Greenwashed 2
examples of greenwashing
deceiving and being deceived
ELECT [Heb. bāḥîr; Gk. eklektós]; AV also ELECTION (Rom. 11:7); NEB CHOSEN, CHOSEN ONES, CHOSEN PEOPLE. The basic meaning is that of a people or persons “selected” or “chosen” by divine action
No Vision
no vision—instruction in God’s truth, which was by prophets, through visions
Lack of Knowledge
Seared Conscience
having their conscience seared—Greek, “having their own conscience,” &c., that is, not only “speaking lies” to others, but also having their own conscience seared. Professing to lead others to holiness, their own conscience is all the while defiled
“seared,” as implying their extreme insensibility; the effect of cauterizing being to deaden sensation
Our Own Tongue
The most frequently used Heb. root, rāmâ, and its derivatives, imply treachery and betrayal
In the NT this concept is expressed chiefly by the Gr. dolos, “craftiness,” “treachery”