Proclaiming good news in our community Pt. 1

Acts   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Good morning LaFayette Baptist Family. It is so good to be here with you all today and celebrate this Lord’s day with you all, singing hymns to Him, learning of Him, and reading His Word, and praying together. Our passage today will be from Acts 2, Acts 2:14-21 and we will go to the end of the chapter, please go ahead, and turn there in your bible’s and following along as we go through the message. In a few moments it will be on the screen for us to read from the screen together as well.
Isn’t it funny how news spreads? Today we have different ways of sharing news with people. Of course, the most traditional ways still exist today (print and word of mouth) but they almost seem to take a back seat to other ways that are so frequently done today, things like social media posts, emails, videos, even the news on the TV are all relatively new and highly useful ways of sharing news and information. In fact, today, sharing news or information with people is so easy, that we have to much access to much of it and we tend to ignore a lot of it. In fact, while preparing this sermon, I’m sure at the bottom of my computer screen flashed several things about local, national, and weather news; all of which were ignored because there was just too much of it to take in. Think about this though, how much more special is news to you, if it shared with you in person or in a personalized correspondence? How much more likely are you to remember something if a friend writes you a letter or tells you in person and tells you about something great (or bad that has happened) in their lives? Probably quite a bit. While news may be easy to share and spread today, it doesn’t mean that it is easily remembered. What makes the difference in remembering news to us, often times, it is personal relationships from the person sharing the news and how the news relates directly to us each. The same is often true for us and our witness of Christ. People are more willing to receive (or even listen) if they have a relationship with you, if you are in their community. This brings to our main idea and sermon title today, the first of a multi part miniseries within a series, this is Proclaiming good news in our community Pt. 1.
If you would all please rise for the reading of God’s Word today. The words to the scripture will be on the screen, please read along with me as we are reading. When I am done I will say “this is The Word of The Lord” if you will all please respond with “Thanks be to God.” First, let’s pray. Father God, thank you for this time, this day and this place. Thank you for all the brethren you have called here with us today to hear this message and read your word. We ask that You add to our family and reach, that others would be saved, your kingdom grown, and your glory would be put on display. Help us Father, help us to do Your will, not just here in this place but also as we go out. Today though, as we are sharing and rejoicing in Your Word, we ask that You refine us with it Father. Help us to put anything aside that would keep us from hearing from You and what it is You are leading and guiding us too. Take this word and make reach deep into our hearts and minds and make it move us in Joy and in love of You. We love you father and ask theses that You would be glorified here as You are in heaven. It’s in these things we ask and in Jesus Christ’s Holy and precious name that I pray, Amen. 14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them: “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words. 15 For these people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day.[b] 16 But this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel: 17 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; 18 even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.19 And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; 20 the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day. 21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’
We continue this week through our expository journey through the book of Acts together. Today, we start what you might call a mini-series with a series. By that, I mean that this and the next few weeks we will be looking at a very particular sermon that was given by Apostle Peter, also known as Simon, or Simon Peter. In fact, this sermon many today would called the very first Christian sermon ever given as the Holy Spirit had just ascended on the disciples on the day Pentecost and this moment to is often called the beginning of The Christian Church. We also find ourselves in a new age in time, what is called “The Church Age” and this is the same age that we live in currently.
On the note of time, once again very little has passed in time from our sermon text this week from last. In fact, it was just moments after, directly after, so we are still on the day of Pentecost, which is itself 10 days after Jesus ascended into heaven to be at the right hand of The Father. You will notice in this book of acts, that many strange, unusual, and onetime events seem to happen, and I want us to keep in mind that this was transitional history, as the world was moving out of The “Old Covenant or Old Testament Age” and into the “New Covenant or New Testament or Church Age.” This fact isn’t overly important to know this week, but it will be especially in weeks to come. So, keep that in mind in your personal devotion time as you search for the timeless truths within the text.
In last week’s text, we looked at the exact moment that The Holy Spirit came to live in believers. We saw Him come down, remember that they were all together in one accord and were devoting themselves to prayer, the scripture, and their witness. When the Holy Spirit had finally come, it was clear to them that he must have been there by appearing as tongues of fire, which then caused the disciples to speak in other languages, praising God. All of this was shown publicly so as the people in crowded town could see The Holy Spirit at Work. Some, did not hear God and instead chose to mock the shrinking odd and unique event, saying that they all “are filled with new wine.” So, with those things in mind, let’s continue this scene and notice these points when we proclaim good news in our community.
Our first point, Truth will be mocked and defended.
