Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
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< .5
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> .9
Mark 4:21.
Jesus is speaking just also, he said to them.
Is a lamp brought to be brought to be put under a basket or under a bed.
Is it not to be set on a lamp stand.
For there is nothing hidden, which will not be revealed nor has anything been kept secret, but that it should come to light.
If anyone has ears to hear, Let Him hear.
Then he said to them, take heed what you hear.
with the same measure you use it will be measured to you and to you who hear more will be given For whoever has to him, more will be given, but whoever does not have even what he has will be taken away from him.
Let's pray together.
Are gracious and kind Heavenly Father.
We humbly bow before you presents.
And we ask you Lord to teach us your ways.
We ask you Lord to show us father.
The precepts in the principles.
Found in your word this morning.
we pray, Lord that all of the distractions that we have in our minds and our hearts Lord would
Be removed.
Father, I pray that.
Anyone here this morning has never come to know your son Jesus.
As their lord and personal Saviour.
Father, I pray that today would be the day of salvation.
They would tarry no longer.
That they would run and cling to your son, Jesus.
as the only hope and savior that they have,
father, I pray that we as believers who are here, would Be encouraged by this passage of scripture.
And though it is.
Difficult for us to it's a difficult passage father.
I pray that you would help us to understand.
Give us understanding, help us to have ears to hear.
And understand what you are saying through your word.
Father, we love you.
We asked all of these things in Christ name and all God's people said, amen and amen.
Two Sundays ago I mention to you how Jesus began his public preaching Ministry.
And he began his public preaching Ministries a different way than what we are seeing at this moment here.
Mark chapter 4, he began his public preaching Ministry.
It was a very simple ways a very direct way.
He approached his preaching and teaching.
As a matter of fact, the first message that Mark reports for us, of the message of Jesus is found in chapter one, where Jesus said that the kingdom of God is at hand.
Therefore, repent and believe the gospel believe the good news of salvation.
And so his preaching and teaching was very easy to understand.
It was very cut-and-dry.
You could say, there are no shades of meanings that that would have to be discern.
As a matter of fact, all of Jesus preaching, at the very beginning was like this.
I just go back to the Book of Matthew and you find that his preaching on The Sermon on the Mount.
And you read that sermon and it's again, very simple.
Very direct.
There's no shades of meaning there will, this is how Jesus approaches early preaching Ministry.
And he also accompanied his teaching with Supernatural miracles.
These Miracles were previews if you, if you would of this Kingdom that he was talking about.
And so he had preached about the kingdom of God is at hand.
And then to prove that what he was saying, is true.
Even demonstrated this by casting out demons, he demonstrated this by healing, all kinds of those who were sick and even on two occasions, he even raised the Dead.
And so he was showing that he was the king, he was the Messiah, not only did he show it with his words but he proved it with his miracle that he was the Christ, the son of God.
At the power, the kingdom was in his very fingertips.
and he was showing the people what the kingdom was going to be like, That if they would only repent and believe and receive it that it would be a kingdom that we be free of death, it would be a kingdom that would be free of disease and free of demonic activity.
but as you know, when, fortunately Both Jesus and his message was totally rejected by the nation of Israel.
Are there was some who embraced his message.
Notably, his disciples.
Also, a handful of women, embraced his message, like, Mary, and Martha.
They believe in him.
But by and large the nation of Israel rejected their King and their ultimate rejection.
That Jesus face was at the hands of the religious Jewish leaders.
Who saw him with their own eyes, and heard, Jesus preach, and teach with their own ears, but they rejected Jesus.
Even though they saw Jesus with their own eyes and heard Jesus with their own ears, they ended up looking him face-to-face and innocent saying Jesus, you're not the son of God.
You are of the devil.
And these Miracles that you perform are done in the power of Satan.
Remember that in chapter 3, According To Jesus, that was when they committed the unpardonable sin, the unforgivable sin.
That for them to see his wife and to hear his message to witness the kingdom Miracles that they saw with her eyes.
That for them to say such a thing.
That that's not from God that that was all done in power of Satan.
Jesus was saying that there was no turning back from that.
So as a result of this great rejection of Jesus Christ, the kingdom that he had preached that was at first.
So plain and so easy to understand.
Would now give away to Jesus, only preaching to them in parables.
Remember a parable is just a short Earthly story that was designed to convey a spiritual truth.
And Parables were used, and they were meant to reveal certain spiritual things.
But there were also used to conceal certain spiritual things.
And so, from this point forward, as we get to chapter for Jesus would only preach in Parables to conceal those screws, from the people who had settled their rejection of him in their heart.
Then he would reveal the truth to those who were still willing to hear and understand his words.
So what would happen is that Jesus was standing before the audience before the multitude and he would preach a parable.
and in the people who were hardened in the heart, Those who were those, who heard him who were unbelievers and hardening their heart would say Jesus, you don't make any sense.
We have no idea what you're saying here and they would just walk away frustrated.
Meanwhile, the true followers of Jesus would stay behind and they were say, hey, Jesus, we don't understand what you're saying, but we want to know what you're teaching.
We want to understand.
So, please give us the interpretation of the parable.
So when Jesus was then along with them, he would offer them the spiritual interpretation in it and their spiritual wisdom within grow from there.
Now in his earliest Parables, Jesus goal was to help his true followers.
Come to grips with what was happening in his ministry.
How many if you think about it, you must understand that this was a very difficult time.
For Jesus's followers for his disciples.
I'm in here is Jesus day believe in him.
They believe that he is the Christ.
The son of God.
They believe that he has the power to bring about his glorious Kingdom.
But also they're seeing that Israel is rejecting him.
His disciples witness everybody turning away from him and they're starting to see this more and more as we get into chapter 4.
And so to the disciples, this kingdom does not seem to be coming like they thought and they're trying to make sense of what's going on.
How could the king of Israel be rejected by Israel?
That's what they're thinking.
Well needs early Parables, he's helping his disciples.
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