Hebrews Chapters 3 and 4 (2)
While the next generation of Israelites did enter and possess the land, this was still only a shadow of the final “rest” that was to come. The Jewish people refused God’s plan and rejected their Savior; thus, the promise of entering his rest still stands—God has made this rest available to Christians. Since God had barred the rebellious Israelites from the Promised Land, the promise stands for those who remain obedient to him. The promise has not been fulfilled, but neither has it been revoked.
For those who have come to trust in Jesus, he gives rest. They first find rest from trying to fulfill all the requirements of the law (see Matthew 11:28). Unshackled from this yoke, they can experience salvation and God’s “rest” today. This rest will be fully culminated in heaven. While Christians presently enjoy “rest” with God, at the same time, we look forward to that day when our final rest will be in face-to-face fellowship with the Father. Christians are promised the full extent of God’s rest:
• heaven
• security and protection because we are God’s people
• relief from earthly struggles and sin
• God’s perfect presence in our lives through the Spirit and eventually face-to-face
Christians must learn from the tragic mistake of the Israelites. The writer of Hebrews warned readers how serious it would be to turn away from Christ by saying let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. This is not a mere encouragement, but a warning sign: Danger ahead! Just as God rejected the rebellious Israelites on the basis of their unbelief (3:19), so he will reject those who turn away from Christ, refuse to believe him, or refuse to follow him.