Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
It is my personal conviction that every person is born with a purpose.
There are not accidents when it comes to life.
It is also my belief that not all people get to walk in that purpose.
Some people fall by the wayside because of life’s pressures and circumstances and become what Otis Moss III calls “ships that never sail.”
And to be sure there is difficulty in living the life God intended for you.
You will face all types of mess.
All types of trials.
All types of situations.
But I got up this morning to let somebody know that what God has brought you to he will see you through.
It doesn’t matter what it is that you face, You can do this!
(Tim Duncan’s Story, beginning)
1. Appointed in the Womb
Your destiny did not begin when you were born.
God had a plan for you before you were even conceived.
In fact, not only did God have a plan FOR you but you ARE God’s plan.
The same way that God said to this people, “I know the plans…” is the way “he knows us individually.”
So please consider the intimacy in the creation process.
You began, in the mind of God as a creative masterpiece to be formed and fashioned for God’s glory.
“Before he formed you he knew you” He knew your posture, your pounds, your preferences, your proclivities, your pet peeves, your passions, your personality, your problems, your pains, your posterity.
He knew and still knows all about you!
And everything he knew about you he put there.
You are who you are and because God knew what He was doing when began a work in you.
So, when you get to a difficult place and your life, when you a faced with the challenge of living out your calling just remember that God began a good work in your and He who began a good work will finish it.
This creation and intimate knowledge doesn’t is not an end of itself.
Instead in the formation comes along the appointment and/or purpose for Jeremiah’s life.
God has already ordered Jeremiah’s steps toward the prophetic ministry.
This is the appointment get interesting.
Jeremiah is from a priestly bloodline and he lives in one of the Levite towns.
According to where he lives, and who his parents are, because of his heritage the road map to his life is charted towards the temple priesthood.
Jeremiah is supposed to be a priest, but God called him to be a prophet (Elaborate)!
The priests are only supposed to work within the confines of the temple and the local assembly, but God said “a prophet”, and not just to Israel, but to “the nations.”
All I’m trying to say is that it may seem like you are out of options-because of your background, because of your life choices, because of apparent limitations-but the Lord of creations is letting us know that He has called you to something greater than those limitations!
2. Assigned despite a Weakness
Excuses don’t get results.
I heard somewhere that, “Excuses are the tools of the incompetent.
Used to build monuments of nothing.
And those who use the seldom amount to anything excepts excuses.”
This man Jeremiah was no different that we are.
At the first sign of unfamiliar territory in God’s will he had an excuse.
He gives two excuses the first is that he can’t speak-having to do with inadequacy and the second is that because he is too young-having to do with inexperience.
But watch how God works.
Jeremiah’s excuses of inadequacy and inexperience are ignored by God.
He knows your weakness Jeremiah, remember what he just said, “I formed you” So then the success of your assignment is not in your strength but in God’s.
You will miss many of the blessings of God hiding behind your excuses because you refused to see that God gave you the assignment despite your weakness.
(He knows…But he still assigned you to…)
God says, “don’t say you’re a youth” or for you don’t say you can’t for this reason or that, because I got your marching orders and where I tell you to go, go, and what I tell you to say, speak.
This in itself is a promise because it lets you know that the places you will tread on your journey are divine appointments ordained by God.
You may have to say some hard truths, you may get into some dangerous places.
But here is the promise for your assignment, “I will be there to deliver you.”
(Your gonna be…but God will deliver you…)
If God delivered Noah from the flood he can deliver you.
If God delivered Joseph from his brothers he can deliver you.
If God delivered Hagar from dehydration.
If God delivered Moses from Pharaoh he can deliver you.
If God delivered Israel from Egypt he can deliver you.
If God delivered Jonah from the water…
If God delivered David from Abimelech…
If God delivered Rahab from a crumbling house
…Elijah from the Jezebel..
Jeremiah I can deliver you.
Some people didn’t delivered what about them?
Well if God delivered Jesus from the grave he can deliver you too.
3. Anointed with the Word
Whenever God gives us an assignment and an appointment there must always follow and anointing.
Anointing in scripture was the ceremony of the setting apart for the vocation.
If would include the king or priest pouring oil on the head to demonstrate God’s presence in the work.
Here the King and priest is God and he touches Jeremiahs mouth and puts his word there.
The work of the prophet is irrelevant and useless unless he has the word of God in his mouth.
So God takes that mighty and powerful hand that he used to fashion Jeremiah and put the finishing touches on his creation like icing on a cake or a cherry on a Sunday.
He from this point will be the mouth piece of God, what a task, to carry the word of God.
Now please don’t think that this exclude anyone, you may not be a preacher but God has put a word in your mouth.
Build up and tear down with the word?
What are we tearing down?
Jeremiah is to tear down institutions that oppress Israel and false teachings that mislead Israel into idolatry.
He also build up his people with encouraging words reminding them of their purpose and limited time in exile.
And all of this come with the anointing of the Word.
The question is, “what can we accomplish if we would use the words of God?” Well, we would pluck out hatred and plant love.
We would pluck out racism and plant true diversity.
We would pluck out ignorance and plant education.
We would pluck out oppression and plant liberty and freedom.
We would pluck out…
(Tim Duncan’s Story, End)
You can do This…)
< .5
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> .9