypt, but He is taking you away from the punishment of sin, which is death. He is showing you that the final sacrifice was made, and came at the perfect time so that no other sacrifice is needed! It means that you have been separated from sin, and now you can walk in the freedom of being without sin.... When G-d says, I will give a New Covenant not like the one I gave to your fathers.... what does that mean? It means that no one is condemning you on how you were not following the Torah of HaShem, rather, G-d is saying, pursue Me all the way to the end, and you will not be in sin.... BO! Come/Go, pursue the victory!
Here is the game plan, read my W-rds. Read my Torah, and see that it is all about you making sure that you don’t make those same mistakes, and the funny thing is that He tells us we are at times not gonna be careful to follow His Words, but if we look to Him, He will redirect us back unto the game plan!
So the plague of death is gone and Person #1 gets out of her home, and she see the Salvation of G-d, but as soon as Person #1 gets out, she sees Person #2 get out of his door, and Person #2 is so ecstatic at what G-d did and worships. At the sight of this Person #1 goes and packs her stuff up, because now she gets to go to start her new life in the promise of G-d. She has been separated and sanctified, because G-d has called her out for a hope and a future with HaShem Yeshua!
But all of a sudden as person #2 turns his head slightly, and he see the sinner, and in all disbelief he looks up and exclaims to G-d, “God what are you going to do with this sinner?!” What are you going to do with her? As everyone is in haste, because it is the year of jubilee, Yeshua writes on the ground of her freedom, of the Salvation of G-d being at hand, and of the right that is hers. As he writes, he speaks, Person #2, by all means, if you have never sinned, please by all means, handle her yourself. Many of us don’t realize it, but in scripture all of those people turned away, but I believe that many of us become so focused on what other people are doing and are trying to push a Torah that is not from God down their throats so that they forget that G-d is calling them to do - to move quickly to get out of Egypt. Many people forget that right now, we are still in Egypt, We are still in the wilderness, and we need to get out! HaShem is saying to everyone BO! COME! He is saying go to pharoah and tell him, WE ARE GETTING OUT! But instead of getting out some of you are pushing people back into Egypt, and without knowing it thinking you are going to get out, you are bringing yourself back to Egypt with them! Some of you are so bold to say, well G-d, you saved me and so I guess that means I am perfect! And in so, YOU CAST THE FIRST STONE!
Yeshua will look at you and what do you think He will say, “You shall not...”
Yeshua is pointing out that you are still in the land that is not Heaven/the promise land by saying… TAKE THE LOG THAT IS IN YOUR OWN EYE! And instead you are replying back, “What log?” Ive gotten nothing wrong with me…. SHE’S THE SINNER! God doesn’t have to tell you again that…. “SHE WAS SAVED TOO!”, but you know what He is saying…. Out of all the people here, you are the only one talking about Egypt when everybody else is talking about the Salvation of G-d!
People out there are longing for Salvation, G-d has provided it! People are longing to see a hope, but until they realize that hope, they will still be in sin. And if you are not realizing that hope, then you my friend are still in sin. So the bad guys finally leave, because now they are ashamed for they have realized their own sins once again. And G-d speaks to his daughter once again and says… look, no one condemns you! The Promise land is just ahead…. Go, and sin no more!
Go and sin no more means that you are now able to change, because you have submitted yourself to G-d! We are so quick to want people to change right away without G-d. People expect the sinner who has not yet fully believed to change right away… guys… it doesn’t work that way! The reason why G-d hardened Pharaoh’s heart was not because he wanted pharaoh to change, He did it because God was making a statement that HE IS ABOVE ALL gods! HE IS ABOVE ALL PEOPLE! HE IS THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE GOD!
YESHUA was making a statement to all the people saying, I GIVE THE COMMAND TO GO AND SIN NO MORE! YESHUA SAYS I AM THE GIVER OF THE LAW, I AM THE AUTHORITY! IT IS BY ME THAT YOU ARE SAVED! IT IS NOT BY WHAT YOU HAVE DONE, BUT IT IS BY FAITH IN ME THAT I WILL DO! Congregation Rebirth, Will God bring you through? Congregation Rebirth, Will God bring you through? Goodness, I didn’t think that I had to ask again… CONGREGATION REBIRTH, WILL GOD BRING YOU THROUGH! See that nobody condemns you, and if they even try to throw that stone…. Remember, God goes before you!
So we are back in the Egypt scene, God wiped out the first born children, and let me ask you something…. Were the Israelites at that very moment complaining about what God did? At the very moment HaShem’s Word went forth saying “Go to land of your father’s”…. Did the Israelites stutter? Did they stay behind? Did they try to condemn the past sinners? NO, the Israelites, the ones who chose to put the blood of the Lamb on their doors were running to the promise!
They collected the gold and silver, they quickly made brunch and they fled to their freedom! My question to you right here right now is…. Why aren’t you running?
