Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
2 Ki.
15:1–7; 2 Chron.
Uzziah is not one of the great kings of Israel that we often mention - if we ever mention him in that list.
But I want you to know that in my opinion - he was a great king and he gives us several important lessons for success in leadership and success spiritually as as well as some things to be wary by his example as well.
Those are the guys we can identify with in the Bible and those are the guys we can let inspire us and instruct us.
So let’s look at him here tonight.
I. Basic information
A. 10th King of Judah
While there only about two more studies on the northern kingdom of Israel, we are only about half way through Judah’s kings.
They will last over100 years longer as kingdom than does Israel.
But this is their 10th king
B. His name
1. Uzziah - Jehovah is my strength
He is also know by another name here listed:
I love this name and I love this attitude in any Believer, we need to learn and continually look to God for our Strength.
2. Azariah - Jehovah has helped
Right along with recognizing that is the source of our strength - we also should continually give Him glory admitting that He, God has gotten us to this point, all that I have and all that I am is because of His grace, mercy, and help.
He was the longest serving king of Judah – 52 years
792 – 740 BC
He started reigning at the age of 16 years old so obviously reigned and served his kingdom until he was about 68 years old.
D. He was a good king
It says so in v.3
Obviously this was in much the same fashion of his father Amaziah - not in the fashion of David.
There were certainly degrees to good and he reference of good.
We see in this passage that he did not remove the high places.
E. His mother was Jecholiah of Jerusalem- God will enable
His accomplishment and accolades
There are some things that he did that were notable and some descriptions about what kind of man and king he was.
A. He was a builder
God has called all his children, Old Testament and New, to be builders.
We may not build the same things in the same way, but we all ought to be builders.
He built Eloth
2 Chron 26:2
This was a city that was a seaport on the Red Sea and very important and was first captured by king Solomon.
2. He fortified Jerusalem
Remember how his father Amaziah had left Jerusalem 2 Chronicles 25:21-24
So he went to rebuild it and fortify it 26:9
B. He was a battler
He fought for his people and their protection
Every good leader should be a builder and a battler
He battled the Philistines, the Arabians, Mehunims, and the Ammonites
Notice a couple two things here:
He had God’s help
He strengthened himself
3. His name spread abroad
It never says he built a name for himself, it just happened by the grace and work of God.
This next one was a both an accomplishment and an accolade.
He was a prepper
I mean a prepper in the sense of our generation - he was prepared, yea - over prepared.
But when it comes to a king and a leader, it is very wise for them to be prepared for very real potential problems.
1. Prepped for water
v.10 says he dug many wells
Now, we can prep water in our day just in case it but we are pretty well surprised.
2. Prepped for food
v.10 also says he had much cattle and that he was building vineyards and loved husbandry.
3. Prepped for the fight
Look at vv.11-15
I believe one of the things that made him the great leader he was - was that he was taking the time energy, and resources to prepare for success.
We as Believers are to do the same thing - we are to prepare wisely for the future.
A common statement I make: “Live today like Christ is coming back tonight - but plan (and I add prepare tonight) like He won’t be back for 100 years.
All success takes preparedness.
Proverbs 6:6–8 (KJV)
Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.
D. He sought after the Lord
Matthew 7:7–8 (KJV)
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
The influence of the man of God – Zechariah - God has remembered
Praise God for the godly influence of Zechariah.
Remember this - we do not influence people by doing - but by being what we are supposed to be and choosing to be make a difference in the lives of others.
If we can be what God wants us to be and then make a conscious effort to touch people’s lives - we will find ourselves used of God.
God will put us in the right situations and with the right people who will listen.
If Christians become assimilated to non-Christians and contaminated by the impurities of the world, they lose their influence.
The influence of Christians in and on society depends on their being distinct, not identical.
John Stott
That is no doubt why Zechariah was so influential to the king.
2. The importance of a continually seeking the Lord
Remember, verse 5 said, as long as he sought after the Lord, he prospered.
Friends - what a very simple way to live the Christian life, what simple admonition for us to follow - as long as I am seeking God and seeking to grow, and God is going to help me and God is going to prosper me.
That is a simple lesson for all of us.
Look at 2 Chronicles 26:16,
Just a reminder, good people can do sinful and wrong things.
They will have to pay the consequences as do we.
Uzziah was no different.
He sinned and his sin found itself out immediately.
None of us are above failing and/or falling.
I don’t look at Uzziah as falling, but he definitely failed in this instance.
A. A grave overstep of authority
I’m sure most of you have heard this admonition - “Don’t let power go to your head!”
But that is what people often do.
That is something that well-meaning and good people can allow to happen if they arenot careful.
v. 5
2 Chron 26:16-20
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
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> .9