Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Last week we concluded chapter 1 of this epistle and I said “your truth and my truth don’t matter, what matters is THE truth”.
This week that statement gets refined a little.
The first 10 verses of chapter 2 teach us that what matters is that my perception of truth aligns with THE truth.
The proud arrogance of youth and the stubborn pride of age can lead us to a lifestyle of “You do you, I’ll do me”, but experience has taught “We>me”.
I have been intentionally incorporating illustrations about food because that interests both men and women.
Last week I spoke of wrestling, Basketball and Volleyball as sports that are influenced by a coaching philosophy (or Midrash).
I purposefully did not mention the sport that I follow until after the benediction, because I wish to keep worship of God preeminent in out services over worship of particular athletes.
But, I did notice something during a game last Sunday evening.
While the press overplayed the competition between 2 quarterbacks, the team that won realized that in a team sport, the whole team contributes.
Players who the fans wanted to trade in the middle of the season came through in clutch plays, rookies who were playing their first Conference Championship contributed at key moments, and after the game both Mahommes and Kelce attributed their success to the work of athletic trainers and a chiropractor who put them in a position to participate.
Transition: Just as a Team (in any sport) only wins with contributions from the bench and locker room, Christian Mission flourishes when we get past arrogance and stubbornness.
Christian Mission Requires Dependence and Confidence (Gal 1:1-3)
Paul had a “trust but verify” mindset regarding visions
Acts 9:3 compared to Acts 9:17
Saul’s spectacular vision was not spread around until God verified the vision 3 days later by sending Simeon to prophecy and recover Paul’s sight.
Occasionally I get emails of “Christian Pick-up Lines”.
My favorite is when one Person introduces himself with “God told me you’re going to be my girl.”
And the wise lady replies, “Not until I get the same vision!”
While visions may be personal motivators or effective fund-raising stories, a paranormal experience has no authority on another person until that person confirms it.
4. Paul had a revelation of Christ (1:12), now he has a second revelation (2:2), but he withholds authority until it is confirmed by Barnabas, Timothy, Peter, James, and John.
Paul gained confidence from co-laborers & Apprentices
Barnabas (Acts 9:27), Silas (Acts 15:40)
Timothy (Acts 16:3) Titus (2 Cor 8:23)
The Gospel effects real people in real life.
I know I am reading between the lines as I consider Barnabas’ role in this event.
Paul mentions that Barnabas is with him, but doesn’t credit him with any particular role.
Since Barnabas was the one who encouraged the brothers to take a risk and listen to Paul, I get a sense that Barnabas also had told Paul to take a risk and listen to those who seemed to be Pillars.
Affirmation increases our confidence (to make sure 2:2) when opposition arises.
I have said many times (and the longer I minister, the more I believe it).
Discipleship is not a curriculum where one person helps another fill in blanks of a workbook.
Discipleship happens in relationship between mentors, encouragers, and apprentices!!
7. If you include those 3 roles into your life, I guarantee your confidence will increase.
Paul recognized Authority
I enjoy watching Westerns on television.
Living in the Flint Hills really helps me imagine what actually happened on cattle drives or the Sante Fe Trail.
One of the things I’ve noticed is that there were 2 types of authority.
The Sheriff and the Federal Marshall or Magistrate.
The Sheriff pretty much ran the town the ways he saw fit, but a hanging often required a ruling from the Marshall or a Magistrate to ensure that the Sheriff isn’t just being vengeful.
Jerusalem is where Pentecost birthed Christ’s Church.
Even though Paul has been “Sheriff” where he went on missionary journeys and started churches, after doing this for 14 years he chose to make sure of his understanding by conferring with the original, more experienced authority.
Transition: While these early verses tell us that Paul valued unity and agreement with the larger fellowship, the next verses reveal that it was not a unity at any cost.
Christian Mission requires Independence from Distractions (Gal 2:4-6)
False appearances must be resisted
Galatians 1 has repeatedly told us that another gospel is no gospel and must be resisted.
Chapter 2 now tells us false brothers who had a secret agenda would NOT be allowed to malign the True Gospel even for a moment.
Truth of the Gospel is at stake (v.5)
Each of the Historic Councils (Jerusalem, Nicaea (2x), Constantinople (3x), Ephesus, & Chalcedon) were called because falsehood was being spread and leadership wanted to return to the pure, true Gospel.
These Councils shaped orthodoxy, defining what was true Christianity and what was deviant.
Just as Paul submitted his visions to confirmation by others, a wise believer will avoid an “all I need is the Bible and the Holy Ghost” approach to Bible Study.
Because God has given His Word and His Spirit to other believers as well, and other believers can keep us from going off the rails and heading into heterodoxy (wrong beliefs)
God’s perspective matters most.
Verse 6 and verse 9 describes 2 different appearances
V. 6 describes those who wish to be seen by exerting influence (tearing down) others.
V. 9 will describe not those who tear down by criticism, but their words and life support (as pillars) the Spiritual House that God is building (1 PT 2:5)
V.6 is telling us that no matter how important a person thinks he is, God is not impressed by appearances.
The whole scene in the early chapters of Exodus tell of a Pharoah who thought he was important, yet He wouldn’t submit to the instruction of God.
2 weeks ago a proud defender named Mike Milton disrespectfully referred to Kansas City’s Stadium as Burrowhead.
Every single pass to a player Milton was assigned to defend last Sunday was completed.
Transition: His mouth acted as if he was important, but success happens when we disregard the distractions and focus on the Truth.
Christian Mission requires Inter-dependence (Gal 2:7-10)
“Pillars” endorsed the direction
We’ve already seen the difference between influencers who destroy and pillars who support.
V.9 uses an idiom that only appears here in the New Testament to say that Peter, James, and John agreed that Paul was preaching the True Gospel and he could be sure that he had not run in vain.
This was an “I’m proud of you” moment.
Keep doing what you’ve been doing!
Cooperating people reached different audiences with different styles (but same truth)
Vv.7-8 clearly says that Paul and Peter respected one another’s call and activity for Christ.
I rejoice when I see fellow-Christians doing ministry in areas that I am not personally passionate!
I love that God places a passion for young children in some people.
I’m pleased that God calls some people to focus on the homeless.
I’m thralled when I hear of Bible translators and those presenting Christ to prisoners.
Just this week I ordered Spanish booklets that can be given away free of charge in our County Jail.
I’m not gifted with the experiences to coach athletics, but I’ll be your biggest cheerleader to use sports to reach athletes with the Gospel.
2. A different passion does not mean a wrong gospel!
Remember “those experiencing lack”
Poor – The language that Paul used to write this letter has 6 different words for poverty.
Everything from a destitute beggar to someone who was not independently wealthy, but had to work in order to survive.
The word that Paul uses to describe the challenge he received from the pillars was “remember to act with the awareness that some people are in a condition where they don’t have what you have.”
Paul concludes that this is the very thing that shaped his mission.
How do these verses impact us in Chase County, Kansas in 2023?
· We must exercise dependence upon others to affirm our beliefs.
The humility to trust but verify will give confidence to our sharing.
· We must remain independent from distractions to sharing Jesus with others.
· We must stay in our lane of interdependence to faithfully live out the passion and compassion God places in each of us until all have heard!
Our final song is a call to personally commit to living as a community of believers so that we can proclaim Christ to a community who needs Him.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9