Holes, Nests and Families
Holes, Nests and Families
Matthew 8: 18-21
There is a great ________________ to being a disciple (vs. 20)
Jesus’ self-given ______________________ points to the cost of being a disciple.
Philippians 2:5-8
To be a disciple is to make His calling your number __________ thing. (vs. 21-22)
Luke 14: 33
When we give everything to follow Him we find the true ________________ (Matthew 19: 21)
Matthew 13:44
Worship God- _______I worship corporately _______I worship privately Study The Word _______I am involved in corporate bible study _______I am reading scripture _______I am memorizing scripture. Connected in Community: _______I am committed to a local body of believers ______ I am in a mentor relationship with another Christian. Serve Others (Galatians 6: 9-10, Matthew 25: 31-40) ______ I am serving my church(Ministry) ______ I am serving the world(Missions)