Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Tonight, we look at another be-attitude that might surprise you.
This attitude begins like last week and it declares that whoever displays this attitude will be… blessed.
But the attitude, on the surface, might not sound like one we would normally display.
We’ll dive into that in a moment, but first, a quick review.
Building foundations for spiritual transformation.
That is the focus of this series.
That is why we are studying Jesus’ sermon on the mount.
Remember what Jesus said at the end of this sermon.
If we desire to build our lives on a STRONG foundation, we must do two things:
HEAR the Word.
Hearing is listening or reading.
It is taking in God’s truth.
LIVE the Word.
Living is applying and adhering.
It means we listen AND DO what the Word says.
It is placing action to the truth God has given us.
As His words become the foundation of our lives, a STRONG foundation is built.
His words bring stability, security, hope, joy, and blessing.
His way is the only way and… and His way… THE BEST WAY!
Jesus’ sermon begins with a focus on attitude.
Last week, we talked about what it means to be poor in spirit – what it means to acknowledge our need for a Savior.
Jesus is teaching the crowd to hold certain attitudes in life no matter what kind of external circumstances may come our way.
Have your mind made up on how you will respond BEFORE you face certain situations.
My mentor taught me a valuable lesson a LONG time ago that has saved me from making bad choices in the heat of any moment.
He taught me to learn how to respond… instead of react.
Quick question: who can tell me the difference between a response… and a reaction?
A response is a thought-through action to the circumstance at hand.
It is based off what we know and comes from a place of reasoning and understanding.
A reaction is impulsive, emotion driven, raw, and unfiltered.
It is what comes to mind without stopping to process whether or not it is appropriate.
Storing up the attitudes Christ gives us in Matthew 5 helps to establish a base to our understanding.
It is pre-determined response to potential situations we might face.
So with all that said, let,s dive into the be-attitude Jesus gives the crowd next.
Uh… this doesn’t sound like much fun!
Is Jesus asking us to walk around looking sad all the time?
On the surface, one might think of “mourn” in the sense of losing someone close to us.
In a sense, you’re right.
In most cases, mourning takes place at the loss of a relationship.
And… A relationship was lost very shortly after God made the heavens and the earth.
The relationship lost was between God and humankind.
Sin entered the picture and mankind was separated from God because of their disobedience.
The closeness to God and His presence was lost.
A system of sacrifice was established to make payment for sin but was ultimately insufficient.
Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice destroying the separation sin had created for those that would choose repentance.
The only way for the relationship to be restored is through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
For believers, the relationship has been restored through the blood of Christ.
But what about the rest of God’s creation?
What about those who have yet to choose to repent?
HEAR The Word
Sin grieves God.
It breaks His heart.
It’s direct disobedience against His Word.
I’m curious… have your parents ever said “This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you?” when you are receiving discipline for wrong behavior?
My mom used to say it all the time.
God knows what this feels like.
Because He created us for relationship.
First, relationship with Him.
Second, relationship with others.
He makes this clear in the greatest commandments given my Jesus.
Sin grieves God because it separates Him from those He loves.
God has never nor will He ever stop loving you.
Sin cannot keep God from loving anyone.
Romans 8:38-39 says
Paul was convinced of this truth… are you convinced of this truth?
Let me show you another passage that talks about God’s love for us.
It is found in Romans 5:8
Jesus’ work on the cross was a demonstration of whose love?
And He did this while the world turned its back on Him.
God sent Jesus to the cross so that our broken relationship could be made whole again.
The point I want you to understand is this: The grief that OUR sin caused God moved Him to do something about our situation.
John 3:16-17 proves it once again.
God does NOT want to see us lost and broken in sin.
He did not create us for sin.
He created us for His glory!
God gave us the standard of righteousness… and we chose to break that standard.
When that standard was broken God’s heart was broken - AND SO WAS OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM BROKEN
LIVE The Word
As God is grieved by sin… so should we be grieved by sin.
Sin… should cause us to mourn as it breaks our relationship with God.
Sin literally divides and destroys.
It divides us from God.
It destroys us spiritually
Those who “mourn” are those who are aware of sin and its destructive properties.
Their hearts are broken and grieving because of what sin does.
We mourn for our own sins…
I want you to see what I believe is one of the most transparent verses in all the Bible.
Paul, the man who wrote much of the NT as guided by God, says something I think many of us can relate to.
I call it… the do do verse.
The battle against sin is not an easy battle at all.
The enemy of our souls certainly will not make this battle an easy one.
Remember how I said that sin separated us from God all the way back at creation?
The enemy… was there!
Satan twisted the words of God and tempted Adam and Eve to go against God’s instruction.
He does this same thing today!
He tries to make sin look like… A GOOD THING!
The enemy and the world will try to make sin look and sound like a good thing.
Sin is NOT something to be celebrated, it should cause our hearts to mourn.
Sin… should break our hearts.
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9