14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, lifted up his voice and addressed them: “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words. 15 For these people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day.[b]
Here we see the beginning of the Apostle Peter, coming before the crowd and addressed them. The first thing was first for him, he needed to clearly state the truth of what was happening and dispel those that were mocking the great scene that has happening before them. Remember, this scene had to be quite a sight, as the disciples were speaking in languages (or tongues) and praising God as The Holy Spirit had given them the ability to. Peter listened, he heard, and he knew what the some in the audience were thinking, and quickly spoke and proved against this. Against this charge of drunkenness, Peter clearly says that they are not, as it was far to early in the morning for this to be true. In fact, it was only 9 in the morning, and the charge that people would be at this time in the day would have frankly absurd. Notice though, it doesn’t say that Peter rose up in anger, or vengeance, or that he was “foaming at the mouth” as we might we say today. Rather, it says that he addressed them. He took the opportunity to address the crowd, even though his group was being heard by some but also mocked by some as well. He didn’t lose heart at this, rather he bravely stepped up addressed this audience that would have been in his proverbial “back yard.”
What does this mean to us? Think about this in your own lives. Just in this short time, Peter and his group was mocked but instead of dwelling or concerning themselves on this for to long, he used facts and clear observation to dispel the false statements and move into what was more important. To us, it means that when we share our faith (in any circumstances) it means that we should come in expecting that the rebellious mankind (whom we are addressing and whom we formerly were a part of) would not only try to ignore the truth but will also try to demean and belittle us in an attempt to sooth themselves or make themselves feel better. These are people that are uncomfortable. This doesn’t mean we attack them; it doesn’t mean we return bad with bad or hate. Rather, it means we return bad or hate with love and gentleness. Remember what the apostle Paul wrote in 1stCorinthians, that “18 the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” To them, the truth is folly or foolishness, because they have blinders own from their own sin and rebellion. To us, it was graciously given to us by God to know understand The Cross and the saving power of God. This is a gift that we are not supposed to keep to ourselves, but go and share the gift, sow the seeds so that new believers may be made, hearts are changed, and lives are saved to God’s Glory. Know this believer, when you go out, it’s ok (in fact it’s good) if you are mocked, because it means that you are on the right side of a spiritual battle. All you have to do, is point others to The Cross, this is the most powerful defense we can ever muster.
The Second point, The Spirit will be poured-out
16 But this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel: 17 “‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; 18 even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.
Moving into the exposition of the sermon, Peter shares a text and shows how it applies to the audience’s situation. Here, he is sharing words and application form Joel 2:28-32. In this Prophecy the Prophet Joel, speaking as God’s mouthpiece to the people of Israel, was sharing that things were coming (for Joel and now have come for Peter and us) when God would give His Spirit (The Holy Spirit) to all types of people. Whereas, before redemption came through identification of being a Hebrew person, now it is through individual relationships. No longer would being “a jew” be good enough, now God will not only save others, He will pour out His Spirit on those that do. This must have quite a statement and interpretation to the audience, as before the Holy Spirit had only been poured out on (and often not permanently) for a select few people, now it is available for all people who are the true sons and daughters of God. In retrospect, this would have been on “owch” and not an “amen” moment for many that day.
While it may be the “amen” moment and not the “owch” moment for us, there is a lot in these prophecies that not only comfort us, but empower us to GO as Jesus commands us. Remember how last week we talked about how God empowers us with His Holy Spirit, well if His Holy Spirit is now inside of us (which it is, for all believers) then we have it poured out on us to equip us to fulfill not only the great commandment (to Love God and Love People) but also the great commission (to God and make disciples). Each one of us have it within us to contribute to the work these things. Let me say that again, I said to contribute to the work, not that you and you alone are to do all the work. We are all given certain gifts, certain things that we are either supernaturally empowered to do or our life experiences have trained us to do to complete the work and tasks. For some, this may be teaching (also known as descipling), for others, it may be hospitality, some may be great sharers of The Gospel, some may feel better support those that do, some may feel an intense need to pray for others, the list can go on and on. What I’m really getting at, is that if you are follower of Christ (if you have turned to Him for redemption from sin), then you have The Holy Spirit Poured out on you, and you have something or some gift that is very valuable to contribute to the team. You are valued, and you are wanted. Not just by me, or by this congregation, but also by God who counts you among his most treasured possessions. Look out around you, God feels this way about every single person on the world. Unfortunately, mankind has largely chosen to separate ourselves from Him. I know we all know or encounter people who remain in this state of separation. How much greater would be for those people, if we trusted in The Spirit’s leadership and pointed them towards the cross of Christ that they could make the choice to believe and repent, turning to God and also become treasured possession of God that get’s to enjoy Him. Trust in what God has given You (Himself) and do not fear to share God’s great love with others.
The next point, Wonders will be shown.
19 And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; 20 the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day.
I want to be very clear here in about this portion of Peter’s sermon. Once again, this section was from the prophet Joel. However, the previous point, in text has now already happened; while in this portion (verses 19-20) this is prophecy that is yet to come. It has yet to come for us today as well, though images do seem very similar to what happened at Jesus’ death on the cross. Non-the less the portion of scripture more aligns with Apocalyptic prophecy, days that are yet to come for us. We don’t know when these days will come, we do not know exactly when these fearful wonders will happen, we can know that they will be one day, as The Lord had spoken and declared that he would.
