Personal Evangelism
Matt 18- The Great Commission
Mathew 13:44- The Great Pearl
God’s Salvation
God gave everything for us to have salvation
We should want to share God
The Difference Between an Attendee and a Disciple
8 Tips from Jesus in Personal Evangelism
By: Walter A. Henrichsen
John 4:34-35
Jesus didn’t say that evangelism was his gifted area or that he loved talking to people. Jesus said that his food was to do the will of His Father. It should be ours as well.
We are in spiritual warfare! Of course people don’t enjoy fighting, but that doesn’t change the reality that the war is being waged, right now, in our midst, and all around us.
Open the opportunity by asking a favor (John 4:7)
People want to feel needed and important.
When Jesus revealed his need to her, he created an area where she could feel open to speak about her needs with him.
Tailor the approach to the person (John 4:10)
Jesus offered her a gift.
Jesus stirred her curiosity.
Jesus worked in the same way with Nicodemus (John 3), recognizing him to be a religious leader.
Choose the questions you want to answer and the ones you need to ignore. (John 4:9, 20)
Are the questions from the individual genuine? Are they sidestepping the real issues? How do you tell? Try this…
Ask the question, “If you knew the answer to this question, would it make any difference in your relationship with Jesus Christ?”
If yes, reply as best you can. If not, redirect towards getting to know Jesus & His will.
Strike for the “open nerve” that causes the person to expose their need. (John 4:15-18)
The good news is the good news. Only God can change a person.
We do have a job though. Our job is to help the person identify and expose their true need.
Be cautious not to assume you know the need before they realize it too.
Be cautious not to jump the gun on their lost soul either.
But be direct in asking probing questions that allow you to get to know the individual, build conversational momentum, and work towards exposing the needs of the individual. One there, don’t be afraid to lean into it.
Tell the truth, even if it hurts. (John 4:22)
It seems like Christ’s straightforwardness gave her confidence and trust in His character when he revealed to her that He was the Messiah.
If we hedge on things we know to be true, then we convey to our listeners a lack of trust in our own convictions.
Heaven and hell are real. It’s time we start talking like it! This doesn’t give us freedom to be tactless and rude, however…
Agree with the person and be as complimentary as possible. (John 4:20-24)
Illustration: The preacher was riding on a plane. The man next to him asked if the preacher wanted a drink of alcohol 3x before saying, “You must think I am an obnoxious and evil person for continuing to ask and continuing to drink in front of you.” Preacher replied, “No, I just think you are incredibly generous!”
Build bridges where you can early, to create a bridge for them to cross over to truth later.
Don’t allow the conversation to get off subject.
This principle is seen in how the woman responded to Jesus when he revealed that the man the woman was living with was not her husband. She immediately tried to change the subject by getting into a theological argument over where God was to be worshiped.
Attempts will be made to avoid moral conversations with christian ideas and curiosity.
“What about all of those people who have never heard of Jesus Christ before? What will happen to them?” INSTEAD OF ANSWERING, ASK, “What will happen to you now that you have heard of the Lord Jesus and His Gospel?”
Be aware that God is working through the Holy Spirit to convict this person based on sin, righteousness, and judgment. (John 16:8-11; Acts 2:36-38; John 4:9, 11, 19, 29)
At a conference I attended I was faced with the harsh truth that there are less than 200 missionaries in the church today.
And preaching is not the best way to plant seeds
We get to share this Great Pearl for free
God gave us his only begotten son and put him on the cross so that way we maybe able to receive pearl of salvation If you want to receive the pearl of salvation or want to open up about something that makes you feel unlike the priceless pearl.