The past is behind you, you aint got to worry about that anymore…. Ain’t Nobody Got time for that! G-d Salvation has been given, the doors have been made wide open? Hurry before it’s too late! You see those that left they made it to the Sea of Reed… also known as the Red Sea… and God slowed down the enemies chasing after them by a pillar of Fire and Cloud so they would not be able to reach the Israelites and he put on the enemy confusion. Then He opened up the sea, and those that kept on moving towards the promise, they made it across the Red Sea, but those that were chasing the Israelites away, the Waters closed up on them. God continued to spare His Children… He continued to spare all those who were…. Under the Blood!
We are going to face road blocks, but guess what? You are not enslaved to Egypt anymore…. You are free and are now considered on the way to the promise! I love the scripture that follows the event with the woman about to be stoned… after Yeshua says, go and sin no more…. We go to His Word again saying:
John 8:12
John 8:12 TLV
Yeshua spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. The one who follows Me will no longer walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
And the last scripture for this parish we read: Ex 13:15–16
Exodus 13:15–16 TLV
and when Pharaoh refused to let us go, Adonai slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both men and animals. So I sacrifice to Adonai all firstborn males, but I redeem the firstborn of my sons.’ So it will be like a sign on your hand and like frontlets between your eyes, for by a strong hand Adonai brought us out of Egypt.”
Because we have the light of life, because we have God’s Salvation, because we have Yeshua, we are able to walk in the light, we are able to walk in the truth, we are able to walk in His freedom! It is all because God is bringing us through! Do you believe it? DO YOU BELIEVE IT?
Well I am glad that you believe it, because the plagues are not over, but know for sure… the plagues are gonna Passover! all the lower case g gods are going to be brought down, and death is gonna passover us who believe in Him!
But know what this means…. Be ready to run…. You gotta run and let nothing bring you back! Our job is to direct each other to the promise… we are not supposed to hold others back…. Let me get 3 people up. So I have four people up, and here are the four people in a big race, and it is a relay race. So it begins with person 1 and I want you to take this and pass this to person 2, and person 2 take it me person 3…. And so now here I am with this device in my hand and I see person 4 ahead of me, and I’ve never done a real relay, but I watched it on tv, and I see person 4 take a few steps ahead and I haven’t even put this device in their hands, and it is at this moment I realize that they are a little harder to reach, because they have such enormous potential. As I am passing the device over, because I am afraid that the device drops, not because of me, but because they took some steps they shouldn’t have taken to make it difficult for me…. I hold on to it, and they lose their motion… tell me… what did I just do?….. I stopped the race, and when you look around, who is the person they are going to blame? The blame will be on me! If I at least let it go, then whatever happens happens, but I would never know the outcome, because I cut the race short. You see, when your eyes are on God, when your eyes are on the prize…. It doesn’t matter how hard that reach is, I’m going to place it in their hands, and we are finishing the race.
Maybe you are person 4 and you stop, because they accidentally drop the device, but instead of picking it up and finishing, you freeze in dismay, because they lost the time you needed to finish first. I don’t know about you, but when mistakes happen in life, boy does that get me so angry that my legs start moving like they’ve never moved…. I remember playing American football and I was a punter, it was forth down and I had to kick the ball back. This is tough, because the ball is being passed to the other team, but kicking the ball back doesn’t mean that you’ve lost! Every time I kicked, I imagined two things, #1 I’m getting the ball back and #2 I bringing that guy that took my teams ball down. So as soon as I kicked the ball this one game, I ran straight down the center where I found a little space in between all the tackling taking place, and I somehow was the first person to get to where I had kicked the ball and I tackled the other team’s guy that picked it up. At that moment, I heard my coach go crazy…., how did Jacob who is way bigger and slower than our skinny guys who run get their first? You see I was upset that we had to turn the ball over, and I wanted it back. I am not in the game to turn my salvation over! Salvation is mine, and Im getting to it first. Im getting it back no matter what it takes. Them demons are going to get mowed over, and everybody is gonna know that, I’m in it to win it. But in order to get that ball back, I had to follow the game plan, and I had to pursue that vision of winning and bringing the opponent down. God is telling you something here…. #1 Follow the game plan that Messiah Yeshua has provided you with… He is the coach that leads the way. #2 Trust in what He is doing, that those 4th downs are only for the moment, because in His game plan He is turning the bad to good and giving you the opportunity to take back what’s yours. #3 Keep your eyes on Him, He’s reminding you to stick with the game plan, and will show you the way. #4 Be attentive, Put His Words to practice!
Don’t expect everyone to follow Torah, but for sure let them know that the best way to win is because you got the best coach HaShem, and He’s given you Yeshua to move create those opens space for you to run through, and now it is time for you to Go and sin no more, get back what is yours! Draw the foul, make the enemy pay for what they’ve done, and finish strong!
I will tell you this, finishing strong does not mean you didn’t get hurt… Finishing strong means: you’ve overcome your weaknesses until the very end! So know when G-d says Bo, #1 - He’s talking to you! He’s not talking to anyone else, but you! #2 - He’s got a plan and purpose for you!
#3 - The Kingdom of Heaven is being given to you! Are you going to receive it or not? If you want to receive, I’m going to ask G-d to make it difficult for you to get up, and L-rd if they want to receive it, they will come on up and receive it! If you want to receive Him, if you want to reach for the promise, if you want to see Salvation… come on up now. Let us pray for you!
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