What we really need to observe here, is that God can and will and does do great wonders. On some occasions it was to convince people (think about Jesus doing miracles), on some occasions it was to protect His people (like the parting of the red sea), sometimes it is get our attention, and other times it is show us great day of God’s judgment and justice is very near (like what we read in this text). God does great wonders, past, present, and future.
So, what is a great wonder that God does over and over again today? Simple, it is that God would save a rebellious sinner like me and you. Make no mistake, no matter what your life circumstance is, God doesn’t owe you anything. This is hard truth, one that I’m guilty of often too. Despite this (which is itself a sin) and the many others that “I and we and you” are prone too, God still gives us the free gift of God that is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. As mundane as this may see compared to the moon turning red and great fire and smoke, it is actually much more profound. You see, mankind’s (and our) rebellion against God (aka sin) CAN NOT stand in front of, with, near, or anywhere near around a perfectly Holy God. We are separated by a great chasm, too dark, and too deep that no amount of human bridge building will cross. BUT GOD, being rich in grace and mercy and love for us, provided His own bridge, the Cross of Christ that would perfectly pay the penalty for sin thus making former sinners into God’s beloved and righteous children. When we go, when we unite and go into our community and those closest to us, we will inevitably witness the greatest wonders and miracles of all; that another person is redeemed and will get to enjoy God forever. Are you ready to see real miracles happen? If so, let’s look at the next point.
Another point, People will be saved.
21 And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.’
Peter and Joel went forward in time, and now he comes back in time. Back to Peter’s time (which was forward for Joel) and the same applies to us as well since we are all living in the Church age. This pure and simple statement rings true everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. This doesn’t imply a false or halfhearted event. It doesn’t mean that all you have to do is say “Yes I believe in God or Yes I believe in Jesus.” Rather, it means you have to call out to him. Think about what it means to “call upon” or “call out.” It means that something serious needs to happen and it requires and action. For example, if Emily comes home with groceries and a storm is clearly about to happen and the “bottom is about to drop” and she calls upon or call out to me to come and help, it requires an action. The groceries won’t make it inside quick enough if I don’t truly respond. If I jump up and comes to her aid, we are good. If I halfheartedly get up and grumble and slowly put my shoes on, it will be late no matter if I was coming to her aid or not.
What I mean is, the truth and the intent behind the matter is what really counts. The same is true here, all who call out (in truth) upon the name of the Lord (God) shall be saved. Not might be saved, not has the opportunity to be saved, not will not be saved; but shall be saved. They. Will. Be. Saved. You can rest on that for all eternity. So, what’s are part in all of this? It’s the same as the mission has always been, to point others towards Jesus. To share the gospel (in our lives, in our actions, and in our words) (Yes all of these) with others That God might be glorified through turned hearts and changed minds and His kingdom would be furthered. It’s not about us, it’s not about church growth, it’s not about how many or how few people sit in our pews, it’s not about us being scared to death for another person, it’s all about God’s glory. Surrender your life to God’s glory, and find the longing and satisfaction that you have been searching for in Him.
Beloved, keep these things close in hand when we you go proclaim good news in your community. Know that no matter how true and correct you are that Truth will be mocked and that’s ok. That’s ok because The Spirit is poured-out for you, you cannot go wrong no matter how wrong you may feel in that moment. No matter how sacred you may be or how excited you may be, know that Wonders will be shown when People are saved. All of this of course begins with us sharing and proclaiming good news in our community, that Jesus saves.
With those things said and addressed to us, I would be remised if I didn’t share the Gospel with us here today, for the benefit of both believer and non-believer alike. Know this truth, that there is a great creator God who created all things and He created them good. However, through our choice to rebel against God and desire to be like Him, the curse of sin entered mankind. This sin is so bad, that a perfectly just God cannot tolerate it and we cannot survive being near His perfect and sinless self. God though, loved His creation mankind so much, that He Himself provided the payment to erase this stain of sin from upon us. This is through the perfect and final sacrifice of Christ the Son on the cross to atone for our sins. When we put our faith in Christ, we are made whole and forgiven and are saved forever, and will get to delight with God perfectly on the other side and in the age to come.
Let’s conclude, during our last song together, if you need prayer or have questions, or want to talk more about this, please come forward, I love to speak with you. Brothers and sisters, I love you all, let’s pray. Father God, thank you for your most wonderful and Merciful gift in Jesus. May His sacrifice be one that that we understand and cherish. Deepen our understanding of it, that we would be moved and motivated by a great love of You to share Your Gospel with others near and far, it’s in these things that I ask and in Jesus Christ’s Holy and Precious name that I pray, Amen.
Remember the 7 most loved prayer bookmarks.
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