Revival Starts With YOU
Leadership Conference • Sermon • Submitted
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· 7 viewsRevival will bring conquest. Conquering Territory through REVIVAL
Revival: Making something alive again; renew. Also: Renewal
Personal Revival - The bringing back of individuals to life or vigour both at the point of personal regeneration through the work of the Holy Spirit and at other times in believers’ lives.
Corporate Revival
1 La mano de Jehová vino sobre mí, y me llevó en el Espíritu de Jehová, y me puso en medio de un valle que estaba lleno de huesos.
2 Y me hizo pasar cerca de ellos por todo en derredor; y he aquí que eran muchísimos sobre la faz del campo, y por cierto secos en gran manera.
3 Y me dijo: Hijo de hombre, ¿vivirán estos huesos? Y dije: Señor Jehová, tú lo sabes.
4 Me dijo entonces: Profetiza sobre estos huesos, y diles: Huesos secos, oíd palabra de Jehová.
5 Así ha dicho Jehová el Señor a estos huesos: He aquí, yo hago entrar espíritu en vosotros, y viviréis.
4 Y tal confianza tenemos mediante Cristo para con Dios;
5 no que seamos competentes por nosotros mismos para pensar algo como de nosotros mismos, sino que nuestra competencia proviene de Dios,
6 el cual asimismo nos hizo ministros competentes de un nuevo pacto, no de la letra, sino del espíritu; porque la letra mata, mas el espíritu vivifica.
There is a place that every human being no matter who you are arrives in their lives.
This is the place where you have run out of options.
Medicine doesn’t have an answer for you.
Science has no answers for you
Money cannot resolve it
Pleasures and distractions will not fix it.
And when you are facing this situation you are faced with 2 options.
Fall into Despair (Which is what people without GOD usually do)
Turn to GOD as your ONLY HOPE!
You are facing walls right now in your life.
These walls that you have encountered perhaps you were expecting to encounter them.
Perhaps you feel unprepared.
Maybe you had heard of these walls but you didn’t imagine them to be so HUGE so HIGH like looking at them up close. .. . . .
But I have come to tell you that you are at the PERFECT Place to manifest the GLORY of GOD, The POWER OF GOD in your life!
When you have come to a place that you feel like you cannot continue and keep going.
Notice that it was the “HAND of the Lord” that came upon the Prophet.
We think if the HAND of the Lord has come upon me, It surely will only BRING A BLESSING…
But how is the HAND of GOD going to come upon me… Bring me out in the SPIRIT OF GOD… to then set me DOWN in the midst of the VALLEY?
Not only is it a VALLEY but it is FULL OF DRY BONES!
V2: “He caused me to pass by them all around”
5 Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.
5 Y Dios es quien nos ha impulsado a esto, pues nos ha dado el Espíritu Santo como garantía de lo que hemos de recibir.
8 Porque mis pensamientos no son vuestros pensamientos, ni vuestros caminos mis caminos, dijo Jehová.
9 Como son más altos los cielos que la tierra, así son mis caminos más altos que vuestros caminos, y mis pensamientos más que vuestros pensamientos.
You have to have a knowing that the ONE who is taking you through is the HAND of the LORD!
Abraham experienced this in Gen 17 where God confirms the COVENANT. God is a GOD of COVENANT!
He changes his name from
Abram - Padre Enaltecido
Abraham - Padre de Multitudes
v3: God asked the Prophet a question to test his faith
God always wants to see what YOU WILL NAME IT?
In Gen 2.19 He took the animals to ADAM to SEE what HE would NAME THEM. . .
What are you Naming. How are you describing your situation.
That is it’s Name…
In other words: Do you understand the POWER I have placed in your MOUTH!
The power is not in your eyes or your feelings.
Quit giving that power
20 Porque el reino de Dios no consiste en palabras, sino en poder.
1st Ingredient of which is the preaching of the Word of God (v. 4). “Prophesy” (Hebrew, hinnābē˒) means essentially “preach God’s Word.”
2nd Ingredient is the Spirit (Ruah)
breath, wind, spirit
GOD gives him instructions
Prophesy to the Bones
Prophesy to the Breath
Your Process, Your Situation, Your trials are meant not only to strengthen and bless you but for THE GLORY OF GOD!
18 Y todo esto proviene de Dios, quien nos reconcilió consigo mismo por Cristo, y nos dio el ministerio de la reconciliación;
God is ready to take you from ONE Extreme to the OTHER!
35 Y dirán: Esta tierra que era asolada ha venido a ser como huerto del Edén; y estas ciudades que eran desiertas y asoladas y arruinadas, están fortificadas y habitadas.
36 Y las naciones que queden en vuestros alrededores sabrán que yo reedifiqué lo que estaba derribado, y planté lo que estaba desolado; yo Jehová he hablado, y lo haré.
As everyone around you is growing WEARY, YOU Will be Thriving
30 Los muchachos se fatigan y se cansan, los jóvenes flaquean y caen;
31 pero los que esperan a Jehová tendrán nuevas fuerzas; levantarán alas como las águilas; correrán, y no se cansarán; caminarán, y no se fatigarán.